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Macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy) is an evolutionarily conserved intracellular catabolic transport route that generally allows the lysosomal degradation of cytoplasmic components, including bulk cytosol, protein aggregates, damaged or superfluous organelles and invading microbes. Target structures are sequestered by double‐membrane vesicles called autophagosomes, which are formed through the concerted action of the autophagy (ATG)‐related proteins. Until recently it was assumed that ATG proteins were exclusively involved in autophagy. A growing number of studies, however, have attributed functions to some of them that are distinct from their classical role in autophagosome biogenesis. Autophagy‐independent roles of the ATG proteins include the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and resistance to pathogens. For example, they assist and enhance the turnover of dead cells and microbes upon their phagocytic engulfment, and inhibit murine norovirus replication. Moreover, bone resorption by osteoclasts, innate immune regulation triggered by cytoplasmic DNA and the ER‐associated degradation regulation all have in common the requirement of a subset of ATG proteins. Microorganisms such as coronaviruses, Chlamydia trachomatis or Brucella abortus have even evolved ways to manipulate autophagy‐independent functions of ATG proteins in order to ensure the completion of their intracellular life cycle. Taken together these novel mechanisms add to the repertoire of functions and extend the number of cellular processes involving the ATG proteins.  相似文献   
Classical studies on spore release within the Saprolegniaceae (Oomycetes) led to the proposition that different mechanisms of sporangial emptying represent steps in an evolutionary transition series. We have reevaluated this idea in a phylogenetic framework using internal transcribed spacer sequences of four genera. These data were compared with the response to osmotic stress exhibited by each taxon. Saprolegnia emerges as the most basal genus, sister to Achlya, Thraustotheca, and Dictyuchus. Achlya and Thraustotheca are most closely related, while Dictyuchus appears to have evolved along a separate evolutionary lineage. The resulting phylogenetic framework is consistent with the idea that the mechanism of sporangial emptying exhibited by Saprolegnia represents the plesiomorphic condition from which the other mechanisms were derived independently. These alternative mechanisms of spore release may have resulted from a small number of mutations that inhibited axonemal development and altered the temporal and spatial expression of lytic enzymes that degrade the sporangial wall. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) participate in revascularization and angiogenesis. EPC can be cultured in vitro from mononuclear cells of peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood or bone marrow; they also can be transdifferentiated from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We isolated EPCs from Wharton's jelly (WJ) using two methods. The first method was by obtaining MSC from WJ and characterizing them by flow cytometry and their adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation, then applying endothelial growth differentiating media. The second method was by direct culture of cells derived from WJ into endothelial differentiating media. EPCs were characterized by morphology, Dil-LDL uptake/UEA-1 immunostaining and testing the expression of endothelial markers by flow cytometry and RT-PCR. We found that MSC derived from WJ differentiated into endothelial-like cells using simple culture conditions with endothelium induction agents in the medium.  相似文献   
Esterase 6 (Est-6/EST6) is polymorphic in both Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans for two common allozyme forms, as well as for several other less common variants. Parallel latitudinal clines in the frequencies of the common EST6-F and EST6-S allozymes in these species have previously been interpreted in terms of a shared amino acid polymorphism that distinguishes the two variants and is subject to selection. Here we compare the sequences of four D. simulans Est-6 isolates and show that overall estimates of nucleotide heterozygosity in both coding and 5' flanking regions are more than threefold higher than those obtained previously for this gene in D. melanogaster. Nevertheless, the ratio of replacement to exon silent-site polymorphism in D. simulans is less than the ratio of replacement to silent divergence between D. simulans and D. melanogaster, which could be the result of increased efficiency of selection against replacement polymorphisms in D. simulans or to divergent selection between the two species. We also find that the amino acid polymorphisms separating EST6- F and EST6-S in D. simulans are not the same as those that separate these allozymes in D. melanogaster, implying that the shared clines do not reflect shared molecular targets for selection. All comparisons within and between the two species reveal a remarkable paucity of variation in a stretch of nearly 400 bp immediately 5' of the gene, indicative of strong selective constraint to retain essential aspects of Est-6 promoter function.   相似文献   
IntroductionEarly degenerative changes in the nucleus pulposus (NP) are observed after the disappearance of notochordal cells (NCs). Thus, it has been suggested that NCs play an important role in maintaining the NP and may have a regenerative potential on other cells of the NP. As the number of resident NP cells (NPCs) decreases in a degenerating disc, mesenchymal stromal (stem) cells (MSCs) may be used for cell supplementation. In this study, using cells of one species, the regenerative potential of canine NCs was assessed in long-term three-dimensional coculture with canine NPCs or MSCs.MethodsCanine NCs and canine NPCs or MSCs were cocultured in alginate beads for 28 days under hypoxic and high-osmolarity conditions. Cell viability, cell morphology and DNA content, extracellular matrix production and expression of genes related to NC markers (Brachyury, KRT18) and NP matrix production (ACAN, COL2A1, COL1A1) were assessed after 1, 15 and 28 days of culture.ResultsNCs did not completely maintain their phenotype (morphology, matrix production, gene expression) during 28 days of culture. In cocultures of NPCs and NCs, both extracellular matrix content and anabolic gene expression remained unchanged compared with monoculture groups, whereas cocultures of MSCs and NCs showed increased glycosaminoglycan/DNA. However, the deposition of these proteoglycans was observed near the NCs and not the MSCs. Brachyury expression in the MSC and NC coculture group increased in time. The latter two findings indicate a trophic effect of MSCs on NCs rather than vice versa.ConclusionsNo regenerative potential of canine NCs on canine NPCs or MSCs was observed in this study. However, significant changes in NC phenotype in long-term culture may have resulted in a suboptimal regenerative potential of these NCs. In this respect, NC-conditioned medium may be better than coculture for future studies of the regenerative potential of NCs.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-015-0569-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


We recently described a mini-intein in the PRP8 gene of a strain of the basidiomycete Cryptococcus neoformans, an important fungal pathogen of humans. This was the second described intein in the nuclear genome of any eukaryote; the first nuclear encoded intein was found in the VMA gene of several saccharomycete yeasts. The evolution of eukaryote inteins is not well understood. In this report we describe additional PRP8 inteins (bringing the total of these to over 20). We compare and contrast the phylogenetic distribution and evolutionary history of the PRP8 intein and the saccharomycete VMA intein, in order to derive a broader understanding of eukaryote intein evolution. It has been suggested that eukaryote inteins undergo horizontal transfer and the present analysis explores this proposal.  相似文献   
The human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus has a plethora of virulence factors that promote its colonization and survival in the host. Among such immune modulators are staphylococcal superantigen‐like (SSL) proteins, comprising a family of 14 small, secreted molecules that seem to interfere with the host innate immune system. SSL7 has been described to bind immunoglobulin A (IgA) and complement C5, thereby inhibiting IgA‐FcαRI binding and serum killing of Escherichia coli. As C5a generation, in contrast to C5b‐9‐mediated lysis, is crucial for immune defence against staphylococci, we investigated the impact of SSL7 on staphylococcal‐induced C5a‐mediated effects. Here, we show that SSL7 inhibits C5a generation induced by staphylococcal opsonization, slightly enhanced by its IgA‐binding capacity. Moreover, we demonstrate a strong protective activity of SSL7 against staphylococcal clearance in human whole blood. SSL7 strongly inhibited the C5a‐induced phagocytosis of S. aureus and oxidative burst in an in vitro whole‐blood inflammation model. Furthermore, we found that SSL7 affects all three pathways of complement activation and inhibits the cleavage of C5 by interference of its binding to C5 convertases. Finally, SSL7 effects were also demonstrated in vivo. In a murine model of immune complex peritonitis, SSL7 abrogated the C5a‐driven influx of neutrophils in mouse peritoneum.  相似文献   
In the first 6 months of the H1N1 swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV) pandemic, the vast majority of infections were relatively mild. It has been postulated that mutations in the viral genome could result in more virulent viruses, leading to a more severe pandemic. Mutations E627K and D701N in the PB2 protein have previously been identified as determinants of avian and pandemic influenza virus virulence in mammals. These mutations were absent in S-OIVs detected early in the 2009 pandemic. Here, using reverse genetics, mutations E627K, D701N, and E677G were introduced into the prototype S-OIV A/Netherlands/602/2009, and their effects on virus replication, virulence, and transmission were investigated. Mutations E627K and D701N caused increased reporter gene expression driven by the S-OIV polymerase complex. None of the three mutations affected virus replication in vitro. The mutations had no major impact on virus replication in the respiratory tracts of mice and ferrets or on pathogenesis. All three mutant viruses were transmitted via aerosols or respiratory droplets in ferrets. Thus, the impact of key known virulence markers in PB2 in the context of current S-OIVs was surprisingly small. This study does not exclude the possibility of emergence of S-OIVs with other virulence-associated mutations in the future. We conclude that surveillance studies aimed at detecting S-OIVs with increased virulence or transmission should not rely solely on virulence markers identified in the past but should include detailed characterization of virus phenotypes, guided by genetic signatures of viruses detected in severe cases of disease in humans.The new H1N1 swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV) recently emerged to cause the first influenza pandemic in 40 years (2). The S-OIV presumably emerged from pigs, as its genome was shown to consist of six gene segments of “triple-reassortant” swine viruses and two of “Eurasian lineage” swine viruses (9). The start of the S-OIV pandemic has been relatively mild, with a clinical spectrum ranging from mild upper respiratory tract illness to sporadic cases of severe pneumonia leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (22). As of 15 November 2009, worldwide, more than 206 countries have reported laboratory-confirmed cases of S-OIV infection, including over 6,770 deaths (32).In previous influenza pandemics, such as the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918 and the Hong Kong influenza pandemic of 1968, a first wave of cases of relatively mild illnesses was followed by more severe subsequent waves (29). The reason for this increased severity has remained largely unknown, but one possible explanation could be that the pandemic viruses required further adaptation to the human host, resulting in the emergence of viruses that were more virulent than those of the first wave. Such adaptive changes could occur by gene reassortment between cocirculating influenza A viruses or by mutation.In the past decade, determinants of influenza A virus virulence have been mapped using reverse genetics with a variety of pandemic, epidemic, and zoonotic influenza viruses. Mutations affecting virulence and host range have frequently been mapped to hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) in relation to their interaction with sialic acids, the virus receptors on host cells (11, 18, 30). Nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) has been implicated in the virulence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus H5N1 and the 1918 H1N1 virus, as the NS1 proteins of these viruses were shown to act as strong antagonists of the interferon pathways (10, 25). Furthermore, the polymerase genes, in particular the PB2 gene, have been shown to be important determinants of virulence in the HPAI H5N1 and H7N7 viruses and of transmission in the 1918 H1N1 virus (11, 21, 31). One of the most commonly identified virulence markers to date is E627K in PB2. The glutamic acid (E) residue is found generally in avian influenza viruses, while human viruses have a lysine (K), and this mutation has been described as a determinant of the host range in vitro (28). When avian viruses lacking the E627K substitution were passaged in mice, the viruses acquired the mutation spontaneously upon a single passage (15, 17). In the HPAI H5N1 and H7N7 viruses, E627K was shown to be the prime determinant of pathogenesis in mice (11, 21, 23). Given that all human and many zoonotic influenza viruses of the last century contained 627K (1), it was surprising that the S-OIV had 627E.Additionally, the aspartate (D)-to-asparagine (N) mutation at position 701 of PB2, which was shown to compensate for the absence of E627K, has also not been detected in S-OIV (27). This D701N mutation has previously been shown to expand the host range of avian H5N1 to mice and humans (3, 15) and to increase virus transmission in guinea pigs (27). Thus, S-OIV was the first known human pandemic virus with 627E and 701D, and it has been speculated that S-OIV could mutate into a more virulent form by acquiring one of these mutations, or both.On 8 May 2009, the detection of another mutation in the PB2 gene of S-OIV, an E-to-glycine (G) mutation at position 667, was reported (http://www.promedmail.org/pls/apex/f?p=2400:1000, archive no. 20090508.1722). It has previously been suggested that the E667G substitution in PB2 of HPAI H5N1 virus was under positive selection and possibly played a role in sustainable transmission in humans (14).On 28 September 2009, detection of the E627K mutation in PB2 of S-OIVs of two individuals in the Netherlands was reported (http://www.promedmail.org/pls/apex/f?p=2400:1000, archive no. 20090928.3394) and raised concern about the possible enhanced replication of the S-OIV in humans, possibly associated with increased virulence. To date, the D701N mutation in PB2 has not been reported in any of the S-OIVs sequenced, and additional viruses with mutation E627K have not been recorded, either. In contrast, viruses with E677G have been reported from the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Norway, and France, according to the public sequence databases.Here, the effects of the E627K, D701N, and E677G mutations in the PB2 genes of S-OIVs was investigated using genetically engineered influenza viruses based on a prototype S-OIV, A/Netherlands/602/2009. Polymerase activity was measured in minigenome assays in human 293T cells, virus replication was analyzed in Madin-Darby Canine kidney (MDCK) cells, virulence was tested in mouse and ferret models, and transmission by aerosols or respiratory droplets was tested in ferrets. In contrast to the earlier assumptions based on experience with other influenza A viruses, S-OIVs with E627K, D701N, or E677G in PB2 did not show a marked increase in virulence or transmission compared to the wild-type virus.  相似文献   
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