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Acetobacter acetii DSMZ3508 and related bacteria converted 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol into 3-hydroxypivalic acid (2,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypropionic acid; 3HP) during submerged cultivation in mineral salt medium. The maximum yield of 3-hydroxypivalic acid was 24.4% of the fed substrate after 18 days. Cultivation parameters, as pH, cell density, optimal substrate concentration, and oxygen supply for the bioconversion process were determined.  相似文献   
The nature of the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) was investigated in rat liver homogenate and microsomes. A 6-fold rise of T3 and 2.5-fold rise of rT3 levels determined by specific radioimmunoassays was observed over 6 h after the addition of T4. An enzymic process is suggested that converts T4 to T3 and rT3. For T3 the optimal pH is 6 and for rT3, 9.5. The converting activity for both T3 and rT3 is temperature dependent and can be suppressed by heat, H2O2, merthiolate and by 5-propyl-2-thiouracil. rT3 and to a lesser degree iodide, were able to inhibit the production of T3 in a dose related fashion. Therefore the pH dependendy, rT3 and iodide may regulate the availability of T3 or rT3 depending on the metabolic requirements of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Marokko fällt die südliche Verbreitungsgrenze des Weidensperlings wahrscheinlich mit dem Nordrand des Antiatlas zusammen. Aus den Oasen der ehemaligen Spanischen Sahara liegen keine Beobachtungen vor. Aus dem Raum Oujda sind die östlichsten Populationen, die ständig zwischen Marokko und Algerien migrieren, bekannt. Landnutzung und Klima prägen entscheidend die Dispersion des Weidensperlings. Als euryöke Art ist er in der Lage, das reichhaltige Angebot an Schlaf- und Brutplätzen sowie an Nahrung und Wasser in den ackerbaulichen Nutzflächen zu verwerten. Auffallend ist, daß die Hauptverbreitungszonen mit den großen ackerbaulichen Nutzflächen zusammenfallen. Während die agrarischen Nutzflächen sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Zuge der Modernisierung der Landwirtschaft rapide änderten, und das erklärte Ziel für das Jahr 2000 in einer bewässerten Fläche von einer Million Hektar besteht, gingen die ursprünglichen Habitate des Weidensperlings, wie die Bereiche der mauretanischen Wüstensteppengebiete, drastisch zurück. Ferner konnte im Raum Marrakech eine Abnahme der Niederschläge beobachtet werden, die das für die Weidensperlinge verfügbare Nahrungsangebot entscheidend beeinflußt und somit die Populationsdynamik steuert.
On the distribution of the Spanish Sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis) in Morocco
Summary In Morocco, the southernmost border of the distribution of the Spanish Sparrow coincides probably with the North-Antiatlas. From the oasis of the former Spanish Sahara don't exist any observations. In the region of Oujda the easternmost populations are found which are migrating permanently between Morocco and Algeria. The euryoecous species is able to use a high variability of different roosts, breeding sites, resources of food and water in the agricultural areas. A high overlap of the main distribution areas with the large agricultural regions is obvious. While the cultivated areas have been changed heavily during the modernisation periode of the Moroccan agriculture the original habitats of the Spanish Sparrow (i. e. the parts in the Mauretanian desert-steppe regions) disappeared dramatically. The goal of the year 2000 lies in an irrigated scheme of 1.000.000 ha. Moreover, a decrease of the precipitation in the region of Marrakech was observed, which has a great influence on the food available for the species and which therefore controls the population dynamics.
The location of the circadian pacemakers of the orthopteran Hemideina thoracica (White) has been investigated through observation of the effects of surgical removal of brain tissues (principally optic lobes and tracts) on free-running and entrained locomotor rhythms. Bilobectomy and severance of optic tracts invariably resulted in arrhythmicity, whereas rhythmicity was sustained following unilateral lobectomy, generally with increases in the free-running period (FRP) and decreases in both the active-phase lengths and activity-to-rest ratios of the rhythm. Bilobectomized subjects could be entrained by temperature cycles, but exhibited no transients or residual rhythmicity, indicating that temperature brought about a direct response or masking effect. These results support the hypothesis that the circadian locomotor pacemakers of Hemideina are located within each optic lobe, and that there are no extraoptic centers for the control of the timing of locomotor activity. Although confirmation of the pacemaker role of the optic lobes requires transplantation of the tissues, the conclusion may be drawn by inference from other studies (e.g., Leucophaea maderae--Page, 1983; Gryllus bimaculatus--Tomioka and Chiba, 1986). Light entrainment continued after surgical binding and blackening of the compound eyes and ocelli, supporting the view that direct illumination of neural tissue through the cuticle may be one possible pathway for light entrainment.  相似文献   
Summary Olfactory receptor cells were isolated from the nasal mucosa ofRana esculenta and patch clamped. Best results were obtained with free-floating cells showing ciliary movement. 1)On-cell mode: Current records were obtained for up to 50 min. Under control conditions they showed only occasional action potentials. The odorants cineole, amyl acetate and isobutyl methoxypyrazine were applied in saline by prolonged superfusion. At 500 nanomolar they elicited periodic bursts of current transients arising from cellular action potentials. The response was rapidly, fully and reversibly blocked by 50 m amiloride added to the odorant solution. With 10 m amiloride, the response to odorants was only partially abolished. 2)Whole-cell mode: Following breakage of the patch, the odorant response was lost within 5 to 15 min. Prior to this, odorants evoked a series of slow transient depolarizations (0.1/sec, 45 mV peak to peak) which reached threshold and thus elicited the periodic discharge of action potentials. These slow depolarizing waves were reversibly blocked by amiloride, which stabilized the membrane voltage between –80 and –90 mV. We conclude that amiloride inhibits chemosensory transduction of olfactory receptor cells, probably by blocking inward current pathways which open in response to odorants.  相似文献   
The protonmotive force in several sulfate-reducing bacteria has been determined by means of radiolabelled membrane-permeant probes (tetraphenyl-phosphonium cation, TPP+, for , and benzoate for pH). In six of ten freshwater strains tested only the pH gradient could be determine, while the membrane potential was not accessible due to nonspecific binding of TPP+. The protonmotive force of the other four strains was between –110 and –155 mV, composed of a membrane potential of –80 to –140 mV and a pH gradient between 0.25 and 0.8 (inside alkaline) at pHout=7. In Desulfobulbus propionicus the pH gradient decreased with rising external pH values. This decrease, however, was compensated by an increasing membrane potential. Sulfate, which can be highly accumulated by the cells, did not affect the protonmotive force, if added in concentrations of up to 4 mM. The highest sulfate accumulation observed (2500-fold), which occurred at external sulfate concentrations below 5 M, could be explained by a symport of three protons per sulfate, if equilibrium with the protonmotive force was assumed. At higher sulfate concentrations the accumulation decreased and suggested an electroneutral symport of two protons per sulfate. At sulfate concentrations above 500 M, the cells stopped sulfate uptake before reaching an equilibrium with the protonmotive force.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - MOPS morpholinopropanesulfonic acid - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium cation - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - pH transmembrane pH gradient (pHin-pHout) - transmembrane electrical potential difference  相似文献   
Summary The conversion of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol (PD) by Clostridium butyricum DSM 5431 was studied in anaerobic culture. Growth and product formation were optimal at pH = 7.0 and T = 35° C, while aeration rate and stirrer speed were found to have no significant influence. As increasing amounts of initial glycerol led to inhibition of growth, cultivations were done in fed-batch operation. Comparative cultivations were carried out in an air-lift (ALR) and a stirred-tank reactor (STR) having equal working volumes (V L = 30 l) and no difference in product formation was found. The process was scaled up to reactor sizes of 1.2 m3 (ALR) and 2.0 m3 (STR). The same results were obtained irrespective of reactor volume as well as reactor type (STR/ALR). PD concentrations of approximately 50–58 g·l–1 and overall productivities of 2.3–2.9 g·l–1 ·h–1 could be reached. Offprint requests to: W.-D. Deckwer  相似文献   
Summary The formation and localization of the -lactamase of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus CCM 5593 is strongly affected by cultivation and induction conditions. Optimal parameters for enzyme yield are cultivation on minimal salts medium with acetate (10 g·1–1) as carbon source and addition of yeast extract (5–10 g·l–1), induction by cefotaxime (50g·ml–1) immediately after inoculation and growth for 24 h at 25° C. The strain forms a basal level of -lactamase constitutively [70 units (U)·g–1]. Nearly all of this was found to be cell-bound. However, -lactamase activity additionally produced after induction (up to 500 U·g–1 wet bacteria) was located in the culture medium (up to 96%). This unusual localization is a special feature of A. calcoaceticus and is not attributed to cell lysis. Offprint requests to: P. Borneleit  相似文献   
Summary The carpenter beesXylocopa varipuncta maintain thoracic temperatures of 33.0°C to 46.5°C during continuous free flight from 12°C to 40°C. Since the thoracic temperature excess is not constant (decreasing from 24°C at low air temperatures to 6°C at high) the bees are thermoregulating. We document physiological transfer of relatively large amounts of heat to the abdomen and to the head during pre-flight warm-up and during artificial thoracic heating. Most of the temperature increase of the head is due to passive conduction, while that of the abdomen is due to active physiological heat transfer despite a series of convolutions of the aorta in the petiole that anatomically conform to a counter-current heat exchanger. Although the thermoregulatory mechanisms during flight are far from clarified, our data suggest that thermoregulation involves a strong reliance on active convective cooling through increased flight speed.  相似文献   
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