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Electro-antennograms (EAG) in Pieris brassicae butterflies showed graded responses to the odour of intact conspecific eggs, and also to leaf and flower volatiles. Contributing to this summated potential are at least two types of sensilla on each segment of the antenna, although the terminal 6–8 segments do not respond proportionately. Analysis of the activity profiles of single olfactory cells to these compounds shows a typical generalist spectrum, with 0–3 cells per sensillum responding to the stimulus by an increase or decrease in spike frequency. The pheromone associated with eggs and deterring other females from ovipositing is not present in ovaries, but is produced in the accessory glands. It is water-soluble, has a low volatility and causes an increase in spike frequency in tarsal contact chemoreceptors.Behavioural evidence for the presence of a three-tier discrimination (visual detection of eggs or larvae: olfactory detection of aversion pheromone during fluttering over the leaves: contact discrimination by tarsae after landing (Rothschild & Schoonhoven, 1977)) is supported by electrophysiological results, which indicate the involvement of olfactory and contact chemoreceptors in recognising the presence of eggs.
Zusammenfassung Elektroantennogramme (EAG) von Pieris brassicae Faltern zeigten abgestufte Reaktionen auf den Geruch konspezifischer Eier und auch auf flüchtige Stoffe von Blättern und Blumen. Zu diesem summierten Potential tragen mindestens zwei Typen von Sensillen auf jedem Segment der Fühler bei, wobei allerdings die 6–8 Endglieder nicht proportional reagieren. Die Aktivitätsprofile einzelner Geruchszellen entsprechen einem typischen Spektrum eines generalist. 0–3 Zellen pro Sensille reagieren auf die Reizung mit erhöhter oder erniedrigter Impulsfrequenz. Die Markierung der Eier, welche andere Weibchen von der Eiablage abhält, ist in den Ovarien nicht vorhanden, wird jedoch in den akzessorischen Drüsen erzeugt. Sie ist wasserlöslich, hat eine geringe Flüchtigkeit und verursacht eine erhöhte Impulsfrequenz bei Kontaktrezeptoren der Tarsen.
In the present study, we used osteoprotegerin (OPG), which blocks osteoclastogenesis, to correct and thus explain the hypercalcemia that is seen during dietary Mg deficiency in the mouse. Control and Mg-deficient mice received injections for 12 days of either OPG or vehicle only. Serum Ca was similar in Mg-deficient mice treated with OPG and in control mice receiving OPG (9.2±0.3 mg/dl vs. 9.2±0.5). Both groups had significantly higher serum Ca than controls or Mg-deficient animals receiving vehicle alone. Surprisingly, Mg-depleted mice that received OPG in doses that inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption remained hypercalcemic. Because mature osteoclasts still present in the marrow might be hyperactive, we examined osteoclast morphology at the light microscopic and ultrastructural level. Light microscopic examination of trabecular bone showed few osteoclasts in OPG-treated mice. Ultrastructural examination revealed that osteoclasts in OPG-treated mice have decreased contact with the endosteal bone surface and absence of a ruffled border. Because the morphology of the existing pool of mature osteoclasts did not enhance resorption, another mechanism, such as increased intestinal absorption of Ca in Mg-deficient mice, likely contributes to the hypercalcemia observed during Mg deficiency.  相似文献   
Pakistan, the second most populous Muslim nation in the world, has started to finally experience and confront the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The country had been relatively safe from any indigenous HIV cases for around two decades, with most of the infections being attributable to deported HIV positive migrants from the Gulf States. However, the virus finally seems to have found a home-base, as evidenced by the recent HIV outbreaks among the injection drug user community. Extremely high-risk behavior has also been documented among Hijras (sex workers) and long-distance truck drivers. The weak government response coupled with the extremely distressing social demographics of this South-Asian republic also helps to compound the problem. The time is ripe now to prepare in advance, to take the appropriate measures to curtail further spread of the disease. If this opportunity is not utilized right now, little if at all could be done later.  相似文献   
P2Y(12) antagonists such as clopidogrel and AR-C69931MX inhibit aggregation by antagonizing the effects of ADP at P2Y(12) receptors on platelets. Agents such as PGE(1) also inhibit aggregation by stimulating adenylate cyclase to produce cAMP, which interferes with Ca(2+) mobilization within the cell. Since one facet of P2Y(12) receptors is that they mediate inhibition of adenylate cyclase by ADP, it might be expected that P2Y(12) antagonists would interact with PGE(1). We have explored the effects of PGE(1) and AR-C69931MX singly and in combination on ADP-induced intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) responses and aggregation. PGE(1) alone caused parallel dose-dependent inhibition of [Ca(2+)](i) and aggregation responses. AR-C66931MX alone caused only partial inhibition of [Ca(2+)](i) despite a marked inhibitory effect on aggregation. Combinations of PGE(1) with AR-C66931MX were found to act in synergy to reduce both [Ca(2+)](i) and aggregation. This effect was confirmed in patients with acute coronary syndromes by studying the inhibitory effects of PGE(1) on [Ca(2+)](i) and aggregation before and after clopidogrel. In summary, we have shown that P2Y(12) antagonists interact with natural agents such as PGE(1) to provide more effective inhibition of [Ca(2+)](i) and platelet aggregation. This would contribute to the effectiveness of P2Y(12) antagonists as antithrombotic agents in man.  相似文献   
The natural habitats of microbes are typically spatially structured with limited resources, so opportunities for unconstrained, balanced growth are rare. In these habitats, selection should favor microbes that are able to use resources most efficiently, that is, microbes that produce the most progeny per unit of resource consumed. On the basis of this assertion, we propose that selection for efficiency is a primary driver of the composition of microbial communities. In this article, we review how the quality and quantity of resources influence the efficiency of heterotrophic growth. A conceptual model proposing innate differences in growth efficiency between oligotrophic and copiotrophic microbes is also provided. We conclude that elucidation of the mechanisms underlying efficient growth will enhance our understanding of the selective pressures shaping microbes and will improve our capacity to manage microbial communities effectively.  相似文献   
Behan RK  Lippard SJ 《Biochemistry》2010,49(45):9679-9681
The aging-associated enzyme CLK-1 is proposed to be a member of the carboxylate-bridged diiron family of proteins. To evaluate this hypothesis and characterize the protein, we expressed soluble mouse CLK-1 (MCLK1) in Escherichia coli as a heterologous host. Using Mo?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopy, we established that MCLK1 indeed belongs to this protein family. Biochemical analyses of the in vitro activity of MCLK1 with quinone substrates revealed that NADH can serve directly as a reductant for catalytic activation of dioxygen and substrate oxidation by the enzyme, with no requirement for an additional reductase protein component. The direct reaction of NADH with a diiron-containing oxidase enzyme has not previously been encountered for any member of the protein superfamily.  相似文献   
Host genetic factors are known to determine disease susceptibility in dengue virus infection. Therefore, in this study association of gene polymorphisms of Vitamin D Receptor [rs731236 (Taq) and rs7975232 (Apa1)], Toll-like receptor 2 [rs5743708 (Arg735Gln) and rs5743704 (Pro631His)] and Toll-like receptor 4 [rs4986790A/G(Asp299Gly13843) and rs4986791 C/T(Thr399Ile)] were studied in cases with dengue as compared to controls. Total 98 cases of confirmed dengue virus infection and 98 age, sex and geographically matched healthy controls were enrolled and their genetic polymorphisms for the above mentioned regions were studied by Sanger sequencing. Mutant genotypes CC of VDR rs731236 (Taq1) [(OR 3.808, p value =0.02, CI 1.160-12.498)], GG of VDR rs7975232 (Apa1) [(OR 3.485, p value =0.02, CI 1.162-10.45)] and heterozygous genotypes of TLR4 rs4986790 A/G Asp299Gly [OR 2.40, p value= 0.02, CI 1.12-5.14], TLR4 rs4986791 C/T Thr399Ile [OR 2.09, p value=0.02, CI 1.12-5.14] were found to be significantly more in cases with dengue virus infection as compared to the controls. Also, at these positions mutant alleles were observed in significantly higher number of cases than controls. The values for C allele at VDR rs731236 (Taq1) were OR 1.86, p value 0.009, CI 1.162-3.001; for allele G at rs7975232( Apa1) were OR 2.71, p value 0.006, CI 1.196-2.98 for allele G at TLR4s rs4986790 A/G Asp299Gly were OR 2.35, p value 0.009, CI 1.23-4.50 and for allele T at rs4986791 C/T Thr399Ile were OR 2.36, p value=0.006, CI 1.28-4.38. VDR and TLR4 but not TLR2 gene polymorphisms were found to be associated with dengue susceptibility in Indian population.  相似文献   
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