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Permanent preparations of air dried synovial fluids were prepared by staining calcium compounds with alizarin red S stain; each slide was coverslipped with Permount. Variables studied were: (a) concentration of the solution of alizarin red S, (b) pH of staining solution, (c) time of incubation in staining solution and aqueous and ethanolic content of staining solution. The staining effect of each solution was tested on calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate, calcium oxalate, apatite and monosodium urate (MSU). Of all the solutions, best results were obtained with 0.25% alizarin red S in 50% ethanol at pH 7.0 for 30 min. With this solution, the calcium-containing compounds were well stained. MSU did not stain and still preserved negative birefringence on polarizaton. Fixation of smears with ethanol served a double purpose: It fixed the slides without dissolving or removing MSU or the calcium compounds, yet it did dissolve five corticosteroids commonly used for intra-articular injection which may interfere with interpretation of compensated polarized light microscopy of synovial fluids.  相似文献   
Platyrrhini (New World monkeys, NWm) are a group of primates characterized by behavioral and reproductive traits that are otherwise uncommon among primates, including social monogamy, direct paternal care, and twin births. As a consequence, the study of Platyrrhine primates is an invaluable tool for the discovery of the genetic repertoire underlying these taxon‐specific traits. Recently, high conservation of vasopressin (AVP) sequence, in contrast with high variability of oxytocin (OXT), has been described in NWm. AVP and OXT functions are possible due to interaction with their receptors: AVPR1a, AVPR1b, AVPR2, and OXTR; and the variability in this system is associated with the traits mentioned above. Understanding the variability in the receptors is thus fundamental to understand the function and evolution of the system as a whole. Here we describe the variability of AVPR1b coding region in 20 NWm species, which is well‐known to influence behavioral traits such as aggression, anxiety, and stress control in placental mammals. Our results indicate that 4% of AVPR1b sites may be under positive selection and a significant number of sites under relaxed selective constraint. Considering the known role of AVPR1b, we suggest that some of the changes described here for the Platyrrhini may be a part of the genetic repertoire connected with the complex network of neuroendocrine mechanisms of AVP–OXT system in the modulation of the HPA axis. Thus, these changes may have promoted the emergence of social behaviors such as direct paternal care in socially monogamous species that are also characterized by small body size and twin births.  相似文献   
Associations between cocoa consumption in humans, excreted metabolites and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) have been scarcely investigated. The aims of the study were to investigate the epicatechin (( ? )-Ec) metabolites excreted in urine samples after an intake of 40 g of cocoa powder along with the TAC of these urine samples and the relation between both the analyses. Each of the 21 volunteers received two interventions, one with a polyphenol-rich food (PRF) and one with a polyphenol-free food (PFF) in a randomized cross-over study. Urine samples were taken before and during 24 h at 0–6, 6–12 and 12–24 h periods after test intake. The excreted ( ? )-Ec metabolites and the TAC were determined in urine samples by LC-MS/MS and TEAC assay, respectively. The maximum excretion of ( ? )-Ec metabolites and the maximum TAC value were observed in urine samples excreted between 6 and 12 h after PRF consumption. Significance of TAC increase was found in urine samples excreted during 0–6 and 6–12 h (66.6 and 72.67%, respectively, with respect to the 0 h).  相似文献   
Amino Acids - Low L-homoarginine (hArg) concentrations in human blood and urine are associated with renal and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, yet the underlying mechanisms and the...  相似文献   
Despite the predicted purifying role of stabilising selection against variation in warning signals, many aposematic species exhibit high variation in their colour patterns. The maintenance of such variation is not well understood, but it has been suggested to be the result of an interaction between sexual and natural selection. This interaction could also facilitate the evolution of sexual dichromatism. Here we analyse in detail the colour patterns of the poison frog Dendrobates tinctorius and evaluate the possible correlates of the variability in aposematic signals in a natural population. Against the theoretical predictions of aposematism, we found that there is enormous intra-populational variation in colour patterns and that these also differ between the sexes: males have a yellower dorsum and bluer limbs than females. We discuss the possible roles of natural and sexual selection in the maintenance of this sexual dimorphism in coloration and argue that parental care could work synergistically with aposematism to select for yellower males.  相似文献   
Purple urine bag syndrome (PUBS) is an uncommon but particularly striking phenomenon characterised by a chemical reaction involving the urine, plastic and certain enzymes from some sulphatase- and phosphatase-producing bacteria, including Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli and Morganella morganii, amongst others. Following this reaction, the catheter and the bag may be stained red, blue or purple. This phenomenon tends to occur in patients with multiple pathology and with urinary catheters, as part of a urinary tract infection. We describe two clinical cases of PUBS in institutionalised patients with permanent urinary catheters.  相似文献   
Obesity induces white adipose tissue (WAT) dysfunction characterized by unremitting inflammation and fibrosis, impaired adaptive thermogenesis and increased lipolysis. Prostaglandins (PGs) are powerful lipid mediators that influence the homeostasis of several organs and tissues. The aim of the current study was to explore the regulatory actions of PGs in human omental WAT collected from obese patients undergoing laparoscopic bariatric surgery. In addition to adipocyte hypertrophy, obese WAT showed remarkable inflammation and total and pericellular fibrosis. In this tissue, a unique molecular signature characterized by altered expression of genes involved in inflammation, fibrosis and WAT browning was identified by microarray analysis. Targeted LC-MS/MS lipidomic analysis identified increased PGE2 levels in obese fat in the context of a remarkable COX-2 induction and in the absence of changes in the expression of terminal prostaglandin E synthases (i.e. mPGES-1, mPGES-2 and cPGES). IPA analysis established PGE2 as a common top regulator of the fibrogenic/inflammatory process present in this tissue. Exogenous addition of PGE2 significantly reduced the expression of fibrogenic genes in human WAT explants and significantly down-regulated Col1α1, Col1α2 and αSMA in differentiated 3T3 adipocytes exposed to TGF-β. In addition, PGE2 inhibited the expression of inflammatory genes (i.e. IL-6 and MCP-1) in WAT explants as well as in adipocytes challenged with LPS. PGE2 anti-inflammatory actions were confirmed by microarray analysis of human pre-adipocytes incubated with this prostanoid. Moreover, PGE2 induced expression of brown markers (UCP1 and PRDM16) in WAT and adipocytes, but not in pre-adipocytes, suggesting that PGE2 might induce the trans-differentiation of adipocytes towards beige/brite cells. Finally, PGE2 inhibited isoproterenol-induced adipocyte lipolysis. Taken together, these findings identify PGE2 as a regulator of the complex network of interactions driving uncontrolled inflammation and fibrosis and impaired adaptive thermogenesis and lipolysis in human obese visceral WAT.  相似文献   
Phospholipids are essential for vesicle fusion and fission and both are fundamental events for Entamoeba histolytica phagocytosis. Our aim was to identify the lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA) in trophozoites and investigate its cellular fate during endocytosis. LBPA was detected by TLC in a 0.5 Rf spot of total lipids, which co-migrated with the LBPA standard. The 6C4 antibody, against LBPA recognized phospholipids extracted from this spot. Reverse phase LC-ESI-MS and MS/MS mass spectrometry revealed six LBPA species of m/z 772.58–802.68. LBPA was associated to pinosomes and phagosomes. Intriguingly, during pinocytosis, whole cell fluorescence quantification showed that LBPA dropped 84% after 15 min incubation with FITC-Dextran, and after 60 min, it increased at levels close to steady state conditions. Similarly, during erythrophagocytosis, after 15 min, LBPA also dropped in 36% and increased after 60 and 90 min. EhRab7A protein appeared in some vesicles with LBPA in steady state conditions, but after phagocytosis co-localization of both molecules increased and in late phases of erythrophagocytosis they were found in huge phagosomes or multivesicular bodies with many intraluminal vacuoles, and surrounding ingested erythrocytes and phagosomes. The 6C4 and anti-EhADH (EhADH is an ALIX family protein) antibodies and Lysotracker merged in about 50% of the vesicles in steady state conditions and throughout phagocytosis. LBPA and EhADH were also inside huge phagosomes. These results demonstrated that E. histolytica LBPA is associated to pinosomes and phagosomes during endocytosis and suggested differences of LBPA requirements during pinocytosis and phagocytosis.  相似文献   
Dimethylamine [DMA, (CH(3))(2)NH)] is abundantly present in human urine. Main sources of urinary DMA have been reported to include trimethylamine N-oxide, a common food component, and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. ADMA is excreted in the urine in part unmetabolized and in part after hydrolysis to DMA by dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH). Here we describe a GC-MS method for the accurate and rapid quantification of DMA in human urine. The method involves use of (CD(3))(2)NH as internal standard, simultaneous derivatization with pentafluorobenzoyl chloride and extraction in toluene, and selected-ion monitoring of m/z 239 for DMA and m/z 245 for (CD(3))(2)NH in the electron ionization mode. GC-MS analysis of urine samples from 10 healthy volunteers revealed a DMA concentration of 264+/-173 microM equivalent to 10.1+/-1.64 micromol/mmol creatinine. GC-tandem MS analysis of the same urine samples revealed an ADMA concentration of 27.3+/-15.3 microM corresponding to 1.35+/-1.2 micromol/mmol creatinine. In these volunteers, a positive correlation (R=0.83919, P=0.0024) was found between urinary DMA and ADMA, with the DMA/ADMA molar ratio being 10.8+/-6.2. Elevated excretion rates of DMA (52.9+/-18.5 micromol/mmol creatinine) and ADMA (3.85+/-1.65 micromol/mmol creatinine) were found by the method in 49 patients suffering from coronary artery disease, with the DMA/ADMA molar ratio also being elevated (16.8+/-12.8). In 12 patients suffering from end-stage liver disease, excretion rates of DMA (47.8+/-19.7 micromol/mmol creatinine) and ADMA (5.6+/-1.5 micromol/mmol creatinine) were found to be elevated, with the DMA/ADMA molar ratio (9.17+/-4.2) being insignificantly lower (P=0.46). Between urinary DMA and ADMA there was a positive correlation (R=0.6655, P<0.0001) in coronary artery disease, but no correlation (R=0.27339) was found in end-stage liver disease.  相似文献   
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