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A method has been developed for simultaneous comparison of the propensity of a DNA polymerase to misincorporate at different points on a natural template-primer. In this method elongation of a [5'-32P] primer, annealed to a bacteriophage template strand, is carried out in the presence of only three dNTPs (highly purified by HPLC). Under these conditions the rate of primer elongation (monitored by gel electrophoresis/autoradiography) is limited by the rate of misincorporation at template positions complementary to the missing dNTP. Variations in the rate of elongation (revealed by autoradiographic banding patterns) reflect variations in the propensity for misincorporation at different positions along the template. The effect on primer elongation produced by addition of a chemically modified dNTP to 'minus' reactions reveals the mispairing potential of the modified nucleotide during DNA synthesis. By use of this electrophoretic assay of misincorporation we have demonstrated that the fidelity of E. coli DNA polymerase I varies greatly at different positions along a natural template, and that BrdUTP and IodUTP can be incorporated in place of dCTP during chain elongation catalyzed by this enzyme.  相似文献   
M Levine  B L Beattie  D M McLean 《CMAJ》1987,137(8):722-726
In November and December 1984, 102 male residents of a long-term care facility (mean age 74.6 [extremes 59 and 97] years) received 0.5 ml of trivalent inactivated whole-virion influenza vaccine, containing 15 micrograms of the hemagglutinin of each of A/Philippines/2/82 (H3N2), A/Chile/83 (H1N1) and B/USSR/83. A second dose of the vaccine was administered to a subgroup of 55 randomly chosen subjects 8 weeks later. Serum samples were collected from all the subjects before and 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks after administration of the first dose and were assayed for hemagglutinin-inhibiting (HAI) antibody to each of the three antigens. At 8 weeks there were significant increases (p less than 0.05) in the geometric mean titre of antibody and in the proportion of subjects with HAI antibody titres of 1:40 or more (except to the B/USSR antigen) in both groups. There were no differences between the groups at 8 weeks or at 16 weeks (8 weeks after administration of the second dose of vaccine) in the frequency of seroconversion, the geometric mean titre or the proportion of subjects with HAI antibody titres of 1:40 or more. Overall, 60%, 32% and 13% of the 102 subjects had titres of 1:40 or more to the A/Philippines, A/Chile and B/USSR antigens respectively at 16 weeks. The results suggest that a second dose of influenza vaccine given 8 weeks after the first does not enhance the immune response in elderly men and that a substantial proportion of this population remains unprotected against infection (having HAI antibody titres of less than 1:40) during the influenza season.  相似文献   
A system to characterize mutations arising from in vitro nucleotide misincorporation, which avoids the effects of in vivo mismatch repair on recovery of mutants, was constructed and evaluated. The lacI gene of Escherichia coli was inserted into phage M13 and the M13-lacI recombinant was introduced into a strain of E. coli lacking a resident lacI gene. In this system the function of the M13-bearing lacI gene can be detected by plaque color. Mutants in the 5'-region of the lacI gene (encoding operator-binding domain) are seen as blue plaques when the host strain is grown in the presence of chromogenic substrate, X-gal, in the absence of inducer. The use of uracil-containing single stranded DNA from M13-lacI as template for DNA synthesis avoids the contribution of mismatch repair (in transfection recipients) on the recovery of mutants. To demonstrate the usefulness of the M13-lacI system we produced nucleotide misincorporations by in vitro DNA synthesis in the N-terminal region of the lacI template in the presence of only 3 deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs). Such mutagenic reactions were conducted in the absence of dATP with 4 different primers and in the absence of dGTP with 2 primers. The type of mutants produced by these reactions were identified through sequencing of DNA from progeny phage after screening for i- (blue plaque) phenotype. Mutations recovered in this system consisted of single and multiple base substitutions in the region of the template near the 3'-terminus of the primer. Nearly all of the mutants induced by '-A' conditions were T----C base substitutions, and those induced by '-G' conditions were C----T transitions. In general, the results were consistent with the spectrum of spontaneous mutants produced in strains deficient in mismatch repair, although some differences were noted. Several new base substitutions within the lacI gene (producing i- phenotype and unobserved by others) were isolated by the procedures described in this paper.  相似文献   
Influence of DNA sequence on the nature of mispairing during DNA synthesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M D Lai  K L Beattie 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1722-1728
A series of synthetic oligonucleotide primers, annealed at various positions along the lacZ-alpha region of bacteriophage M13mp9 template, were elongated by purified DNA polymerases in the presence of only 3 of the 4 deoxynucleoside triphosphates to achieve misincorporation at a total of 49 different positions along the template. The newly synthesized strands (containing misincorporated bases) were isolated and sequenced to determine the identity of misincorporated deoxynucleoside monophosphates. The results indicate that the kind of mispairing that occurs during DNA synthesis is greatly influenced by the nucleotide sequence of the template. Transition-type base substitutions predominated overall, but at many template positions, transversion-type base substitutions occurred, most commonly via A.A mispairing. The results of parallel determinations made with Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I ("large fragment" form) and DNA polymerase of Maloney murine leukemia virus indicated that, overall, the identity of polymerase had only a small effect on the kind of misincorporation that occurred at different positions along the template. However, at certain template positions, the nature of mispairing during DNA synthesis was reproducibly affected by differing polymerase active-site environment.  相似文献   
High resolution gel electrophoresis was used to monitor the successive addition of dNMP residues onto the 3'-OH ends of discrete 5'-32P-primers, during DNA synthesis on natural templates. Resulting autoradiographic banding patterns revealed considerable variation in the relative rates of incorporation at different positions along the template. The pattern of "pause sites" along the template was unique for each of three different DNA polymerases (polymerase I (the "large fragment" form of Escherichia coli), T4 polymerase (encoded by bacteriophage T4), and AMV polymerase (DNA polymerase of avian myeloblastosis virus]. Most pause sites were not caused by attenuation of polymerization at regions of local secondary structure in the template. Assays of the accuracy of incorporation at different positions along the template (in which elongation was monitored in the presence of only 3 of the 4 2'-deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphates) strongly suggested that the relative fidelity of DNA synthesis catalyzed by different polymerases depends on the position on the template at which the comparison is made. Primer-templates were constructed that permitted comparison of elongation during synthesis on a single-stranded template with that during polymerization through a double-stranded region (wherein elongation required concomitant displacement of a strand annealed adjacent to the 5'-32P-primer). Although strand displacement DNA synthesis catalyzed by polymerase I occurred approximately ten times more slowly than synthesis in the same region of a single-stranded viral template, most of the pause sites were the same in the presence or absence of "tandem" primer. Electrophoretic assays of the fidelity of DNA synthesis suggested that an increased tendency toward misincorporational "hotspots" occurred when elongation required concomitant strand displacement.  相似文献   
Photoaffinity labeling has been performed on pancreatic zymogen granule membranes using 8-azido-[alpha-32P]ATP (8-N3-ATP). Proteins of 92, 67, 53, and 35 kdaltons (kDa) were specifically labeled. ATP (100 microM) inhibited very strongly the labeling with 8-N3-ATP, while ADP was much less potent, AMP and cAMP being inefficient. The apparent constants for 8-N3-ATP binding were in the micromolar concentration range for the four labeled proteins. Without irradiation, 8-N3-ATP was a competitive inhibitor (Ki = 2.66 microM) for the hydrolysis of ATP by the ATP diphosphohydrolase. The optimal conditions for the photolabeling of the 92- and 53-kDa proteins were pH 6.0 in presence of divalent cations. On the other hand the 67- and 35-kDa proteins required an alkaline pH and the addition of EDTA in the photolabeling medium. No proteins could be labeled on intact zymogen granules, showing that all the high-affinity ATP-binding sites of the membrane were located at the interior of the granule. Both the 92- and 53-kDa glycoproteins could bind to concanavalin A-Sepharose and be extracted in the detergent phase in the Triton X-114 phase separation system. These latter properties are typical of integral membrane proteins. In addition, the 53-kDa labeled protein was sensitive to endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase digestion. Photolabeling with 8-N3-ATP of two different preparations of purified ATP diphosphohydrolase also led to the labeling of a 53-kDa protein. Thus among the four proteins labeled with 8-N3-ATP on the pancreatic zymogen granule membrane, the 53-kDa integral membrane glycoprotein was shown to bear the catalytic site of the ATP diphosphohydrolase.  相似文献   
Summary Rat liver mitochondria were fractionated into inner and outer membrane components at various times after the intravenous injection of14C-leucine or14C-glycerol. The time curves of protein and lecithin labeling were similar in the intact mitochondria, the outer membrane fraction, and the inner membrane fraction. In rat liver slices also, the kinetics of3H-phenylalanine incorporation into mitochondrial KCl-insoluble proteins was identical to that of14C-glycerol incorporation into mitochondrial lecithin. These results suggest a simultaneous assembly of protein and lecithin during membrane biogenesisThe proteins and lecithin of the outer membrane were maximally labeledin vivo within 5 min after injection of the radioactive precursors, whereas the insoluble proteins and lecithin of the inner membrane reached a maximum specific acitivity 10 min after injection.Phospholipid incorporation into mitochondria of rat liver slices was not affected when protein synthesis was blocked by cycloheximide, puromycin, or actinomycin D. The injection of cycloheximide 3 to 30 min prior to14C-choline did not affect thein vivo incorporation of lecithin into the mitochondrial inner or outer membranes; however treatment with the drug for 60 min prior to14C-choline resulted in a decrease in lecithin labeling. These results suggest that phospholipid incorporation into membranes may be regulated by the amount of newly synthesized protein available.When mitochondria and microsomes containing labeled phospholipids were incubated with the opposite unlabeled fractionin vitro, a rapid exchange of phospholipid between the microsomes and the outer membrane occurred. A slight exchange with the inner membrane was observed.  相似文献   
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