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DNA‐based protocols are the standard methods for the diagnosis of infected plant material. Nevertheless, these methods are time‐consuming and require trained personnel, with an efficacy depending on the sampling procedure. In comparison, recognition methods based on volatile compounds emissions are less precise, but allow a non‐destructive mass screening of bulk samples, and may be implemented to steer molecular diagnosis. In this study, the analysis of volatile compounds is used for the discrimination of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) and blossom blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae) on apple propagation material. Possible marker compounds were identified by gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC‐MS) and proton transfer reaction‐time of flight‐mass spectroscopy (PTR‐ToF‐MS). In addition, two commercial electronic noses were used for diagnosis. After a preliminary validation in vitro, a diagnostic protocol was successfully developed to scale up to real nursery conditions on cold stored, asymptomatic dormant plants.  相似文献   
Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) in its recently developed implementation based on a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS) has been evaluated as a possible tool for rapid non-destructive investigation of the volatile compounds present in the metabolome of apple cultivars and clones. Clone characterization is a cutting-edge problem in technical management and royalty application, not only for apple, aiming at unveiling real properties which differentiate the mutated individuals. We show that PTR-ToF-MS coupled with multivariate and data mining methods may successfully be employed to obtain accurate varietal and clonal apple fingerprint. In particular, we studied the VOC emission profile of five different clones belonging to three well known apple cultivars, such as ??Fuji??, ??Golden Delicious?? and ??Gala??. In all three cases it was possible to set classification models which can distinguish all cultivars and some of the clones considered in this study. Furthermore, in the case of ??Gala?? we also identified estragole and hexyl 2-methyl butanoate contributing to such clone characterization. Beside its applied relevance, no data on the volatile profiling of apple clones are available so far, our study indicates the general viability of a metabolomic approach for volatile compounds in fruit based on rapid PTR-ToF-MS fingerprinting.  相似文献   
We report on a new approach for studying fragmentation channels in Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS), which we name primary ion depletion kinetics (PIDK). PTR-MS is a chemical ionization mass spectrometric (CIMS) technique deploying hydronium ions for the chemical ionization. Induced by extremely high concentrations of analyte M, depletion of the primary ions in the drift tube occurs. This is observed as quasi zero concentration of the primary ion H3O+, and constant MH+. Under these non-standard conditions, we find an overall changed fragmentation. We offer two explanations. Either the changed fragmentation pattern is the result of secondary proton transfer reactions. Or, alternatively, the fast depletion of H3O+ leads to reduced heating of H3O+ in the drift field, and consequently changed fragmentation following protonation of the analyte M. In any case, we use the observed changes in fragmentation as a successful new approach to fragmentation studies, and term it primary ion depletion kinetics, PIDK. PIDK easily yields an abundance of continuous data points with little deviation, because they are obtained in one experimental run, even for low abundant fragments. This is an advantage over traditional internal kinetic energy variation studies (electric field per number density (E/N) variation studies). Also, some interpretation on the underlying fragmentation reaction mechanisms can be gleamed. We measure low occurring fragmentation (<2% of MH+) of the compounds dimethyl sulfide, DMS, a compound that reportedly does not fragment, diethyl sulfide DES, and dipropyl sulfide DPS. And we confirm and complement the results with traditional E/N studies. Summing up, the new approach of primary ion depletion kinetics allows for the identification of dehydrogenation [MH+ -H2] and adduct formation (RMH+) as low abundant fragmentation channels in monosulfides.  相似文献   
The aim of the present work was to test the potential of Proton Transfer Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) in the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and the assessment of disease severity by direct analysis of exhaled breath. Twenty-six volunteers have been enrolled in this study: 12 patients (M/F 8/4, mean age 70.5 years, min-max 42–80 years) with liver cirrhosis of different etiologies and at different severity of disease and 14 healthy subjects (M/F 5/9, mean age 52.3 years, min-max 35–77 years). Real time breath analysis was performed on fasting subjects using a buffered end-tidal on-line sampler directly coupled to a PTR-ToF-MS. Twelve volatile organic compounds (VOCs) resulted significantly differently in cirrhotic patients (CP) compared to healthy controls (CTRL): four ketones (2-butanone, 2- or 3- pentanone, C8-ketone, C9-ketone), two terpenes (monoterpene, monoterpene related), four sulphur or nitrogen compounds (sulfoxide-compound, S-compound, NS-compound, N-compound) and two alcohols (heptadienol, methanol). Seven VOCs (2-butanone, C8-ketone, a monoterpene, 2,4-heptadienol and three compounds containing N, S or NS) resulted significantly differently in compensate cirrhotic patients (Child-Pugh A; CP-A) and decompensated cirrhotic subjects (Child-Pugh B+C; CP-B+C). ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) analysis was performed considering three contrast groups: CP vs CTRL, CP-A vs CTRL and CP-A vs CP-B+C. In these comparisons monoterpene and N-compound showed the best diagnostic performance.


Breath analysis by PTR-ToF-MS was able to distinguish cirrhotic patients from healthy subjects and to discriminate those with well compensated liver disease from those at more advanced severity stage. A breath-print of liver cirrhosis was assessed for the first time.  相似文献   

Key message

Specific VOC emissions from infected plants allow their recognition and elicit defence responses in neighboring plants, which are, however, insufficient to induce resistance.


A wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is released during plant–pathogen interactions both by the pathogens and the hosts. Some of these VOCs are specific for the different diseases and are known to play a role in the pathogenicity or in plant defence responses. Besides, disease-specific VOCs may serve as markers for diagnostic protocols, which allow a non-destructive and rapid screening of bulk samples of plant material. This work aimed to verify the feasibility of a VOC-based diagnosis and to investigate the possible biological role of VOCs released during the plant–pathogen interactions. The volatile emissions from Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in axenic cultures and from inoculated in vitro kiwifruit plants were characterized by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and proton transfer reaction–time-of-flight-mass spectrometry (PTR–ToF-MS). By GC–MS, several putative biochemical markers, such as 1-undecene, were identified. PTR–ToF-MS resulted highly effective in screening the plant material for latent infections. To develop a more user-friendly, portable and less expensive diagnosis system, two different electronic nose models were tested for the early diagnosis of P. syringae pv. actinidiae in asymptomatic plant material. Our experiments demonstrated the feasibility of the electronic nose-based screening of infected plant material. Concerning the biological role of the VOCs released during the plant–pathogen interactions, the exposure of healthy plants to VOCs from infected ones influences the plant growth and induces the stimulation of protective responses. However, after the infection, P. syringae pv. actinidiae is able to selectively inactivate the induced plant defences.


Producing a wide range of volatile secondary metabolites Saccharomyces cerevisiae influences wine, beer, and bread sensory quality and hence selection of strains based on their volatilome becomes pivotal. A rapid on-line method for volatilome assessing of strains growing on standard solid media is still missing.


Methodologically, the aim of this study was to demonstrate the automatic, real-time, direct, and non-invasive monitoring of yeast volatilome in order to rapidly produce a robust large data set encompassing measurements relative to many strains, replicates and time points. The fundamental scope was to differentiate volatilomes of genetically similar strains of oenological relevance during the whole growing process.


Six different S. cerevisiae strains (four meiotic segregants of a natural strain and two laboratory strains) inoculated onto a solid medium have been monitored on-line by Proton Transfer Reaction—Time-of-Flight—Mass Spectrometry for 11 days every 4 h (3540 time points). FastGC PTR-ToF-MS was performed during the stationary phase on the 5th day.


More than 300 peaks have been extracted from the average spectra associated to each time point, 70 have been tentatively identified. Univariate and multivariate analyses have been performed on the data matrix (3640 measurements?×?70 peaks) highlighting the volatilome evolution and strain-specific features. Laboratory strains with opposite mating type, and meiotic segregants of the same natural strain showed significantly different profiles.


The described set-up allows the on-line high-throughput screening of yeast volatilome of S. cerevisiae strains and the identification of strain specific features and new metabolic pathways, discriminating also genetically similar strains, thus revealing a novel method for strain phenotyping, identification, and quality control.
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