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Background and Aims

Reduction in female fitness in large clones can occur as a result of increased geitonogamous self-fertilization and its influence through inbreeding depression. This possibility was investigated in the self-compatible, bee-pollinated perennial herb Aconitum kusnezoffii which varies in clone size.


Field investigations were conducted on pollinator behaviour, flowering phenology and variation in seed set. The effects of self-pollination following controlled self- and cross-pollination were also examined. Selfing rates of differently sized clones were assessed using allozyme markers.

Key Results

High rates of geitonogamous pollination were associated with large display size. Female fitness at the ramet level decreased with clone size. Fruit and seed set under cross-pollination were significantly higher than those under self-pollination. The pre-dispersal inbreeding depression was estimated as 0·502 based on the difference in seed set per flower between self- and cross-pollinated flowers. Selfing rates of differently sized clones did not differ.


It is concluded that in A. kusnezoffii the negative effects of self-pollination causing reduced female fertility with clone size arise primarily from a strong early-acting inbreeding depression leading to the abortion of selfed embryos prior to seed maturation.Key words: Early-acting inbreeding depression, Aconitum kusnezoffii, clone size, female reproductive success, geitonogamy  相似文献   
巴氏芽孢杆菌矿化作用机理及应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了具有诱导碳酸钙矿化功能的巴氏芽孢杆菌及其矿化核心酶脲酶的结构与功能,较为系统地综述了巴氏芽孢杆菌矿化作用的生物机制,简要介绍了国内外多领域关于巴氏芽孢杆菌矿化应用的研究现状及典型应用案例,并探讨了相应微生物矿化技术在特定环境下的应用前景及在未来应用中可能存在的不足之处,相关分析论述对进一步推进微生物矿化技术的应用具有较为重要的意义.  相似文献   
巴氏芽孢杆菌是源于土壤的革兰氏阳性菌,人们利用其高效的脲酶活性诱导产生碳酸钙的现象开发了多种应用场景.然而,巴氏芽孢杆菌的生物矿化相关代谢机制还不够明确,尤其是对在矿化作用中发挥核心作用的脲酶基因结构、表达调控机制及关联代谢等方面的研究相对较少.当前,巴氏芽孢杆菌应用研究中面临的矿化反应不可控性及不稳定性等问题都源于脲酶代谢机制的研究匮乏.因此,进一步揭示巴氏芽孢杆菌脲酶的基因信息、表达调控机制及相关代谢机理迫在眉睫.本文通过转录组测序,对比了4种培养条件下巴氏芽孢杆菌的生长情况和基因表达情况,解析了脲酶的代谢机制,结果进一步证明ATP合成与脲酶表达及尿素水解相关联,最终预测了脲酶的双操纵子结构.  相似文献   
纬度变异对欧洲千里光原产地与引入地种群野外和同质生物园比较的影响野外和同质生物园比较经常用于研究入侵植物快速进化。当原产地或引入地的种群地理分布范围较广时,表型性状的纬度渐变可能会影响这种比较分析。我们检验了纬度渐变是否会影响欧洲千里光(Senecio vulgaris)引入地和原产地种群间的比较。欧洲千里光原产于欧洲,现已引入到中国东北和西南地区。我们对欧洲原产地和中国引入地的野外种群进行了调查,同时在瑞士开展了同质生物园实验,比较了中国引入地种群与欧洲原产地种群的株高、分枝数和花序数,以此衡量两地欧洲千里光种群在生长和繁殖方面的差异。野外调查表明,中国引入地种群的株高和花序数量显著大于欧洲原产地种群,这一结果与增强竞争力进化假说的预测一致。在同质生物园比较中,当考虑纬度渐变的作用时,中国种群的花序数量显著大于欧洲种群。分别将中国东北部、中国西南部两个地区的种群与欧洲种群进行比较,无论在野外还是同质生物园,与欧洲种群处于相似纬度的中国东北部种群表现出更高的株高和更多的花序。但位于更低纬度的中国西南部种群的繁殖表现并不强于原产地种群。因此我们的结果表明,当引入地种群地理分布较广时,无论野外还是同质生物园的比较都应该考虑表型性状纬度渐变的影响。  相似文献   
Genetic variation in invasive populations is affected by a variety of processes including stochastic forces, multiple introductions, population dynamics and mating system. Here, we compare genetic diversity between native and invasive populations of the selfing, annual plant Senecio vulgaris to infer the relative importance of genetic bottlenecks, multiple introductions, post-introduction genetic drift and gene flow to genetic diversity in invasive populations. We scored multilocus genotypes at eight microsatellite loci from nine native European and 19 Chinese introduced populations and compared heterozygosity and number of alleles between continents. We inferred possible source populations for introduced populations by performing assignment analyses and evaluated the relative contributions of gene flow and genetic drift to genetic diversity based on correlations of pairwise genetic and geographic distance. Genetic diversity within Chinese populations was significantly reduced compared to European populations indicating genetic bottlenecks accompanying invasion. Assignment tests provided support for multiple introductions with populations from Central China and southwestern China descended from genotypes matching those from Switzerland and the UK, respectively. Genetic differentiation among populations in China and Europe was not correlated with geographic distance. However, European populations exhibited less variation in the relation between G ST and geographical distance than populations in China. These results suggest that gene flow probably plays a more significant role in structuring genetic diversity in native populations, whereas genetic drift appears to predominate in introduced populations. High rates of selfing in Chinese populations may restrict opportunities for pollen-mediated gene flow. Repeated colonization-extinction cycles associated with ongoing invasion is likely to maintain low genetic diversity in Chinese populations.  相似文献   
Xi  Nianxun  Zhu  Bi-Ru  Zhang  Da-Yong 《Plant and Soil》2017,412(1-2):267-281


The uptake and tolerance of antimonite [Sb(III)] and antimonate [Sb(V)] were investigated in two populations of Achillea wilhelmsii, one from strongly Sb-enriched mine soil, the other from uncontaminated soil, in comparison with non-metallicolous Silene vulgaris and Thlaspi arvense.


Tolerance was assessed from root elongation and biomass accumulation after exposure to a series of concentrations of Sb(III) or Sb(V) in hydroponics.


For all the species Sb(III) was more toxic than Sb(V). S. vulgaris was the most Sb(III)-tolerant species, and A. wilhelmsii the most Sb(V)-tolerant one. There were no considerable interspecific differences regarding the root and shoot Sb concentrations. Sb(III) and Sb(V) tolerance and accumulation were not different between the metallicolous and the non-metallicolous A. wilhelmsii populations. Sb(III) uptake was partly inhibited by silicon. Sb(V) uptake was strongly inhibited by chloride.


There is uncorrelated variation among species in Sb(V) and Sb(III) tolerance, showing that plants sequester Sb(V) and Sb(III) in different ways. Sb(V) seems to be taken up via monovalent anion channels, and Sb(III) via silicon transporters, at least in part. The relatively high Sb(V) tolerance in A. wilhelmsii seems to be a species-wide property, rather than a product of local adaptation to Sb-enriched soil.
Muscle regeneration is indispensable for skeletal muscle health and daily life when injury, muscular disease, and aging occur. Among the muscle regeneration, muscle stem cells’ (MuSCs) activation, proliferation, and differentiation play a key role in muscle regeneration. Purines bind to its specific receptors during muscle development, which transmit environmental stimuli and play a crucial role of modulator of muscle regeneration. Evidences proved P2R expression during development and regeneration of skeletal muscle, both in human and mouse. In contrast to P2XR, which have been extensively investigated in skeletal muscles, the knowledge of P2YR in this tissue is less comprehensive. This review summarized muscle regeneration via P2Y1R and P2Y2R and speculated that P2Y1R and P2Y2R might be potential molecular triggers for MuSCs’ activation and proliferation via the p-ERK1/2 and PLC pathways, explored their cascade effects on skeletal muscle, and proposed P2Y1/2 receptors as potential pharmacological targets in muscle regeneration, to advance the purinergic signaling within muscle and provide promising strategies for alleviating muscular disease.  相似文献   
Population genetic analysis of allotetraploid microsatellite data has lagged far behind that of diploid data, largely because of an inability to determine allele copy number for partial heterozygotes. tetrasat developed by Markwith et al. (2006) uses an iterative substitution process to account for all probable combinations of allele copy numbers in populations with partial heterozygote samples. However, tetrasat cannot deal with microsatellite data containing more than 15 partial heterozygotes, because of an exponential increase in genotype combinations. tetra can handle the microsatellite data containing infinite partial heterozygotes. In the program tetra, the frequencies of alleles are measured as the probability with which the known alleles occur in unknown allele locations. The Hardy–Weinberg expected heterozygosity and Nei's coefficient of gene differentiation are calculated based on allele frequencies. The mean and standard error of expected heterozygosity are estimated through bootstrap method.  相似文献   
藤壶附着:从基底探测到胶的固化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藤壶在水下设施上的牢固黏附一方面造成极大的污损和危害,另一方面为水下的牢固粘接提供了灵感.相关的防污和水下超粘接等技术的解决强烈依赖于对其附着过程及分子机制的理解.目前,对藤壶黏附的宏观过程已有了较为深入的了解,主要包括基底探测、信号传导、胶液分泌以及胶的固化,但对该过程中作用的分子机制如受体蛋白的识别、基因表达的调控以及胶蛋白的交联固化的研究依然有限,而上述任何阶段的干扰都可为防污或水下粘接提供重要的理论指导.因此,深入理解各阶段的相关分子机制对防污和水下粘接至关重要.本文综述了近年来对藤壶附着的相关进展,介绍附着过程中的内部信号分子响应以及胶液分泌过程中的固化交联机制,指出了存在的问题,并提出进一步可能的研究要点.  相似文献   
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