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Fragile X syndrome, the most frequent form of inherited mental retardation, is due to the absence of expression of the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP), an RNA binding protein with high specificity for G-quartet RNA structure. FMRP is involved in several steps of mRNA metabolism: nucleocytoplasmic trafficking, translational control and transport along dendrites in neurons. Fragile X Related Protein 1 (FXR1P), a homologue and interactor of FMRP, has been postulated to have a function similar to FMRP, leading to the hypothesis that it can compensate for the absence of FMRP in Fragile X patients. Here we analyze the ability of three isoforms of FXR1P, expressed in different tissues, to bind G-quartet RNA structure specifically. Only the longest FXR1P isoform was found to be able to bind specifically the G-quartet RNA, albeit with a lower affinity as compared to FMRP, whereas the other two isoforms negatively regulate the affinity of FMRP for G-quartet RNA. This result is important to decipher the molecular basis of fragile X syndrome, through the understanding of FMRP action in the context of its multimolecular complex in different tissues. In addition, we show that the action of FXR1P is synergistic rather than compensatory for FMRP function.  相似文献   
We examined the structure and biomineralization of prismatic magnetosomes in the magnetotactic marine vibrio Magnetovibrio blakemorei strain MV-1 and a non-magnetotactic mutant derived from it, using a combination of cryo-electron tomography and freeze-fracture. The vesicles enveloping the Magnetovibrio magnetosomes were elongated and detached from the cell membrane. Magnetosome crystal formation appeared to be initiated at a nucleation site on the membrane inner surface. Interestingly, while scattered filaments were observed in the surrounding cytoplasm, their association with the magnetosome chains could not be unequivocally established. Our data suggest fundamental differences between prismatic and octahedral magnetosomes in their mechanisms of nucleation and crystal growth as well as in their structural relationships with the cytoplasm and plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Accumulation of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is an event characteristic of porphyrias that may contribute to their pathological manifestations. To investigate effects of ALA independent of porphyrin accumulation we treated rats with the methyl ester of succinylacetone, an inhibitor of 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase that accumulates in the porphyric-like syndrome hereditary tyrosinemia. Acute 2-day treatment of fasted rats with succinylacetone methyl ester (SAME) promoted a 27% increase in plasma ALA. This increase in plasma ALA was accompanied by augmentation of the level of total nonheme iron in liver (37%) and brain (20%). Mobilization of iron was also indicated by 49% increase in plasma iron and a 77% increase in plasma transferrin saturation. Liver responded with a mild (12%) increase in ferritin. Under these acute conditions, some indications of oxidative stress were evident: a 15% increase in liver reactive protein carbonyls, and a 42% increase in brain subcellular membrane TBARS. Brain also showed a 44% increase in CuZnSOD activity, consistent with observations in treatment with ALA. Overall, the data indicate that SAME promotes ALA-driven changes in iron metabolism that could lead to increased production of free radicals. The findings support other evidence that accumulation of ALA in porphyrias and hereditary tyrosinemia may induce iron-dependent biological damage that contributes to neuropathy and hepatoma.  相似文献   
Impairments in flexible goal-directed decisions, often examined by reversal learning, are associated with behavioral abnormalities characterized by impulsiveness and disinhibition. Although the lateral orbital frontal cortex (OFC) has been consistently implicated in reversal learning, it is still unclear whether this region is involved in negative feedback processing, behavioral control, or both, and whether reward and punishment might have different effects on lateral OFC involvement. Using a relatively large sample (N = 47), and a categorical learning task with either monetary reward or moderate electric shock as feedback, we found overlapping activations in the right lateral OFC (and adjacent insula) for reward and punishment reversal learning when comparing correct reversal trials with correct acquisition trials, whereas we found overlapping activations in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) when negative feedback signaled contingency change. The right lateral OFC and DLPFC also showed greater sensitivity to punishment than did their left homologues, indicating an asymmetry in how punishment is processed. We propose that the right lateral OFC and anterior insula are important for transforming affective feedback to behavioral adjustment, whereas the right DLPFC is involved in higher level attention control. These results provide insight into the neural mechanisms of reversal learning and behavioral flexibility, which can be leveraged to understand risky behaviors among vulnerable populations.  相似文献   
Aminoacetone (AA) is a threonine metabolite accumulated in threoninemia, cri-du-chat, and diabetes, where it contributes toward the formation of cytotoxic and genotoxic methylglyoxal (MG). Oxyradicals yielded from iron-catalyzed AA aerobic oxidation to MG are shown here to promote Ca2+ -mediated mitochondrial membrane permeabilization in an AA dose-dependent way. The inhibitory effect of added EGTA, cyclosporin A, Mg2+, and DTT observed in this study suggests the formation of transition pores in the inner mitochondrial membrane by AA, associated with thiol protein aggregation. That the mitochondrial iron pool plays a coadjutant role in the transition of mitochondrial permeability is indicated by the dramatic inhibitory effect of added o-phenanthroline. Iron released from ferritin by AA oxidation products--superoxide anion and AA enolyl radicals--is shown to act as an alternative source of ferrous iron, intensifying the mitochondrial damage. These findings may contribute to clarify the role of accumulated AA and iron overload in the mitochondrial oxidative damage reportedly occurring in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
Microtubules (MTs) are polymers of alpha and beta tubulin dimers that mediate many cellular functions, including the establishment and maintenance of cell shape. The dynamic properties of MTs may be influenced by tubulin isotype, posttranslational modifications of tubulin, and interaction with microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). End-binding (EB) family proteins affect MT dynamics by stabilizing MTs, and are the only MAPs reported that bind MTs via a calponin-homology (CH) domain (J Biol Chem 278 (2003) 49721-49731; J Cell Biol 149 (2000) 761-766). Here, we describe a novel 27 kDa protein identified from an inner ear organ of Corti library. Structural homology modeling demonstrates a CH domain in this protein similar to EB proteins. Northern and Western blottings confirmed expression of this gene in other tissues, including brain, lung, and testis. In the organ of Corti, this protein localized throughout distinctively large and well-ordered MT bundles that support the elongated body of mechanically stiff pillar cells of the auditory sensory epithelium. When ectopically expressed in Cos-7 cells, this protein localized along cytoplasmic MTs, promoted MT bundling, and efficiently stabilized MTs against depolymerization in response to high concentration of nocodazole and cold temperature. We propose that this protein, designated CLAMP, is a novel MAP and represents a new member of the CH domain protein family.  相似文献   
5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a heme precursor overproduced in various porphyric disorders, has been implicated in iron-mediated oxidative damage to biomolecules and cell structures. From previous observations of ferritin iron release by ALA, we investigated the ability of ALA to cause oxidative damage to ferritin apoprotein. Incubation of horse spleen ferritin (HoSF) with ALA caused alterations in the ferritin circular dichroism spectrum (loss of a alpha-helix content) and altered electrophoretic behavior. Incubation of human liver, spleen, and heart ferritins with ALA substantially decreased antibody recognition (51, 60, and 28% for liver, spleen, and heart, respectively). Incubation of apoferritin with 1-10mM ALA produced dose-dependent decreases in tryptophan fluorescence (11-35% after 5h), and a partial depletion of protein thiols (18% after 24h) despite substantial removal of catalytic iron. The loss of tryptophan fluorescence was inhibited 35% by 50mM mannitol, suggesting participation of hydroxyl radicals. The damage to apoferritin had no effect on ferroxidase activity, but produced a 61% decrease in iron uptake ability. The results suggest a local autocatalytic interaction among ALA, ferritin, and oxygen, catalyzed by endogenous iron and phosphate, that causes site-specific damage to the ferritin protein and impaired iron sequestration. These data together with previous findings that ALA overload causes iron mobilization in brain and liver of rats may help explain organ-specific toxicities and carcinogenicity of ALA in experimental animals and patients with porphyria.  相似文献   
We address three problems that limit the use of the atomic force microscope when measuring elastic moduli of soft materials at microscopic scales. The first concerns the use of sharp cantilever tips, which typically induce local strains that far exceed the linear material regime. We show that this problem can be alleviated by using microspheres as probes, and we establish the criteria for their use. The second relates to the common use of the Hertz contact mechanics model, which leads to significant errors when applied to thin samples. We develop novel, simple to use corrections to apply for such cases. Samples that are either bonded or not bonded to a rigid substrate are considered. The third problem concerns the difficulty in establishing when contact occurs on a soft material. We obtain error estimates for the elastic modulus resulting from such uncertainty and discuss the sensitivity of the estimation methods to error in contact point. The theoretical and experimental results are compared to macroscopic measurements on poly(vinyl-alcohol) gels.  相似文献   
Urothelial surface is covered by numerous plaques (consisting of asymmetric unit membranes or AUM) that are interconnected by ordinary looking hinge membranes. We describe an improved method for purifying bovine urothelial plaques using 2% sarkosyl and 25 mM NaOH to remove contaminating membrane and peripheral proteins selectively. Highly purified plaques interconnected by intact hinge areas were obtained, indicating that the hinges are as detergent-insoluble as the plaques. These plaque/hinge preparations contained uroplakins, an as yet uncharacterized 18-kDa plaque-associated protein, plus an 85-kDa glycoprotein that is known to be hinge-associated in situ. Examination of the isolated, in vitro-resealed bovine AUM vesicles by quick-freeze deep-etch showed that each AUM particle consists of a 16-nm, luminally exposed "head" anchored to the lipid bilayer via a 9-mm transmembranous "tail", and that an AUM plaque can break forming several smaller plaques separated by newly formed particle-free, hinge-like areas. These data lend support to our recently proposed three-dimensional model of mouse urothelial plaques. In addition, our findings suggest that urothelial plaques are dynamic structures that can rearrange giving rise to new plaques with intervening hinges; that the entire urothelial apical surface (both plaque and hinge areas) is highly specialized; and that these two membrane domains may be equally important in fulfilling some of the urothelial functions.  相似文献   
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