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An important question in mammalian gamete physiology concerns how capacitation and the occurrence of acrosome reactions in motile sperm relate to fertility. Evaluation of these relationships has been restricted by practical limitations because rapid, quantitative assays are unavailable. We have developed a rapid, reproducible assay for the evaluation of acrosomal status utilizing monoclonal antibodies specific to antigens localized in the acrosomal cap region of the sperm head. Mice were immunized with human ejaculated sperm preparations and the resultant hybridomas producing antisperm antibody were selected by solid-phase radioimmunoassay and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). Two monoclonal antibodies (HS-19, HS-21) recognized target antigens restricted to the acrosomal cap by IIF, and 87 +/- 8.5% of the sperm in fresh ejaculates from 10 different sperm donors showed positive cap fluorescence with these reagents. Loss of HS-21 binding as measured by IIF was correlated with disappearance of the acrosomal cap as observed directly by transmission electron microscopy. Acrosomal disappearance, artificially induced in vitro using the calcium ionophore A23187, also resulted in a loss of HS-21 binding. The induction of acrosomal loss by ionophore was dependent upon extracellular calcium. The data presented suggest that specific monoclonal antibodies can be used for the rapid evaluation of acrosomal status in mammalian sperm.  相似文献   
Chromatin may be attached to the nuclear envelope through interaction of the nuclear membrane lamins A, B, and C. Such a hypothesis requires that these proteins are present in all cells with chromatin attachment to the nuclear envelope. We have investigated the distribution of the lamins during spermatogenesis in mouse, which exhibits extremes in nuclear envelope structural changes. By immunohistochemical techniques using human auto-antibodies and monoclonal antibodies against these molecules, we found that the lamins persist through all stages of spermatogenesis, though in highly variable amounts. They are also present during meiotic prophase (pachytene) when chromosomes are only locally attached to the nuclear envelope, analogous to the early prophase of somatic cells. Restructuring of the early spermatid nuclear envelope is accompanied by the appearance of a new lamin at the acrosomal fossa. In the epididymal spermatozoon the distribution of different lamins varies markedly over the nucleus suggesting special structural functions. The presence of lamins throughout spermatogenesis supports the concept that they are a general feature of the nuclear envelope structure, even where a lamina is not recognizable ultrastructurally.  相似文献   
Over the past 10 years, fluorescent end-labeling of DNA fragments has evolved into the preferred method of DNA detection for a wide variety of applications, including DNA sequencing and PCR fragment analysis. One of the advantages inherent in fluorescent detection methods is the ability to perform multi-color analyses. Unfortunately, labeling DNA fragments with different fluorescent tags generally induces disparate relative electrophoretic mobilities for the fragments. Mobility-shift corrections must therefore be applied to the electrophoretic data to compensate for these effects. These corrections may lead to increased errors in the estimation of DNA fragment sizes and reduced confidence in DNA sequence information. Here, we present a systematic study of the relationship between dye structure and the resultant electrophoretic mobility of end-labeled DNA fragments. We have used a cyanine dye family as a paradigm and high-resolution capillary array electrophoresis (CAE) as the instrumentation platform. Our goals are to develop a general understanding of the effects of dyes on DNA electrophoretic mobility and to synthesize a family of DNA end-labels that impart identically matched mobility influences on DNA fragments. Such matched sets could be used in DNA sequencing and fragment sizing applications on capillary electrophoresis instrumentation.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies (McAb) against human ejaculated sperm were developed from mice immunized with sperm membrane preparations. A solid-phase radioimmunoassay, with dried sperm as antigen, was employed in McAb screening. The tissue and species specificity of monoclonal antibodies HS 2, 4 and 6 were evaluated after absorption of antibody preparations with heterologous sperm, human serum or seminal plasma or cells from other human organs. The sensitivity of HS 2, 4 and 6 antigens to trypsin exposure was determined: HS 4 antigen was highly sensitive while HS 2 and 6 were not. The regional distribution of McAb 4 on intact sperm cells was determined by immunofluorescence staining. HS 4 may be a sperm-coating antigen based on its presence on sperm and in seminal plasma. This possibility led to an investigation of its role in sperm capacitation. HS 4 antibody binding was reduced when capacitated sperm were compared with noncapacitated cells. HS 4 antibody, when present during capacitation and insemination, was without effect on sperm motility or fusion with zona-free hamster eggs. Trypsin removal of as much as 60% of HS 4 antigen from the cell population also did not impact on sperm function. To identify the molecular correlate of HS 4 antigen, membrane components were extracted from washed sperm with Nonidet P-40, concentrated by acetone precipitation and analyzed electrophoretically in SDS-urea on 10% polyacrylamide slab gels. Immunoassays on protein blots with peroxidase-coupled second antibody identified a single reactive species in the molecular weight range of 130,000. Multiple reactive components were detected in blot transfers of seminal plasma.  相似文献   
Enzymatic dissection of the functions of the mouse egg's receptor for sperm   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
During the course of sperm-egg interaction in mice, zona pellucida glycoprotein ZP3 (approximately equal to 80 kDa) serves as both receptor for sperm (J. D. Bleil and P. M. Wassarman, 1980c, Cell 20, 873-882) and inducer of the acrosome reaction (J. D. Bleil and P. M. Wassarman, 1983, Dev. Biol. 95, 317-324). In this investigation, small ZP3 glycopeptides (approximately equal to 1.5-6 kDa), obtained by extensive digestion of the purified glycoprotein with insoluble Pronase, were assayed for both sperm receptor and acrosome reaction-inducing activities. While ZP3 glycopeptides were virtually as effective as intact ZP3 in inhibiting binding of sperm to eggs in vitro ("receptor activity"), unlike intact ZP3, they failed to induce sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction. The latter was determined by indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal antibody directed against the acrosomal cap region of sperm. These results suggest that the sperm receptor activity of ZP3 is dependent only on its carbohydrate components, whereas acrosome reaction-inducing activity is dependent on the polypeptide chain of ZP3 as well.  相似文献   
Several groups have demonstrated that radioiodinated tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) binds to saturable sites on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in culture (Hajjar, K. A., Hamel, N. M., Harpel, P. C., and Nachman, R. L. (1987) J. Clin. Invest. 80, 1712-1719; Beebe, D. P. (1987) Thromb. Res. 46, 241-254; Barnathan, E. S., Kuo, A., van der Keyl, H., McCrae, K. R., Larsen, G. L., and Cines, D. B. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 7792-7799). Here we report that most of the specific binding of 125I-t-PA to our HUVEC cultures is accounted for by binding to (i) plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), a t-PA inhibitor produced in abundance by HUVECs; and (ii) specific binding sites present on the plastic culture surface. The contribution of the sites on plastic can be eliminated by taking several precautions. Then, most or all of the specifically bound 125I-t-PA is present in a sodium dodecyl sulfate-stable 110-kDa 125I-t-PA.PAI-1 complex. Interestingly, a radioiodinated mutant form of t-PA, S478A, which is catalytically inactive and therefore unable to form the covalent complex with PAI-1, still binds to HUVECs. In fact, this ligand binds to HUVECs in 10-30-fold greater amounts than does wild-type 125I-t-PA (resulting in greater than 1 x 10(7) S478A 125I-t-PA molecules bound/cell at 12 nM ligand concentration). In contrast, diisopropyl fluorophosphate-treated t-PA binds to HUVECs in much smaller amounts than does wild-type t-PA. Several findings suggest that PAI-1 is a major binding site for S478A t-PA. The vast amount of binding observed with S478A t-PA, compared with wild-type t-PA, may be accounted for by an observed large scale release of wild-type 125I-t-PA.PAI-1 complexes from the solid phase (cells or extracellular matrix) into the culture medium. Immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that, in contrast to wild-type t-PA, S478A t-PA does not extract [35S]methionine-PAI antigen from metabolically labeled extracellular matrix. It is proposed that t-PA releases PAI-1 from the solid phase when it forms the irreversible covalent complex with the inhibitor, a process that does not occur with the catalytically inactive mutant form of t-PA.  相似文献   
Mutantt haplotypes derived from thet 6 haplotype were typed forH-2. The mutantt h2 that arose fromt 6 due to crossing over in the region betweenT andtf had, as expected, lost theH-2 haplotype characteristic oft 6. The haplotypest h17,t h18, andt p1, which also arose by recombination, but which represent the complementary crossover products, including the distal part of thet 6 haplotype, carried the sameH-2 type ast 6. This suggests that crossing over betweentf andH-2 is suppressed int h17 andt 18. This in turn suggests that mutantt haplotypes suppress crossing over for that part of thet chromatin that they still retain.The origin oft h7, which apparently did not include any crossover distal toT, and which retains the crossover-suppressing property oft 6, retains thet 6 H-2 type. Unexpectedly, J h20 , which expressestf and was at first thought to have arisen due to crossing over, also retains theH-2 type oft 6. This provides part of the evidence thatt h20 arises fromt 6 not by crossing over, but by a small deletion, and hence that duplication and deletion are possible modes of origin of mutantt haplotypes.Abbreviations used in this paper are t haplotype mutant haplotype of the chromosome 17, often designated J allele - T Brachyury mutant - T/+ short-tailed mouse - T/T lethal during embryogenesis - T-int T interaction (characteristic oft haplotypes that interact in heterozygotes withT to produce a tailless mouse) - tf locus homozygotes showing waves of hair loss - Kb knobby, which produces a knobbly tailed heterozygote, homozygous lethal - titer reciprocal of serum dilution giving 50% kill  相似文献   
When 15 C3H ? C57 tetraparental (allophenic) mice were analyzed for coat color, hemoglobin, and immunoglobulin allotype, all but two were shown to be chimeric. These 15 tetraparental mice were immunized with the synthetic polypeptide (T,G)-A--L, and the origin of the (T,G)-A--L-specific antibody produced was determined by using genetic markers (allotypes) on the immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region. Five tetraparental mice were high responders to (T,G)-A--L and had significant amounts of a (low responder) allotype antibody in their total serum. Three of these mice had significant amounts of anti-(T,G)-A--L antibody of the a (low responder) allotype. The antigen binding capacities of the a allotype fractions of these three were 4–5 times higher than the antigen binding capacities of immunized C3H (low responder) control mice. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that the inability of low-responder mice to produce significant amounts of anti-(T,G)-A--L antibody is a function of Ir-1A gene expression at the level of T cells.  相似文献   
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