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Inadequate rates (IR) in FNAC from different sources were compared. The rates were lowest when FNAC was performed by a cytopathologist (12%) and highest when done by a non-cytopathologist (32%). These differences were mirrored in high IRs in breast cancer cases. IR was not significantly improved when non-cytopathologist FNAC was attended by a cytotechnician.  相似文献   
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a technique used to measure the interaction between two molecules labeled with two different fluorophores (the donor and the acceptor) by the transfer of energy from the excited donor to the acceptor. In biological applications, this technique has become popular to qualitatively map protein-protein interactions, and in biophysical projects it is used as a quantitative measure for distances between a single donor and acceptor molecule. Numerous approaches can be found in the literature to quantify and map FRET, but the measures they provide are often difficult to interpret. We propose here a quantitative comparison of these methods by using a surface FRET system with controlled amounts of donor and acceptor fluorophores and controlled distances between them. We support the system with a Monte Carlo simulation of FRET, which provides reference values for the FRET efficiency under various experimental conditions. We validate a representative set of FRET efficiencies and indices calculated from the different methods with different experimental settings. Finally, we test their sensitivity and draw conclusions for the preparation of FRET experiments in more complex and less-controlled systems.  相似文献   
Lobose amoebae are abundant free-living protists and important pathogenic agents, yet their evolutionary history and position in the universal tree of life are poorly known. Molecular data for lobose amoebae are limited to a few species, and all phylogenetic studies published so far lacked representatives of many of their taxonomic groups. Here we analyze actin and small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene sequences of a broad taxon sampling of naked, lobose amoebae. Our results support the existence of a monophyletic Amoebozoa clade, which comprises all lobose amoebae examined so far, the amitochondriate pelobionts and entamoebids, and the slime molds. Both actin and SSU rRNA phylogenies distinguish two well-defined clades of amoebae, the "Gymnamoebia sensu stricto" and the Archamoebae (pelobionts + entamoebids), and one weakly supported and ill-resolved group comprising some naked, lobose amoebae and the Mycetozoa.  相似文献   


Activation by extracellular ligands of G protein-coupled (GPCRs) and tyrosine kinase receptors (RTKs), results in the generation of second messengers that in turn control specific cell functions. Further, modulation/amplification or inhibition of the initial signalling events, depend on the recruitment onto the plasma membrane of soluble protein effectors. High throughput methodologies to monitor quantitatively second messenger production, have been developed over the last years and are largely used to screen chemical libraries for drug development. On the contrary, no such high throughput methods are yet available for the other aspect of GPCRs regulation, i.e. protein translocation to the plasma membrane, despite the enormous interest of this phenomenon for the modulation of receptor downstream functions. Indeed, to date, the experimental procedures available are either inadequate or complex and expensive.


Here we describe the development of a novel conceptual approach to the study of cytosolic proteins translocation to the inner surface of the plasma membrane. The basis of the technique consists in: i) generating chimeras between the protein of interests and the calcium (Ca2+)-sensitive, luminescent photo-protein, aequorin and ii) taking advantage of the large Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+] difference between bulk cytosolic and the sub-plasma membrane rim.


This approach, that keeps unaffected the translocation properties of the signalling protein, can in principle be applied to any protein that, upon activation, moves from the cytosol to the plasma membrane. Thus, not only the modulation of GPCRs and RTKs can be investigated in this way, but that of all other proteins that can be recruited to the plasma membrane also independently of receptor activation. Moreover, its automated version, which can provide information about the kinetics and concentration-dependence of the process, is also applicable to high throughput screening of drugs affecting the translocation process.  相似文献   


The ciliary body is the circumferential muscular tissue located just behind the iris in the anterior chamber of the eye. It plays a pivotal role in the production of aqueous humor, maintenance of the lens zonules and accommodation by changing the shape of the crystalline lens. The ciliary body is the major target of drugs against glaucoma as its inhibition leads to a drop in intraocular pressure. A molecular study of the ciliary body could provide a better understanding about the pathophysiological processes that occur in glaucoma. Thus far, no large-scale proteomic investigation has been reported for the human ciliary body.


In this study, we have carried out an in-depth LC-MS/MS-based proteomic analysis of normal human ciliary body and have identified 2,815 proteins. We identified a number of proteins that were previously not described in the ciliary body including importin 5 (IPO5), atlastin-2 (ATL2), B-cell receptor associated protein 29 (BCAP29), basigin (BSG), calpain-1 (CAPN1), copine 6 (CPNE6), fibulin 1 (FBLN1) and galectin 1 (LGALS1). We compared the plasma proteome with the ciliary body proteome and found that the large majority of proteins in the ciliary body were also detectable in the plasma while 896 proteins were unique to the ciliary body. We also classified proteins using pathway enrichment analysis and found most of proteins associated with ubiquitin pathway, EIF2 signaling, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis.


More than 95% of the identified proteins have not been previously described in the ciliary body proteome. This is the largest catalogue of proteins reported thus far in the ciliary body that should provide new insights into our understanding of the factors involved in maintaining the secretion of aqueous humor. The identification of these proteins will aid in understanding various eye diseases of the anterior segment such as glaucoma and presbyopia.  相似文献   
The Myxogastria are common soil microorganisms with a life cycle comprised of a plasmodial trophic stage and large fruiting bodies generally visible with the unaided eye. Until now, their classification has been based exclusively on a combination of morphological, ultrastructural, and developmental characters. Our study is the first attempt to examine phylogenetic relationships among these taxa using molecular data. Partial small-subunit ribosomal RNA and/or elongation factor 1-alpha gene sequences were obtained from eleven, mostly field-collected species representing the five orders of Myxogastria. Nineteen sequences were obtained and subjected to phylogenetic analysis together with 10 sequences available from GenBank. Separate and combined analyses of the two data sets support the division of Myxogastria into three distinct groups. The most basal clade consists of the Echinosteliales, an order considered to have affinities with Protostelia. The three species examined possess unpigmented or slightly pigmented spores. The second group consists of Liceales and Trichiales, taxa characterized by the presence of clear, but pigmented, spores. The third group consists of the two remaining orders, Physarales and Stemonitales, both possessing dark spores. This suggests that spore pigmentation is an evolutionarily conservative character in myxogastrians, and that the simple morphology of echinostelids is not a derived feature.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to develop an integrated solution to DNA hybridisation monitoring for diagnostics on a monolithic silicon platform. A fabrication process was developed incorporating a gold initiation electrode patterned directly onto a PIN photodiode detector. Patterned interdigitated type electrodes exhibited the smallest reduction in photodiode sensitivity, therefore these were chosen as the ECL initiator design. A novel DNA hybridisation assay was developed based on the displacement of a partially mismatched complementary strand by a perfectly matched labelled complementary strand. Pre-hybridised thiolated oligonucleotide and unlabelled 25% mismatched oligonucleotide were assembled on the gold initiation electrode. On addition of the labelled perfectly complementary oligonucleotide, the mismatched strands were displaced and a signal was generated. The sensitivity of the photodiode to light emitted at 620 nm, the ruthenium emission wavelength, was determined and subsequently, the diode current response to light generated by flow addition of ruthenium solution was found to be measurable to a concentration of 10 fM. Pre-hybridised duplex DNA, consisting of thiolated oligonucleotide and ruthenium labelled complementary oligonucleotide, was assembled on the gold initiation electrode. The difference between the current measured during flow of buffer and the ECL co-reactant TPA was three orders of magnitude, indicating that DNA assembled on the surface comprised sufficient ruthenium to generate a measurable signal. Finally, the displacement of unlabelled partial mismatch oligonucleotide from the sensor surface was monitored on addition of the ruthenium labelled perfectly complementary oligonucleotide in TPA flow and the measured photodiode current response was up to 50 times greater.  相似文献   
The predicted gene models derived from the sea urchin genome were compared to the gene catalogs derived from other completed genomes. The models were categorized by their best match to conserved protein domains. Identification of potential orthologs and assignment of sea urchin gene models to groups of homologous genes was accomplished by BLAST alignment and through the use of a clustering algorithm. For the first time, an overview of the sea urchin genetic toolkit emerges and by extension a more precise view of the features shared among the gene catalogs that characterize the super-clades of animals: metazoans, bilaterians, chordate and non-chordate deuterostomes, ecdysozoan and lophotrochozoan protostomes. About one third of the 40 most prevalent domains in the sea urchin gene models are not as abundant in the other genomes and thus constitute expansions that are specific at least to sea urchins if not to all echinoderms. A number of homologous groups of genes previously restricted to vertebrates have sea urchin representatives thus expanding the deuterostome complement. Obversely, the absence of representatives in the sea urchin confirms a number of chordate specific inventions. The specific complement of genes in the sea urchin genome results largely from minor expansions and contractions of existing families already found in the common metazoan "toolkit" of genes. However, several striking expansions shed light on how the sea urchin lives and develops.  相似文献   
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