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International Microbiology - Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a foodborne bacterial pathogens that can cause staphylococcal food poisoning and contaminate food of animal origin worldwide. The...  相似文献   
The spatial ecology of golden jackal Canis aureus was studied on farmland adjacent to the Bale Mountains National Park in southern Ethiopia during 1998–2000. Three adult and four subadult jackals were captured in leg‐hold traps and radiotagged. The range size of the adult jackals varied from 7.9 to 48.2 km2 and the subadults from 24.2 to 64.8 km2 . These ranges are the largest recorded for this species. Range overlap of the tagged jackals averaged 54%, which, in conjunction with observations of associations between individuals, suggested that all the tagged jackals belonged to one social group. Tagged jackals were observed alone on 87% of occasions despite the extensive overlap in individual ranges. Pairs consisting of a male and female were the most commonly observed group and larger groups were seen on only five occasions. Jackals in this population appeared less gregarious than observed elsewhere. The jackals used all the habitats available to them, particularly at night when they foraged in Artemesia and Hypericum bush and farmland. During the day they were more frequently found in Hagenia and Juniper woodland and their diurnal resting sites were characterized by thick cover. This is the first detailed study of golden jackals in a human‐modified landscape in Africa and further demonstrates the flexibility in behaviour and ecology exhibited by this species throughout its range.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation is an increasing threat to wildlife species across the globe and it has been predicted that future biodiversity will decrease rapidly without the intervention of scientifically-based management. In this study we have applied a landscape genetics approach to suggest a network design that will maintain connectivity among populations of the endangered mountain Nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) in the fragmented highlands of Ethiopia. DNA was obtained non-invasively from 328 individuals and genetic population structure and gene flow were estimated using 12 microsatellite markers. In addition, a 475-bp segment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced for 132 individuals. Potential dispersal corridors were determined from least-cost path analysis based on a habitat suitability map. The genetic data indicated limited gene flow between the sampled mountain Nyala populations of the Bale Massif and the Arsi Massif. The genetic differentiation observed among five sampling areas of the Bale Massif followed a pattern of isolation by distance. We detected no impact of habitat resistance on the gene flow. In the future, however, the current expanding human population in the highlands of Ethiopia may reduce the current mountain Nyala habitat and further limit migration. Hence, maintaining habitat connectivity and facilitating survival of stepping-stone populations will be important for the future conservation of the species. The approach used here may also be useful for the study and conservation of other wildlife species inhabiting areas of increasing human encroachment.  相似文献   
TUSC2-defective gene expression is detected in the majority of lung cancers and is associated with worse overall survival. We analyzed the effects of TUSC2 re-expression on tumor cell sensitivity to the AKT inhibitor, MK2206, and explored their mutual signaling connections, in vitro and in vivo. TUSC2 transient expression in three LKB1-defective non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines combined with MK2206 treatment resulted in increased repression of cell viability and colony formation, and increased apoptotic activity. In contrast, TUSC2 did not affect the response to MK2206 treatment for two LKB1-wild type NSCLC cell lines. In vivo, TUSC2 systemic delivery, by nanoparticle gene transfer, combined with MK2206 treatment markedly inhibited growth of tumors in a human LKB1-defective H322 lung cancer xenograft mouse model. Biochemical analysis showed that TUSC2 transient expression in LKB1-defective NSCLC cells significantly stimulated AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation and enzymatic activity. More importantly, AMPK gene knockdown abrogated TUSC2-MK2206 cooperation, as evidenced by reduced sensitivity to the combined treatment. Together, TUSC2 re-expression and MK2206 treatment was more effective in inhibiting the phosphorylation and kinase activities of AKT and mTOR proteins than either single agent alone. In conclusion, these findings support the hypothesis that TUSC2 expression status is a biological variable that potentiates MK2206 sensitivity in LKB1-defective NSCLC cells, and identifies the AMPK/AKT/mTOR signaling axis as an important regulator of this activity.  相似文献   
Primates inhabiting human-modified landscapes often exploit matrix habitat to supplement their diet with cultivated foods, at times resulting in economic losses and conflict with local people. Understanding human-nonhuman primate interactions and the attitudes and perceptions of local people towards crop feeding species are crucial to designing effective species-based management plans. Over a 12-month period, we used scan sampling to study the consumption of cultivated foods and matrix use patterns by two habituated groups of Bale monkeys (Chlorocebus djamdjamensis), Ethiopian-endemic bamboo specialists, in two forest fragments (Kokosa and Afursa) set amidst human settlements and farmland in the southern Ethiopian Highlands. Further, we conducted interviews with local people to document their attitudes and perceptions towards Bale monkeys at the two sites. We found that Bale monkeys at Kokosa, a more degraded habitat by most measures, consumed significantly more cultivated foods than their counterparts at Afursa. Moreover, Bale monkeys at Kokosa spent significantly more time in the matrix than in the forest habitat, while monkeys at Afursa spent significantly less time in the matrix than in the forest habitat. Not surprisingly, local people displayed a more negative attitude towards monkeys inhabiting Kokosa than those inhabiting Afursa. The differences in Bale monkey cultivated food consumption and matrix use patterns—as well as in local people's attitudes and perceptions towards Bale monkeys—between Kokosa and Afursa are probably associated with differences in habitat structure, degree of habitat alteration, and land-use practices between the sites. We conclude that to ensure long-term coexistence between Bale monkeys and local people in human-modified landscapes, it is vital to incorporate nearby matrix habitats into management plans and to work closely with local communities to develop effective nonlethal crop protection strategies, thereby reducing the likelihood of negative interactions between Bale monkeys and humans.  相似文献   


Rabies is a viral zoonosis that has been described in limited numbers of studies in Ethiopia at large and among pastoralists in particular. This study assessed dog demography, bite wound prevalence and management, potential risk factors of disease transmission and knowledge attitude practice towards rabies among urban dwellers, pastoralists and health workers in Awash, Eastern Ethiopia.


Information was collected by means of structured questionnaires and interviews and through medical and official records from the Agricultural and Health bureaus.

Principal Findings

Respondents totaled 539 (471 urban, 49 pastoralists, 19 medical). Dog(s) were owned in 33% urban and 75.5% pastoralist households respectively. Mean dog number per dog owning household was 1.50 (95%CI: 1.40–1.60) in urban and 2.05 (95%CI: 1.51–2.60) in pastoralists sites. Human Dog Ratio in Metahara was 4.7:1. No bite wounds records were kept in medical facilities, where staff recalled around 100 bites per year, 2/3 being in adults. Over 90% of the respondents claimed knowing rabies but up to 79.2% pastoralist did not know how dogs acquire the disease; 37.3% urban and 23% pastoralist did not know the symptoms of rabies in dogs; 36% urban and 44% pastoralists did not know rabies symptoms in people. Eighty percent of pastoralists did not know that the disease was fatal in people if untreated. Over half (58.7%) of pastoralist respondents go to traditional healers if bitten, despite a health extension worker program in place in the study area. Knowledge gaps were also shown amidst medical staff.


The study highlighted overall poor disease knowledge, severe under-reporting of human rabies cases, lack of record keeping and poor collaboration between the public and animal health sectors and communities in rabies control.  相似文献   
Irrigation with untreated wastewater from several industrial, commercial, and domestic discharges for decades caused accumulation of various heavy metals and metalloids in soils along the Akaki River in Ethiopia. Assessment of environmental threats and the potential phytoremediation of the soils require understanding of the toxic elements’ uptake and distribution in plant parts. Hence, a greenhouse study was performed to examine the phytoavailability and distribution of Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Se, V, and As in forage grasses: Oat (Avena sativa), Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana), Setaria (Setaria sphacelata), and the legumes Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and Desmodium (Desmodium unicinatum). The average contents of Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg, Se, and V in the plants were generally higher than the background levels for forage grasses/legumes, and some of these elements were in the phytotoxic range. Root bioconcentration factor (BCF = root to soil concentration ratio) > 1 was observed for Cu (Oat, Rhodes, Desmodium, and Setaria: Fluvisol), Zn (Setaria: Fluvisol), Cd (Rhodes: Fluvisol; Setaria from both soils) and Hg (Oat and Alfalfa: Fluvisol). Alfalfa and Desmodium displayed translocation factor > 1 (TF = shoot to root concentration ratio) for most heavy metals. Most heavy metals/metalloids may pose a health threat to humans and stock via introduction to the food chain. The plant factors (species and plant part), soil factors (soil type, soil fractions, pH, and CEC), and their interactions significantly (p < 0.05) influenced plant heavy metal and metalloid levels. However, the role of plant part and species emerged as the most important on heavy metal uptake, translocation, sequestration, and ultimately transfer to the food chain. Accordingly, the uptake and distribution of heavy metals/metalloids in the plants reflect the potential environmental and health hazards attributable to the use of fodder grasses, legumes, and cultivation of vegetables in soils with polymetallic and metalloid contamination.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the species composition, abundance and habitat association of non-volant small mammals from grassland, Acacia woodland, farmland, riverine forest, bushland and wooded grassland habitats in Gibe Sheleko National Park, southwestern Ethiopia. Data were collected using 49 Sherman live traps in 70 × 70 m sized girds and visual observations from December 2018 to August 2020. A total of 937 small mammals belonging to 10 species were captured and directly identified. The identified small mammal species and their relative abundance include Arvicanthis niloticus (7.04%), Crocidura olivieri (1.92%), Grammomys dolichurus (3.84%), Lemniscomys striatus (10.25%), Mastomys awashensis (24.55%), Mastomys natalensis (33.83%), Mus tenellus (0.85%), Myomys fumatus (6.30%), Rattus rattus (4.70%) and Stenocephalemys albipes (6.72%). Hystrix cristata, Xerus rutilus and Tachyoryctes splendens were documented through observation. The highest number of species (6) was registered at farmland and wooded grassland followed by bushland and riverine forest (5) and Acacia woodland and grassland (4). Lemniscomys striatus, M. awashensis and M. natalensis were common in all habitats. More, 216 (23.05%) individuals were recorded in farmland, while the least, 111 (11.85%) were recorded in Acacia woodland. The study area has various topographical land settings additional study is needed using different traps.  相似文献   
Tuberculosis (TB) is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. The causative agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), has evolved virulent factors for entry, survival, multiplication and immune evasion. Rv2031 (also called alpha crystallin, hspX, 16-kDa antigen), one of the most immunogenic latency antigens, is believed to play a key role in long-term viability of Mtb. Here, we report the dynamics of pro-inflammatory (IFN-γ, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines against Rv2031 using whole blood assay in human cohorts in a TB endemic setting. Cytokine responses to ESAT-6-CFP-10 were also measured for comparison. Blood samples were collected from smear positive pulmonary TB patients and their contacts at baseline, 6 and 12 months, and from community controls at entry. At baseline, 54.4% of controls and 73.2% of contacts were QFT-GIT test positive. Baseline IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-10 responses to Rv2031 were significantly higher in controls compared to contacts and untreated patients (p<0.001). Furthermore, untreated patients had significantly higher TNF-α and IL-10 responses to Rv2031 compared to contacts (p<0.001). In contacts and treated patients, IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-10 responses to Rv2031 significantly increased over 12 months (p<0.0001) and became comparable with the corresponding levels in controls. There was a positive and significant correlation between Rv2031 and ESAT-6-CFP-10 specific cytokine responses in each study group. The fact that the levels of IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-10 against Rv2031 were highest during latent TB infection may indicate their potential as markers of protection against TB. Taken together, the findings of this study suggest the potential of IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-10 against Rv2031 as biomarkers of the host response to Mtb during convalescence from, and the absence of, active tuberculosis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The predominant mode of HIV-1 transmission is by heterosexual contact. The cervical/vaginal mucosa is the main port of HIV entry in women. A safe and effective topical microbicide against HIV is urgently needed to prevent sexual transmission. Hence, we evaluated griffithsin (GRFT), a 12.7 kDa carbohydrate-binding protein, both native and recombinant GRFT, potently inhibited both CXCR4-and CCR5-tropic HIV infection and transmission in vitro. METHODS: The antiviral efficacy of native and recombinant GRFT against CXCR4-and CCR5-tropic HIV and SHIV strains and SIVmac251 was evaluated by in vitro assays. We also evaluated the time course of antiviral activity and stability of GRFT in cervical/vaginal lavage as a function of pH 4-8. RESULTS: Griffithsin blocked CXCR4-and CCR5-tropic viruses at less than 1 nm concentrations and exhibited a high potency. GRFT was stable in cervical/vaginal lavage fluid and maintained a similar potency of anti-HIV activity. GRFT is not only a highly potent HIV entry inhibitor, but also prevents cell fusion and cell-to-cell transmission of HIV. CONCLUSIONS: The in vitro efficacy of GRFT revealed low cytotoxicity, high potency, rapid onset of antiviral activity and long-term stability in cervical/vaginal lavage. GRFT is an excellent candidate for anti-HIV microbicide development.  相似文献   
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