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Two patients treated for Hodgkin''s disease with chlornaphazine developed cancer of the bladder five and six years after treatment with the drug had been stopped.  相似文献   
We enzymatically deglycosylated pig lung angiotensin I-convertingenzyme (ACE) to study the involvement of its glycanic chainsin its physicochemical and catalytic properties. The effectsof endoglycosidases F2 and H, and of N-glycanase were assessedby ACE mobility in SDS-PAGE. N-Glycanase only was completelyeffective with or without previous denaturation, leading toa shift in ACE Mr from 172 to 135 kDa; endoglycosidase F2 producedthe same shift but only without previous denaturation. DeglycosylatedACE had the same kcat as native ACE for the substrate hippuryl-histidyl-leucine,and an identical Stokes radius as measured by size-exclusionhigh performance liquid chromatography. Neuraminidase had noeffect on ACE Stokes radius but slightly decreased its kcatwhich could be related to variations in ionization of the activesite. The isoelectric point of ACE, as, determined by isoelectricfocusing, increased from 4.5–4.8 to 5.0–5.3 aftereither endoglycosidase F2 or neuraminidase digestion, but stillwith microheterogeneities which thus did not seem to be relatedto ACE glycans. Deglycosylated ACE did not bind onto agaroselectinsin contrast to native ACE which bound strongly to concanavalinA showing interactions involving oligomannosidic or biantennaryand sialylated N-acetyl-lactosaminic isoglycans. Finally, tunicamycin,an inhibitor of N-glycosylation, did not modify ACE secretionby endothelial cells. Thus, ACE glycans have no drastic effectson structural and biological properties of the protein, butthey may have a functional role on intracellular targeting ofboth secreted and membrane-bound ACE isoforms, also for theprotection of the soluble plasma form against hepatic lectinsand the maintenance of its hydrosolubility. converting enzyme (peptidyldipeptidase EC. endothelium glycosidases lectins  相似文献   
BackgroundAedes mosquitoes are vectors for several major arboviruses of public health concern including dengue viruses. The relationships between Aedes infestation and disease transmission are complex wherein the epidemiological dynamics can be difficult to discern because of a lack of robust and sensitive indicators for predicting transmission risk. This study investigates the use of anti-Aedes saliva antibodies as a serological biomarker for Aedes mosquito bites to assess small scale variations in adult Aedes density and dengue virus (DENV) transmission risk in northeastern Thailand. Individual characteristics, behaviors/occupation and socio-demographics, climatic and epidemiological risk factors associated with human-mosquito exposure are also addressed.MethodsThe study was conducted within a randomized clustered control trial in Roi Et and Khon Kaen provinces over a consecutive 19 months period. Thirty-six (36) clusters were selected, each of ten houses. Serological and entomological surveys were conducted in all houses every four months and monthly in three sentinel households per cluster between September 2017 and April 2019 for blood spot collections and recording concurrent immature and adult Aedes indices. Additionally, the human exposure to Aedes mosquito bites (i.e., Mosquito Exposure Index or MEI) was estimated by ELISA measuring levels of human antibody response to the specific Nterm-34 kDa salivary antigen. The relationships between the MEI, vector infestation indices (adult and immature stages) and vector DENV infection were evaluated using a two-level (house and individual levels) mixed model analysis with one-month lag autoregressive correlation.ResultsThere was a strong positive relationship between the MEI and adult Aedes (indoor and outdoor) density. Individuals from households with a medium mosquito density (mean difference: 0.091, p<0.001) and households with a high mosquito density (mean difference: 0.131, p<0.001) had higher MEI’s compared to individuals from households without Aedes. On a similar trend, individuals from households with a low, medium or high indoor Aedes densities (mean difference: 0.021, p<0.007, 0.053, p<0.0001 and 0.037, p<0.0001 for low, medium and high levels of infestation, respectively) had higher MEI than individuals from houses without indoor Aedes. The MEI was driven by individual characteristics, such as gender, age and occupation/behaviors, and varied according to climatic, seasonal factors and vector control intervention (p<0.05). Nevertheless, the study did not demonstrate a clear correlation between MEI and the presence of DENV-infected Aedes.ConclusionThis study represents an important step toward the validation of the specific IgG response to the Aedes salivary peptide Nterm-34kDa as a proxy measure for Aedes infestation levels and human-mosquito exposure risk in a dengue endemic setting. The use of the IgG response to the Nterm-34 kDa peptide as a viable diagnostic tool for estimating dengue transmission requires further investigations and validation in other geographical and transmission settings.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between antimicrobial use and the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in the digestive and respiratory tract in three different production systems of food producing animals. A longitudinal study was set up in 25 Belgian bovine herds (10 dairy, 10 beef, and 5 veal herds) for a 2 year monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibilities in E. coli and Pasteurellaceae retrieved from the rectum and the nasal cavity, respectively. During the first year of observation, the antimicrobial use was prospectively recorded on 15 of these farms (5 of each production type) and transformed into the treatment incidences according to the (animal) defined daily dose (TIADD) and (actually) used daily dose (TIUDD). Antimicrobial resistance rates of 4,174 E. coli (all herds) and 474 Pasteurellaceae (beef and veal herds only) isolates for 12 antimicrobial agents demonstrated large differences between intensively reared veal calves (abundant and inconstant) and more extensively reared dairy and beef cattle (sparse and relatively stable). Using linear mixed effect models, a strong relation was found between antimicrobial treatment incidences and resistance profiles of 1,639 E. coli strains (p<0.0001) and 309 Pasteurellaceae (p≤0.012). These results indicate that a high antimicrobial selection pressure, here found to be represented by low dosages of oral prophylactic and therapeutic group medication, converts not only the commensal microbiota from the digestive tract but also the opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in the respiratory tract into reservoirs of multi-resistance.  相似文献   
Oxidative guanine lesions were analyzed, at the nucleotide level, within DNA exposed to nanosecond ultraviolet (266 nm) laser pulses of variable intensity (0.002-0.1 J/cm(2)). Experiments were carried out, at room temperature, in TE buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5; 1 mM EDTA) containing 35 mM NaCl, on 5'-end radioactively labeled double-stranded and single-stranded oligomer DNA at a size of 33-37 nucleobases. Lesions were analyzed on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by taking advantage of the specific removal of 8-oxodG from DNA by the formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (Fpg protein) and of the differential sensitivity of 8-oxodG and oxazolone to piperidine. The quantum yields of lesions at individual sites, determined from the normalized intensities of bands, were plotted against the irradiation energy levels. Simplified model fitting of the experimental data enabled to evaluate the spectroscopic parameters characterizing excitation and photoionization processes. Results show that the distribution of guanine residues, excited to the lowest triplet state or photoionized, is heterogeneous and depends on the primary and secondary DNA structure. These findings are generalized in terms of excitation energy and charge-migration mediated biphotonic ionization. On the basis of the changes in the yield of the guanyl radical resulting from local helical perturbations in the DNA pi-stack, it can be assessed that the distance range of migration is <6-8 bp.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: Tachykinins are important mediators in neuromuscular signalling but have not been thoroughly characterised in the mouse gut. We investigated the participation of tachykinin receptors in contractility of circular muscle strips of the mouse ileum. RESULTS: Electrical field stimulation (EFS) of excitatory nonadrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) nerves induced frequency-dependent contractions which were mimicked by substance P (SP). Desensitisation of SP and NK(1), NK(2) or NK(3) receptors significantly reduced contractions to EFS. The NK(1) receptor blocker RP67580 significantly inhibited NANC contractions to EFS. The NK(2) and NK(3) receptor blockers nepadutant and SR142801 did not affect NANC contractions per se but increased the RP67580-induced inhibition of NANC contractions to EFS. Contractions to SP were significantly reduced by RP67580 but not affected by nepadutant or SR142801. The NK(1) and NK(2) receptor agonists, septide and [beta-ala(8)]-NKA 4-10 (beta-A-NKA), respectively, but not the NK(3) receptor agonist senktide-induced dose-dependent contractions. Atropine inhibited and l-NNA augmented contractions to septide. Contractions to beta-A-NKA were insensitive to atropine but augmented by l-NNA. CONCLUSIONS: Tachykinins mediate NANC contractions to EFS in the mouse small intestine. Endogenously released tachykinins activate mainly NK(1) receptors, located on cholinergic nerves and smooth muscle cells and, to a lesser degree, NK(2) and NK(3) receptors, most likely located presynaptically.  相似文献   
Plant intraspecific variability has been proposed as a key mechanism by which plants adapt to environmental change. In boreal forests where nitrogen availability is strongly limited, nitrogen addition happens indirectly through atmospheric N deposition and directly through industrial forest fertilization. These anthropogenic inputs of N have numerous environmental consequences, including shifts in plant species composition and reductions in plant species diversity. However, we know less about how genetic differences within plant populations determine how species respond to eutrophication in boreal forests. According to plant defense theories, nitrogen addition will cause plants to shift carbon allocation more towards growth and less to chemical defense, potentially enhancing vulnerability to antagonists. Aspens are keystone species in boreal forests that produce condensed tannins to serve as chemical defense. We conducted an experiment using ten Populus tremula genotypes from the Swedish Aspen Collection that express extreme levels of baseline investment into foliar condensed tannins. We investigated whether investment into growth and phenolic defense compounds in young plants varied in response to two nitrogen addition levels, corresponding to atmospheric N deposition and industrial forest fertilization. Nitrogen addition generally caused growth to increase, and tannin levels to decrease; however, individualistic responses among genotypes were found for height growth, biomass of specific tissues, root:shoot ratios, and tissue lignin and N concentrations. A genotype’s baseline ability to produce and store condensed tannins also influenced plant responses to N, although this effect was relatively minor. High-tannin genotypes tended to grow less biomass under low nitrogen levels and more at the highest fertilization level. Thus, the ability in aspen to produce foliar tannins is likely associated with a steeper reaction norm of growth responses, which suggests a higher plasticity to nitrogen addition, and potentially an advantage when adapting to higher concentrations of soil nitrogen.  相似文献   
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease of the central nervous system of unknown etiology. The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) locus on chromosome 6 confers a considerable part of the susceptibility to MS, and the most important factor is the class II allele HLA-DRB1*15:01. In addition, we and others have previously established a protective effect of HLA-A*02. Here, we genotyped 1,784 patients and 1,660 healthy controls from Scandinavia for the HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C and HLA-DRB1 genes and investigated their effects on MS risk by logistic regression. Several allele groups were found to exert effects independently of DRB1*15 and A*02, in particular DRB1*01 (OR = 0.82, p = 0.034) and B*12 (including B*44/45, OR = 0.76, p = 0.0028), confirming previous reports. Furthermore, we observed interaction between allele groups: DRB1*15 and DRB1*01 (multiplicative: OR = 0.54, p = 0.0041; additive: AP = 0.47, p = 4 × 10(-06)), DRB1*15 and C*12 (multiplicative: OR = 0.37, p = 0.00035; additive: AP = 0.58, p = 2.6 × 10(-05)), indicating that the effect size of these allele groups varies when taking DRB1*15 into account. Analysis of inferred haplotypes showed that almost all DRB1*15 bearing haplotypes were risk haplotypes, and that all A*02 bearing haplotypes were protective as long as they did not carry DRB1*15. In contrast, we found one class I haplotype, carrying A*02-C*05-B*12, which abolished the risk of DRB1*15. In conclusion, these results confirms a complex role of HLA class I and II genes that goes beyond DRB1*15 and A*02, in particular by including all three classical HLA class I genes as well as functional interactions between DRB1*15 and several alleles of DRB1 and class I genes.  相似文献   
The existence of decreased hypothalamic dopaminergic tone in HIV-infected men has been suggested. In a cross-sectional study, we determined 12 h nocturnal basal and pulsatile prolactin (PRL) release levels (by blood sampling every 10 min) and their correlation with CD4+ T cells in seven volunteer HIV-negative, healthy men (group 1), and 21 normoprolactinemic, euthyroid, HIV-infected men divided into 3 groups (each group = 7): (i) group 2, asymptomatic HIV-infected stage A1 men, untreated; (ii) group 3, AIDS stage C3 without active opportunistic infections, untreated; and (iii) group 4, previously stage C3 after at least 6 months of successful highly active antiretroviral therapy. Serum PRL was measured by radioimmunoanalysis and the results were analysed by waveform-independent deconvolution analysis. CD4+ T lymphocytes were measured by flow cytometry and viral load by a nucleic acid sequence-based amplification assay. No differences were detected in the first two groups. In the third group, however, 100% of prolactin secretion was found to be pulsatile with a shorter secretory burst duration (P = 0.04), and a greater circulating half-life and pulse amplitude (P < or = 0.04). Group 4 had the greatest basal prolactin secretion (P < or = 0.04), and a shorter secretory burst duration (P = 0.04 vs group 2), circulating half-life (P = 0.01 vs group 3) and intersecretory burst interval (P = 0.06 vs group 1). PRL approximate entropy was similar among all groups. Linear correlations existed between CD4+ T cell counts and PRL secretory burst half duration (r = 0.62, P = 0.002) and amplitude (r = -0.63, P = 0.001), and in circulating serum half-life (r = - 0.61, P = 0.002) in HIV-infected groups. Viral load showed no correlations. It is suggested that differential changes in nocturnal prolactin secretion among HIV-infected men occurred while maintaining the normal coordinate feedback and/or feedforward control within the lactotropic axis. These changes may represent an adaptative mechanism to sustain, by different means, the maximal physiologic PRL production to stimulate the highest cellular immune response and/or reconstitution in attempting to survive.  相似文献   
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