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Light chain Sci was isolated from the urine of a patient affected by light chain deposition disease with an apparent exclusive localization to the kidney. Sci protein is an intact light chain: it consists of 214 amino acid residues and has an Mr of 23.65. Its complete primary structure has been determined by sequence analysis of the corresponding tryptic peptides and by partially sequencing the intact protein. Sequence comparison shows that Sci protein is strictly related to the light chains of kIIIa family (88% structural identity) which are usually expressed in autoimmune rheumatoid syndromes. Computer graphics model suggests a perturbation in k Sci three-dimensional structure due to the unusual replacement of residues 53 and 77.  相似文献   
To investigate early intermediates of β2‐microglobulin (β2m) amyloidogenesis, we solved the structure of β2m containing the amyloidogenic Pro32Gly mutation by X‐ray crystallography. One nanobody (Nb24) that efficiently blocks fibril elongation was used as a chaperone to co‐crystallize the Pro32Gly β2m monomer under physiological conditions. The complex of P32G β2m with Nb24 reveals a trans peptide bond at position 32 of this amyloidogenic variant, whereas Pro32 adopts the cis conformation in the wild‐type monomer, indicating that the cis to trans isomerization at Pro32 plays a critical role in the early onset of β2m amyloid formation.  相似文献   
The folding of beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)-m), the protein forming amyloid deposits in dialysis-related amyloidosis, involves formation of a partially folded conformation named I(2), which slowly converts into the native fold, N. Here we show that the partially folded species I(2) can be separated from N by capillary electrophoresis. Data obtained with this technique and analysis of kinetic data obtained with intrinsic fluorescence indicate that the I(2) conformation is populated to approximately 14 +/- 8% at equilibrium under conditions of pH and temperature close to physiological. In the presence of fibrils extracted from patients, the I(2) conformer has a 5-fold higher propensity to aggregate than N, as indicated by the thioflavine T test and light scattering measurements. A mechanism of aggregation of beta(2)-m in vivo involving the association of the preformed fibrils with the fraction of I(2) existing at equilibrium is proposed from these results. The possibility of isolating and quantifying a partially folded conformer of beta(2)-m involved in the amyloidogenesis process provides new opportunities to monitor hemodialytic procedures aimed at the reduction of such species from the pool of circulating beta(2)-m but also to design new pharmaceutical approaches that consider such species as a putative molecular target.  相似文献   
beta 2-Microglobulin is a small, major histocompatibility complex class I-associated protein that undergoes aggregation and accumulates as amyloid deposits in human tissues as a consequence of long-term haemodialysis. The folding process of this amyloidogenic protein has been studied in vitro by diluting the guanidine hydrochloride-denatured protein in refolding buffer at pH 7.4 and monitoring the folding process by means of a number of spectroscopic probes that allow the native structure of the protein to be detected as it develops. These techniques include fluorescence spectroscopy, far and near-UV circular dichroism, 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid binding and double jump assays. All spectroscopic probes indicate that a significant amount of structure forms within the dead-time of stopped-flow measurements (<5 ms). The folding reaction goes to completion through a fast phase followed by a slow phase, whose rate constants are ca 5.1 and 0.0030 s(-1) in water, respectively. Unfolding-folding double jump experiments, together with the use of peptidyl prolyl isomerase, reveal that the slow phase of folding of beta 2-microglobulin is not fundamentally determined by cis/trans isomerisation of X-Pro peptide bonds. Other folding-unfolding double jump experiments also suggest that the fast and slow phases of folding are not related to independent folding of different populations of protein molecules. Rather, we provide evidence for a sequential mechanism of folding where denatured beta 2-microglobulin collapses to an ensemble of partially folded conformations (I(1)) which fold subsequently to a more highly structured species (I(2)) and, finally, attain the native state. The partially folded species I(2) appears to be closely similar to previously studied amyloidogenic forms of beta 2-microglobulin, such as those adopted by the protein at mildly acid pH values and by a variant with six residues deleted at the N terminus. Since amyloid formation in vivo originates from partial denaturation of beta 2-microglobulin under conditions favouring the folding process, the long-lived, partially structured species detected here might be significantly populated under some physiological conditions and hence might play an important role in the process of amyloid formation.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that cyanogenic potential in cassava roots deters polyphagous insects in the field is relevant to current efforts to reduce or eliminate the cyanogenic potential in cassava. To test this hypothesis, experiments were conducted in the field under natural selection pressure of the polyphagous root feeder Cyrtomenus bergi Froeschner (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). A number of cassava varieties (33) as well as 13 cassava siblings and their parental clone, each representing a determined level of cyanogenic potential (CNP), were scored for damage caused by C. bergi and related to CNP and nonglycosidic cyanogens, measured as hydrogen cyanide. Additionally, 161 low-CNP varieties (< 50 ppm hydrogen cyanide, fresh weight) from the cassava germplasm core collection at Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) were screened for resistance/tolerance to C. bergi. Low root damage scores were registered at all levels of CNP. Nevertheless, CNP and yield (or root size) partly explained the damage in cassava siblings (r2 = 0.82) and different cassava varieties (r2 = 0.42), but only when mean values of damage scores were used. This relation was only significant in one of two crop cycles. A logistic model describes the underlying negative relation between CNP and damage. An exponential model describes the underlying negative relation between root size and damage. Damage, caused by C. bergi feeding, released nonglycosidic cyanogens, and an exponential model fits the underlying positive relation. Fifteen low-CNP clones were selected for potential resistance/tolerance against C. bergi.  相似文献   
AL amyloidosis is caused by deposition in target tissue of amyloid fibrils constituted by monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains. The amyloidogenic plasma cells derive from a transformed memory B cell that can be identified by anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies. Comparison of the primary structures of amyloidogenic and nonamyloidogenic light chains does not show any common structural motif in the amyloidogenic variants but reveals peculiar replacements which can destabilize the folding state. Reduced folding stability now appears to be a unifying property of amyloidogenic light chains. The tendency of these proteins to populate a partially unfolded intermediate state is a key event in the self-association that progresses to the formation of oligomers and fibrils. The mechanism of organ damage caused by AL amyloid deposition is not known, but clinical findings suggest that the process of amyloid fibril formation itself exerts tissue toxic effects independently of the amount of amyloid deposited. Since the disease is caused by the neoplastic expansion of the plasma cell population synthesizing the amyloidogenic light chains, the clone represents the prime therapeutic target of conventional chemotherapy and experimental immunotherapy. In common with other types of amyloidosis the therapeutic strategy can take advantage of drugs able to improve the reabsorption of the amyloid deposits or able to bind and stabilize the light chain in the native-like folded state.  相似文献   
In a choice test among six life stages of Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams, Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard) used its antennae to examine adult and 3rd stadium females more than other stages and preferentially attempted to oviposit in these plus 2nd stadium females. Success of ovipositor insertion was unaffected by host stage. The outcome of these behaviors was preferential oviposition by E. diversicornis in the large female host stages. Acerophagus coccois Smith also preferentially examined larger female mealybugs (second and third stadium nymphs and adults) more than other stages and successfully inserted its ovipositor in these stages more often than in second stadium male nymphs and male cocoons, resulting in a similar preference in this species for larger female host stages. When given a choice between adult female hosts of two species, P. herreni and Phenacoccus gossypii Townsend & Cockerell, E. diversicornis exhibited a clear preference for P. herreni; whereas A. coccois preferred P. gossypii.
Résumé Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard), ayant la possibilité de choisir entre six stades différents de Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams, examine avec ses antennes plus particulièrement les adultes et les larves femelles du 3ème stade, et essaie de pondre de préférence dans ces stades et les larves femelles de second stade. L'insertion de la tarière s'effectue aussi bien quel que soit le stade de l'hôte. Il résulte de ces différents aspects du comportement que E. diversicornis pond de préférence dans les femelles des stades les plus avancés. Acerophagus coccois Smith préfère aussi examiner les cochenilles femelles les plus grosses (second et 3ème stade larvaires et adulte), et introduit sa tarière avec succès dans ces stades plus souvent que dans les larves mâles de second stade ou les cocons mâles; il en résulte aussi pour cette espèce une préférence pour les femelles des stades les plus gros.Quand on leur a donné le choix entre des femelles des deux espèces de cochenilles (P. herreni et Phenacoccus gossypii Towsend & Cockerell), E. diversicornis manifestait une nette préférence pour P. herreni, tandis que A. coccois préférait P. gossypii.
The first genetic variant of β2‐microglobulin (b2M) associated with a familial form of systemic amyloidosis has been recently described. The mutated protein, carrying a substitution of Asp at position 76 with an Asn (D76N b2M), exhibits a strongly enhanced amyloidogenic tendency to aggregate with respect to the wild‐type protein. In this study, we characterized the D76N b2M aggregation path and performed an unprecedented analysis of the biochemical mechanisms underlying aggregate cytotoxicity. We showed that, contrarily to what expected from other amyloid studies, early aggregates of the mutant are not the most toxic species, despite their higher surface hydrophobicity. By modulating ganglioside GM1 content in cell membrane or synthetic lipid bilayers, we confirmed the pivotal role of this lipid as aggregate recruiter favouring their cytotoxicity. We finally observed that the aggregates bind to the cell membrane inducing an alteration of its elasticity (with possible functional unbalance and cytotoxicity) in GM1‐enriched domains only, thus establishing a link between aggregate‐membrane contact and cell damage.  相似文献   
Hereditary systemic amyloidosis caused by apolipoprotein A-I variants is a dominantly inherited disease characterised by fibrillar deposits mainly localized in the kidneys, liver, testis and heart. We have previously shown that the apolipoprotein A-I variant circulates in plasma at lower levels than the wild-type form (Mangione et al., 2001; Obici et al., 2004) thus raising the possibility that the amyloid deposits could sequester the circulating amyloidogenic chain or that the intracellular quality control can catch and capture the misfolded amyloidogenic chain before the secretion. In this study we have measured plasma levels of the wild-type and the variant Leu75Pro apolipoprotein A-I in two young heterozygous carriers in which tissue amyloid deposition was still absent. In both cases, the mutant was present at significantly lower levels than the wild-type form, thus indicating that the low plasma concentration of the apolipoprotein A-I variant is not a consequence of the protein entrapment in the amyloid deposits. In order to explore the cell secretion of amyloidogenic apolipoprotein A-I variants, we have studied COS-7 cells expressing either wild-type apolipoprotein A-I or two amyloidogenic mutants: Leu75Pro and Leu174Ser. Quantification of intracellular and extracellular apolipoprotein A-I alongside the intra-cytoplasmatic localization indicates that, unlike the wild-type protein, both variants are retained within the cells and mainly accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum. The low plasma concentration of amyloidogenic apolipoprotein A-I may therefore be ascribed to the activity of the intracellular quality control that represents a first line of defence against the secretion of pathogenic variants.  相似文献   
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