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A study was conducted on the feasibility of isolating genes and pseudogenes that map to chromosome 13 by a hybridization-based approach using a 13-specific library and pools of repeat-free cDNA clones. Five pairs of cDNA and chromosome 13 genomic clones were identified and characterized. Partial or full-length sequence was derived from all cDNAs, and database searches were performed for putative gene identification. Partial sequence was also obtained from the chromosome 13 genomic clones for comparison with those of the hybridizing cDNAs. As a result of these analyses we identified three genes, a putative homologue of a porcine mRNA encoding an unidentified hepatic protein, a putative homologue of a yeast integral membrane protein, and a gene for a translationally controlled tumor protein, and two processed pseudogenes, ribosomal proteins L23a and S3a. The latter was formerly identified as the v-fos transformation effector gene, Fte-1, and recently cited as a possible candidate for the BRCA2 gene on chromosome 13. All genes and pseudogenes were localized to cytogenetic bands by in situ hybridization of metaphase chromosomes with probes derived from the chromosome 13 genomic clones.  相似文献   
There is marked heterogeneity of nucleotide composition in mitochondrial DNA across divergent animals. Differences in nucleotide composition presumably reflect differences in directional nucleotide substitution for A+T or G+C nucleotides. In mitochondrial DNA, there is A+T directional nucleotide substitution in most (if not all) animals surveyed, and the magnitude of directional A+T nucleotide substitution differs greatly within and among groups. Differences in directional nucleotide substitution among lineages of mammals can be explained by changes in metabolic physiology. This relationship is thought to be mediated by the effect of oxygen radicals because these toxic compounds are by-products of aerobic metabolism and are known mutagens. Association between metabolism and nucleotide composition provides additional evidence in favor of the hypothesis that rates and patterns of nucleotide substitution in mitochondrial DNA can be influenced by factors that impinge on rates of endogenous DNA damage.   相似文献   
A method of rapid freezing in supercooled Freon 22 (monochlorodifluoromethane) followed by cryoultramicrotomy is described and shown to yield ultrathin sections in which both the cellular ultrastructure and the distribution of diffusible ions across the cell membrane are preserved and intracellular compartmentalization of diffusabler ions can be quantitated. Quantitative electron probe analysis (Shuman, H., A.V. Somlyo, and A.P. Somlyo. 1976. Ultramicros. 1:317-339.) of freeze-dried ultrathin cryto sections was found to provide a valid measure of the composition of cells and cellular organelles and was used to determine the ionic composition of the in situ terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), the distribution of CI in skeletal muscle, and the effects of hypertonic solutions on the subcellular composition if striated muscle. There was no evidence of sequestered CI in the terminal cisternae of resting muscles, although calcium (66mmol/kg dry wt +/- 4.6 SE) was detected. The values of [C1](i) determined with small (50-100 nm) diameter probes over cytoplasm excluding organelles over nuclei or terminal cisternae were not significantly different. Mitochondria partially excluded C1, with a cytoplasmic/ mitochondrial Ci ratio of 2.4 +/- 0.88 SD. The elemental concentrations (mmol/kg dry wt +/- SD) of muscle fibers measured with 0.5-9-μm diameter electron probes in normal frog striated muscle were: P, 302 +/- 4.3; S, 189 +/- 2.9;C1, 24 +/- 1.1;K, 404 +/- 4.3, and Mg, 39 +/- 2.1. It is concluded that: (a) in normal muscle the "excess CI" measured with previous bulk chemical analyses and flux studies is not compartmentalized in the SR or in other cellular organelles, and (b) the cytoplasmic C1 in low [K](0) solutions exceeds that predicted by a passive electrochemical distribution. Hypertonic 2.2 X NaCl, 2.5 X sucrose, or 2.2 X Na isethionate produced: (a) swollen vacuoles, frequently paired, adjacent to the Z lines and containing significantly higher than cytoplasmic concentrations of Na and Cl or S (isethionate), but no detectable Ca, and (b) granules of Ca, Mg, and P = approximately (6 Ca + 1 Mg)/6P in the longitudinal SR. It is concluded that hypertonicity produces compartmentalized domains of extracellular solutes within the muscle fibers and translocates Ca into the longitudinal tubules.  相似文献   

Coral cover and community structure in the Arabian Gulf have changed considerably in recent decades. Recurrent bleaching events have dramatically reduced the abundance of previously dominant Acropora corals and have given space to other more thermally resistant coral taxa. The loss of Acropora spp. has reduced reef structural complexity and associated biodiversity. Sir Bu Nair Island (SBN) is a nature reserve in the United Arab Emirates that sustains some of the last dense and extensive Acropora stands in the southern Gulf. This study investigated coral recruitment at a southern coral reef on SBN and examined larval dispersal and reef connectivity between SBN and other local and regional reefs through an agent-based model coupled with a 3D hydrodynamic model. Recruitment was surveyed with settlement tiles deployed from April to September 2019. Contrary to other reefs in the Gulf, we found that Acropora is indeed the major coral recruiter settling at SBN reefs, followed by Porites. The models indicate that SBN reefs are mostly self-seeding but also connected to other reefs in the Gulf. SBN can supply coral larvae to the neighbouring islands Siri and Abu Musa, and nearby reefs along with the north-eastern Emirates, Iranian coast and Strait of Hormuz. Findings highlight the importance of SBN to protect remnant populations of the locally almost extinct Acropora in a region where natural coral recovery is increasingly sparse.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of soybean lecithin (SL) in extenders for sperm goat cryopreservation. Sexually mature male Saanen goats (n = 4) were used, and the ejaculates were obtained using an artificial vagina method. The semen samples were pooled and diluted in a skim milk-based extender (control group; CG) or Tris extender supplemented with SL at different concentrations (G1 = 0.04%, SL G2 = 0.08% SL and G3 = 0.16%) for a final concentration of 240 × 106 spermatozoa/mL. The semen samples were packed in straws (0.25 mL), frozen using an automated system and stored in liquid nitrogen (?196 °C). After thawing (37 °C/30 s), the samples were evaluated for sperm quality parameters, including sperm motility, membrane integrity, acrosome integrity and mitochondrial activity. No significant difference was observed among the experimental and control groups for all of the parameters (P > 0.05). However, even though the control group presented a significantly lower mitochondrial membrane potential compared to fresh semen (P < 0.05), the same did not occur for the extender supplemented with soybean lecithin, that is, it did not differ from fresh sperm (P > 0.05). The extender containing soybean lecithin at different concentrations preserved the sperm quality parameters in a manner similar to the conventional skim milk-based extender. Thus, it is concluded that an extender containing soybean lecithin as the lipoprotein source can be used for freezing goat semen.  相似文献   


As Sierra Leone celebrates the end of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak, we can begin to fully grasp its impact on already weak health systems. The EVD outbreak in West Africa forced many hospitals to close down or reduce their activity, either to prevent nosocomial transmission or because of staff shortages. The aim of this study is to assess the potential impact of EVD on nationwide access to obstetric care in Sierra Leone.

Methods and Findings

Community health officers collected weekly data between January 2014—May 2015 on in-hospital deliveries and caesarean sections (C-sections) from all open facilities (public, private for-profit and private non-profit sectors) offering emergency obstetrics in Sierra Leone. This was compared to official data of EVD cases per district. Logistic and Poisson regression analyses were used to compute risk and rate estimates. Nationwide, the number of in-hospital deliveries and C-sections decreased by over 20% during the EVD outbreak. The decline occurred early on in the EVD outbreak and was mainly attributable to the closing of private not-for-profit hospitals rather than government facilities. Due to difficulties in collecting data in the midst of an epidemic, limitations of this study include some missing data points.


Both the number of in-hospital deliveries and C-sections substantially declined shortly after the onset of the EVD outbreak. Since access to emergency obstetric care, like C-sections, is associated with decreased maternal mortality, many women are likely to have died due to the reduced access to appropriate care during childbirth. Future research on indirect health effects of health system breakdown should ideally be nationwide and continue also into the recovery phase. It is also important to understand the mechanisms behind the deterioration so that important health services can be reestablished.  相似文献   
This study aims to analyze the functional anatomy of the male reproductive system in Neocaridina davidi, a very popular ornamental species of caridean shrimp. Mature males were cold‐anaesthetized and their reproductive systems were dissected for histological and histochemical analysis, while the spermatozoa and spermatophore wall ultrastructure were analyzed under transmission electron microscopy. The male reproductive system consisted of two coiled testes, which were continuous with the vasa deferentia. Testes were positioned on the dorsal side of the cephalothorax above the hepatopancreas, and comprised seminiferous tubules where spermatogenesis occurred. Each vas deferens (VD) was a long tube dorsolaterally positioned with respect to the hepatopancreas, and increased in diameter at the distal end. Three regions could be recognized in the VD: proximal, middle, and distal. The proximal region had a cylindrical epithelium with secretory cells. The middle region (or typhlosole) had a dorsal fold (or typhlosole) with a thick columnar epithelium and high secretory activity. The spermatophore was a continuous cord with three acellular layers, which were mainly characterized by the presence of neutral glycoconjugates and proteins. The sperm morphology was distinct from the inverted cup‐shaped spermatozoa observed in the majority of caridean shrimps. The spermatozoa in specimens of N. davidi were spherical in shape, with a cross‐striated, single, short spike, and arranged in clusters of three or four sperm cells. The composition of the spermatophore, and the arrangement and form of the spermatozoa, seem to be unique in comparison to other species of Caridea.  相似文献   
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a biopolymer of repeating units of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine. Its market was valued at USD 8.9 billion in 2019. Traditionally, HA has been obtained from rooster comb-like animal tissues and fermentative cultures of attenuated pathogenic streptococci. Various attempts have been made to engineer a safe micro-organism for HA synthesis; however, the HA titres obtained from these attempts are in general still lower than those achieved by natural, pathogenic producers. In this scenario, ways to increase HA molecule length and titres in already constructed strains are gaining attention in the last years, but no recent publication has reviewed the main genetic strategies applied to improve HA production on heterologous hosts. In light of that, we hereby compile the advances made in the engineering of micro-organisms to improve HA synthesis.  相似文献   
Cell metabolism relies on energy transduction usually performed by complex membrane-spanning proteins that couple different chemical processes, e.g. electron and proton transfer in proton-pumps. There is great interest in determining at the molecular level the structural details that control these energy transduction events, particularly those involving multiple electrons and protons, because tight control is required to avoid the production of dangerous reactive intermediates. Tetraheme cytochrome c(3) is a small soluble and monomeric protein that performs a central step in the bioenergetic metabolism of sulfate reducing bacteria, termed "proton-thrusting," linking the oxidation of molecular hydrogen with the reduction of sulfate. The mechano-chemical coupling involved in the transfer of multiple electrons and protons in cytochrome c(3) from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 is described using results derived from the microscopic thermodynamic characterization of the redox and acid-base centers involved, crystallographic studies in the oxidized and reduced states of the cytochrome, and theoretical studies of the redox and acid-base transitions. This proton-assisted two-electron step involves very small, localized structural changes that are sufficient to generate the complex network of functional cooperativities leading to energy transduction, while using molecular mechanisms distinct from those established for other Desulfovibrio sp. cytochromes from the same structural family.  相似文献   
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