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The ovaries of the marine snail Turbo cornutus contain a number of pigments. So far, the presence of carotenoids and a chromoprotein with a bile pigment, called turboverdin (= 3(2)-hydroxy-mesobiliverdin IX alpha), as its prosthetic group are known. The present work describes the isolation and structure elucidation of two further bile pigments, biliverdin IX delta and neobiliverdin IX delta. This is the first report of naturally occurring bile pigments with IX delta structure.  相似文献   
The relation between codon usage and tRNA content for proline and glycine, the major constituents of collagen, was studied in two tissues: the magnum of laying hen oviduct and the leg tendons of chick embryo where collagen is produced. Although the relative contents of tRNA(GCCGly) and tRNA(IGGPro) in tendons, as compared to magnum indicate a specialization of the tRNA population for collagen synthesis, the distribution of the preponderant codons in collagen mRNA is correlated but at a lesser extent to that of their cognate tRNAs.  相似文献   
The relative amounts of iso-tRNAsGly and iso-tRNAsPro existing in chick embryo tendon are indicative of a specialization of the tRNA population for collagen synthesis. These amounts are not modified (i) in primary avian tendon (PAT) cells in culture for which the procollagen production varies from about 10% of total protein synthesis to 60% and (ii) in tendons from immature chicks, which show a 3-fold decrease of procollagen production with increasing age. The characteristic tRNA pattern was not maintained in cells which had lost the ability to make high levels of collagen as observed in the cases of: (i) PAT cells reaching confluency; (ii) virus-transformed PAT cells and (iii) tendon from adult chick. Our data are consistent with the idea that tendon tRNA specialization for collagen synthesis is a differentiation feature independent of the expression level of the collagenic function but related to its maintenance.  相似文献   
Six different monoclonal IgG antibodies with specificities for sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) were tested for immunosuppressive ability. Four of them, one IgG3, two IgG2a, and one IgG1, could yield suppression of more than 90% of the anti-SRBC response. The remaining two antibodies, which were both IgG2a, were found to have no significant effect. The degree of suppression correlated well with the amount of antibodies used that could bind to SRBC, as measured by an ELISA assay. High avidity for SRBC was also a factor making the monoclonal antibody more efficient as an immunosuppressor. The response against antigenic determinants on the SRBC other than those for which the monoclonals were specific, was suppressed to an equal degree. This was established by immunizing mice with SRBC using monoclonal anti-SRBC antibodies that did or did not bind to goat RBC (GRBC). The PFC responses against both SRBC and GRBC were then measured. The anti-SRBC and GRBC responses were suppressed in parallel regardless of whether or not the monoclonal reacted with GRBC. None of the tested antibodies displayed any significant ability to enhance the anti-SRBC response. Thus, IgG1 is not the only murine isotype that can efficiently suppress the immune response against SRBC, but IgG2a and IgG3 can also exert this capacity. The mechanism of IgG-mediated suppression is not one of merely blocking single epitopes but involves the immunogenicity of the entire SRBC.  相似文献   
Early bovine embryos (1- to 8-cell stages) were recovered from superovulated heifers at slaughter on Days 2 or 3. Embryos were cultured for 3-4 days in Medium B2 supplemented with 15% (v/v) fetal calf serum in the absence (B2SS, 106 embryos) or presence of trophoblastic vesicles (B2SS + TV, 190 embryos). At the end of culture, there were more (P less than 0.001) morulae (greater than or equal to 16 cells) in B2SS X TV (46%) than in B2SS alone (18%) irrespective of the initial cell stage. More 8-cell embryos reached the 16-cell stage than did embryos with less than 8 cells (30% vs 15% in B2SS, P greater than 0.05; 70% vs 41% in B2SS + TV, P less than 0.005). After culture, 102 morulae were transferred non-surgically to temporary recipient heifers (84 embryos cultured in B2SS + TV and 18 in B2SS). After 2 or 3 days, 14 out of 58 embryos from the B2SS + TV group and 3 out of 10 embryos from the B2SS group were recovered as blastocysts. Most blastocysts were deep-frozen and stored for several weeks. After thawing, 10 apparently normal embryos from the B2SS + TV group were transferred non-surgically into 10 recipient heifers. Four pregnancies were induced, but only one embryo survived to term (birth of a normal male calf). It is concluded that trophoblastic vesicles release one or several unknown compound(s) normally present in vivo, promoting the cleavage of early bovine embryos.  相似文献   
NBD-phallacidin revealed a polymerized actin distribution in the cortical region of the rabbit egg and along junctional feet. Staining with anti-alpha-tubulin antibody showed that the microtubule distribution was restricted to the barrel-shaped spindle. After cryoprotective treatment in the presence of propanediol, cortical polymerized actin was no longer visible within the egg and along junctional feet but filamentous actin was still present after treatment with dimethylsulphoxide. However, exposure to dimethylsulphoxide or propanediol led to the appearance of microtubules in the cytoplasm and to a disassembly of the spindle often associated with anomalies in chromosome position. Cytoplasmic microtubules formed by the action of propanediol were still present after freezing, thawing, and removal of the cryoprotectant, but after recovery of eggs in culture, they disappeared and barrel-shaped spindles were able to reform. When the effect of propanediol addition on in-vivo fertilization and development of frozen oocytes was examined, 39% (79/200) of frozen oocytes were fertilized and 9% (9/105) developed to normal fetuses, compared to 81% (38/47) and 32% (12/38) respectively for unfrozen control oocytes.  相似文献   
An efficient system has been established that allows well controlledDNA microinjection into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) mesophyllprotoplasts with partially regenerated cell walls and subsequentanalysis of transient as well as stable expression of injectedreporter genes in particular targeted cells or derived clones.The system represents an effective tool to study parametersimportant for the successful transformation of plant cells bymicroinjection and other techniques. Protoplasts were immobilizedin a very thin layer of medium solidified with agarose or alginate.DNA microinjection was routinely monitored by coinjecting FITC-dextranand aimed at the cytoplasm of target cells. The injection procedurewas optimized for efficient delivery of injection solution intothis compartment. Cells were found to be at the optimal stagefor microinjection about 24 h after immobilization in solidmedium. Embedded cells could be kept at this stage for up to4 d by incubating them at 4 C in the dark. Within 1 h successfuldelivery of injection, solution was routinely possible into20–40 cells. Following cytoplasmic coinjection of FITC-dextran and pSHI913,a plasmid containing the neo (neomycin phosphotransferase II)gene, stably transformed, paromomycin-resistant clones couldbe recovered through selection. Transgenic tobacco lines havebeen established from such clones. Injection solutions containingpSHI913 at a concentration of either 50 µg ml–1or 1 mg ml–1 have been tested. With 1 mg ml–1 plasmidDNA the percentage of resistant clones per successfully injectedcell was determined to be about 3.5 times higher. Incubationof embedded protoplasts at 4C before microinjection was foundto reduce the percentage of resistant clones obtained per injectedcell Protoplasts were immobilized above a grid pattern and the locationof injected cells was recorded by Polaroid photography. Thefate of particular targeted cells could be observed. Isolationand individual culture of clones derived from injected cellswas possible. Following cytoplasmic coinjection of FITC-dextranand 1 mg ml–1 plasmid DNA on average about 20% of thetargeted cells developed into microcalli and roughly 50% ofthese calli were stably transformed. Transient expression ofthe firefly luciferase gene (Luc) was nondestructively analysed24 h after injection of pAMLuc. Approximately 50% of the injectedcells that were alive at this time point expressed the Luc genetransiently. Apparently, stable integration of the injectedgenes occurred in essentially all transiently expressing cellsthat developed into clones. Key words: DNA microinjection, firefly luciferase, FITCdextran, Nicotiana tabacum, protoplast transformation  相似文献   
A new and simple method for freezing of bovine morulae and blastocysts was developed. Embryos were predehydrated at room temperature, frozen at -30 degrees C (cooling rate = 12 degrees C/min), and plunged into liquid nitrogen. This method was compared in vitro and in vivo to the slow freezing method (0.3 degrees C/min to -30 degrees C). Predehydration of the embryos in 1.5M glycerol was achieved by sucrose solution that makes the cells osmotically shrink. After the predehydrated morulae and blastocysts were frozen and thawed, 6 .4% (33 52 ) were developed in vitro for 48h and 44.2% (23 52 ) were hatched. Development obtained with slowly frozen embryos were 70.8% (17 24 ) and 58.3% (14 24 ) respectively. After transfer to recipient heifers, 33.3% (7 21 ) of the embryos frozen according this new method developed normally into viable foetuses or calves. This was the case for 48.5% (16 33 ) of the slowly frozen embryos.  相似文献   
A homologous series of chiral (R) ether-amide phosphonolipid analogs of naturally occurring (R) glycerophospholipids were synthesized and characterized for their interfacial behaviors. The phosphonolipids possess isoteric ether, amide, and phosphonate functions at positions corresponding to the sn-1, sn-2, and sn-3 ester functions, respectively, of naturally occurring glycerophospholipids. All compounds were synthesized with disaturated C16:0 alkyl/acyl moieties to give structural analogy with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), the major glycerophospholipid component of lung surfactant. Further substitutions at the headgroup nitrogen were also used to generate differences in headgroup size and polarity in the synthetic compounds. The surface activity of the ether-amide phospholipids was investigated in terms of adsorption to the air-water interface, together with studies of dynamic respreading after monolayer collapse and surface tension lowering in dynamically compressed spread films and dispersions. Results showed that several ether-amide phosphonolipids had more rapid adsorption and improved dynamic respreading behavior compared to DPPC, plus the ability to lower surface tension into the range of less than 1 to 4 mN/m in spread films and in dispersions under dynamic conditions. In combination with a series of diether phosphonolipids synthetized in a companion study [1], these ether-amide compounds are useful in the development of molecular structure-surface activity correlates for lung surfactant-related materials, and should assist in investigating the specificity of interactions between phospholipids and other pulmonary biological molecules.  相似文献   
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