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Two patients treated for Hodgkin''s disease with chlornaphazine developed cancer of the bladder five and six years after treatment with the drug had been stopped.  相似文献   
We enzymatically deglycosylated pig lung angiotensin I-convertingenzyme (ACE) to study the involvement of its glycanic chainsin its physicochemical and catalytic properties. The effectsof endoglycosidases F2 and H, and of N-glycanase were assessedby ACE mobility in SDS-PAGE. N-Glycanase only was completelyeffective with or without previous denaturation, leading toa shift in ACE Mr from 172 to 135 kDa; endoglycosidase F2 producedthe same shift but only without previous denaturation. DeglycosylatedACE had the same kcat as native ACE for the substrate hippuryl-histidyl-leucine,and an identical Stokes radius as measured by size-exclusionhigh performance liquid chromatography. Neuraminidase had noeffect on ACE Stokes radius but slightly decreased its kcatwhich could be related to variations in ionization of the activesite. The isoelectric point of ACE, as, determined by isoelectricfocusing, increased from 4.5–4.8 to 5.0–5.3 aftereither endoglycosidase F2 or neuraminidase digestion, but stillwith microheterogeneities which thus did not seem to be relatedto ACE glycans. Deglycosylated ACE did not bind onto agaroselectinsin contrast to native ACE which bound strongly to concanavalinA showing interactions involving oligomannosidic or biantennaryand sialylated N-acetyl-lactosaminic isoglycans. Finally, tunicamycin,an inhibitor of N-glycosylation, did not modify ACE secretionby endothelial cells. Thus, ACE glycans have no drastic effectson structural and biological properties of the protein, butthey may have a functional role on intracellular targeting ofboth secreted and membrane-bound ACE isoforms, also for theprotection of the soluble plasma form against hepatic lectinsand the maintenance of its hydrosolubility. converting enzyme (peptidyldipeptidase EC. endothelium glycosidases lectins  相似文献   
Genes involved in plant defences against herbivores and pathogens are often highly polymorphic. This is a putative sign that balancing selection may have operated reciprocally on the hosts and their herbivores. Spatial and temporal variations (for example, in soil nutrients and the plants'' ontogenetic development) may also modulate resistance traits, and thus selection pressures, but have been largely overlooked in theories of plant defences. Important elements of defences in Populus tremula (hereafter aspen) are phenolic compounds, including condensed tannins (CTs). Concentrations of CTs vary considerably with both variations in external factors and time, but they are also believed to provide genotype‐dependent resistance, mainly against chewing herbivores and pathogens. However, evidence of their contributions to resistance is sparse. Detailed studies of co‐evolved plant–herbivore associations could provide valuable insights into these contributions. Therefore, we examined correlations between CT levels in aspen leaves and both the feeding behavior and reproduction of the specialist aspen leaf aphid (Chaitophorus tremulae) in varied conditions. We found that xylem sap intake and probing difficulties were higher on genotypes with high‐CT concentrations. However, aphids engaged in more nonprobing activities on low‐CT genotypes, indicating that CTs were not the only defence traits involved. Thus, high‐CT genotypes were not necessarily more resistant than low‐CT genotypes, but aphid reproduction was generally negatively correlated with local CT accumulation. Genotype‐specific resistance ranking also depended on the experimental conditions. These results support the hypothesis that growth conditions may affect selection pressures mediated by aphids in accordance with balancing selection theory.  相似文献   
Seasonal and diel migration timing of wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts and adults were investigated annually (2001–2004) in the subarctic River Utsjoki, a tributary of the large River Teno (70° N), using underwater video monitoring. Submerged video cameras provided information on the exact timing and intensity of both migrations in a natural river channel, without disturbing the fish. In contrast to the mainly nocturnal migration pattern described from temperate rivers, the River Utsjoki smolts and adults migrated throughout the day. Smolts migrated most intensively during hours of rising (0300–0900 hours) and high sun (0900–1500 hours), while adults favoured the period of low sun (2100–0300 hours). Smolt migrations started in June and lasted on average 42 days. Adults usually ascended the site 2–3 weeks before the first descending smolts were observed and the adult migrations extended to the end of August. Seasonal synchrony was observed between smolt and adult migrations in years of slowly warming water, whereas in a year of exceptionally warm early summer (2002), smolts migrated earlier than adults. Thus, water temperature seemed to be an important environmental factor triggering the smolt migration, while the migration of adults was probably more fixed to a certain season. Weak positive correlations between fish counts and water temperature were observed, indicating that increasing water temperature may have promoted both smolt and adult migrations. The influence of discharge was negligible, although increasing discharge late in the season may have activated the remaining individuals in both groups.  相似文献   
Heterocyclic ketones as inhibitors of histone deacetylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several heterocyclic ketones were investigated as potential inhibitors of histone deacetylase. Nanomolar inhibitors such as 22 and 25 were obtained, the anti-proliferative activity of which were shown to be mediated by HDAC inhibition.  相似文献   
Subsequent to their introduction in the 1950s, Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus have been able to establish a self-sustaining population that has adapted to the unique conditions of the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands. Here, 48 individuals (198–415 mm) were caught with gillnets and their basic biology and feeding ecology were examined using stable isotope analysis. The Lac des Fougères population split use of littoral and pelagic resources evenly, although larger fish relied more heavily on littoral production and appear to follow the size-dependent life history habitat template seen in many Scandinavian lakes where smaller sized individuals occupy the pelagic zone and larger individuals dominate the littoral habitat. In Kerguelen, Arctic charr mature at the same ages (5.6 years) as Arctic charr in both sub-Arctic and Arctic lakes. Although mortality was average in comparison to comparator sub-Arctic lakes, it was high in comparison to Arctic lakes. Maximal age (>7+) was at the lower end of the range typically seen in sub-Arctic lakes. Although they inhabit a resource-poor environment, Kerguelen Arctic charr showed no evidence of cannibalism. Thus, while Arctic charr can survive and reproduce in the relatively unproductive Kerguelen lake environments, survival and growth nevertheless appear to be traded off against survival and longevity. The uniqueness of the population location and the recency of its introduction suggest that further monitoring of the population has the potential to yield valuable insights into both the adaptability of the species and its likely responses to ongoing large-scale environmental change as represented by climate change.  相似文献   
BackgroundAedes mosquitoes are vectors for several major arboviruses of public health concern including dengue viruses. The relationships between Aedes infestation and disease transmission are complex wherein the epidemiological dynamics can be difficult to discern because of a lack of robust and sensitive indicators for predicting transmission risk. This study investigates the use of anti-Aedes saliva antibodies as a serological biomarker for Aedes mosquito bites to assess small scale variations in adult Aedes density and dengue virus (DENV) transmission risk in northeastern Thailand. Individual characteristics, behaviors/occupation and socio-demographics, climatic and epidemiological risk factors associated with human-mosquito exposure are also addressed.MethodsThe study was conducted within a randomized clustered control trial in Roi Et and Khon Kaen provinces over a consecutive 19 months period. Thirty-six (36) clusters were selected, each of ten houses. Serological and entomological surveys were conducted in all houses every four months and monthly in three sentinel households per cluster between September 2017 and April 2019 for blood spot collections and recording concurrent immature and adult Aedes indices. Additionally, the human exposure to Aedes mosquito bites (i.e., Mosquito Exposure Index or MEI) was estimated by ELISA measuring levels of human antibody response to the specific Nterm-34 kDa salivary antigen. The relationships between the MEI, vector infestation indices (adult and immature stages) and vector DENV infection were evaluated using a two-level (house and individual levels) mixed model analysis with one-month lag autoregressive correlation.ResultsThere was a strong positive relationship between the MEI and adult Aedes (indoor and outdoor) density. Individuals from households with a medium mosquito density (mean difference: 0.091, p<0.001) and households with a high mosquito density (mean difference: 0.131, p<0.001) had higher MEI’s compared to individuals from households without Aedes. On a similar trend, individuals from households with a low, medium or high indoor Aedes densities (mean difference: 0.021, p<0.007, 0.053, p<0.0001 and 0.037, p<0.0001 for low, medium and high levels of infestation, respectively) had higher MEI than individuals from houses without indoor Aedes. The MEI was driven by individual characteristics, such as gender, age and occupation/behaviors, and varied according to climatic, seasonal factors and vector control intervention (p<0.05). Nevertheless, the study did not demonstrate a clear correlation between MEI and the presence of DENV-infected Aedes.ConclusionThis study represents an important step toward the validation of the specific IgG response to the Aedes salivary peptide Nterm-34kDa as a proxy measure for Aedes infestation levels and human-mosquito exposure risk in a dengue endemic setting. The use of the IgG response to the Nterm-34 kDa peptide as a viable diagnostic tool for estimating dengue transmission requires further investigations and validation in other geographical and transmission settings.  相似文献   
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry - An increasing number of young adults in Denmark experience difficulties in completing their education and holding down a job. Many of these young adults have...  相似文献   
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease of the central nervous system of unknown etiology. The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) locus on chromosome 6 confers a considerable part of the susceptibility to MS, and the most important factor is the class II allele HLA-DRB1*15:01. In addition, we and others have previously established a protective effect of HLA-A*02. Here, we genotyped 1,784 patients and 1,660 healthy controls from Scandinavia for the HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C and HLA-DRB1 genes and investigated their effects on MS risk by logistic regression. Several allele groups were found to exert effects independently of DRB1*15 and A*02, in particular DRB1*01 (OR = 0.82, p = 0.034) and B*12 (including B*44/45, OR = 0.76, p = 0.0028), confirming previous reports. Furthermore, we observed interaction between allele groups: DRB1*15 and DRB1*01 (multiplicative: OR = 0.54, p = 0.0041; additive: AP = 0.47, p = 4 × 10(-06)), DRB1*15 and C*12 (multiplicative: OR = 0.37, p = 0.00035; additive: AP = 0.58, p = 2.6 × 10(-05)), indicating that the effect size of these allele groups varies when taking DRB1*15 into account. Analysis of inferred haplotypes showed that almost all DRB1*15 bearing haplotypes were risk haplotypes, and that all A*02 bearing haplotypes were protective as long as they did not carry DRB1*15. In contrast, we found one class I haplotype, carrying A*02-C*05-B*12, which abolished the risk of DRB1*15. In conclusion, these results confirms a complex role of HLA class I and II genes that goes beyond DRB1*15 and A*02, in particular by including all three classical HLA class I genes as well as functional interactions between DRB1*15 and several alleles of DRB1 and class I genes.  相似文献   
Plant intraspecific variability has been proposed as a key mechanism by which plants adapt to environmental change. In boreal forests where nitrogen availability is strongly limited, nitrogen addition happens indirectly through atmospheric N deposition and directly through industrial forest fertilization. These anthropogenic inputs of N have numerous environmental consequences, including shifts in plant species composition and reductions in plant species diversity. However, we know less about how genetic differences within plant populations determine how species respond to eutrophication in boreal forests. According to plant defense theories, nitrogen addition will cause plants to shift carbon allocation more towards growth and less to chemical defense, potentially enhancing vulnerability to antagonists. Aspens are keystone species in boreal forests that produce condensed tannins to serve as chemical defense. We conducted an experiment using ten Populus tremula genotypes from the Swedish Aspen Collection that express extreme levels of baseline investment into foliar condensed tannins. We investigated whether investment into growth and phenolic defense compounds in young plants varied in response to two nitrogen addition levels, corresponding to atmospheric N deposition and industrial forest fertilization. Nitrogen addition generally caused growth to increase, and tannin levels to decrease; however, individualistic responses among genotypes were found for height growth, biomass of specific tissues, root:shoot ratios, and tissue lignin and N concentrations. A genotype’s baseline ability to produce and store condensed tannins also influenced plant responses to N, although this effect was relatively minor. High-tannin genotypes tended to grow less biomass under low nitrogen levels and more at the highest fertilization level. Thus, the ability in aspen to produce foliar tannins is likely associated with a steeper reaction norm of growth responses, which suggests a higher plasticity to nitrogen addition, and potentially an advantage when adapting to higher concentrations of soil nitrogen.  相似文献   
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