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Abundance and composition of the near-bottom zooplankton between 10 and 100 metres above the bottom (mab) were studied in the Levantine Basin, eastern Mediterranean, during four cruises of RV Meteor in June 1993, January 1998, April/May 1999 and October 2001. Copepoda made up 91% of all zooplankton caught. A strong dominance of one single species was observed on all cruises, with Lucicutia longiserrata reaching 50–90% of all Copepoda except in 1993, when Subeucalanus monachus was the most abundant species, with more than 90% of all Copepoda. The year 1993 was also exceptional in terms of total zooplankton abundance, being more than one order of magnitude higher than in the other years. Vertical differences in abundance and composition were small and did not indicate a near-bottom effect or a specialized benthopelagic zooplankton community in the layers sampled.  相似文献   
G. Renner 《Life sciences》1983,33(14):1427-1431
Studies on the biotransformation of N-acetyl-S-(pentachlorophenyl) cysteine, a mutual polar metabolite of the lipophilic fungicides pentachloronitrobenzene and hexachlorobenzene, showed metabolic conversions in rats. The rate of its metabolism, leading in return to more lipophilic and toxic products (1) was investigated by determination of pentachlorothioanisole, its major metabolite in blood and liver of rats. The metabolic rate was found to be very small.  相似文献   
Acetobacter acetii DSMZ3508 and related bacteria converted 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol into 3-hydroxypivalic acid (2,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid; 3HP) during submerged cultivation in mineral salt medium. The maximum yield of 3-hydroxypivalic acid was 24.4% of the fed substrate after 18 days. Cultivation parameters, as pH, cell density, optimal substrate concentration, and oxygen supply for the bioconversion process were determined.  相似文献   
The nature of the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) was investigated in rat liver homogenate and microsomes. A 6-fold rise of T3 and 2.5-fold rise of rT3 levels determined by specific radioimmunoassays was observed over 6 h after the addition of T4. An enzymic process is suggested that converts T4 to T3 and rT3. For T3 the optimal pH is 6 and for rT3, 9.5. The converting activity for both T3 and rT3 is temperature dependent and can be suppressed by heat, H2O2, merthiolate and by 5-propyl-2-thiouracil. rT3 and to a lesser degree iodide, were able to inhibit the production of T3 in a dose related fashion. Therefore the pH dependendy, rT3 and iodide may regulate the availability of T3 or rT3 depending on the metabolic requirements of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   
Summary Renal brush border membrane vesicles (bbmv) from the aglomerular toadfish (Opsanus tau), isolated by differential precipitation, were tested for their ability to actively translocate (i) taurine, known to be secreted by the kidney of several marine teleosts, and (ii)l-alanine,l-glutamic acid, andd-glucose, solutes that are normally reabsorbed in the filtering nephron. Vesicular taurine uptake displayed a Na+ dependence. Transport was greatest under conditions of an inward-directed Na+ gradient, but a significant stimulation by Na+ over K+ could also be observed in the absence of a salt gradient. At high extravesicular K+, the addition of valinomycin reduced taurine uptake. Na+-dependent3H-taurine flux was almost completely inhibited by non-labeled taurine (tracer replacement) or -alanine, but was unaffected byl-alanine. Replacement of medium chloride by SCN or NO 3 in the presence of Na+ resulted in significantly lower uptake rates under both anion gradient and anion equilibrium conditions, whereas Br could almost fully substitute for the stimulatory Cl action. These results indicate the presence of an electrogenic Na+-cotransport mechanism with specificity for -amino acids in the toadfish renal brush border. Whether the system under physiological conditions mediates reabsorption or secretion of taurine remains to be determined. Toadfish bbmv also translocatedl-alanine andl-glutamic acid in a Na+-dependent manner. Possible roles for these most likely reabsorptive transport systems in a non-filtering kidney are discussed.d-glucose uptake, however, appeared to occur via Na+-independent pathways, since it was not affected by phlorizin in the presence of Na+, or by Na+ replacement.Abbreviation bbmv brush border membrane vesicles  相似文献   
Summary Taste discs were dissected from the tongue ofR. ridibunda and their cells dissociated by a collagenase/low Ca/mechanical agitation protocol. The resulting cell suspension contained globular epithelial cells and, in smaller number, taste receptor cells. These were identified by staining properties and by their preserved apical process, the tip of which often remained attached to an epithelial (associated) cell. When the patch pipette contained 110mm KCl and the cells were superfused with NaCl Ringer's during whole-cell recording, the mean zero-current potential of 22 taste receptor cells was –65.2 mV and the slope resistance 150 to 750 M. Pulse-depolarization from a holding voltage of –80 mV activated a transient TTX-blockable inward Na current. Activation became noticeable at –25 mV and was half-maximal at –8 mV. Steady-state inactivation was half-maximal at –67 mV and complete at –50 mV. Peak Na current averaged –0.5 nA/cell. The Ca-ionophore A23187 shifted the activation and inactivation curve to more negative voltages. Similar shifts occurred when the pipette Ca was raised. External Ni (5mm) shifted the activation curve towards positive voltages by 10 mV. Pulse depolarization also activated outward K currents. Activation was slower than that of Na current and inactivation slower still. External TEA (7.5mm) and 4-aminopyridine (1mm) did not block, but 5mm Ba blocked the K currents. K-tail currents were seen on termination of depolarizing voltage pulses. A23187 shifted theI K(V)-curve to more negative voltages. Action potentials were recorded when passing pulses of depolarizing outward current. Of the frog gustatory stimulants, 10mm Ca caused a reversible 5-to 10-mV depolarization in the current-clamp mode. Quinine (0.1mm, bitter) produced a reversible depolarization accompanied by a full block of Na current and, with slower time-course, a partial block of K currents. Cyclic AMP (5mm in the external solution or 0.5 m in the pipette) caused reversible depolarization (to –40 to –20 mV) due to partial blockage of K currents, but only if ATP was added to the pipette solution. Similar responses were elicited by stimulating the adenylate cyclase with forskolin. Blockage of cAMP-phosphodiesterase enhanced the response to cAMP. These results suggest that cAMP may be one of the cytosolic messengers in taste receptor cells. Replacement of ATP by AMP-PNP in the pipette abolished the depolarizing response to cAMP. Inclusion of ATP--S in the pipette caused slow depolarization to –40 to –20 mV, due to partial blockage of K currents. Subsequently, cAMP was without effect. The remaining K currents were blockable by Ba. These results suggest that cAMP initiates phosphorylation of one set of K channels to a nonconducting conformation.  相似文献   
Photoautotrophic cell suspension cultures of Chenopodium rubrumrequire high concentrations of nitrate and ammonium. Duringthe growth phase total NH4+ and the greater portion of NH3were consumed. During the stationary phase nitrate uptake continuedbut at a substantially smaller rate than during the growth phase.During growth the bulk of the absorbed N was incorporated intoprotein, the amount of which was then maintained constant untilsenescence. NH3 was accumulated upon transition betweenthe growth and the stationary phase. NH3, like the freeamino acids, was deposited in the vacuole but, unlike thesecompounds, could not be remobilized upon transfer of the cellsinto N-free medium. Readdition of NH4+ to the medium, however,resulted in a mobilization of the vacuolar NH3-pool.Reutilization of both vacuolar N-storage pools must have beenaccomplished by recycling from the vacuole to the cytoplasmbecause N-metabolizing enzymes could not be detected in isolatedvacuoles. Transfer of the cells of the stationary phase intomedium containing NH3 and NH4+ resulted in an inductionof nitrate uptake by the cells, but only after a lag phase of4–5 days. It is conceivable that NH4+ induces NH3-translocatingsystems in the plasmalemma and in the tonoplast. (Received December 19, 1988; Accepted March 2, 1989)  相似文献   
Summary Chromatin fractions from Friend erythroleukemia cells after induction of differentiation by dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) were compared in their biochemical characteristics to fractions from uninduced cells. Fractions were prepared by extracting chromatin from nuclei after mild micrococcal nuclease treatment with increasing concentrations of NaCl according to Sanders [1]. This procedure has been found to release chromatin containing hyperacetylated histones preferentially [2]. The fractions obtained by this procedure were analysed in respect to the amount of chromatin released, the amount of histone H1, the degree of acetylation of histone H4, the presence of non-histone proteins and the concentration of transcribed and non-transcribed sequences. It was found that the fractions differ in the amount of histone H1 present, in several non-histone proteins and in the acetylation of histonie H4, regardless whether induced or uninduced cells were analysed. The distribution of transcribed sequences versus non-transcribed sequences among the fractions was the same, demonstrating that this fractionation procedure, although leading to fractions with biochemical differences, is not able to discriminate functional states of chromatin and that the biochemical characteristics of the fractions may be common to both, active as well as inactive states of chromatin.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Marokko fällt die südliche Verbreitungsgrenze des Weidensperlings wahrscheinlich mit dem Nordrand des Antiatlas zusammen. Aus den Oasen der ehemaligen Spanischen Sahara liegen keine Beobachtungen vor. Aus dem Raum Oujda sind die östlichsten Populationen, die ständig zwischen Marokko und Algerien migrieren, bekannt. Landnutzung und Klima prägen entscheidend die Dispersion des Weidensperlings. Als euryöke Art ist er in der Lage, das reichhaltige Angebot an Schlaf- und Brutplätzen sowie an Nahrung und Wasser in den ackerbaulichen Nutzflächen zu verwerten. Auffallend ist, daß die Hauptverbreitungszonen mit den großen ackerbaulichen Nutzflächen zusammenfallen. Während die agrarischen Nutzflächen sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Zuge der Modernisierung der Landwirtschaft rapide änderten, und das erklärte Ziel für das Jahr 2000 in einer bewässerten Fläche von einer Million Hektar besteht, gingen die ursprünglichen Habitate des Weidensperlings, wie die Bereiche der mauretanischen Wüstensteppengebiete, drastisch zurück. Ferner konnte im Raum Marrakech eine Abnahme der Niederschläge beobachtet werden, die das für die Weidensperlinge verfügbare Nahrungsangebot entscheidend beeinflußt und somit die Populationsdynamik steuert.
On the distribution of the Spanish Sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis) in Morocco
Summary In Morocco, the southernmost border of the distribution of the Spanish Sparrow coincides probably with the North-Antiatlas. From the oasis of the former Spanish Sahara don't exist any observations. In the region of Oujda the easternmost populations are found which are migrating permanently between Morocco and Algeria. The euryoecous species is able to use a high variability of different roosts, breeding sites, resources of food and water in the agricultural areas. A high overlap of the main distribution areas with the large agricultural regions is obvious. While the cultivated areas have been changed heavily during the modernisation periode of the Moroccan agriculture the original habitats of the Spanish Sparrow (i. e. the parts in the Mauretanian desert-steppe regions) disappeared dramatically. The goal of the year 2000 lies in an irrigated scheme of 1.000.000 ha. Moreover, a decrease of the precipitation in the region of Marrakech was observed, which has a great influence on the food available for the species and which therefore controls the population dynamics.
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