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The parasitoid wasp Spalangia cameroni oviposited a greaterproportion of daughters in stable fly pupae than in house flypupae, even when I controlled for stable flies being smallerthan house flies. Sex ratio manipulation in response to hostquality has been modeled as being adaptive through an effectof host quality on the size and hence offspring production ofdaughters. 5. cameronis response to host species may insteadbe adaptive through an effect on larval survivorship, the developmenttime of daughters, and the size of sons. There was greater survivalof daughters than sons on stable flies. Controlling for hostsize, I found that development time of daughters was about 2%less on stable flies than on house flies. The decrease in developmenttime corresponds to a 2% increase in fitness as estimated byr, the intrinsic rate of increase, and is equivalent to abouta 9% increase in offspring production. Sons were about 2% largerfrom house flies than stable flies, which may increase offspringproduction by up to 3%. Host species had no consistent effecton size of daughters or development time of sons. In additionto the response to host species, mothers oviposited a greaterproportion of daughters in larger stable fly hosts. Whetherthis behavior is adaptive is unclear. Although offspring werelarger when they developed on larger stable flies, the rateof increase was less for daughters dian for sons. Effects ofstable fly size on offspring development time were negligible.  相似文献   
Flight activity in females of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis(Walker) was examined by measuring still-air tethered flight. There was a large amount of variation among females in flight duration. The longest single flight (with no pauses of more than 5 s) was more than 2 h long. Mating status had a significant and large effect on flight: mated females flew twice as long as virgin females. There also was a slight but significant effect of age on flight, with 3-day-old females being less likely to fly than 1-day-old females. Flight duration was not affected by prior exposure to other females, to honey, or to a low or a high host density.  相似文献   
The prediction of Charnov et al.'s (1981) host-size model that there should be a negative relationship between host size and wasp sex ratio (proportion sons) was supported for Spalangia cameroni, a solitary parasitoid wasp. The relationship was shown to be a result of offspring sex manipulation by females in response to host size rather than a result of differential mortality of the sexes. A major assumption of the host-size model is that host size has a greater effect on the ultimate reproductive success of emerging female wasps than of males. This assumption was not supported. Host size had a positive effect on the size of both male and female S. cameroni. However, neither host size nor wasp size affected longevity, production of offspring by females, or ability of males to compete for mates. Host size may differentially affect the reproductive success of female and male wasps through effects on other aspects of reproductive success. Tests of the assumptions of offspring sex-ratio manipulation hypotheses are scarce but critical, not only for parasitoid wasps, but also for other organisms.  相似文献   
Many species of parasitoid wasps produce a greater proportionof sons in small than in large hosts. As described by the host-sizemodel, natural selection is becoming a standard explanationfor the evolution of this phenomenon. We examined a criticalassumption of the host-size model, that host size has a morepositive effect on female than on male reproductive success.In laboratory experiments with the parasitoid wasp Spalangiacameroni, females that developed on larger hosts contained moreeggs at emergence. However, more eggs did not translate intomore offspring, at high or low density and regardless of whethera female had to burrow to reach hosts. The size of host on whicha female developed was also unrelated to her longevity, regardlessof the presence or absence of hosts. The size of host on whicha male developed had no effect on his sperm production or abilityto inseminate females, regardless of whether insemination abilitywas measured by the amount of sperm transferred to a female,by the proportion of a male's mates that produced any daughters,or by the proportion of daughters that a male's mates produced.Thus, despite data on multiple measures of fitness under a rangeof conditions, sex ratio manipulation in response to host sizein S. cameroni does not appear to be adaptive, and another explanationis needed.  相似文献   
During courtship interactions, the courted individual may not always be prepared to mate. For example, mating or courtship may be detrimental to its fitness and resistance is expected under these circumstances. As such, various resistance strategies have evolved, from physically fending off courting individuals to producing behavioural signals of unreceptivity. In the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius, females rarely re-mate and mated females are avoided by males in favour of virgin females. Further, mated females appear to advertise their mating status by the release of a pheromone component (methyl 6-methylsalicylate), but direct evidence of the nature of this release is lacking. Here we used real-time chemical analysis to track the emission of the pheromone component during courtship interactions between virgin males and either virgin or mated females. We found that females actively release methyl 6-methylsalicylate when courted and that significantly greater concentrations are released by previously mated females. Further, high concentrations of this component are associated with both the prevention and termination of courtship.  相似文献   
Sexual size dimorphism in parasitoid wasps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual dimorphism in body length and proportion of overlap between the ranges of body length for males and females were estimated for 361 species of parasitoid wasps from 21 families. In most species, females are generally larger than males, though the range of male and female sizes overlap. Species in the family Ichneumonidae differ significantly from species in other families in three ways: (1) ichneumonids on average are larger, (2) in most species, females are generally smaller than males, and (3) on average, proportion overlap between the ranges of body length for males and females is greater. At present, there is a paucity of life history data on parasitoid wasp species for which size dimorphism is known. Thus it is not clear why ichneumonids differ from species in other families. Possible evolutionary explanations for variation in dimorphism among parasitoid wasp species are discussed.  相似文献   
Pairs of females of the parasitoid waspNasonia vitripennis were videotaped with one or two hosts. The presence of an additional host decreased the number of interactions between females but had no measured effect on the nature of the interactions, i.e., on whether the interaction involved physical contact or occurred while one of the females was parasitizing a host. The number of hosts did not itself affect offspring sex ratios but did influence which other factors were correlated with sex ratio. When there was one host, the proportion of sons was more positively correlated with utilization of previously drilled holes than with female-female interactions, whereas when there were two hosts, the reverse was true. Parasitizing an already parasitized host appeared to affect a female's sex ratio beyond any effects of the physical presence of another female: When two hosts were present, the proportion of sons was greater from hosts parasitized by both females than from hosts parasitized by only one female. The observation that parasitizations in previously drilled holes and female-female interactions are correlated with sex ratios is consistent with previous studies; however, that these relationships are host density dependent is a new result and remains unexplained.  相似文献   
Sex ratio patterns in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis are frequently cited in support of a major group of evolutionary sex ratio models referred to as local mate competition (LMC) models. It has been shown repeatedly that, as predicted by LMC models, females generally oviposit a greater proportion of sons in previously parasitized hosts than in unparasitized hosts. However, this sex ratio pattern is also a prediction of another group of sex ratio models, the host quality models. Here I test a prediction of LMC models that is not also a prediction of host quality models: a female should produce a greater proportion of sons when she parasitizes a host previously parasitized by a conspecific female than when she parasitizes a host previously parasitized by herself. Females made this predicted distinction between self- and conspecifically-parasitized hosts under some conditions. There was no evidence that a female recognizes a self-parasitized host when her exposure to the host is interrupted by exposure to an unparasitized host, or that a female can distinguish between hosts parasitized by sisters versus nonsisters.  相似文献   
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