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We describe the case reports of two patients with immunodeficiency secondary to paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) and opportunistic Cryptococcus neoformans infections. Secondary immunodeficiency likely occurred as a consequence of the intestinal loss of proteins and lymphocytes associated with malabsorption syndrome due to obstructed lymphatic drainage. Both patients had had severe abdominal involvement during the acute PCM disease. Immunological evaluation showed cellular and humoral immunity impairment. Cryptococcosis manifested as relatively well circumscribed lesions: osteolytic lesions of the skull in one patient, and pulmonary nodules in the other. The latter was treated surgically and with amphotericin B, whereas the other was treated with the combination amphotericin-B and flucytosine. Both patients had a good response to treatment with complete regression of the lesions. They have now 2 and 4 years of follow-up with maintenance therapy and no indication of reactivation of the infection. PCM also did not reactivate. The clinical and immunological characteristics of these patients are discussed and compared to the opportunistic C. neoformans infections of AIDS and transplant patients.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic genes are usually replicated early during S-phase in the cell lineages in which they are expressed. Using partially characterized cDNA probes, we recently established two exceptions to this rule in the slime mold Physarum polycephalum. In this paper, we analyzed the structure and the identity of one of these two genes. By genomic cloning and Southern analysis we demonstrate that it is a single-copy gene and decipher the structure of the two alleles by taking advantage of a restriction fragment length polymorphism. By cDNA cloning and sequencing, we deduced the amino acid coding capacity of the mRNA. Finally, we confirmed the late replication of this abundantly expressed gene by "gene dosage" analysis, an experiment that did not require any drug treatment of the cell. Our results provide for the characterization and the structure of the first developmentally regulated gene known to be replicated late in S-phase and abundantly expressed within a eukaryotic cell.  相似文献   
The intelligibility of periodically interrupted speech improves once the silent gaps are filled with noise bursts. This improvement has been attributed to phonemic restoration, a top-down repair mechanism that helps intelligibility of degraded speech in daily life. Two hypotheses were investigated using perceptual learning of interrupted speech. If different cognitive processes played a role in restoring interrupted speech with and without filler noise, the two forms of speech would be learned at different rates and with different perceived mental effort. If the restoration benefit were an artificial outcome of using the ecologically invalid stimulus of speech with silent gaps, this benefit would diminish with training. Two groups of normal-hearing listeners were trained, one with interrupted sentences with the filler noise, and the other without. Feedback was provided with the auditory playback of the unprocessed and processed sentences, as well as the visual display of the sentence text. Training increased the overall performance significantly, however restoration benefit did not diminish. The increase in intelligibility and the decrease in perceived mental effort were relatively similar between the groups, implying similar cognitive mechanisms for the restoration of the two types of interruptions. Training effects were generalizable, as both groups improved their performance also with the other form of speech than that they were trained with, and retainable. Due to null results and relatively small number of participants (10 per group), further research is needed to more confidently draw conclusions. Nevertheless, training with interrupted speech seems to be effective, stimulating participants to more actively and efficiently use the top-down restoration. This finding further implies the potential of this training approach as a rehabilitative tool for hearing-impaired/elderly populations.  相似文献   
Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is an inherited and non‐progressive retinal dysfunction. Here, we present the crystal structure of CSNB‐causing T94I2.61 rhodopsin in the active conformation at 2.3 Å resolution. The introduced hydrophobic side chain prolongs the lifetime of the G protein activating metarhodopsin‐II state by establishing a direct van der Waals contact with K2967.43, the site of retinal attachment. This is in stark contrast to the light‐activated state of the CSNB‐causing G90D2.57 mutation, where the charged mutation forms a salt bridge with K2967.43. To find the common denominator between these two functional modifications, we combined our structural data with a kinetic biochemical analysis and molecular dynamics simulations. Our results indicate that both the charged G90D2.57 and the hydrophobic T94I2.61 mutation alter the dark state by weakening the interaction between the Schiff base (SB) and its counterion E1133.28. We propose that this interference with the tight regulation of the dim light photoreceptor rhodopsin increases background noise in the visual system and causes the loss of night vision characteristic for CSNB patients.  相似文献   
Damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are released form red blood cells (RBCs) during intravascular hemolysis (IVH). Extracellular heme, with its pro-oxidant, pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic effects, is sensed by innate immune cells through pattern recognition receptors such as toll-like receptor 4 and nucleotide-binding domain and leucine rich repeat containing family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3), while free availability of heme is strictly controlled. Here we investigated the involvement of different hemoglobin (Hb) forms in hemolysis-associated inflammatory responses.We found that after IVH most of the extracellular heme molecules are localized in oxidized Hb forms. IVH was associated with caspase-1 activation and formation of mature IL-1β in plasma and in the liver of C57BL/6 mice. We showed that ferrylHb (FHb) induces active IL-1β production in LPS-primed macrophages in vitro and triggered intraperitoneal recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes, caspase-1 activation and active IL-1β formation in the liver of C57BL/6 mice. NLRP3 deficiency provided a survival advantage upon IVH, without influencing the extent of RBC lysis or the accumulation of oxidized Hb forms. However, both hemolysis-induced and FHb-induced pro-inflammatory responses were largely attenuated in Nlrp3?/? mice.Taken together, FHb is a potent trigger of NLRP3 activation and production of IL-1β in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that FHb may contribute to hemolysis-induced inflammation. Identification of RBC-derived DAMPs might allow us to develop new therapeutic approaches for hemolytic diseases.  相似文献   
Nogo receptor (NgR)-mediated control of axon growth relies on the central nervous system-specific type I transmembrane protein Lingo-1. Interactions between Lingo-1 and NgR, along with a complementary co-receptor, result in neurite and axonal collapse. In addition, the inhibitory role of Lingo-1 is particularly important in regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination, suggesting that pharmacological modulation of Lingo-1 function could be a novel approach for nerve repair and remyelination therapies. Here we report on the crystal structure of the ligand-binding ectodomain of human Lingo-1 and show it has a bimodular, kinked structure composed of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) and immunoglobulin (Ig)-like modules. The structure, together with biophysical analysis of its solution properties, reveals that in the crystals and in solution Lingo-1 persistently associates with itself to form a stable tetramer and that it is its LRR-Ig-composite fold that drives such assembly. Specifically, in the crystal structure protomers of Lingo-1 associate in a ring-shaped tetramer, with each LRR domain filling an open cleft in an adjacent protomer. The tetramer buries a large surface area (9,200 A2) and may serve as an efficient scaffold to simultaneously bind and assemble the NgR complex components during activation on a membrane. Potential functional binding sites that can be identified on the ectodomain surface, including the site of self-recognition, suggest a model for protein assembly on the membrane.  相似文献   
Inactivation of p53 has been implicated in many types of tumors particularly in non-small cell lung carcinoma, one of the most common cancers in which p53 mutation has been frequently identified. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of p53 status on the regulation of tumor susceptibility to specific CTL-mediated cell death. For this purpose, we used a cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone, Heu127, able to lyse the human autologous lung carcinoma cell line, IGR-Heu, in a HLA-A2-restricted manner. Direct genomic DNA sequencing revealed that IGR-Heu expresses a mutated p53 at codon 132 of the exon 5 which results in the loss of p53 capacity to induce the expression of the p53-regulated gene product p21(waf/CIP1). Initial experiments demonstrated that IGR-Heu was resistant to Fas, TNF, and TRAIL apoptotic pathways. This correlated with the lack of p55 TNFRI, Fas, DR4, and DR5 expression. The effect of wild-type (wt) p53 restoration on the sensitization of IGR-Heu to autologous CTL clone lysis was investigated following infection of the tumor cell line with a recombinant adenovirus encoding the wt p53 (Adwtp53). We demonstrate that the restoration of wt p53 expression and function resulted in a significant potentiation of target cell susceptibility to CTL-mediated lysis. The wt p53-induced optimization of tumor cell killing by specific CTL involves at least in part Fas-mediated pathway via induction of CD95 expression by tumor cells but does not appear to interfere with granzyme B cytotoxic pathway.  相似文献   
The ability of an individual to escape predators is an important component of fitness. Several adaptive explanations of body shape variation in amphibians hypothesize relationships between swimming performance and morphology, but these ideas have rarely been tested. Here we investigate bivariate and multivariate relationships between natural variation in morphology and performance. We used high-speed video to examine fast-starts associated with escape responses in small tiger salamander larvae (Ambystoma tigrinum). Our results indicate that performance is influenced by interactions among aspects of morphology, physiology, and behavior. Relationships between morphometric variables and velocity could be detected with multivariate, but not bivariate statistical analyses. In particular, relationships between morphology and velocity depend on tail beat frequency (potentially a measure of effort or vigor). Relationships between morphology and acceleration were detected with bivariate analyses, but multivariate analysis suggests that acceleration performance, too, depends on interactions between morphology and tail beat frequency. We found a positive relationship between tail area and propulsive performance, which supports adaptive interpretations of variation in larval tail shape within and between amphibian species.  相似文献   
Individuals living in malaria endemic areas become clinically immune after multiple re-infections over time and remain infected without apparent symptoms. However, it is unclear why a long period is required to gain clinical immunity to malaria, and how such immunity is maintained. Although malaria infection is reported to induce inhibition of immune responses, studies on asymptomatic individuals living in endemic regions of malaria are relatively scarce. We conducted a cross-sectional study of immune responses in asymptomatic school children aged 4–16 years living in an area where Plasmodium falciparum and Schistosoma mansoni infections are co-endemic in Kenya. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were subjected to flow cytometric analysis and cultured to determine proliferative responses and cytokine production. The proportions of cellular subsets in children positive for P. falciparum infection at the level of microscopy were comparable to the negative children, except for a reduction in central memory-phenotype CD8+ T cells and natural killer cells. In functional studies, the production of cytokines by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to P. falciparum crude antigens exhibited strong heterogeneity among children. In addition, production of IL-2 in response to anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies was significantly reduced in P. falciparum-positive children as compared to -negative children, suggesting a state of unresponsiveness. These data suggest that the quality of T cell immune responses is heterogeneous among asymptomatic children living in the endemic region of P. falciparum, and that the responses are generally suppressed by active infection with Plasmodium parasites.  相似文献   
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