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Mammaglobin, a promising diagnostic marker for breast cancer, forms a covalent complex with lipophilin B. mRNA levels for each component of the complex were determined for a number of breast tumors and normal tissues, and correlation of message expression was highly significant between mammaglobin and lipophilin B (p < 0.0001). The complex was purified by both standard biochemical techniques and immunoaffinity chromatography. N-Terminal sequencing revealed that mammaglobin and lipophilin B are processed as predicted by cleavage of their signal sequence after amino acids 19 and 21, respectively. Three molecular masses-representing the fully glycosylated form, the complex without one of the carbohydrate chains, and the deglycosylated proteins-are detected by ProteinChip array SELDI-TOF mass spectrometry after partial enzymatic deglycosylation. This is consistent with the two predicted N-linked glycosylation sites in the primary sequence of mammaglobin and each site having an attached sugar of approximately 3500 Da. Reducing agents release lipophilin B from mammaglobin, and the free peptides are seen at their predicted molecular masses in the deglycosylated complex. Molecular modeling, secondary structure prediction, and circular dichroism indicate that the complex is a small alpha-helical globule that has three disulfide bridges and a carbohydrate chain at each pole. LC-ESI-MS shows that mammaglobin and lipophilin B are bonded in a head to tail orientation. This work describes the biochemistry of the mammaglobin/lipophilin B complex and lays the framework for use of this complex as a novel protein-based serological marker for breast cancer.  相似文献   
Myocardialization of the cardiac outflow tract.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
During development, the single-circuited cardiac tube transforms into a double-circuited four-chambered heart by a complex process of remodeling, differential growth, and septation. In this process the endocardial cushion tissues of the atrioventricular junction and outflow tract (OFT) play a crucial role as they contribute to the mesenchymal components of the developing septa and valves in the developing heart. After fusion, the endocardial ridges in the proximal portion of the OFT initially form a mesenchymal outlet septum. In the adult heart, however, this outlet septum is basically a muscular structure. Hence, the mesenchyme of the proximal outlet septum has to be replaced by cardiomyocytes. We have dubbed this process "myocardialization." Our immunohistochemical analysis of staged chicken hearts demonstrates that myocardialization takes place by ingrowth of existing myocardium into the mesenchymal outlet septum. Compared to other events in cardiac septation, it is a relatively late process, being initialized around stage H/H28 and being basically completed around stage H/H38. To unravel the molecular mechanisms that are responsible for the induction and regulation of myocardialization, an in vitro culture system in which myocardialization could be mimicked and manipulated was developed. Using this in vitro myocardialization assay it was observed that under the standard culture conditions (i) whole OFT explants from stage H/H20 and younger did not spontaneously myocardialize the collagen matrix, (ii) explants from stage H/H21 and older spontaneously formed extensive myocardial networks, (iii) the myocardium of the OFT could be induced to myocardialize and was therefore "myocardialization-competent" at all stages tested (H/H16-30), (iv) myocardialization was induced by factors produced by, most likely, the nonmyocardial component of the outflow tract, (v) at none of the embryonic stages analyzed was ventricular myocardium myocardialization-competent, and finally, (vi) ventricular myocardium did not produce factors capable of supporting myocardialization.  相似文献   
Population response to selection depends on the presence of additive genetic variance for traits under selection. When a population enters an alien environment, environment-induced changes in the expression of genetic variance may occur. These could have large effects on the response to selection. To investigate the environment-dependence of genetic variance, we conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment between two ecotypically differentiated populations of Impatiens pallida using the progeny of a standard mating design. The floodplain site was characterized by high water availability, moderate temperatures, and continuous dense stands of Impatiens. The hillside site was drier, with larger temperature extremes and supported only scattered patches of Impatiens with significantly lower seed production and earlier mortality. Estimates of heritability were low for each of the 13 traits measured in each population and site (range from 0–28%). Additive genetic variance for life-history traits tended to be larger than for morphological traits, but genetic variance in fitness was estimated to be not significantly different from zero in all cases. Significant heritability was detected in both populations for one trait (date of first cleistogamous flower) known to be closely related to fitness on the hillside. In general, heritability was reduced for populations when grown in the hillside site relative to the floodplain site, suggesting that stress acts to reduce the expression of genetic variance and the potential to respond to selection there. Consistent reductions in heritability associated with more stressful environments suggest that populations invading such sites may undergo little adaptive differentiation and be more prone to local extinction.  相似文献   
Plants are often genetically specialized as ecotypes attuned to local environmental conditions. When conditions change, the optimal environment may be physically displaced from the local population, unless dispersal or in situ evolution keep pace, resulting in a phenomenon called adaptational lag. Using a 30‐year‐old reciprocal transplant study across a 475 km latitudinal gradient, we tested the adaptational lag hypothesis by measuring both short‐term (tiller population growth rates) and long‐term (17‐year survival) fitness components of Eriophorum vaginatum ecotypes in Alaska, where climate change may have already displaced the optimum. Analyzing the transplant study as a climate transfer experiment, we showed that the climate optimum for plant performance was displaced ca. 140 km north of home sites, although plants were not generally declining in size at home sites. Adaptational lag is expected to be widespread globally for long‐lived, ecotypically specialized plants, with disruptive consequences for communities and ecosystems.  相似文献   
? Premise of the study: In a large reciprocal transplant experiment, Eriophorum vaginatum tussocks transplanted along a latitudinal gradient in Alaska's interior exhibited genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity for vegetative traits. Using the same tussocks 30 yr later, we used estimates of growing season temperature at each site to ask whether there was a climatic cline for stomatal density, size, and conductance. ? Methods: We created impressions of the abaxial leaf surfaces of the transplanted individuals for viewing under a microscope and measured stomatal density (SD) and length (SL) for 224 individuals. We used SD and SL to estimate stomatal conductance (C). Separate one-way analyses of variance were performed to quantify the effect of population genetic differences and latitudinal environmental variation on stomatal characteristics. ? Key results: Our data suggest that stomatal size was influenced by both genetics and environment and that plasticity for stomatal density produced highest densities at the coolest sites. Stomatal conductance increased with decreasing temperature of site from which the populations originated. ? Conclusions: Our results demonstrate a cline in stomatal conductance in E. vaginatum, with some ability of populations to plastically produce an appropriate phenotypic response in a new environment. Because the species is a dominant species in many arctic plant communities, its ability to produce an appropriate stomatal phenotype and to optimize water use efficiency by decreasing stomatal conductance in warmer environments could affect both community composition and total primary productivity in future, warmer climates.  相似文献   
Moist tussock tundra, dominated by the sedge Eriophorum vaginatum L., covers approximately 3.36 × 108 km2 of arctic surface area along with large amounts of subarctic land area. Eriophorum vaginatum exhibits ecotypic differentiation along latitudinal gradients in Alaska. While ecotypic differentiation may be beneficial during periods of climate stability, it may be detrimental as climate changes, causing adaptational lag. Following harvest of a 30-year reciprocal transplant experiment, age-specific demographic data on E. vaginatum tillers were collected to parameterize a Leslie matrix. Yellow Taxi analysis, based on Tukey's Jackknife, was used to determine mean pseudovalues of tiller population growth rate () for four source populations of E. vaginatum tussocks that were transplanted to each of three gardens along a latitudinal gradient. Source populations responded differentially along the latitudinal gradient. Survival and daughter tiller production influenced differences seen at the mid-latitude garden, and the overall tiller population performance was generally improved by northward transplanting relative to southward transplanting. A comparison of home-source and away-source within the same transplant garden indicates no home-site advantage. Although populations were still growing when transplanted to home-sites ( = 1.056), tiller population growth rate increased as ΔGDD became more negative relative to the home site (i.e., as tussocks were transplanted north). These results imply that populations are affected by climate gradients in a manner consistent with adaptational lag. This study documenting the response of high-latitude ecotypes to climate gradients may be an indication of the possible future effects of climate shift in more southern latitudes.  相似文献   
Selection may maintain genetic diversity in natural populations if the physical or biotic environment is variable over space and-or time. Because density and genotype frequencies can be heterogeneous, and because genotypes may differ in competitive ability, both density-and frequency-dependent selection have been considered to be potentially important evolutionary processes. To address the possibility that intraspecific interactions among plants are a source of fitness variation in Erigeron annuus, we conducted field experiments over 2 yr that were designed to examine the potential of population density, genotype frequency, and their interaction to act as selective agents. In both experiments, apomictic genotypes of Erigeron were paired. Seedlings were planted into plots that differed in density and the identity of minority and majority genotype. There was evidence for a differential effect of density among genotypes for only one year's experiment, suggesting that density-dependent selection is either weak or temporally variable. Genotype frequency had no effect on fitness in either year, and thus there was no evidence for frequency-dependent selection. In addition, the lack of a frequency ;ts density interaction demonstrates that resource partitioning, one mechanism for frequency dependence, is not strong among Erigeron genotypes. If frequency-dependent selection does occur in this species, it is either too weak to detect even in large field experiments, or occurs only in the presence of a selective agent (e.g., pathogens) that was lacking in our experiments.  相似文献   
Climate change is expected to alter species distributions and habitat suitability across the globe. Understanding these shifting distributions is critical for adaptive resource management. The role of temperature in fish habitat and energetics is well established and can be used to evaluate climate change effects on habitat distributions and food web interactions. Lake Superior water temperatures are rising rapidly in response to climate change and this is likely influencing species distributions and interactions. We use a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model that captures temperature changes in Lake Superior over the last 3 decades to investigate shifts in habitat size and duration of preferred temperatures for four different fishes. We evaluated habitat changes in two native lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) ecotypes, siscowet and lean lake trout, Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and walleye (Sander vitreus). Between 1979 and 2006, days with available preferred thermal habitat increased at a mean rate of 6, 7, and 5 days per decade for lean lake trout, Chinook salmon, and walleye, respectively. Siscowet lake trout lost 3 days per decade. Consequently, preferred habitat spatial extents increased at a rate of 579, 495 and 419 km2 per year for the lean lake trout, Chinook salmon, and walleye while siscowet lost 161 km2 per year during the modeled period. Habitat increases could lead to increased growth and production for three of the four fishes. Consequently, greater habitat overlap may intensify interguild competition and food web interactions. Loss of cold-water habitat for siscowet, having the coldest thermal preference, could forecast potential changes from continued warming. Additionally, continued warming may render more suitable conditions for some invasive species.  相似文献   
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