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The 18S ribosomal RNAs of 21 tetrapods were sequenced and aligned with five published tetrapod sequences. When the coelacanth was used as an outgroup, Lissamphibia (living amphibians) and Amniota (amniotes) were found to be statistically significant monophyletic groups. Although little resolution was obtained among the lissamphibian taxa, the amniote sequences support a sister-group relationship between birds and mammals. Portions of the 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecule in 11 tetrapods also were sequenced, although the phylogenetic results were inconclusive. In contrast to previous studies, deletion or down- weighting of base-paired sites were found to have little effect on phylogenetic relationships. Molecular evidence for amniote relationships is reviewed, showing that three genes (beta-hemoglobin, myoglobin, and 18S rRNA) unambiguously support a bird-mammal relationship, compared with one gene (histone H2B) that favors a bird- crocodilian clade. Separate analyses of four other genes (alpha- crystallin A, alpha-hemoglobin, insulin, and 28S rRNA) and a combined analysis of all sequence data are inconclusive, in that different groups are defined in different analyses and none are strongly supported. It is suggested that until sequences become available from a broader array of taxa, the molecular evidence is best evaluated at the level of individual genes, with emphasis placed on those studies with the greatest number of taxa and sites. When this is done, a bird-mammal relationship is most strongly supported. When regarded in combination with the morphological evidence for this association, it must be considered at least as plausible as a bird-crocodilian relationship.   相似文献   
We have determined that certain altered peptide ligands (APLs) can induce T-cells specific for the native peptide myelin basic protein (MBP) p85-99 to secrete Th2-type cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-5 in the absence of significant Th1-type cytokines. However, it is not known whether stimulation with APLs will activate autoreactive T cells or a distinct population of cells. In the present study, 18 T-cell clones that reacted with either MBP p85-99 or one of three APLs of the peptide substituted at TCR contact residues were generated. T-cells were tested functionally for their reactivity to the original stimulating peptide as well as to the MBP APLs. In addition, the T-cell receptor (TCR) alpha and beta chains of each of these clones were sequenced. In a series of T-cell clones isolated from a multiple sclerosis patient, stimulation of T-cells with the APL 93A, which has an alanine for lysine substitution at the TCR contact residue 93, did not induce substantial proliferation of MBPp85-99-specific T-cell clones, indicating that a distinct set of T-cell clones was induced. However, this was not the case for another set of T-cell clones from a different individual in which the 93A peptide induced clonal expansion of T-cells highly reactive with the native MBPp85-99 antigen. Thus, the potential beneficial effect of using APLs to induce downregulatory cytokines appears to depend on the specific T-cell repertoire of the individual patient.  相似文献   
Following infection by human T cell lymphotrophic virus-I (HTLV-I), high frequencies of polyclonal Tax11-19-reactive CD8(+) T cells can be detected in the peripheral blood. To investigate whether there are differences in the effector functions of these cells, we generated a panel of Tax11-19-reactive T cell clones by single cell sorting of HLA-A2/Tax11-19 tetramer binding CD8(+) T cells followed by repeated stimulation with PHA and IL-2. Examination of the TCRs revealed 17 different T cell clones with unique clonal origins. Nine representative CD8(+) T cell clones showed a similar cytotoxic dose-response activity against Ag-pulsed target cells, even though they express different TCRs. This cytotoxic effector function was not influenced by the engagement of either CD28 or CD2 costimulatory molecules. In contrast to the cytotoxic activity, qualitatively different degrees of proliferative response and cytokine secretion were observed among T cell clones of different clonal origin. The induction of proliferation and cytokine secretion required the engagement of costimulatory molecules, particularly CD2-LFA-3 interaction. These results indicate that functionally diverse, polyclonal CTL populations can be activated specific to a single immunodominant viral epitope; they can manifest virtually identical cytotoxic effector function but have marked differences in proliferation and cytokine secretion.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNAs of six morphologically different Phytophthora species were digested with 15 restriction enzymes. The numbers of restriction fragments obtained differed considerably from those theoretically expected for random base distribution. Enzymes with relatively many G and C in their recognition sequences produced significantly larger numbers of fragments. Moreover, fragments generated by most of these enzymes were more often shared by two or more species than those from enzymes with more A and T in their recognition sequence. It is concluded that base distribution in mitochondrial DNA of Phytophthora is heterogeneous,AT-rich stretches occurring scattered over the mitochondrial genome and GC-rich regions present in conserved sequences, presumably genes. A practical consequence for taxonomic RFLP studies is that optimal enzymes can be selected, depending on the desired level of resolution.  相似文献   
T-cell co-stimulation delivered by the molecules B7-1 or B7-2 through CD28 has a positive effect on T-cell activation, whereas engagement of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) by these molecules inhibits activation. In vivo administration to mice of blocking monoclonal antibodies or Fab fragments against CTLA-4 can augment antigen-specific T-cell responses and, thus, therapy with monoclonal antibody against CTLA-4 has potential applications for tumor therapy and enhancement of vaccine immunization. The effects of B7-1 and B7-2 co-stimulation through CD28 depend on the strength of the signal delivered through the T-cell receptor (TCR) and the activation state of T cells during activation. Thus, we sought to determine whether these factors similarly influence the effect of B7-mediated signals delivered through CTLA-4 during T-cell activation. Using freshly isolated human T cells and Fab fragments of a monoclonal antibody against CTLA-4, we demonstrate here that CTLA-4 blockade can enhance or inhibit the clonal expansion of different T cells that respond to the same antigen, depending on both the T-cell activation state and the strength of the T-cell receptor signal delivered during T-cell stimulation. Thus, for whole T-cell populations, blocking a negative signal may paradoxically inhibit immune responses. These results provide a theoretical framework for clinical trials in which co-stimulatory signals are manipulated in an attempt to modulate the immune response in human disease.  相似文献   


We investigated the molecular basis of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) using Opticin (OPTC) as a candidate gene on the basis of its expression in the trabecular meshwork cells involved in the disease pathogenesis. Two hundred POAG patients and 100 controls were enrolled in this study. The coding sequence of OPTC was amplified by PCR from genomic DNA of POAG patients, followed by SSCP, DHPLC and DNA sequencing. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis, site-directed mutagenesis, quantitative RT-PCR and western blot experiments were performed to address the functional significance of a 'silent' change in the OPTC coding region while screening for mutations in POAG patients.  相似文献   
The effect of the administration of the mycotoxins OTA, ZEA and DON alone resp. in combination on animal health and the residue behavior of pigs from 50 – 60 kg living weight over 90 days was investigated in 4 separate studies. Due to its fast metabolisation the administration of 1000 µg DON resp. 250 µg ZEA per kg feed alone or in combination with other mycotoxins does not lead to detectable residues of these mycotoxins in organs and tissues. Therefore these mycotoxins should not be relevant to the consumer.There is an effect of the simultaneous administration of ZEA resp. DON on the metabolisation resp. secretion of OTA. OTA is of relevance from the point of view of residue toxicology.  相似文献   
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