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We have investigated the delayed rectifier current (Ix) in the calf cardiac Purkinje fiber using a conventional two-microelectrode voltage clamp arrangement. The deactivation of Ix was monitored by studying decaying current tails after the application of depolarizing voltage prepulses. The reversal potential (Vrev) of these Ix tails was measured as a function of prepulse magnitude and duration to test for possible permeant ion accumulation- or depletion-induced changes in Vrev. We found that prepulse-induced changes in Vrev were less than 5 mV, provided that prepulse durations were less than or equal to 3.5 s and magnitudes were less than or equal to +35 mV. We kept voltage pulse structures within these limits for the remainder of the experiments in this study. We studied the sensitivity of Vrev to variation in extracellular K+. The reversal potential for Ix is well described by a Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz relation for a channel permeable to Na+ and K+ with PNa/PK = 0.02. The deactivation of Ix was always found to be biexponential and the two components shared a common reversal potential. These results suggest that it is not necessary to postulate the existence of two populations of channels to account for the time course of the Ix tails. Rather, our results can quantitatively be reproduced by a model in which the Ix channel can exist in three (two closed, one open) conformational states connected by voltage dependent rate constants.  相似文献   
Summary The permeability of the Na channel of squid giant axon to organic cations and small nonelectrolytes was studied. The compounds tested were guanidinium, formamidinium, and14C-labeled urea, formamide, thiourea, and acetone. Permeability was calculated from measurements of reversal potential and influx on internally perfused, voltage clamped squid axons. The project had two objectives: (1) to determine whether different methods of measuring the permeability of organic cations yield similar values and (2) to see whether neutral analogs of the organic cations can permeate the Na channel. Our results show that the permeability ratio of sodium to a test ion depends upon the ionic composition of the solution used. This finding is consistent with the view put forward previously that the Na channel can contain more than one ion at a time. In addition, we found that the uncharged analogs of permeant cations are not measurably permeant through the Na channel, but instead probably pass through the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   
The multi-ion nature of the pore in Shaker K+ channels.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have investigated some of the permeation properties of the pore in Shaker K channels. We determined the apparent permeability ratio of K+, Rb+, and NH4+ ions and block of the pore by external Cs+ ions. Shaker channels were expressed with the baculovirus/Sf9 expression system and the channel currents measured with the whole-cell variant of the patch clamp technique. The apparent permeability ratio, PRb/PK, determined in biionic conditions with internal K+, was a function of external Rb+ concentration. A large change in PRb/PK occurred with reversed ionic conditions (internal Rb+ and external K+). These changes in apparent permeability were not due to differences in membrane potential. With internal K+, PNH4/PK was not a function of external NH4+ concentration (at least over the range 50-120 mM). We also investigated block of the pore by external Cs+ ions. At a concentration of 20 mM, Cs+ block had a voltage dependence equivalent to that of an ion with a valence of 0.91; this increased to 1.3 at 40 mM Cs+. We show that a 4-barrier, 3-site permeation model can simulate these and many of the other known properties of ion permeation in Shaker channels.  相似文献   
We have examined the actions of several amino group reagents on delayed rectifier potassium channels in squid giant axons. Three general classes of reagents were used: (1) those that preserved the positive charge of amino groups; (2) those that neutralize the charge; and (3) those that replace the positive with a negative charge. All three types of reagents produced qualitatively similar effects on K channel properties. Trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) neutralizes the peptide terminal amino groups and the epsilon-amino group of lysine groups. TNBS (a) slowed the kinetics of macroscopic ionic currents; (b) increased the size of ionic currents at large positive voltages; (c) shifted the voltage-dependent probability of channel opening to more positive potentials but had no effect on the voltage sensitivity; and (d) altered several properties of K channel gating currents. The actions of TNBS on gating currents suggest the presence of multiple gating current components. These effects are not all coupled, suggesting that several amino groups on the external surface of K channels are important for channel gating. A simple kinetic model that considers the channel to be composed of independent heterologous subunits is consistent with most of the modifications produced by amino group reagents.  相似文献   
Hyperpolarizing conditioning pulses delay the onset of potassium channel current in voltage-clamped myelinated nerve fibers. Both the development of and recovery from this conditioning are approximately exponential functions of time: the time constants are functions of the conditioning voltage. The delay is larger and develops faster for more hyperpolarized conditioning pulses. The magnitude of the delay (but not the rate of development or recovery) depends upon the test potential-small test depolarizations produce larger delays than large depolarizations. The currents with and without the conditioning pulse cannot be made to superimpose by a simple time translation.  相似文献   
We have investigated the block of squid axon sodium channels by mono- and divalent guanidinium analogues. The action of these compounds on steady state sodium currents was independent of the presence or absence of the normal inactivation process. Block by both mono- and divalent analogues was voltage-dependent, but was a steeper function of potential for divalent molecules. The voltage-dependence could not, in general, be reproduced by a simple model based on Boltzmann's equation. Inhibition of steady state currents by guanidinium ions with 50 mM internal sodium was reasonably well described by a 1:1 drug/channel binding function. Increasing the internal sodium ion concentration increased both the degree and voltage-dependence of current inhibition. This is in sharp contrast to the decrease in inactivation caused by internal sodium. Changes in the external sodium concentration had very little effect on drug block. These results are consistent with a model of the sodium channel as a multi-ion pore. Only a small increase in block can be produced by increased internal sodium in a three-barrier two-site model, but a four-barrier three-site model can reproduce these experimental findings. The implications of these results for physical models of inactivation are discussed.  相似文献   
In Prince Edward Island, Canada, widespread intensive potato production has contributed to elevated nitrate concentrations in groundwater and streams, and eutrophic or anoxic conditions occur regularly in several estuarine systems. In this research, the stable isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen in nitrate in intertidal groundwater discharge and stream water were used, in conjunction with water quality and quantity data and land use information, to better understand the characteristics of nitrate delivered to two small estuaries with contrasting land use in their contributory catchments. Most of the water samples collected during the two-year study had isotopic signatures that fell in the range expected for nitrate derived from ammonium-based fertilizers (26.5 % of the samples) or in the overlapping range formed between ammonium-based fertilizers and nitrate derived from soil (64 % of the samples). Overall, isotopic signatures spanned over relatively narrow ranges, and correlations with other water quality parameters, or catchment characteristics, were weak. Nitrate in groundwater discharge and surface water in the Trout River catchment exhibited significantly different isotopic signatures only for the nitrogen isotope, while in the McIntyre Creek catchment groundwater discharge and surface water had similar isotopic signatures. When the isotopic results for the waters from the two catchments were compared, the surface waters were found to be similar, while the isotopic signatures of nitrate in groundwater were distinct only for the nitrogen isotope. Denitrification in the two study catchments was not evident based on the isotopic results for nitrate; however, in the case of the Trout River catchment, where a small freshwater pond exists, an average nitrate load reduction of 14 % was inferred based on a comparison of nitrate loads entering and leaving the pond. Overall, it appears that natural attenuation processes, occurring either in the streams or groundwater flow systems, do not significantly reduce nitrate loading to these estuaries.  相似文献   
We have examined the interaction between TEA and K+ ions in the pore of Shaker potassium channels. We found that the ability of external TEA to antagonize block of Shaker channels by internal TEA depended on internal K+ ions. In contrast, this antagonism was independent of external K+ concentrations between 0.2 and 40 mM. The external TEA antagonism of internal TEA block increased linearly with the concentration of internal K+ ions. In addition, block by external TEA was significantly enhanced by increases in the internal K+ concentration. These results suggested that external TEA ions do not directly antagonize internal TEA, but rather promote increased occupancy of an internal K+ site by inhibiting the emptying of that site to the external side of the pore. We found this mechanism to be quantitatively consistent with the results and revealed an intrinsic affinity of the site for K+ ions near 65 mM located approximately 7% into the membrane electric field from the internal end of the pore. We also found that the voltage dependence of block by internal TEA was influenced by internal K+ ions. The TEA site (at 0 internal K+) appeared to sense approximately 5% of the field from the internal end of the pore (essentially colocalized with the internal K+ site). These results lead to a refined picture of the number and location of ion binding sites at the inner end of the pore in Shaker K channels.  相似文献   
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