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We have previously partially purified the basolateral Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter from rabbit renal cortex and this resulted in a 400-fold purification, and an SDS-PAGE analysis showed an enhancement of a protein band with a MW of approximately 56 kDa. We developed polyclonal antibodies against the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter by immunizing Dutch-belted rabbits with a partially purified protein fraction enriched in cotransporter activity. Western blot analysis of renal cortical basolateral membranes and of solubilized basolateral membrane proteins showed that the antibodies recognized a protein with a MW of approximately 56 kDa. The specificity of the purified antibodies against the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter was tested by immunoprecipitation. Solubilized basolateral membrane proteins enriched in Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter activity were incubated with the purified antibody or with the preimmune IgG and then reconstituted in proteoliposomes. The purified antibody fraction caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter activity, while the preimmune IgG failed to elicit any change. The inhibitory effect of the antibody was of the same magnitude whether it was added prior to (inside) or after (outside) reconstitution in proteoliposomes. In the presence of the substrates (NaHCO3 or Na2CO3) for the cotransporter, the inhibitory effect of the antibody on cotransporter activity was significantly blunted as compared with the inhibition observed in the absence of substrates. Western blot analysis of rabbit kidneys showed that the antibodies recognized strongly a 56 kDa protein band in microsomes of the inner stripe of outer medulla and inner medulla, but not in the outer stripe of outer medulla. A 56 kDa protein band was recognized in microsomes of the stomach, liver, esophagus, and small intestine but was not detected in red blood cell membranes. Localization of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter protein by immunogold technique revealed specific labeling of the cotransporter on the basolateral membranes of the proximal tubules, but not in the brush border membranes. These results demonstrate that the polyclonal antibodies against the 56 kDa basolateral protein inhibit the activity of the Na+/HCO 3 cotransporter suggesting that the 56 kDa protein represents the cotransporter or a component thereof. These antibodies interact at or near the substrate binding sites. The Na+/HCO cotransporter protein is expressed in different regions of the kidneys and in other tissues. Received: 27 January 1996/Revised: 23 July 1996  相似文献   
This paper reports a case of XY gonadal dysgenesis in two sisters. Both patients presented an eunochoid female phenotype with normal external genitalia. At laparotomy, the elder sister was found to have bilateral gonadoblastoma. Cytogenetic studies, which included G and C banding and in situ hybridization, showed that the patients had an apparently normal 46, XY karyotype. PCR analyses revealed absence of the conserved portion (HMG box) of the SRY gene and of the Y chromosome pseudoautosomal boundary region sequence in both patients. The presence of the ZFY sequence was detected by Southern hybridization in the two affected sisters. The patients' father (46, XY, no mosaicism detected in peripheral blood lymphocytes) was positive for SRY and ZFY sequences. The occurrence of gonadoblastoma is discussed in terms of the genetic factors that may lead to tumor development.  相似文献   
Summary A large portion of the 13C resonance assignments for murine epidermal growth factor (mEGF) at pH 3.1 and 28°C has been determined at natural isotope abundance. Sequence-specific 13C assignments are reported for 100% of the assignable C, 96% of the C, 86% of the aromatic and 70% of the remaining peripheral aliphatic resonances of mEGF. A good correlation was observed between experimental and back-calculated C chemical shifts for regions of regular -sheet structure. These assignments also provide the basis for interpreting 1H13C heteronuclear NOE (HNOE) values in mEGF at natural isotope abundance. Some of the backbone polypeptide segments with high internal mobility, indicated by these 1H13C HNOE measurements, correlate with locations of residues involved in the putative mEGF-receptor binding site. Using four families of mEGF structures obtained over the last few years, we demonstrate that standard deviations between experimental and back-calculated C values can be used to monitor the refinement of this protein's structure, particularly for -sheet regions. Improved agreement between calculated and observed values of C is correlated with other measures of structure quality, including lowered values of residual constraint violations and more negative values of conformational energy. These results support the view that experimental conformation-dependent chemical shifts, C, can provide a reliable source of information for monitoring the process of protein structure refinement and are potentially useful restraints for driving the refinement.Abbreviations HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence spectroscopy - PFG pulsed-field gradient - TOCSY 1H-1H total correlation spectroscopy - EGF epidermal growth factor - mEGF murine EGF - hEGF human EGF - hTGF human type- transforming growth factor - DIPSI spm-locking pulse sequence - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - HNOE heteronuclear Overhauser effect  相似文献   
Ectopic ACTH syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ectopic ACTH syndrome represents a cancer-induced amplification of a property [proopiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides production] normally present in the cells from which the cancer originated but with aberrant posttranslational processing of POMC resulting in a greatly elevated secretion of ACTH precursors. The classic ectopic ACTH-producing tumors described in the 1960s were highly malignant but more recently slowly growing tumors such as carcinoids are reported with increasing frequency. Clinical features of patients with ectopic ACTH were analyzed, including biochemical abnormalities, plasma ACTH, cortisol and urinary steroids. Dynamic tests such as high-dose dexamethasone suppression, metyrapone and ovine-CRH (oCRH) stimulation were explored, as well as inferior petrosal sinus ACTH sampling before and after oCRH. Among the tumor markers examined, elevation of ACTH precursors was uniformly present followed by increased output of calcitonin, gut hormones, oncofetal and placental hormones in decreasing order. Since more than 90% of ectopic ACTH tumors are neuroendocrine in nature exhibiting APUD characteristics, their 2 markers, neuron-specific enolase and chromogranins are very useful. The imaging procedures for localization of the tumor ranged from chest X-rays to computed tomography and magnetic resonance of the chest and abdomen. Abdominal ultrasonography was also useful. Finally somatostatin receptor scintigraphy permitted demonstration of unrecognized tumors and/or metastases, even when the tumors were occult. The ACTH content, immunostaining for APUD markers and altered POMC processing were evaluated in ectopic tumors and/or metastases. Occult ectopic ACTH syndrome of more than 4–6 months of symptoms without the emergence of an obvious source was reviewed. Since the tumors are often clinically and biochemically undistinguishable from pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease, inferior petrosal sinus sampling for ACTH after oCRH stimulation established the diagnosis in over 90% of the cases. 60% of the occult tumors were thoracic carcinoids (3/4 bronchial carcinoids), followed by small cell lung cancer and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. In 12% the primary etiology was not detected. The rare syndrome of ectopic CRH syndrome (6 published cases) leading to excessive stimulation of the pituitary which became hyperplastic and secreted excessive amounts of ACTH is discussed. Finally, the 12 published cases and 1 unreported patient with ectopic CRH-ACTH tumors were reviewed, the majority being metastatic small cell lung carcinomas, bronchial and thymic carcinoids.  相似文献   
A new method, faster, milder and more efficient than the one previously described [Bryn, K., Hetland, O. & Stormer, F. C. (1971) Eur. J. Biochem, 18, 116-119], for purification of diacetyl(acetoin) reductase from Enterobacter aerogenes is proposed. The experiments carried out with the electrophoretically pure preparations obtained by this procedure show that the enzyme (a) produces L-glycols from the corresponding L-alpha-hydroxycarbonyls by reversible reduction of their oxo groups and also reduces the oxo group of uncharged alpha-dicarbonyls converting them into L-alpha-hydroxycarbonyls, and (b) is specific for NAD. This is a new enzyme for which we suggest the systematic name of L-glycol: NAD+ oxidoreductase and the recommended name of L-glycol dehydrogenase(NAD). The molecular mass, pI, affinity for substrates and pH profiles of this enzyme are also described.  相似文献   
The interrelationships between activation of phospholipases and neutrophil stimulus-induced Ca2+ responses remain unclear. We report here that immune complexes activate a phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase A in a neutrophil only after the cytoplasmic Ca2+ transient has been initiated in the same cell, while chemotactic peptide activation does not proceed via such a phospholipase A-mediated mechanism. Measurements of [Ca2+] changes and of phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase A activity were made by flow cytometry, using Indo-1 for Ca2+ indication, and a new fluorescent probe, bis-BODIPY-phosphatidylcholine, localized in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, to measure phospholipase A activation. Both 100 nM formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (with or without cytochalasin B) and 60 micrograms/ml insoluble immune complexes elicited cytoplasmic Ca2+ transients, but only insoluble immune complexes stimulated phospholipase A activation in a subpopulation of cells exhibiting an elevation of [Ca2+]in. Phospholipase A activation followed the Ca2+ transient, starting, in each cell, after [Ca2+]in had begun to decrease as Ca2+ redistributed in the activated cell. The products of this phospholipase activation were confirmed by thin layer chromatography. We conclude that neutrophils respond to immune complexes with an elevated cytoplasmic Ca(2+)-requiring phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase A activation and to chemotactic peptides by a different mechanism.  相似文献   
Disintegrins represent a group of cysteine-rich peptides occurring in Crotalidae and Viperidae snake venoms, and are potent antagonists of several integrin receptors. A novel disintegrin, obtustatin, was isolated from the venom of the Vipera lebetina obtusa viper, and represents the first potent and selective inhibitor of the binding of integrin alpha(1)beta(1) to collagen IV. The primary structure of obtustatin contains 41 amino acids and is the shortest disintegrin described to date. Obtustatin shares the pattern of cysteines of other short disintegrins. However, in contrast to known short disintegrins, the integrin-binding loop of obtustatin is two residues shorter and does not express the classical RGD sequence. Using synthetic peptides, a KTS motif was identified as the integrin-binding sequence. A three-dimensional model of obtustatin, built by homology-modeling structure calculations using different templates and alignments, strongly indicates that the novel KTS motif may reside at the tip of a flexible loop.  相似文献   
Understanding the highly plastic nature of neurons requires the dynamic visualization of their molecular and cellular organization in a native context. However, due to the limited resolution of standard light microscopy, many of the structural specializations of neurons cannot be resolved. A recent revolution in light microscopy has given rise to several super-resolution light microscopy methods yielding 2-10-fold higher resolution than conventional microscopy. We here describe the principles behind these techniques as well as their application to the analysis of the molecular architecture of the synapse. Furthermore, we discuss the potential for continued development of super-resolution microscopy as necessary for live imaging of neuronal structure and function in the brain.  相似文献   
Regulation of gene expression is a carefully regulated phenomenon in the cell. “Reverse-engineering” algorithms try to reconstruct the regulatory interactions among genes from genome-scale measurements of gene expression profiles (microarrays). Mammalian cells express tens of thousands of genes; hence, hundreds of gene expression profiles are necessary in order to have acceptable statistical evidence of interactions between genes. As the number of profiles to be analyzed increases, so do computational costs and memory requirements. In this work, we designed and developed a parallel computing algorithm to reverse-engineer genome-scale gene regulatory networks from thousands of gene expression profiles. The algorithm is based on computing pairwise Mutual Information between each gene-pair. We successfully tested it to reverse engineer the Mus Musculus (mouse) gene regulatory network in liver from gene expression profiles collected from a public repository. A parallel hierarchical clustering algorithm was implemented to discover “communities” within the gene network. Network communities are enriched for genes involved in the same biological functions. The inferred network was used to identify two mitochondrial proteins.  相似文献   
The idea that interspecific variation in trophic morphology among closely related species effectively permits resource partitioning has driven research on ecological radiation since Darwin first described variation in beak morphology among Geospiza. Marine turtles comprise an ecological radiation in which interspecific differences in trophic morphology have similarly been implicated as a pathway to ecopartition the marine realm, in both extant and extinct species. Because marine turtles are charismatic flagship species of conservation concern, their trophic ecology has been studied intensively using stable isotope analyses to gain insights into habitat use and diet, principally to inform conservation management. This legion of studies provides an unparalleled opportunity to examine ecological partitioning across numerous hierarchical levels that heretofore has not been applied to any other ecological radiation. Our contribution aims to provide a quantitative analysis of interspecific variation and a comprehensive review of intraspecific variation in trophic ecology across different hierarchical levels marshalling insights about realised trophic ecology derived from stable isotopes. We reviewed 113 stable isotope studies, mostly involving single species, and conducted a meta‐analysis of data from adults to elucidate differences in trophic ecology among species. Our study reveals a more intricate hierarchy of ecopartitioning by marine turtles than previously recognised based on trophic morphology and dietary analyses. We found strong statistical support for interspecific partitioning, as well as a continuum of intraspecific trophic sub‐specialisation in most species across several hierarchical levels. This ubiquity of trophic specialisation across many hierarchical levels exposes a far more complex view of trophic ecology and resource‐axis exploitation than suggested by species diversity alone. Not only do species segregate along many widely understood axes such as body size, macrohabitat, and trophic morphology but the general pattern revealed by isotopic studies is one of microhabitat segregation and variation in foraging behaviour within species, within populations, and among individuals. These findings are highly relevant to conservation management because they imply ecological non‐exchangeability, which introduces a new dimension beyond that of genetic stocks which drives current conservation planning. Perhaps the most remarkable finding from our data synthesis is that four of six marine turtle species forage across several trophic levels. This pattern is unlike that seen in other large marine predators, which forage at a single trophic level according to stable isotopes. This finding affirms suggestions that marine turtles are robust sentinels of ocean health and likely stabilise marine food webs. This insight has broader significance for studies of marine food webs and trophic ecology of large marine predators. Beyond insights concerning marine turtle ecology and conservation, our findings also have broader implications for the study of ecological radiations. Particularly, the unrecognised complexity of ecopartitioning beyond that predicted by trophic morphology suggests that this dominant approach in adaptive radiation research likely underestimates the degree of resource overlap and that interspecific disparities in trophic morphology may often over‐predict the degree of realised ecopartitioning. Hence, our findings suggest that stable isotopes can profitably be applied to study other ecological radiations and may reveal trophic variation beyond that reflected by trophic morphology.  相似文献   
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