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The role of ciliated protozoa in pelagic freshwater ecosystems   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The abundance and biomass of ciliates are both strongly related to lake trophic status as measured by chlorophylla concentrations. Taxonomic replacements occur with increasing eutrophication such that large-bodied forms (predominantly oligotrichs) are progressively replaced by smaller-bodied ciliates (mainly scuticociliates). Highly acidic lakes display a more pronounced dominance of large-bodied forms when contrasted with less acidic lakes of comparable trophy. Community structure of ciliate populations is determined largely by lake trophy with acidic oligotrophic systems being characterized by reduced diversity and species richness compared with hypereutrophic systems. The temporal and spatial distribution of small (< 100m) ciliate populations is ascribed to lake thermal regimes which provide localized concentrations of food resources. Likewise, in extremely productive lakes, very large (> 100m) meroplanktonic ciliates enter the water column during midsummer after the development of thermal stratification and associated profundal deoxygenation. Laboratory studies indicate that large zooplankton (crustaceans) are capable of utilizing ciliates as a food source, but there is little direct evidence from field studies documenting this trophic link. Ciliates can be voracious grazers of both bacterioplankton and phytoplankton, and each species has a distinct range of preferred particle size which is a function of both mouth size and morphology. Myxotrophic ciliates may be important components in some plankton communities, particularly during periods of nutrient limitation or after their displacement from the benthos of eutrophic lakes. Evidence regarding the importance of planktonic ciliated protozoa in nutrient regeneration and as intermediaries in energy flow is discussed.  相似文献   
Thapsigargin is a plant-derived inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase.Treatment with thapsigargin leads to a rapid, large and prolonged increase in the intracellular calcium ion concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). Previously thapsigargin has been shown to inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis. Here we report the results of thapsigargin treatment in thymocytes harvested from 10-day-old mice and in the P815 mastocytoma cell line. In thapsigargin-treated cells we observed enlarged mitochondria with disrupted cristae structure. These mitochondria closely resembled those observed after the induction of phase transition. To determine if the mitochondria were functioning normally the cells were stained with rhodamine 123 (R123) and analysed with flow cytometry. After thapsigargin treatment the R123 staining decreased, indicative of a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. Furthermore intracellular ATP concentrations were also found to be reduced in cells treated with thapsigargin. Taken together these results indicate an increase in the [Ca(2+)](i) caused by thapsigargin treatment results in dysfunctional mitochondria and reduced ATP. We propose that this decrease in the concentration of ATP provokes the onset of thapsigargin-induced apoptosis. To investigate the effect of thapsigargin treatment on the cell cycle, rapidly cycling P815 cells were sorted into populations enriched for either G(0)/G(1) or S/G(2)/M phases, and these populations were then treated with thapsigargin. Thapsigargin treatment induced a cell cycle block before S phase. We propose that the block in the cell cycle induced by thapsigargin was a result of the decreased intracellular ATP concentration interfering with the energy requiring processes of DNA replication. The block could also be related to the high intracellular calcium ion concentration that would interfere with the subtle calcium transients involved in the cell's preparations for replication and mitosis. Apoptosis occurred to an equal extent in both populations of cells.  相似文献   
The effects of hyperoxia on ventilatory and gas exchange dynamics were studied utilizing sinusoidal work rate forcings. Five subjects exercised on 14 occasions on a cycle ergometer for 30 min with a sinusoidally varying work load. Tests were performed at seven frequencies of work load during air or 100% O2 inspiration. From the breath-by-breath responses to these tests, dynamic characteristics were analyzed by extracting the mean level, amplitude of oscillation, and phase lag for each six variables with digital computer techniques. Calculation of the time constant (tau) of the ventilatory responses demonstrated that ventilatory kinetics were slower during hyperoxia than during normoxia (P less than 0.025; avg 1.56 and 1.13 min, respectively). Further, for identical work rate fluctuations, end-tidal CO2 tension fluctuations were increased by hyperpoxia. Ventilation during hyperoxia is slower to respond to variations in the level of metabolically produced CO2, presumably because hyperoxia attenuates carotid body output; the arterial CO2 tension is consequently less tightly regulated.  相似文献   
Using a battery of seven lectin-ferritin conjugates as probes for cell surface glycoconjugates, we have studied the pattern of plasmalemmal differentiation of cells in the embryonic rat pancreas from day 15 in utero to the early postpartum stage. Our results indicate that differentiation of plasmalemmal glycoconjugates on acinar, endocrine, and centroacinar cells is temporally correlated with development and is unique for each cell type, as indicated by lectin-ferritin binding. Specifically, (a) expression of adult cell surface saccharide phenotype can be detected on presumptive acinar cells as early as 15 d in utero, as indicated by soybean agglutinin binding, and precedes development of intracellular organelles characteristic of mature acinar cells; (b) maturation of the plasmalemma of acinar cells is reached after intracellular cytodifferentiation is completed, as indicated by appearance of Con A and fucoselectin binding sites only at day 19 of development; conversely, maturation of the endocrine cell plasmalemma is accompanied by "loss" (masking) of ricinus communis II agglutinin receptors; and (c) binding sites for fucose lectins and for soybean agglutinin are absent on endocrine and centroacinar cells at all stages examined. We conclude that acinar, centroacinar, and endocrine cells develop from a common progenitor cell(s) whose plasmalemmal carbohydrate composition resembles most closely that of the adult centroacinar cell. Finally, appearance of acinar lumina beginning at approximately 17 d in utero is accompanied by differenetiation of apical and basolateral plasmalemmal domains of epithelial cells, as indicated by enhanced binding of several lectin-ferritin conjugates to the apical plasmalemmal, a pattern that persists from this stage through adult life.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of various methods of fixation on the preputial gland of the rat was investigated. In addition to the lipids, the cells contain numerous granules which are dissolved by alcoholic and certain acid fixatives. In future investigation concerning either the histochemistry of the gland or the effect on the gland of various experimental conditions, its peculiar ability to secrete two different substances must be considered. In any event the preputial gland of the rat is more than a simple sebaceous gland.  相似文献   
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