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[3H] R05-4864 binding sites have been characterized in kidney, heart, brain, adrenals and platelets in the rat. In all these organs the following order of potency in the R05-4864 displacement was found : R05-4864 > diazepam > clonazepam indicating that they correspond to the “peripheral type” of benzodiazepine binding sites. PK 11195, an isoquinoline carboxamide derivative, displaces [3H] R05-4864 from its binding sites in all the organs. PK 11195 was as potent as R05-4864 in the platelets, heart, adrenals, kidney and several brain regions (midbrain, hypothalamus, medulla + pons and hippocampus. However it was 5 to 10 times more effective in cortex and striatum. In conclusion PK 11195 might represent a new tool to elucidate the physiological relevance of “peripheral type” benzodiazepine binding sites and might help to discriminate the hypothetical subclasses of these binding sites.  相似文献   
The foraging behaviour (grazing time and diet composition), live-weight (LW) changes and parasitic infection (faecal egg counts of gastrointestinal nematodes) of 12 beef cows, 84 ewes and 84 goats suckling their offspring, managed in mixed grazing on heathlands with 24% of improved pasture of perennial ryegrass-white clover, were studied during the years 2003 and 2006. The results showed that goats tended to graze for a longer time, and utilised significantly more heathland vegetation than cattle and sheep, including in their diet in an average of 0.39 herbaceous plants, 0.11 gorse and 0.51 heather over the grazing season, comparing with respective mean values of 0.85, 0.02 and 0.13 in cattle and sheep. Dietary overlap was higher between cattle and sheep (0.76) than between sheep and goats (0.53) or between cattle and goats (0.47). Despite the high performance of autumn-calving cows in spring, sheep had the best LW changes per livestock unit (LU) during the whole grazing season. Goats' performance per LU was lower than in sheep but higher than in spring-calving cows. Regarding offspring production, lambs had higher LW gains per LU than calves and kids. Mean nematode eggs/g fresh faeces (epg) during the grazing season were higher in goats (91 epg) compared with sheep (34 epg) and cattle (14 epg), particularly from September to December. In conclusion, sheep performed best on these heathlands with improved pasture areas if the entire grazing season was considered, despite the good level of production in spring from autumn-calving cows. The results suggested the complementary use of goats in order to increase the effective utilisation of the available vegetation, achieving production levels similar to those from spring-calving cows. Therefore, mixed flocks of sheep and goats would be the most appropriate sustainable systems from the animal production and vegetation use points of view.  相似文献   
Recruitment is a complex process consisting of sequential stages affected by biotic interactions and abiotic factors. Assessment of these sequential stages and corresponding subprocesses may be useful in identifying the most critical stages. Accordingly, to assess the factors that may determine the altitudinal range limits of the high mountain Mediterranean plant Silene ciliata, a set of demographic stages, from flower production to establishment of 2‐yr‐old plants, and their influence on recruitment probability were examined using a step‐by‐step approach. We integrated florivory, pollination and pre‐dispersal seed predation as pre‐dispersal factors, and seedling emergence and survival as post‐dispersal determinants of recruitment. Three populations were monitored at the southernmost margin of the species along its local altitudinal range. Previous studies suggest that seediness is strongly limited by summer drought especially at the lower boundary of the species, a situation that may worsen under current global warming. Our results showed that recruitment was mainly limited by low seed production in the pre‐dispersal stage and low seedling emergence and survival in the post‐dispersal stage, probably due to environmental harshness in summer. By contrast, biotic factors responsible for propagule loss, such as flower and fruit predation, had a minor effect on the probability of plant recruitment. Although the relative importance of transition probabilities was similar among populations along the altitudinal range, comparatively lower flower production significantly reduced the number of recruited plants at the lowest altitude population. This demographic bottleneck, together with increased competition with other species favoured by climate warming, might collapse population growth and limit persistence at the lower altitudinal range of the species, raising its low local altitudinal edge.  相似文献   
A process for the primary recovery of B-phycoerythrin from Porphyridium cruentum exploiting aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) was developed in order to reduce the number of unit operations and benefit from an increased yield of the protein product. The evaluation of system parameters such as poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) molecular mass, concentration of PEG as well as salt, system pH and volume ratio was carried out to determine under which conditions the B-phycoerythrin and contaminants concentrate to opposite phases. PEG 1450-phosphate ATPS proved to be suitable for the recovery of B-phycoerythrin because the target protein concentrated to the top phase whilst the protein contaminants and cell debris concentrated in the bottom phase. An extraction ATPS stage comprising volume ratio (Vr) equal to 1.0, PEG 1450 24.9% (w/w), phosphate 12.6% (w/w) and system pH of 8.0 allowed B-phycoerythrin recovery with a purity of 2.9 (estimated as the relation of the 545-280 nm absorbances). The use of ATPS resulted in a primary recovery process that produced a protein purity of 2.9 +/- 0.2 and an overall product yield of 77.0% (w/w). The results reported demonstrated the practical implementation of ATPS for the design of a primary recovery process as a first step for the commercial purification of B-phycoerythrin produced by P. cruentum.  相似文献   
One of the most attractive segments in food and cosmetic industries is that of natural pigments. Since some synthetic pigments have been reported to be hazardous for humans, natural pigments obtained through biotechnological processes represent an attractive alternative. Our research group has previously worked on the development of an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS)-based prototype process for the recovery of B-phycoerythrin (BPE), a natural high-value pigment obtained from Porphyridium cruentum. Detailed studies describing the scaling up of ATPS processes from bench scale to pilot plant facilities are not common. In this paper experiences derived from the scale-up of a previously developed process for production and recovery of highly purified (purity defined as the absorbance ratio A545/A280 > 4) BPE are described, where a scale-up factor of 850× was implemented. Characterization of cell disruption with a pilot-scale bead mill allowed efficient BPE release at 2900 rpm, 10% (w/v) sample load, 60% (v/v) bead load and 0.5 mm glass beads and 22 min of residence time with a yield of 1.35 mg BPE/g of wet biomass. BPE was recovered and purified using a strategy comprising isoelectric precipitation, aqueous two-phase fractionation and ultrafiltration. A 54% global BPE recovery yield, with final purity of 4.1, was achieved under optimal process conditions. Considering total costs for raw materials and energy expenditures for one batch, it was determined that the production cost of BPE was of $1.17 USD/mg, which is underneath the commercial price of a BPE standard (>$30 USD/mg).  相似文献   
Global change triggers shifts in forest composition, with warming and aridification being particularly threatening for the populations located at the rear edge of the species distributions. This is the case of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in the Mediterranean Basin where uncertainties in relation to its dynamics under these changing scenarios are still high. We analysed the relative effect of climate on the recruitment patterns of Scots pine and its interactions with local biotic and abiotic variables at different spatial scales. Number of seedlings and saplings was surveyed, and their annual shoot growth measured in 96 plots located across altitudinal gradients in three different regions in the Iberian Peninsula. We found a significant influence of climate on demography and performance of recruits, with a non-linear effect of temperature on the presence of juveniles, and a positive effect of precipitation on their survival. Abundance of juveniles of P. sylvestris that underwent their first summer drought was skewed towards higher altitudes than the altitudinal mean range of the conspecific adults and the optimum elevation for seedlings'' emergence. At local level, light availability did not influence juveniles'' density, but it enhanced their growth. Biotic interactions were found between juveniles and the herb cover (competition) and between the number of newly emerged seedlings and shrubs (facilitation). Results also highlighted the indirect effect that climate exerts over the local factors, modulating the interactions with the pre-existing vegetation that were more evident at more stressful sites. This multiscale approach improves our understanding of the dynamics of these marginal populations and some management criteria can be inferred to boost their conservation under the current global warming.  相似文献   
In this work we have used the extension of the Gibbs ensemble simulation technique to inhomogeneous fluids [Panagiotopoulos, A.Z. (1987) "Adsorption and capillary condensation of fluid in cylindrical pores by Monte Carlo simulation in the Gibbs ensemble", Mol. Phys. , 62 (3), 701-719], which has been applied to adsorption phenomena of confined fluids. Fluid molecules are described by spherical particles interacting via a square-well potential. The fluid is confined in two types of walls: symmetrical (two hard walls) and non-symmetrical (one square-well wall and one hard wall). In order to analyze the behavior of the confined fluid by varying the potential parameters, we evaluated the bulk and confined densities, the internal energies and the density profiles for different supercritical temperatures. A variety of adsorption profiles can be obtained by using this model. The simulation data reported here complements the available simulation data for this system and can be useful in the development of inhomogeneous fluid theories. Since the square-well parameters can be related to real molecules this system can also be used to understand real adsorption systems.  相似文献   
The density, population, length, yield and sex proportion of the mollusks Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis were studied in Bahía de Golfito, Golfo Dulce, Pacific coast of Costa Rica from February 1998 to February 1999. A. tuberculosa was more abundant (0.9 units m(-2)), than A. similis (0.2 units m(-2)); the highest abundance was found at the canal mouths. The average lengths were 43.3 mm for A. tuberculosa and 42.8 mm for A. similis (both under the Costa Rican legal minimal length for exploitation: 47 mm). Maximum lengths were measured in the middle and upstream Canal Mayor, respectively: 43.0 mm and 43.4 mm. The correlation between length and fresh weight was 0.81 (Pearson). The average total weights were 26.2 g for A. tuberculosa and 19.1 g for A. similis. The condition index (a meat yield measurement) was higher in A. similis (21.2%) than in A. tuberculosa (17.2%). The maximum yield for both species lies in the 31-35 mm range. The male ratio was 43.7%. A species recovery plan is urgent because these results suggest both a decrease in density and illegal exploitation.  相似文献   
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