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Recent evidence shows that different fibroblast growth factors (FGF) bind with similar high affinities to two FGF receptors (FGFR) called flg and bek. In order to explore the mechanism of FGFR tyrosine autophosphorylation, we have generated cell lines which co-express a kinase-negative mutant of FGFR and an active form of FGFR. The following transfected NIH 3T3 cells were generated: (i) cells which express a shorter truncated form of bek (two Ig domains) together with a kinase-negative mutant of full length bek (bek K517A), (ii) cells which express wild-type bek together with kinase-negative flg (flg K514A) and (iii) cells co-expressing wild-type flg together with bek K517A. Immunoprecipitations with either bek-or flg-specific antisera followed by immunoblotting indicated that the double transfectants express the desired receptor species. The addition of acidic FGF (aFGF) to the various cell lines followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-FGFR antibodies and immunoblotting with anti-phosphotyrosine specific antibodies indicated that aFGF induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the kinase-negative FGFR mutants. These results show that tyrosine autophosphorylation of the kinase-negative FGFR is mediated by a transphosphorylation mechanism and that both homologous (bek----bek) and heterologous (bek----flg and flg----bek) transphosphorylation occurs in living cells. Recent evidence shows that tyrosine autophosphorylation of receptors with tyrosine kinase activities is essential for mediating interactions with signaling molecules. Therefore, heterologous transphosphorylation could amplify the response of cells to various forms of FGFs and their cognate receptors.  相似文献   
Lactoferrin was examined for its effect on the growth of a human colon adenocarcinoma cell line (HT 29) in culture and its action was compared to that produced by transferrin and two different iron solutions (ferrous sulfate and ferric chloride). When transferrin was replaced by either iron solutions the cell grew in proportion to the quantity added and the maximal effect obtained was identical to that produced by transferrin alone. When transferrin was replaced by lactoferrin the cells were unable to proliferate for a long time. However, in the presence of low-concentration iron solutions, lactoferrin stimulated the cell growth, and the effect was more pronounced with the ferric chloride solution.  相似文献   
Heparin potentiates the mitogenic activity of acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) by 20-100 fold but mechanisms detailing this potentiation have not yet been fully elucidated. We report that heparin increases the binding affinity of aFGF for the two cloned and overexpressed human FGF receptors, flg and bek, by 2-3 fold. This increase in binding affinity, together with previous data demonstrating a 3-5 fold increase in the stability of aFGF, are likely to account for a significant portion of heparin's potentiation of aFGF activity observed in biological assay systems.  相似文献   
Recent advances have highlighted the complex web of biological mechanisms and pathways involved in oncogenic transformation and maintenance of the cancer phenotype. To that end, a number of key factors have been identified and thoroughly investigated over the past couple of decades, such as redox regulation of cell fate decisions, cellular metabolism and bioenergetics, autophagy induction as a survival signal, and how these pathways interplay with oncogene-induced transformation. This has been particularly well documented for oncoprotein Ras-induced carcinogenesis, and recent reports provide ample evidence to indicate a well-coordinated crosstalk between these diverse cellular pathways in the process of cancer initiation and progression. Here we provide a brief summary of the recent advances in the field to illustrate the dual role of autophagy as a tumor suppressor and as a survival mechanism required for cancer maintenance as well as its implication in the complex relationship between Ras-mediated carcinogenesis, mitochondrial metabolism, cellular redox status and bioenergetics.  相似文献   
The response of malignant and nonmalignant human breast cell lines to the growth inhibitory effects of monoclonal antibodies against the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was studied. A series of human breast cell lines, which express EGF receptor, were used: MDA-468, MDA-231, and Hs578T human breast cancer cells and the transformed human mammary epithelial cell lines 184A1N4 and 184A1N4-T that have been benzo[a]pyrene immortalized and further transformed with SV40T, respectively. Four antibodies of two different classes were tested: 225 immunoglobulin G (IgG), 108.4 IgG, 96 immunoglobulin M (IgM), and 42 IgM. All four antibodies inhibited the anchorage-dependent and -independent, EGF-stimulated growth of 184A1N4 and 184A1N4-T cells, respectively, and this growth inhibition could be reversed by the addition of increasing concentrations of EGF. In contrast, the antibodies inhibited the anchorage-dependent and -independent growth of MDA-468 cells in the absence of exogenous EGF suggesting that the antibodies were acting to block access of an endogenously produced ligand to the EGF receptor. In the presence of antibody and increasing concentrations of EGF, MDA-468 cell growth was first stimulated then inhibited as the EGF concentration increased, thus, uncovering the growth stimulatory potential of low concentrations of EGF in these cells. Data is presented that indicates MDA-468 cells secrete a transforming growth factor with autocrine growth stimulatory capabilities. The growth of MDA-231 and Hs578T cells, which contain activated ras oncogenes, was not inhibited by the antibodies and the growth of these cell lines was not stimulated by EGF. Of the cell lines studied only MDA-468 cells appear to possess an autocrine growth stimulatory capacity.  相似文献   
Monoglyceride synthesis by Rhyzomucor miehei lipase was investigated via direct esterification between glycerol (adsorbed onto silica gel) and oleic acid in organic solvents. The main difficulty is to avoid the unwanted production of di- and tri-glycerides. It was demonstrated that an increase in solvent polarity, using mixtures of n-hexane and 2-methyl-2-butanol (2M2B), improves drastically the selectivity toward monoglyceride formation. In pure n-hexane, the monoglyceride represents only 6 molar % of the total products at the thermodynamic equilibrium (34 and 60% for di- and tri-glyceride respectively). Use of an equivolume mixture of n-hexane/2M2B enables a product mixture to be obtained containing 94% of monoglyceride at equilibrium (2.4 and 0% for di- and tri-glyceride respectively). This positive effect is counterbalanced by a decrease both in initial velocities and in substrate conversion at thermodynamic equilibrium.A modeling, able to predict the three thermodynamic equilibria governing the 3 consecutive reactions, based on activity coefficient calculations using the UNIFAC model, is proposed. It takes into account both the partition of water between solvent and immobilized catalyst, and the partition of glycerol between solvent and silica gel. A good correlation with experimental data obtained in n-hexane/2M2B mixtures was observed.  相似文献   
Suitability of Drought-Preconditioning Techniques in Mediterranean Climate   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Abstract Arid and semiarid ecosystems in the Mediterranean are under high risk of desertification. Revegetation with native well‐adapted evergreen shrubs is desirable, but techniques for successful establishment of these species are not fully developed. Transplant shock is a key hurdle to plantation success. The application of a drought‐preconditioning treatment during the last months of nursery culture is a potential technique for reducing transplant shock. This technique has been widely applied in boreal habitats and humid temperate areas. Three representative Mediterranean species (Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus coccifera, and Juniperus oxycedrus seedlings) were exposed to classic drought‐preconditioning treatment consisting of reductions in the watering regime. The effects of preconditioning on seedling quality were assessed by cell water relationships (pressure–volume curves), minimal transpiration, leaf capacitance, chlorophyll fluorescence, and gas exchange. Moreover, seedlings were exposed to transplant shock (intense drought period) during which water potential (predawn and midday) and maximal photochemical efficiency were evaluated to establish seedling performance. Results showed that preconditioning did not affect cell water relationships and minimal transpiration in any of the three species. Preconditioned seedlings of P. lentiscus maintained higher water content during desiccating conditions as a consequence of an increase in leaf water content at full turgor. These changes allowed plants to maintain higher net CO2 assimilation rates and an elevated photosystem II status, facilitating an increase in drought survival. Preconditioning improved the performance of Q. coccifera and J. oxycedrus seedlings, but these two species were much less responsive than P. lentiscus seedlings. Finally, results suggest that sensitivity to drought preconditioning may be related to drought tolerance or avoidance strategy of each species. Drought‐related strategies should be considered to optimize management scale preconditioning.  相似文献   
We have studied the underlying factors responsible for the heterogeneous ecophysiological status of a semiarid Stipa tenacissima L. steppe in a subcatchment of SE Spain by assessing population composition and habitat structure of S. tenacissima stands. To do this, we measured and estimated 18 variables (11 biotic and seven abiotic) in 15 plots randomly distributed in the subcatchment, and then zoned this area by plot affinity using PCA. This analysis produced three sectors determined mainly by S. tenacissima cover and soil depth variables. The linear relationship fitted between S. tenacissima tussock biomass and tussock density in monospecific stands (both logarithmic) indicated a curve close to −1, suggesting that the system is close to the maximum constant yield state. Ecophysiological measurements (gas exchange, fluorescence and individual leaf area index) were taken in two periods with different water availability in a representative plot in each sector. The intraspecific competition (inferred from the density dependence of green biomass) and rock outcrops were the main factors influencing the ecophysiological status in the study area. While, in the wet season, intraspecific competition regulated water consumption in zones where S. tenacissima tussocks (monospecific stands) are dominant, during the dry season, stands in zones with extensive rock outcrops and stone cover (tussocks in “soil pockets”) had no access to non-rainfall water gains because of the adjacent bare soil, and so in these stands, gas exchange was lower and photoinhibition higher. This article stresses the importance of considering the connection between tussocks and bare-ground interspace in the functional and structural analysis of semiarid steppes.  相似文献   
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