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Rerkasem  Benjavan  Jamjod  Sansanee 《Plant and Soil》1997,193(1-2):169-180
Plant response to low B in the soil varies widely among species, and among genotypes within a species. Boron efficient genotypes are those that are able to grow well in soils in which other genotypes are adversely affected by B deficiency. This review considers the extent of variation in B efficiency in plant species and genotypes, the physiological nature of the efficiency mechanisms, what is known of the genetic basis for inheritance, screening techniques and the practical implications of the genotypic variations.Frequently, B efficiency is the sole reason for a difference between an average yield and complete crop failure. Severe yield losses can be effectively prevented by the inclusion of B efficiency as a selection criterion in crop breeding and improvement programmes for regions with low B soils. In addition, the expression of B deficiency primarily through male sterility, which is common in many species, creates opportunities for outcrossing in normally self-fertilised species. This, in turn, leads to two possibilities. Firstly, self fertilisation, and therefore maintenance of pure lines, cannot always be assumed in self pollinated species where B efficient and inefficient genotypes are grown side by side on low B soils. Secondly, B deficiency, in soil or artificial media, may be used as a fertility selective medium in which the male sterile B inefficient genotypes and the male fertile B efficient genotypes could hybridise naturally. This would be useful as a simple and economical method for creating heterozygous populations in breeding programmes as well as for producing hybrid seeds. Now that the roles of B in plant growth and development are beginning to be clarified, the efficiency mechanisms as well as the governing genetics can be explained. Practical benefits from the genetic diversity of B efficiency will be enhanced by a better understanding of B efficiency mechanisms and the molecular bases for their genetic control.  相似文献   
Indochina Peninsula is the primary centre of diversity of rice and lies partly in the centre of origin of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) where the wild ancestor (Oryza rufipogon) is still abundant. The wild gene pool is potentially endangered by urbanisation and the expansion of agriculture, and by introgression hybridisation with locally cultivated rice varieties. To determine genetic diversity and structure of the wild rice of the region we genotyped nearly 1000 individuals using 20 microsatellite loci. We found ecological differentiation in 48 populations, distinguishable by their life‐history traits and the country of origin. Geographical divergence was suggested by isolation of the perennial Myanmar populations from those of Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. The annual types would be most likely to have lost genetic variation because of genetic drift and inbreeding. The growing of cultivated and wild rice together, however, gives ample opportunities for hybridisation, which already shows signs of genetic mixing, and will ultimately lead to replacement of the original wild rice gene pool. For conservation we suggest that wild rice should be conserved ex situ in order to prevent introgression from cultivated rice, along with in situ conservation in individual countries for the recurrent evolutionary process through local adaptation, but with sufficient isolation from cultivated rice fields to preserve genetic integrity of the wild populations.  相似文献   
Who Counts? Demography of Swidden Cultivators in Southeast Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Swidden cultivators are often found as a distinct category of farmers in the literature, but rarely appear in population censuses or other national and regional classifications. This has led to a worldwide confusion on how many people are dependent on this form of agriculture. The most often cited number of 200–300 million dates back to the early 1970s, but the source is obscure. We assess available, published data from nine countries in Southeast Asia and conclude that on this basis it is not possible to provide a firm estimate of the number of swidden cultivators in the region. A conservative range of 14–34 million people engaged in swidden cultivation in the region is suggested, however. We argue that along with improved knowledge of swidden livelihoods, there is an urgent need to develop techniques that will allow for better estimates of swidden populations in order to secure appropriate rural development and poverty reduction in swidden areas.  相似文献   
Swidden agriculture, once the dominant form of land use throughout the uplands and much of the lowlands of Southeast Asia, is being replaced by other land uses. While change and adaptation are inherent to swiddening, the current rapid and widespread transitions are unprecedented. In this paper we review some recent findings on changes in biodiversity, especially plant diversity at various scales, as swidden farming is replaced by other land uses. We focus particularly on two areas of Southeast Asia: northern Thailand and West Kalimantan. We examine actual and potential changes in the diversity of crops that characterize regional swidden systems, as well as that of the spontaneously occurring plants that appear in swidden fields and fallows. Severe declines in plant diversity have been observed in most areas and at most spatial scales when swidden is replaced by permanent land use systems. However, shifts away from swidden agriculture do not invariably result in drastic declines or losses of biological diversity, but may maintain or even enhance it, particularly at finer spatial scales. We suggest that further research is necessary to understand the effects of swidden transitions on biodiversity.  相似文献   
Maize (Zea mays L.) and ricebean (Vigna umbellata [Thumb.] Ohwi and Ohashi) were grown in intercrop and monoculture on Tropaqualf soils under rainfed conditions in Northern Thailand yearly from 1983 to 1986. De Wit's replacement design was used to compare intercrops and monocultures with a constant plant density equivalent to 80 000 maize or 160 000 ricebean plants ha−1. Combined nitrogen was applied at varying levels to 200 kg N ha−1. In the final two seasons the intercrop ratio of maize: ricebean was also varied. At the time of maize maturity intercrops yielded upt 49 kg ha−1 more N in the above ground plant parts than the best monoculture. Dry matter, grain and nitrogen yield of maize and ricebean in intercrop relative to their monoculture yields (RY, relative yield) were significantly greater than their respective share of the plant population. Relative yield totals (RYT) for grain, dry matter and nitrogen were always greater than 1. Nitrogen uptake per maize plant increased with progressive replacement of maize by ricebean plants. This increase was similar to that obtained by applying combined N. Available soil nitrogen tended to decrease with increasing maize:ricebean ratio. Increasing the maize:ricebean ratio increased the % of nitrogen derived from fixation in ricebean, the increase being equivalent to that obtained by decreasing combined nitrogen application. Approximately the same amount of fertilizer and soil nitrogen was taken up by maize plus ricebean in intercrop as the maize monoculture. The results suggest that the improved nitrogen economy of the intercrop resulted from the strong competitiveness of maize in the use of mineral nitrogen and the enhancement of nitrogen fixation in intercropped ricebean which made it less dependent on the depleted pool of soil nitrogen.  相似文献   
Boron (B) deficiency depresses wheat, barley and triticale yield through male sterility. On the basis of field responses to B fertilization, maize (Zea mays L.) is affected by B deficiency in five continents. In a series of sand culture trials with maize subject to B0 (nil added B) and B20 (20???M added B) treatments, we described how B deficiency depressed maize grain yield while showing an imperceptible effect on vegetative dry weight. With manual application of pollen to the silk of each plant, B0 plants produced 0.4 grain ear?1 compared with 410 grains ear?1 in B20 plants. Symptoms of B deficiency was observed only in B0 plants, which exhibited symptoms of narrow white to transparent lengthwise streaks on leaves, multiple but small and abnormal ears with very short silk, small tassels with some branches emerging dead, and small, shrivelled anthers devoid of pollen. Tassels, silk and pollen of B0 plants contained only 3?C4?mg B kg?1 DW compared with twice or more B in these reproductive tissues in B20 plants. A cross-fertilization experiment showed that, although the tassels and pollen were more affected, the silk was more sensitive to B deficiency. Pollen from B20 plants applied to B0 silk produced almost no grains, while pollen from B0 on B20 silk increased the number of grains to 37% of the 452 grains plant?1 produced from B20 pollen on B20 silk. Therefore, the silk of the first ear may be targeted for precise diagnosis of B status at maize reproduction, for timely correction by foliar B application, and even for B-efficient genotype selection.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Rain-fed lowland rice commonly encounters stresses from fluctuating water regimes and nutrient deficiency. Roots have to acquire both oxygen and nutrients under adverse conditions while also acclimating to changes in soil-water regime. This study assessed responses of rice roots to low phosphorus supply in aerated and stagnant nutrient solution. METHODS: Rice (Oryza sativa 'Amaroo') was grown in aerated solution with high P (200 micro m) for 14 d, then transferred to high or low (1.6 micro m) P supply in aerated or stagnant solution for up to 8 d. KEY RESULTS: After only 1 d in stagnant conditions, root radial oxygen loss (ROL) had decreased by 90 % in subapical zones, whereas near the tip ROL was maintained. After 4 d in stagnant conditions, maximum root length was 11 % less, and after 8 d, shoot growth was 25 % less, compared with plants in aerated solution. The plants in stagnant solution had up to 19 % more adventitious roots, 24 % greater root porosity and 26 % higher root/shoot ratio. Rice in low P supply had fewer tillers in both stagnant and aerated conditions. After 1-2 d in stagnant solution, relative P uptake declined, especially at low P supply. Aerated roots at low P supply maintained relative P uptake for 4 d, after which uptake decreased to the same levels as in stagnant solution. CONCLUSIONS: Roots responded rapidly to oxygen deficiency with decreased ROL in subapical zones within 1-2 d, indicating induction of a barrier to ROL, and these changes in ROL occurred at least 2 d before any changes in root morphology, porosity or anatomy were evident. Relative P uptake also decreased under oxygen deficiency, showing that a sudden decline in root-zone oxygen adversely affects P nutrition of rice.  相似文献   
Genotypic variation in boron (B) efficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is expressed as large differences in grain set and pollen fertility under low soil B, but the mechanisms responsible for such differences are unknown. This paper aims to determine whether differences in B transport and retranslocation can explain cultivar differences in B efficiency between B-efficient (Fang 60) and B-inefficient (SW41) wheat cultivars. Plants were grown with adequate 11B (10 μM), until the premeiotic interphase stage in anther development, then transferred into 10B at 0.1 or 10 μM. After five days, ending at the young microspore stage, plants were returned to adequate 11B. Plants were harvested at 0, 1 and 5 days after transferring into 10B, and at anthesis when fresh pollen was examined for viability. After 5 days in 0.1 μM B, pollen viability in SW41 was depressed by 47%, but pollen of Fang 60 was not affected. When B supply was low, the proportion of plant B partitioned into the ear of Fang 60 was almost twice as high as that in SW 41, enabling Fang 60 to maintain B concentration in the ear at 6.8 mg kg?1 dry weight (DW), whereas it dropped to 3.8 mg kg?1 DW in SW 41. Boron accumulation in the ear, when external supply was restricted, did not come from the 11B previously taken up by the plant. The greater 10B accumulation in ears of Fang 60 compared to SW 41, with limited external B supply, indicated that B efficiency was associated with xylem transport of B. The greater increase of 10B:11B ratio in the ear of Fang 60 compared to SW 41, over the 5 days of B interruption further indicated that greater B efficiency was associated with a stronger capability for long distance transport of B from the rooting medium into the ear via the xylem rather with than retranslocation of B from vegetative parts.  相似文献   
Rerkasem  B.  Netsangtip  R.  Lordkaew  S.  Cheng  C. 《Plant and Soil》1993,(1):309-312
Effects of boron (B) deficiency on reproductive development and grain set in wheat was studied in experiments in a sand culture in which grain set was increased by increasing B supply in the nutrient solution. Early vegetative response was also studied in a solution culture experiment with 5 M B and without added B. Effects of B deficiency on the male and female part of the wheat flower were studied in a cross fertilization experiment involving B deficient and B sufficient wheat plants. An international trial (the Boron Probe Nursery) was conducted as a collaboration between Chiang Mai University, CIMMYT and National Agricultural Research Systems in various countries, to verify the B response in non-traditional, warm wheat-growing areas.There was a wide genotypic variation in reproductive responses to B among the eight wheat genotypes studied. In sand culture with low B (0.2 M), grain set index ranged from 9.5% in SW41 to 94.5% in Fang 60; with high B (10 M) it was 90% in all genotypes. Early vegetative response to B was measured in the length of the youngest emerged blade at 12 days after sowing. Without added B the length of the leaf blade relative to that with 5 M B ranged from 0.82 to 0.92. This indicates some variation in vegetative response to B among the genotpes. However, there was no relationship between vegetative and reproductive responses to B of the wheat genotypes.Fertility of both the male and female part of the wheat flower appears to be affected by B deficiency. Ears from B deficient plants that were bagged to prevent cross fertilization set no grain. Cross pollination of B deficient female flowers with pollen from B sufficient plants resulted in only 28% grain set, compared with 94% percent from manual crossing of B sufficient pollen on B sufficient female.Reponses to B application of SW41 and other sensitive genotypes at field sites of the first international Boron Probe Nursery (1990/91) confirmed that B deficiency can be a major cause of grain set failure in wheat in warm areas.  相似文献   
The susceptibility of soybean cultivars (cvs) to boron (B) deficiency was examined in three experiments on a Typic Tropaqualf in Northern Thailand: one experiment also included peanut cv Tainan 9 and black gram cv Regur.Without added B (B0), B deficiency depressed seed yield by 60% in soybean cv NW1 compared with 30% in cv SJ5, 40% in cv 7016, 45% in peanut, and 93% in black gram. B deficiency also induced a localised depression on the internal surface of one or both cotyledons of some soybean seeds resembling the symptom of hollow heart in peanut seeds. It induced 50% hollow heart in peanut, 17% in soybean cv NW1, 5% in SJ5, and 1% in 7016: black gram seeds had no symptoms. Addition of B decreased or eliminated the symptoms.In a comparison of 19 soybean cvs, the incidence of hollow heart symptoms in seeds at B0 varied widely from none in two cvs to 75% in cv Buchanan: cv NW1 showed intermediate susceptibility to B deficiency with 36% hollow heart in its seed while SJ5 was insensitive with 1%. Application of B eliminated hollow heart except from one seed in one cultivar. The results suggest that susceptibility to B deficiency is sufficiently important and variable among soybean genotypes to warrant its inclusion as a selection criterion when breeding cultivars for areas with low soil B.  相似文献   
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