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Mini-F is a segment of the conjugative plasmid F consisting of two origins of replication flanked by regulatory regions, which ensure a normal control of replication and partitioning. Adjacent to the ori-2 origin is a complex coding region that consists of the E gene overlapped by three open reading frames with the coding potential for 9000 Mr polypeptides here designated 9 kd-1, 9 kd-2 and 9 kd-3. In this paper, we show that open reading frame 9 kd-3 is preceded by active promoter and Shine-Dalgarno sequences. The E coding region specifies: an initiator of replication, which acts at the ori-2 site; a function that negatively regulates the expression of the E gene; and a function involved in mini-F copy number control. To assign one of these functions to one of the overlapping coding sequence, we have isolated, characterized and sequenced mutations mapping in the E coding region. In this paper, we analyse two mutations (cop5 and pla25) that abolish the repression of the E gene. As these mutations affect the primary structure of protein E itself but not the 9 kd polypeptides, we conclude that protein E takes part in the negative regulation of its own synthesis. In addition, the localization of the cop5 and pla25 mutations indicates that the carboxy-terminal end of the E protein is involved in the autorepression function. The cop5 mutation causes an eightfold increase of the mini-F copy number. The pla25 mutation leads to the inability of the derived mini-F plasmid to give rise to plasmid-harbouring bacteria. The ways in which the cop5 and pla25 mutations may lead to such phenotypes are discussed in relation to the different functions mapping in the E coding sequence.  相似文献   
We compared the efficacy of immunization with either simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Env glycoprotein (Env), Env plus Gag proteins (Gag-Env), or whole inactivated virus (WIV), with or without recombinant live vaccinia vector (VV) priming, in protecting 23 rhesus macaques (six vaccine and two control groups) from challenge with SIVmac251 clone BK28. Vaccination elicited high titers of syncytium-inhibiting and anti-Env (gp120/gp160) antibodies in all vaccinated macaques and anti-Gag (p27) antibodies in groups immunized with WIV or Gag-Env. Only WIV-immunized macaques developed anticell (HuT78) antibodies. After homologous low-dose intravenous virus challenge, we used frequency of virus isolation, provirus burden, and change in antibody titers to define four levels of resistance to SIV infection as follows. (i) No infection ("sterilizing" immunity) was induced only in WIV-immunized animals. (ii) Abortive infection (strong immunity) was defined when virus or provirus were detected early in the postchallenge period but not thereafter and no evidence of virus or provirus was detected in terminal tissues. This response was observed in two animals (one VV-Env and one Gag-Env). (iii) Suppression of infection (incomplete or partial immunity) described a gradient of virus suppression manifested by termination of viremia, declining postchallenge antibody titers, and low levels (composite mean = 9.1 copies per 10(6) cells) of provirus detectable in peripheral blood mononuclear cells or lymphoid tissues at termination (40 weeks postchallenge). This response occurred in the majority (8 of 12) of subunit-vaccinated animals. (iv) Active infection (no immunity) was characterized by persistent virus isolation from blood mononuclear cells, increasing viral antibody titers postchallenge, and high levels (composite mean = 198 copies per 10(6) cells) of provirus in terminal tissues and blood. Active infection developed in all controls and two of three VV-Gag-Env-immunized animals. The results of this study restate the protective effect of inactivated whole virus vaccines produced in heterologous cells but more importantly demonstrate that a gradient of suppression of challenge virus growth, reflecting partial resistance to SIV infection, is induced by subunit vaccination. The latter finding may be pertinent to studies with human immunodeficiency virus vaccines, in which it is plausible that vaccination may elicit significant suppression of virus infection and pathogenicity rather than sterilizing immunity.  相似文献   
Summary In this paper, we report the construction in vitro of chimerae between lambdoid replacement vectors (Murray et al., 1977) and the miniF Apr plasmid: pSC138 (Timmis et al., 1975). F recombinants were shown to be chimerae between the and the F replicons. By genetical tests, we have demonstrated that both and F replication mechanisms are functional: the F recombinant behaves as a non defective plaque forming phage on sensitive bacteria and establishes itself as a stable plasmid on recA F- homoimmune bacteria. In the extra-chromosomal state, the F recombinant apparently retains the controlled autonomous replication and the FI incompatibility characteristics of the F plasmid. The potential experimental uses of these phages are discussed.  相似文献   
Molecular drift of the bride of sevenless (boss) gene in Drosophila   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
DNA sequences were determined for three to five alleles of the bride-of- sevenless (boss) gene in each of four species of Drosophila. The product of boss is a transmembrane receptor for a ligand coded by the sevenless gene that triggers differentiation of the R7 photoreceptor cell in the compound eye. Population parameters affecting the rate and pattern of molecular evolution of boss were estimated from the multinomial configurations of nucleotide polymorphisms of synonymous codons. The time of divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans was estimated as approximately 1 Myr, that between D. teissieri and D. yakuba as approximately 0.75 Myr, and that between the two pairs of sibling species as approximately 2 Myr. (The boss genes themselves have estimated divergence times approximately 50% greater than the species divergence times.) The effective size of the species was estimated as approximately 5 x 10(6), and the average mutation rate was estimated as 1-2 x 10(-9)/nucleotide/generation. The ratio of amino acid polymorphisms within species to fixed differences between species suggests that approximately 25% of all possible single-step amino acid replacements in the boss gene product may be selectively neutral or nearly neutral. The data also imply that random genetic drift has been responsible for virtually all of the observed differences in the portion of the boss gene analyzed among the four species.   相似文献   


Dicer, Ago2 and TRBP are the minimum components of the human RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). While Dicer and Ago2 are RNases, TRBP is the double-stranded RNA binding protein (dsRBP) that loads small interfering RNA into the RISC. TRBP binds directly to Dicer through its C-terminal domain.  相似文献   
Oligomeric forms of the acetylcholine receptor are directly visualized by electron microscopy in receptor-rich membranes from torpedo marmorata. The receptor structures are quantitatively correlated with the molecular species so far identified only after detergent solubilization, and further related to the polypeptide composition of the membranes and changes thereof. The structural identification is made possibly by the increased fragility of the membranes after extraction of nonreceptor peptides and their subsequent disruption upon drying onto hydrophilic carbon supports. Receptor particles in native membranes depleted of nonreceptor peptides appear as single units of 7-8 nm, and double and multiple aggregates thereof. Particle doublets having a main-axis diameter of 19 +/- 3 nm predominate in these membranes. Linear aggregates of particles similar to those observed in rotary replicas of quick-frozen fresh electrolytes (Heuser, J.E. and S. R. Salpeter. 1979, J. Cell Biol. 82: 150-173) are also present in the alkaline-extracted membranes. Chemical modifications of the thiol groups shift the distribution of structural species. Dithiothreitol reduction, which renders almost exclusively the 9S, monomeric receptor form, results in the observation of the 7-8 nm particle in isolated form. The proportion of doublets increases in membranes alkylated with N-ethylmaleimide. Treatment with 5,5’-dithiobis-(nitrobenzoic acid) increases the proportion of higher oligomeric species, and particle aggregates (n=oligo) predominate. The nonreceptor v-peptide (doublet of M(r) 43,000) appears to play a role in the receptor monomer-polymer equilibria. Receptor protein and v-peptide co-aggregate upon reduction and reoxidation of native membranes. In membranes protected ab initio with N- ethylmaleimide, only the receptor appears to self-aggregate. The v-peptide cannot be extracted from these alkylated membranes, though it is easily released from normal, subsequently alkylated or reduced membranes. A stabilization of the dimeric species by the nonreceptor v-peptide is suggested by these experiments. Monospecific antibodies against the v-peptide are used in conjunction with rhodamine- labeled anti-bodies in an indirect immunoflourescence assay to map the vectorial exposure of the v-peptide. When intact membranes, v-peptide depleted and “holey” native membranes (treated with 0.3 percent saponin) are compared, maximal labeling is obtained with the latter type of membranes, suggesting a predominantly cytoplasmic exposure of the antigenic determinants of the v-peptide in the membrane. The influence of the v-peptide in the thiol-dependent interconversions of the receptor protein and the putative topography of the peptide are analyzed in the light of the present results.  相似文献   
Viral expression systems offer the ability to generate high levels of a particular protein within a relatively short period of time. In particular, alphavirus constructs based on Sindbis virus (SV) and Semliki Forest virus (SFV) are promising vehicles as they are cytoplasmic vectors with the potential for high expression levels. Two such alphavirus vectors were utilized during the current study to infect two commercially relevant cell lines, baby hamster kidney (BHK) and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO); the first was a fully competent SV derivative carrying the gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (dsSV-CAT), while the second was a replication deficient SFV construct containing the human interleukin-12 (IL-12) p35 and p40 genes (SFV-IL-12). Since infection with these vectors induced apoptosis in both cell lines, the present effort was dedicated to determining the ability of anti-apoptosis genes to limit the cell death associated with these virus constructs. Infection with the dsSV-CAT vector resulted in the rapid death of BHK and CHO cells within 4 days, a phenomenon which was considerably delayed by stably overexpressing bcl-2 or bcl-x(L). In fact, cellular lifespans were doubled in both BHK-bcl2 and CHO-bclx(L) cells relative to the parental cell lines. Furthermore, the presence of these gene products provided increases of up to 2-fold in recombinant CAT production. Overexpression of bcl-2 and bcl-x(L) also altered the response of these cells upon infection with SFV-IL-12. While the parental cell lines were completely nonviable within 1 week, the BHK-bcl2, BHK-bclx(L), and CHO-bclx(L) cells each recovered from the infection, resuming exponential growth and regaining viabilities of over 90% by 9 days post-infection. Total IL-12 productivities were nearly doubled by Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) in the CHO cells, although this effect was apparently cell-line specific, as the native BHK cells were able to secrete more IL-12 than either of its transfected derivatives. Regardless, the presence of the anti-apoptosis genes allowed the production of IL-12 to be maintained, albeit at low levels, from each of the cell lines for the duration of the culture process. Therefore, overexpression of bcl-2 family members can have a significant impact on culture viabilities and recombinant protein production during alphavirus infections of mammalian cells.  相似文献   
Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-I have major effects on growth plate chondrocytes and all bone cells. Untreated childhood-onset GH deficiency (GHD) markedly impairs linear growth as well as three-dimensional bone size. Adult peak bone mass is therefore about 50% that of adults with normal height. This is mainly an effect on bone volume, whereas true bone mineral density (BMD; g/cm(3)) is virtually normal, as demonstrated in a large cohort of untreated Russian adults with childhood-onset GHD. The prevalence of fractures in these untreated childhood-onset GHD adults was, however, markedly and significantly increased in comparison with normal Russian adults. This clearly indicates that bone mass and bone size matter more than true bone density. Adequate treatment with GH can largely correct bone size and in several studies also bone mass, but it usually requires more than 5 years of continuous treatment. Adult-onset GHD decreases bone turnover and results in a mild deficit, generally between -0.5 and -1.0 z-score, in bone mineral content and BMD of the lumbar spine, radius and femoral neck. Cross-sectional surveys and the KIMS data suggest an increased incidence of fractures. GH replacement therapy increases bone turnover. The three controlled studies with follow-up periods of 18 and 24 months demonstrated a modest increase in BMD of the lumbar spine and femoral neck in male adults with adult-onset GHD, whereas no significant changes in BMD were observed in women. GHD, whether childhood- or adult-onset, impairs bone mass and strength. Appropriate substitution therapy can largely correct these deficiencies if given over a prolonged period. GH therapy for other bone disorders not associated with primary GHD needs further study but may well be beneficial because of its positive effects on the bone remodelling cycle.  相似文献   
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