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Epoxiconazole (CAS‐No. 133855‐98‐8) was recently shown to cause both a marked depletion of maternal estradiol blood levels and a significantly increased incidence of late fetal mortality when administered to pregnant rats throughout gestation (GD 7–18 or 21); estradiol supplementation prevented this epoxiconazole effect in rats (Stinchcombe et al., 2013), indicating that epoxiconazole‐mediated estradiol depletion is a critical key event for induction of late fetal resorptions in rats. For further elucidation of the mode of action, the placentas from these modified prenatal developmental toxicity experiments with 23 and 50 mg/kg bw/d epoxiconazole were subjected to a detailed histopathological examination. This revealed dose‐dependent placental degeneration characterized by cystic dilation of maternal sinuses in the labyrinth, leading to rupture of the interhemal membrane. Concomitant degeneration occurred in the trophospongium. Both placentas supporting live fetuses and late fetal resorptions were affected; the highest degree of severity was observed in placentas with late resorptions. Placental degeneration correlated with a severe decline in maternal serum estradiol concentration. Supplementation with 0.5 and 1.0 μg of the synthetic estrogen estradiol cyclopentylpropionate per day reduced the severity of the degeneration in placentas with live fetuses. The present study demonstrates that both the placental degeneration and the increased incidence of late fetal resorptions are due to decreased levels of estrogen, since estrogen supplementation ameliorates the former and abolishes the latter. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 98:208–221, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Depression in myocardial infarction patients is often a first episode with a late age of onset. Two studies that compared depressed myocardial infarction patients to psychiatric patients found similar levels of somatic symptoms, and one study reported lower levels of cognitive/affective symptoms in myocardial infarction patients. We hypothesized that myocardial infarction patients with first depression onset at a late age would experience fewer cognitive/affective symptoms than depressed patients without cardiovascular disease. Combined data from two large multicenter depression studies resulted in a sample of 734 depressed individuals (194 myocardial infarction, 214 primary care, and 326 mental health care patients). A structured clinical interview provided information about depression diagnosis. Summed cognitive/affective and somatic symptom levels were compared between groups using analysis of covariance, with and without adjusting for the effects of recurrence and age of onset. Depressed myocardial infarction and primary care patients reported significantly lower cognitive/affective symptom levels than mental health care patients (F (2,682) = 6.043, p = 0.003). Additional analyses showed that the difference between myocardial infarction and mental health care patients disappeared after adjusting for age of onset but not recurrence of depression. These group differences were also supported by data-driven latent class analyses. There were no significant group differences in somatic symptom levels. Depression after myocardial infarction appears to have a different phenomenology than depression observed in mental health care. Future studies should investigate the etiological factors predictive of symptom dimensions in myocardial infarction and late-onset depression patients.  相似文献   
Epoxiconazole, a triazole‐based fungicide, was tested in toxicokinetic, prenatal and pre‐postnatal toxicity studies in guinea pigs, following oral (gavage) administration at several dose levels (high dose: 90 mg/kg body weight per day). Maternal toxicity was evidenced by slightly increased abortion rates and by histopathological changes in adrenal glands, suggesting maternal stress. No compound‐related increase in the incidence of malformations or variations was observed in the prenatal study. In the pre‐postnatal study, epoxiconazole did not adversely affect gestation length, parturition, or postnatal growth and development. Administration of epoxiconazole did not alter circulating estradiol levels. Histopathological examination of the placentas did not reveal compound‐related effects. The results in guinea pigs are strikingly different to those observed in pregnant rats, in which maternal estrogen depletion, pathological alteration of placentas, increased gestation length, late fetal death, and dystocia were observed after administration of epoxiconazole. In the studies reported here, analysis of maternal plasma concentrations and metabolism after administration of radiolabeled epoxiconazole demonstrated that the different results in rats and guinea pigs were not due to different exposures of the animals. A comprehensive comparison of hormonal regulation of pregnancy and birth in murid rodents and primates indicates that the effects on pregnancy and parturition observed in rats are not applicable to humans. In contrast, the pregnant guinea pig shares many similarities to pregnant humans regarding hormonal regulation and is therefore considered to be a suitable species for extrapolation of related effects to humans. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 98:230–246, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
A 500 MHz and 300 MHz NMR study of the trinucleoside diphosphate 3'd(A2'-5'A2'-5'A) is presented. In addition, circular dichroism is used to study base stacking in the title compound. The complete 1H-NMR spectral assignment of the sugar ring proton signals is given. Information about the sugar ring (N- or S-type conformation) and about the backbone geometry along C4'-C5' and C5'-O5' bonds is obtained from the NMR coupling constants. It is shown that the trimer mainly occurs in the N-N-N stacked state at low temperatures; the presence of a minor amount of N-N-S conformational sequence is indicated.  相似文献   
We have constructed a simple device by which the optimal delay time between optical measurement of a cell and the application of the droplet charging pulse can be determined directly in a flow sorter. The device consists of a stainless steel chamber in which the sorted droplets are collected. In the collection chamber the collected droplets run through a capillary where a continuous fluorescence measurement is made. With a sample of fluorescent particles, the delay time is optimal when the measured fluorescence is maximal. The measuring volume is always filled with the last droplets sorted (about 3,000). With this device, the setting of the delay time can be done in a few seconds without the need for microscopical verification. The fluorescence in the collection chamber is excited and detected via optical fibers using about 10% of the light of the existing laser from the flow cytometer and an extra photomultiplier.  相似文献   
A 500 and 300 MHz proton NMR study of the series of oligoarabinonucleotides 5'aAMP, 3'aAMP, aA-aA, (aA-)2aA and (aA-)3aA is presented. In addition, circular dichroism is used to study the stacking behaviour of aA-aA. The complete 1H-NMR spectral assignment of the compounds (except the tetramer) is given. Proton-proton and proton-phosphorus coupling constants, obtained by computer simulation of the high-field region of the spectra, yield information on the conformation of the arabinose rings (N- or S-type) and on the intramolecular stacking properties of the dimer and the trimer. The monomers 5'aAMP and 3'aAMP exhibit a preference for N- and S-type sugar conformation, respectively. It is shown that the dimer aA-aA at low temperature prefers a mixed stacked state of the type aA(S)-aA(N). In the trimer the aA(2)-aA(3) fragment exhibits a conformation similar to that found in the dimer, whereas the aA(1) residue prefers to adopt S-type sugar and has some tendency to stack upon residue aA(2).  相似文献   
Epoxiconazole (EPX; CAS‐No. 133855‐98‐8) is a triazole class–active substance of plant protection products. At a dose level of 50 mg/kg bw/day, it causes a significantly increased incidence of late fetal mortality when administered to pregnant rats throughout gestation (gestation day [GD] 7–18 or 21), as reported previously (Taxvig et al., 2007, 2008) and confirmed in these studies. Late fetal resorptions occurred in the presence of significant maternal toxicity such as clear reduction of corrected body weight gain, signs of anemia, and, critically, a marked reduction of maternal estradiol plasma levels. Furthermore, estradiol supplementation at dose levels of 0.5 or 1.0 μg/animal/day of estradiol cyclopentylpropionate abolished the EPX‐mediated late fetal resorptions. No increased incidences of external malformations were found in rats cotreated with 50 mg/kg bw/day EPX and estradiol cyclopentylpropionate, indicating that the occurrence of malformations was not masked by fetal mortality under the study conditions. Overall, the study data indicate that fetal mortality observed in rat studies with EPX is not the result of direct fetal toxicity but occurs indirectly via depletion of maternal estradiol levels. The clarification of the human relevance of the estrogen‐related mechanism behind EPX‐mediated late fetal resorptions in rats warrants further studies. In particular, this should involve investigation of the placenta (Rey Moreno et al., 2013), since it is the materno‐fetal interface and crucial for fetal maintenance. The human relevance is best addressed in a species which is closer to humans with reference to placentation and hormonal regulation of pregnancy, such as the guinea pig (Schneider et al., 2013). Birth Defects Res (Part B) 98:247–259, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Systemically induced resistance is a promising strategy to control plant diseases, as it affects numerous pathogens. However, since induced resistance reduces one or both growth and activity of plant pathogens, the indigenous microflora may also be affected by an enhanced defensive state of the plant. The aim of this study was to elucidate how much the bacterial rhizosphere microflora of Arabidopsis is affected by induced systemic resistance (ISR) or systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Therefore, the bacterial microflora of wild-type plants and plants affected in their defense signaling was compared. Additionally, ISR was induced by application of methyl jasmonate and SAR by treatment with salicylic acid or benzothiadiazole. As a comparative model, we also used wild type and ethylene-insensitive tobacco. Some of the Arabidopsis genotypes affected in defense signaling showed altered numbers of culturable bacteria in their rhizospheres; however, effects were dependent on soil type. Effects of plant genotype on rhizosphere bacterial community structure could not be related to plant defense because chemical activation of ISR or SAR had no significant effects on density and structure of the rhizosphere bacterial community. These findings support the notion that control of plant diseases by elicitation of systemic resistance will not significantly affect the resident soil bacterial microflora.  相似文献   
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