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Metastatic Ewing Sarcoma carries a poor prognosis, and novel therapeutics to prevent and treat metastatic disease are greatly needed. Recent evidence demonstrates that tumor-associated macrophages in Ewing Sarcoma are associated with more advanced disease. While some macrophage phenotypes (M1) exhibit anti-tumor activity, distinct phenotypes (M2) may contribute to malignant progression and metastasis. In this study, we show that M2 macrophages promote Ewing Sarcoma invasion and extravasation, pointing to a potential target of anti-metastatic therapy. CNI-1493 is a selective inhibitor of macrophage function and has shown to be safe in clinical trials as an anti-inflammatory agent. In a xenograft mouse model of metastatic Ewing Sarcoma, CNI-1493 treatment dramatically reduces metastatic tumor burden. Furthermore, metastases in treated animals have a less invasive morphology. We show in vitro that CNI-1493 decreases M2-stimulated Ewing Sarcoma tumor cell invasion and extravasation, offering a functional mechanism through which CNI-1493 attenuates metastasis. These data indicate that CNI-1493 may be a safe and effective adjuvant agent for the prevention and treatment of metastatic Ewing Sarcoma.  相似文献   
The turnover of collagen in fibroblast cultures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Allelic variants of Ly-5 in inbred commensal and other natural populations of mice were analyzed by patterns of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and Southern hybridization using an Ly-5 cDNA probe and by cell-surface staining with a panel of antibodies directed against polymorphic and nonpolymorphic Ly-5 determinants. New Ly-5 alleles were defined by RFLPs generated by both Eco RI and Bam HI restriction enzyme digests. The Mus musculus subspecies and other species within the genus Mus showed a strong correlation between allelic variants defined by restriction enzymes and serologic specificities. The data also suggest the conservation of the Ly-5 gene throughout the genus Mus.  相似文献   
Intact S49 mouse lymphoma cells were used as a model system to study the effects of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and its analogs on the phosphorylation of regulatory (R) subunit of type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of R subunit was negligible in mutants deficient in adenylate cyclase; low levels of cAMP analogs, however, stimulated R subunit phosphorylation in these cells to rates comparable to those in wild-type cells. In both wild-type and adenylate cyclase-deficient cells, R subunit phosphorylation was inhibited by a variety of N6-substituted derivatives of cAMP; C-8-substituted derivatives were generally poor inhibitors. Two derivatives that were inactive as kinase activators (N6-carbamoylmethyl-5'-AMP and 2'-deoxy-N6-monobutyryl-cAMP) were also ineffective as inhibitors of R subunit phosphorylation. Preferential inhibition by N6-modified cAMP analogs could not be ascribed simply to selectivity for the more aminoterminal (site I) of the two cAMP-binding sites in R subunit: Analog concentrations required for inhibition of R subunit phosphorylation were always higher than those required for activation of endogenous kinase; 8-piperidino-cAMP, a C-8-substituted derivative that is selective for cAMP-binding site I, was relatively ineffective as in inhibitor; and, although thresholds for activation of endogenous kinase by site I-selective analogs could be reduced markedly by coincubation with low levels of site II-selective analogs, no such synergism was observed for the inhibitory effect. The uncoupling of cyclic nucleotide effects on R subunit phosphorylation from activation of endogenous protein kinase suggests that, in intact cells, activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase requires more than one and fewer than four molecules of cyclic nucleotide.  相似文献   
MRL-lpr/lpr mice spontaneously develop massive T cell lymphadenopathy, autoantibodies, and immune-mediated pathology. These mice are thought to be models of various human autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus, Sjogren's syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis. We have used cyclosporin A (CS-A) treatment as a tool by which the mechanisms of immune-mediated pathology might be dissected. CS-A was used because of its known preferential inhibition of T cell function and the marked expansion in MRL-lpr/lpr mice of an unusual L3T4-, Lyt-2-, 6B2+ T cell population. CS-A prevented lymphadenopathy and expansion of L3T4-, Lyt-2-, 6B2+ T cells in the peripheral lymph nodes, and also in the thymus. The increased expression of the c-myb and T cell receptor beta-chain genes associated with these unusual cells was also corrected. The finding of increased numbers of L3T4-, Lyt-2-, 6B2+ thymocytes in untreated mice suggests abnormal intrathymic differentiation in lpr/lpr mice, a defect that was corrected by CS-A. Treated mice had a marked decrease in arthritis and glomerulonephritis and significantly prolonged survival. These beneficial effects of CS-A occurred despite a lack of reduction in antibodies reactive with DNA, circulating immune complexes, rheumatoid factor titers, or immunoglobulin concentrations. These results demonstrate that the B cell hyperactivity of MRL-lpr/lpr mice can proceed without the T cell proliferative disease.  相似文献   
The interaction of the xid and me genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The murine "motheaten" (me) mutation has been bred onto the NFS background and combined with the X-linked immunodeficiency (xid) mutation to investigate the effect of the xid-induced B cell maturational block on the widespread immune dysfunction, high levels of autoantibodies, and early mortality found in the motheaten mice. The xid markedly reduced spontaneous IgM secretion by spleen cells, serum IgM, anti-ssDNA antibodies, anti-bromelain-treated-erythrocyte antibodies, and T cell binding (but not thymocytotoxic) antibodies; however, neither phenotype nor mortality was affected, suggesting that other factors are responsible for early death. Marked expansion of the Ly-1+ B cell pool was prevented by xid in the motheaten mouse leaving only a very small population of sIgM-positive B cells. This failure of non-Ly-1+ B cell development in me/me X xid mice suggests that me/me leads to inhibition of non-Ly-1+ B cells and preferential expansion of Ly-1+ B cells in motheaten mice, perhaps as a result of their high levels of maturation and activation factors.  相似文献   
Genetic transformation of Streptococcus thermophilus by electroporation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A rapid and convenient electroporation procedure was developed for the genetic transformation of intact cells of Streptococcus thermophilus with various species of plasmid DNA. Transformation frequency was influenced by the capacitance and voltage selected for electric pulsing, the pH and composition of the electroporation medium and the molecular mass of the transforming DNA. Electroporation is a simple and effective technique to introduce plasmid DNA into S. thermophilus and useful in the development of recombinant DNA technology for this important industrial microorganism.  相似文献   
Fura-2, loaded into J774.2 macrophages as the acetoxymethyl ester, is sequestered into intracellular vacuoles within 90 min after the beginning of the loading at 37 degrees C. The dye is also efficiently secreted from the cells. Sequestration and secretion of fura-2 reduce the accuracy of measurements of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration in this cell line. Fura-2 is also sequestered and secreted by J774.2 when the dye is loaded into the cytoplasm as the pentapotassium salt by reversible permeabilization of the plasma membrane. Regardless of the mechanism by which fura-2 is loaded into the cytoplasm, both sequestration and secretion are prevented by 2.5 mM probenecid, a blocker of organic anion transport. Probenecid has no effect on resting or stimulated cytosolic free Ca2+ levels or on FcR-mediated phagocytosis. These findings suggest that macrophages express a transport mechanism for the anionic form of fura-2. This transport system is responsible for the clearance of fura-2 from the cytoplasm of this cell type. Furthermore we suggest that use of probenecid to block secretion and intracellular sequestration of fura-2 may overcome problems arising in the application of this Ca2+ indicator to macrophages and perhaps to other cell types.  相似文献   
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