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Thirteen Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with deviating epicuticular wax layers (i.e., cer mutants) were isolated by screening 13 000 transformed lines produced by the seed transformation method. After crossing the 13 mutants to some of the previously known cer mutant lines, 12 of our mutants mapped to 6 of the 21 known complementation groups (cer1 through cer4 as well as cer6 and cer10), while the other mutant corresponded to a previously unknown locus, cer21. Mutant phenotypes of 6 of the 13 mutant lines were caused by T-DNA insertions within cer genes. We also analyzed the chemical composition of the epicuticular wax layers of the cer mutants isolated in this study relative to that of Arabidopsis wild-type plants. Our results suggest that the five genes we tagged regulate different steps in wax biosynthesis, i.e., the decarbonylation of fatty aldehydes to alkanes, the elongation of hexacosanoic acid to octacosanoic acid, the reduction of fatty aldehydes to primary alcohols and the production of free aldehydes, while an insertion in the fifth gene causes an alteration in the chain length distribution of the different classes of wax compounds.  相似文献   
Posterior Capsular Opacification (PCO) is the capsule fibrosis developed on implanted IntraOcular Lens (IOL) by the de-differentiation of Lens Epithelial Cells (LECs) undergoing Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition (EMT). Literature has shown that the incidence of PCO is multifactorial including the patient''s age or disease, surgical technique, and IOL design and material. Reports comparing hydrophilic and hydrophobic acrylic IOLs have shown that the former has more severe PCO. On the other hand, we have previously demonstrated that the adhesion of LECs is favored on hydrophobic compared to hydrophilic materials. By combining these two facts and contemporary knowledge in PCO development via the EMT pathway, we propose a biomimetically inspired strategy to promote LEC adhesion without de-differentiation to reduce the risk of PCO development. By surface grafting of a cell adhesion molecule (RGD peptide) onto the conventional hydrophilic acrylic IOL material, the surface-functionalized IOL can be used to reconstitute a capsule-LEC-IOL sandwich structure, which has been considered to prevent PCO formation in literature. Our results show that the innovative biomaterial improves LEC adhesion, while also exhibiting similar optical (light transmittance, optical bench) and mechanical (haptic compression force, IOL injection force) properties compared to the starting material. In addition, compared to the hydrophobic IOL material, our bioactive biomaterial exhibits similar abilities in LEC adhesion, morphology maintenance, and EMT biomarker expression, which is the crucial pathway to induce PCO. The in vitro assays suggest that this biomaterial has the potential to reduce the risk factor of PCO development.  相似文献   
Résumé Le présent article a pour but d'analyser les multiples facteurs pouvant perturber l'étude duthermopreferendum de l'Araignée socialeAgelena consociata Denis et d'exposer les résultats obtenus.Pour satisfaire lethigmotactisme très développé de ces Araignées, la boîte servant à cette étude est cloisonnée et sa hauteur est de 1 cm.Un abreuvoir placé dans chaque compartiment maintient une humidité saturante pour compenser le gradient hygrométrique résultant du gradient thermique.L'expérience doit durer plusieurs jours et ne commencer que 24 heures après l'introduction des Araignées: premièrement, parce que cela permet aux Araignées de recouvrir le fond de la boîte d'une nappe de soie, ce qui contribue à les rapprocher de leurs conditions naturelles; deuxièmement, parce que la phase d'activité de ces Araignées est nocturne. Or, il semble que c'est lors de cette phase que les animaux choisissent leurthermopreferendum.Il ne faut pas effectuer plus de trois relevés par jour, sans quoi les Araignées, très sensibles aux perturbations, ont tendance à se diriger vers l'extrémité froide.Lethermopreferendum desAgelena consociata se situe à 22°65±0,10 pour la température de l'air et à 22°89±0,12 par rapport à la température du sol.
Summary This article aims at analysing the various causes which can disturb the study of thethermopreferendum of social SpidersAgelena consociata Denis and aims at explaining the achieved results.In order to satisfy the extremely developedthigmotactisme of these Spiders, the box used for that study has been partitioned off; its height is 1 cm.A small piece of wet cotton-wool placed into each partition maintains a saturated humidity to compensate the hygrometric gradient resulting from the thermic gradient.The experiment must go on during several days and must only begin a day after having put the Spiders into the box: first because the Spiders can cover the bottom with a cobweb, which contributes to create almost natural conditions; secondly because the period of activity of these Spiders takes place at night. As a fact it seems that it is during this period that the Spiders choose theirthermopreferendum.More than three readings a day must not be performed because otherwise the Spiders, wich are very sensitive to disturbances, are inclined to go towards the cold end of the box.Thethermopreferendum of theAgelena consociata takes place at 22°65 C±0,10 C as for the temperature of the air and at 22°89 C±0,12 C as for the temperature of the ground.
A light-weight nonmagnetic, nonconductive instrument has been devised for use with magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography, and digital subtraction imaging for work in the field of epilepsy, brain tumors and vascular lesions. The apparatus' main characteristic is its ability to use optionally either the lateral orthogonal or the spherical-radial approach.  相似文献   
Congenital amusia is a neurogenetic disorder of music processing that is currently ascribed to a deficit in pitch processing. A recent study challenges this view and claims the disorder might arise as a consequence of a general spatial-processing deficit. Here, we assessed spatial processing abilities in two independent samples of individuals with congenital amusia by using line bisection tasks (Experiment 1) and a mental rotation task (Experiment 2). Both amusics and controls showed the classical spatial effects on bisection performance and on mental rotation performance, and amusics and controls did not differ from each other. These results indicate that the neurocognitive impairment of congenital amusia does not affect the processing of space.  相似文献   
The effect of dibutyryl cyclic AMP and theophylline on lipoprotein lipase secretion was investigated after a 24 h pretreatment of human monocyte-derived macrophages. Both the effectors decreased in a dose-dependent manner the enzyme activity recovered in the culture medium. The decrease in lipoprotein lipase activity appeared to be related to reduced enzyme synthesis without apparent modification of its stability and half-life and was conversely associated with an increase of lysosomal acid hydrolase activities. This effect was reversible on removal of the nucleotide. The present findings suggest that cyclic AMP may play a role in lipoprotein lipase expression in human macrophages and therefore may participate in the regulation of lipoprotein uptake by these cells, which are strongly implicated in the atherogenic process.  相似文献   
The expression of a calcium-activated chloride current (ICl(Ca)) was studied during the development of the sensory neurons of quail trigeminal ganglia. This current is expressed in 20% of the neurons by the 5th day of embryonic development; it can be found in nearly all neurons by the 7th day and subsequently disappears in half of them. Similar results were obtained with dorsal root ganglion neurons. The disappearance of ICl(Ca) in part of the sensory neurons during development is not due to a selective death of the neurons possessing this current and our results suggest that it is mediated by an interaction of the sensory neurons with their target tissue.  相似文献   
We present a new examination of the EPR redox titration data for the tetraheme cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki. Our analysis includes the contribution of the interaction potentials between the four redox sites and is based on the model previously developed for the study of cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Norway. We observed, as for D. desulfuricans Norway cytochrome c3, that the conformation of the heme with the lowest redox potential, heme 4, is sensitive to the redox state of the heme with the highest potential, heme 1. However in D. vulgaris Miyazaki cytochrome c3 spectral simulations show that heme 4 is present in two conformational states which interconvert partially when heme 1 is reduced. The sets of redox parameters which satisfy the fitting procedure of the titration curves are in the following domain: -250 mV less than or equal to e41 less than or equal to -220 mV, -325 mV less than or equal to e2 less than or equal to -320 mV, -335 mV less than or equal to e3 less than or equal to -330 mV, -360 mV less than or equal to e4 less than or equal to -355 mV, -5 mV less than or equal to I12 less than or equal to 20 mV, -10 mV less than or equal to I13 less than or equal to 5 mV, -15 mV less than or equal to I23 less than or equal to -5 mV, -15 mV less than or equal to I24 less than or equal to -10 mV, -25 mV, less than or equal to I34 less than or equal to -15 mV. As in D. desulfuricans Norway cytochrome c3 the interactions are moderate. Simple electrostatic considerations suggest that these moderate values could be related to the large accessibility of the hemes to the solvent. Our work does not confirm the existence of a cooperative interaction between heme 2 and heme 3 which has been proposed on the basis of electrochemical measurements.  相似文献   
Summary A high-resolution replication banding technique, dynamic GBG banding (G-bands after 5-bromodeoxyuridine [BrdUrd] and Giemsa), showed that, at a resolution of 850 bands/genome, GBG banding and GTG banding (G-bands after trypsin and Giemsa) produce almost identical patterns. RBG band (R-bands after BrdUrd and Giemsa) and RHG band (R-bands after heat denaturation and Giemsa) patterns were previously shown to be only 75%–85% coincident; thus GTG banding more accurately reflects replication patterns than does RHG banding. BrdUrd synchronization uses high concentrations of BrdUrd both to substitute early replicating DNA and to arrest cells before the late bands replicate. Release from the block is via a low thymidine concentration. The banding is revealed by the fluorochrome-photolysis-Giemsa (FPG) technique and produces the GBG banding that includes concomitant staining of constitutive heterochromatin. As opposed to other replication G-banding procedures, BrdUrd synchronization and GBG banding produces a reproducible replication band pattern. The discordance between homologs after GBG banding is similar to that after GTG banding and no lateral asymmetry of the constitutive heterochromatin has been observed. Also, BrdUrd synchronization neither significantly depresses the mitotic index, nor induces chromosome breaks. Thus, GBG banding seems as clinically useful as GTG banding and provides important information regarding replication time.  相似文献   
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