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Om wild-type Escherichia coli, near-ultraviolet radiation (NUV) was only weakly mutagenic. However, in an allelic mutant strain (sodA sodB) that lacks both Mn- and Fe-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and assumed to have excess superoxide anion (O2), NUV induced a 9-fold increase in mutation above the level that normally occurs in this double mutant. When a sodA sodB double mutant contained a plasmid carrying katG+ HP-I catalase), mutation by NUV was reduced to wild-type (sodA+ sodB+) levels. Also, in the sodA sodB xthA triple mutant, which lacks exonuclease III (exoIII) in addition to SOD, the mutations frequency by NUV was reduced to wild-type levels. This synergistic action of NUV and O2 suggested that pre-mutational lesions occur, with exoIII converting these lesions to stable mutants. Exposure to H2O2 induced a 2.8 fold increase in mutations in sodA sodB double mutants, but was reduced to control levels when a plasmid carrying katG+ was introduced. These results suggest that NUV, in addition to its other effects on cells, increases mutations indirectly by increasing the flux of OH. radicals, possibly by generating excess H2O2.  相似文献   
The study of the solubility of unstructured proteins (αS1-, β-, and κ-casein) and well-structured globulin (β-lactoglobulin) in low water binary solvent systems demonstrated the crucial importance of solvent polarity and neutralization of protein polar functions on the final outcome of solubility experiments. The solubilities up to 38, 56, and 96% in CHCl3/CH3OH (1/1, v/v) acidified with HCl and up to 5, 10, and 25% in CHCl3/CH3OH (1/1, v/v) in the presence of triethylamine (TEA) were obtained for κ-, αS1-, and β-casein, respectively. The importance of protein charge neutralization was apparent when the solubilization was performed in basified CHCl3/CH3OH media, giving the optimal results when the studied proteins were brought before to their isoionic point. The maximum solubility of β-casein at its pI in 30–70% methanol in CHCl3 was reaching 50–60% with triethylamine (TEA) added. β-lactoglobulin could be solubilized up to 70% in CHCl3/CH3OH (7/3, v/v) acidified with HCl and up to 40% in CHCl3/CH3OH (3/7, v/v) in the presence of TEA. The observed yield of reductive alkylation of β-lactoglobulin was much higher (98%) when performed in studied solvent system than in aqueous conditions (75%). Apparently, steric hindrance of the well-folded β-barrel (in aqueous conditions) structure masks the portion of ε-NH2 groups. In the case of unstructured aqueous media β-casein, 90% alkylation yields were obained in organic and aqueous conditions.  相似文献   
How environmental changes are affecting bird population dynamics is one of the most challenging conservation issues. Dietary studies of top avian predators could offer scope to monitor anthropogenic drivers of ecosystem changes. We investigated the diet of breeding Eleonora''s falcon in an area of Northeastern Algeria in the years 2010–2012. Feathers and insect remains originating from prey plucking behavior were analyzed, providing insights into the seasonally changing diet of this raptor, as well as the trans‐Mediterranean avian migration. A total of 77 species of birds (16 Sylviidae, 11 Turdidae, and 4 Emberizidae), 3 species of insects, and 1 lizard were identified among prey remains, reflecting a diverse diet. Diet composition and prey abundance varied seasonally, faithfully correlating with the passage of migrant birds as recorded from bird ring recoveries. Our findings suggest that dietary studies of predators might be deployed to investigate changes in bird migration. We discuss our results in the context of trans‐Mediterranean migration, with early‐season prey mainly comprising trans‐Saharan migrants (Apus apus and Merops apiaster) and late‐season prey being dominated by Mediterranean winter migrants (Erithacus rubecula, Turdus philomelos, Sylvia atricapilla, and Sturnus vulgaris). Notably, we observed a significant reduction in species richness of passerine remains in 2012, potentially highlighting a decline in the diversity of avian migrants.  相似文献   
Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of two spray‐based decontamination methods for surface contamination reduction and to determine the potential for contamination spread by these methods. Methods and Results: Material coupons (treated plywood and concrete) were contaminated with c. 1 × 107 spores of Bacillus atrophaeus by aerosol deposition. Decontaminants (pH‐adjusted bleach or Spor‐Klenz® RTU) were applied to coupons by either backpack sprayer or gas‐powered sprayer. Contact time, reapplication frequency and rinse method were also varied. In addition to surface removal efficacy, partitioning of contamination between the rinsate and aerosol fractions was determined. Results indicated that pH‐adjusted bleach was effective (≥6 logs reduction) when two applications and a 30 min contact time were administered, regardless of the decontaminant application method or material. Spor‐Klenz® RTU was effective on wood, but achieved ≤3 logs reduction on concrete. A shortened application procedure with pH‐adjusted bleach resulted in lower efficacy on wood, and a greater apparent potential for contamination spread. Conclusions: Consideration of material surface type is important when selecting a decontaminant. Also, achieving conditions that effectively inactivate surface biological contamination are critical to preventing the spread of contamination. Significance and Impact of the Study: Results presented here are intended to help development of remediation plans following a biological contamination incident.  相似文献   
DNA polymerase II (Pol II) is regulated as part of the SOS response to DNA damage in Escherichia coli. We examined the participation of Pol II in the response to oxidative damage, adaptive mutation, and recombination. Cells lacking Pol II activity (polB delta 1 mutants) exhibited 5- to 10-fold-greater sensitivity to mode 1 killing by H2O2 compared with isogenic polB+ cells. Survival decreased by about 15-fold when polB mutants containing defective superoxide dismutase genes, sodA and sodB, were compared with polB+ sodA sodB mutants. Resistance to peroxide killing was restored following P1 transduction of polB cells to polB+ or by conjugation of polB cells with an F' plasmid carrying a copy of polB+. The rate at which Lac+ mutations arose in Lac- cells subjected to selection for lactose utilization, a phenomenon known as adaptive mutation, was increased threefold in polB backgrounds and returned to wild-type rates when polB cells were transduced to polB+. Following multiple passages of polB cells or prolonged starvation, a progressive loss of sensitivity to killing by peroxide was observed, suggesting that second-site suppressor mutations may be occurring with relatively high frequencies. The presence of suppressor mutations may account for the apparent lack of a mutant phenotype in earlier studies. A well-established polB strain, a dinA Mu d(Apr lac) fusion (GW1010), exhibited wild-type (Pol II+) sensitivity to killing by peroxide, consistent with the accumulation of second-site suppressor mutations. A high titer anti-Pol II polyclonal antibody was used to screen for the presence of Pol II in other bacteria and in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cross-reacting material was found in all gram-negative strains tested but was not detected in gram-positive strains or in S. cerevisiae. Induction of Pol II by nalidixic acid was observed in E. coli K-12, B, and C, in Shigella flexneri, and in Salmonella typhimurium.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species are produced as an early event in plant defense response against avirulent pathogens. We show here that alfalfa responds to infection with Sinorhizobium meliloti by production of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. This similarity in the early response to infection by pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria addresses the question of which mechanism rhizobia use to counteract the plant defense response.  相似文献   
Desulfoferrodoxin is a small protein found in sulfate-reducing bacteria that contains two independent mononuclear iron centers, one ferric and one ferrous. Expression of desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfoarculus baarsii has been reported to functionally complement a superoxide dismutase deficient Escherichia coli strain. To elucidate by which mechanism desulfoferrodoxin could substitute for superoxide dismutase in E. coli, we have purified the recombinant protein and studied its reactivity toward O-(2). Desulfoferrodoxin exhibited only a weak superoxide dismutase activity (20 units mg(-1)) that could hardly account for its antioxidant properties. UV-visible and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy studies revealed that the ferrous center of desulfoferrodoxin could specifically and efficiently reduce O-(2), with a rate constant of 6-7 x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1). In addition, we showed that membrane and cytoplasmic E. coli protein extracts, using NADH and NADPH as electron donors, could reduce the O-(2) oxidized form of desulfoferrodoxin. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that desulfoferrodoxin behaves as a superoxide reductase enzyme and thus provide new insights into the biological mechanisms designed for protection from oxidative stresses.  相似文献   
Iron and oxidative stress in bacteria   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The appearance of oxygen on earth led to two major problems: the production of potentially deleterious reactive oxygen species and a drastic decrease in iron availability. In addition, iron, in its reduced form, potentiates oxygen toxicity by converting, via the Fenton reaction, the less reactive hydrogen peroxide to the more reactive oxygen species, hydroxyl radical and ferryl iron. Conversely superoxide, by releasing iron from iron-containing molecules, favors the Fenton reaction. It has been assumed that the strict regulation of iron assimilation prevents an excess of free intracellular iron that could lead to oxidative stress. Studies in bacteria supporting that view are reviewed. While genetic studies correlate oxidative stress with increase of intracellular free iron, there are only few and sometimes contradictory studies on direct measurements of free intracellular metal. Despite this weakness, the strict regulation of iron metabolism, and its coupling with regulation of defenses against oxidative stress, as well as the role played by iron in regulatory protein in sensing redox change, appear as essential factors for life in the presence of oxygen.  相似文献   
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