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The use of entropy of choices distribution in studying the processes of learning and long-term memory in rhesus monkeys during differentiation of periodic and non-periodic visual stimuli, showed that the transition from the unlearned state to the learned one proceeds not gradually but in two stages; the first stage--the accumulation of information and externally random behaviour, the second stage--rapid transition to the learned behaviour. For "filters" selective to spatial frequency, the change of stimuli orientation leads to an increase of the behaviour entropy. For "filters" selective to the bar width, the entropy practically does not change. During prolonged storage of acquired information, in the long-term memory, its partial loss takes place leading to an increase of the behaviour entropy. The difference between the entropy determined directly after the learning and that determined again after a prolonged storage of the memorized habit characterizes the quantity of information lost during the storage period.  相似文献   
The stress-reactivity of the pituitary-adrenocortical system (PAS) as assessed by the dynamics of the blood corticosterone level changes was studied in rats administered with cortisol at different periods of their pre- and postnatal ontogenesis. The participation of the activation and deactivation mechanisms in this process was estimated by means of a mathematical modeling, using the basic parameters of hormonal wave. It is established that in the one-month old rat pups born from mothers injected with cortisol from the day 14 to 18 of pregnancy, the basal and stress-evoked PAS activity was not essentially changed, whereas the adult animals demonstrated a faster decrease of the stress-induced corticosterone level. Injection of cortisol at the early neonatal ontogenesis (1–5 day of life) decreased the basal and stress-induced corticosterone levels at the morning hours in one-month old rats, whereas in adult rats it increased the PAS stress-reactivity. Injection of cortisol in the late neonatal ontogenesis, i.e., during the period of formation of the sensory systems (opening of the ears, eyes, maximal motor activity) resulted predominantly in changing the time of completion of the stress-induced hormonal response that became longer than in control animals of the same age. With the aid of mathematical modeling, we have found that at the early neonatal period of development the hormonal exposure mainly increases the rate of PAS activation, whereas injection of glucocorticoids at the late neonatal period changes PAS regulation by a feedback mechanism, thus decreasing the rate of system inactivation and increasing the time of completion of PAS stress-induced reaction. It is concluded that the phenotypic reorganization of PAS stress-reactivity by exogenous corticosteroids depends on the time of their action on development of the excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms during the critical periods of their formation.  相似文献   
The hypothesis was put forward that, along with the regulation of mass center projection, the system of upright posture control stabilizes the deviation of pressure center from the position of the mass center projection. The regularities in the behavior of the trajectories of pressure center and mass center projection were analysed. Experimental evidence was obtained supporting the validity of the hypothesis. The structure of the control system that corresponds to the new understanding of the variables being regulated during the maintenance of vertical posture was considered.  相似文献   
In vitro, the Wistar rat tail artery segments were perfused with the Crebs-Henselite solution. Under the conditions of perfusion pressure increasing from 0 to 110 mm Hg with the velocity of 5 mm Hg/min, the "diameter-pressure" curves were obtained. Changes in the vessel diameter during increase of pressure in the vessel were accompanied by vasomotions. For the first time, a regularity of the vasomotion direction changes as determined by an increase or decrease of the vessel diameter was established. The increase of the vessel diameter was accompanied by a sequence of its spike-formed decreases, whereas decrease of the vessel diameter was accompanied by a sequence of its spike-formed increases.  相似文献   
The investigation is concerned with slow oscillations of the intracellular calcium concentration, fast oscillations of the membrane potential, and their interactions during bursting generation. The question associated with functioning of the bursting mode is considered: how is the condition of simultaneous existence of the slow and fast membrane potential oscillations (necessary for the bursting mode) realized under exo- and endogenous actions that result in changes in the neuron membrane parameters? To answer the question the regions of existence of fast, slow and bursting oscillations have been constructed on different parameter planes. The study has revealed that in spite of the fact the regions of the existence of the slow and fast oscillations are sensitive to parameter variations, the condition of the bursting mode existence remains due to invariance of the spatial vicinity of these regions. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that there exists the possibility to enhance the maximal conductances of the calcium-dependent currents simultaneously such that even strong variations of their values do not induce changes of the oscillations mode (i.e. it remains bursting).  相似文献   
We examine the problem of constructing the boundary of bursting oscillations on a parameter plane for the system of equations describing the electrical behaviour of the membrane neuron arising from the interaction of fast oscillations of the cytoplasma membrane potential and slow oscillations of the intracellular calcium concentration. As the boundary point on the parameter plane we consider the values at which the limit cycle of the slow subsystem is tangent to the Hopf bifurcation curve of the fast subsystem. The method suggested for determining the boundary is based on the dissection of the system variables into slow and fast. The strong point of the method is that it requires the integration of the slow subsystem only. An example of the application of the method for the stomatogastric neuron model [Guckenheimer J, Gueron S, Harris-Warrick RM (1993) Philos Trans R Soc Lond B 341: 345–359] is given. Received: 31 May 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 19 November 1999  相似文献   
 We consider the problem of the existence of a negative slope region (NSR) in the voltage-current curve of the neuronal membrane and the relationship between this phenomenon and the membrane parameters. For the Hodgkin-Huxley model it is proposed to determine the dependence of the number of NSR on the values of the maximal sodium (gˉNa) and potassium (gˉK) conductances. The method is suggested for constructing the boundaries on the (gˉNa, gˉK) plane, in passing through which the number of NSR changes to 1. Using the method we partition the (gˉNa, gˉK) plane into the regions corresponding to the curves with the different number of NSR. This number can be changed from 0 to 2 in changing the values of gˉNa and gˉK over the physiologically possible range. Received: 9 December 1993/Accepted in revised form: 10 February 1995  相似文献   
Bedrov YA  Dick OE  Romanov SP 《Bio Systems》2007,89(1-3):50-57
The assumption that signal-dependent noise during isometric force production controls the stabilization of voluntary isometric force is considered. To verify the assumption the trajectory of isometric force is decomposed into voluntary and involuntary components and the mathematical model describing the relationship between them is developed. It is shown that the integral of an involuntary component (signal-dependent noise) plays the role of the controlling parameter realizing the stabilization of a voluntary component. The stabilization is carried out both in the absence and in the presence of visual feedback. Changes of experimental conditions are accompanied by essential changes in the amplitude of the involuntary component oscillations.  相似文献   
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