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The growth-associated protein B-50 also termed GAP-43, F1, pp46, P-57 and neuromodulin is a nervous tissuespecific protein kinase C (PKC) substrate that is considered to play a major role in neurite formation, regeneration, and neuroplasticity. We describe the isolation of seven mouse monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) directed against B-50. The Mabs are produced against the bovine B-50, selected by ELISA for cross-reactivity with its human counterpart, and evaluated on Western blots in comparison with the well-characterized affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies to rat-B-50. The Western blots show that the Mabs NM1, NM4, and NM6 recognize specifically the B-50 of bovine, human, and rat brain extract and the purified PKC phosphorylated and unphosphorylated rat B-50 isoforms. The Mabs NM2 and NM3 cross-react with bovine B-50 immunoreactive c-kinase substrate (BICKS), a protein sharing a 17 amino acid sequence homology with B-50. Two Mabs are useful for the detection of B-50 immunoreactivity in formalin-fixed human and rat brain tissues. In human specimen of the hippocampus, a characteristic neuropil distribution of B-50 is detected by the Mabs. In human muscle, Mabs reveal B-50 in nerve bundles and in axons at motor end plates. Thus, these Mabs are useful in investigating the function and localization of the B-50 protein.  相似文献   
Many individuals restrict their food intake to prevent weight gain. This restriction has both homeostatic and hedonic effects but their relative contribution is currently unclear. To isolate hedonic effects of food restriction, we exposed regular chocolate eaters to one week of chocolate deprivation but otherwise regular eating. Before and after this hedonic deprivation, participants viewed images of chocolate and images of high-calorie but non-chocolate containing foods, while experiential, behavioral and eyeblink startle responses were measured. Compared to satiety, hedonic deprivation triggered increased chocolate wanting, liking, and chocolate consumption but also feelings of frustration and startle potentiation during the intertrial intervals. Deprivation was further characterized by startle inhibition during both chocolate and food images relative to the intertrial intervals. Individuals who responded with frustration to the manipulation and those who scored high on a questionnaire of impulsivity showed more relative startle inhibition. The results reveal the profound effects of hedonic deprivation on experiential, behavioral and attentional/appetitive response systems and underscore the role of individual differences and state variables for startle modulation. Implications for dieting research and practice as well as for eating and weight disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
The spatial population structure of the pond-living water beetle Dineutus assimilis (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae) was investigated through a field study of population dynamics and dispersal, with a concurrent assessment of the spatial distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction-fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP). A comprehensive 2-yr survey within a 60-km2 study area revealed pronounced fluctuations in local abundances, including extinctions and colonizations. The recapture of marked individuals showed that dispersal among ponds is frequent in both males and females and connects populations on a large geographic scale (maximum observed flight distance: 20 km). The population structure of D. assimilis is thus characterized by both pronounced genetic drift and frequent gene flow. Together, these two forces generate a pattern of very local and transient genetic differentiation. Mitochondrial DNA samples collected within a few kilometers indicate highly significant spatial structure, if newly founded demes or those that experienced recent bottlenecks are included. These results based on four demes within the study area were placed into a regional context by further samples collected at distances of 100 km and 200 km. Fst estimates computed on increasing spatial scales were variable but showed no increasing trend. Thus, gene flow exerts a strong homogenizing force over a wide geographic range but is counteracted locally by genetic drift. These findings highlight the need to supplement estimates of Fst with additional data to arrive at valid interpretations of the genetic information. More generally, this study raises questions about how to capture the relevant features of dynamic, subdivided populations to understand their evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   
Anti-HIV test results of the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service of Lower Saxony from 1 June 1985 to 31 July 1986 inclusive were analysed retrospectively. Nine out of 70,936 donors who had not donated blood before 1 June 1985 (first-time donors) and 9 out of 261,231 donors who had donated blood before this date (repeating donors) were found anti-HIV confirmed positive at the time of the first blood donation during the study period. The prevalence of HIV antibody in first-time donors was significantly higher than in repeating donors (p less than 0.01). It was concluded that some members of risk groups used blood donation to obtain an anti-HIV test result. One out of 30,300 blood donations was confirmed anti-HIV positive. The results of this study justify the transfusion of blood donations that are reactive only in the initial ELISA test.  相似文献   
Microbial desulfurization of coal by pyrite oxidizing bacterial enrichment cultures has been studied in air-agitated slurry reactors of 4- and 20-L volumes. Batch experiments showed that inoculation with an active bacterial culture is essential to minimize the lag phase, although a considerable number of pyrite oxidizing bacteria was found on the coal prior to desulfurization. For detailed investigations of kinetics, energy requirements, and technical applicability, a bioreactor equipment consisting of a cascade of eight stages was developed and operated continuously. Microbial desulfurization of coal-monitored by measuring the axial profile of dissolved iron concentration, real and maximum oxygen consumption rates, and cell concentration-at pulp densities to 30% was performed over a period of 200 days without any disturbances concerning the aeration system, fluidization, transport of solids and microbial growth. At a pulp density of 20%, a pyrite conversion of 68% was achieved after the third reactor stage at a total residence time of five days in the first three stages. The kinetics of pyrite degradation were found to be well described by a rate equation of first order in pyrite surface area concentration if the pyrite is directly accessible for microbial attack. Rate constants were determined to 0.48 mg pyrite/(cm(2) day) in the first and to 0.24 mg pyrite/(cm(2) day) in the following reactor stages. Kinetic models taking into account adsorption/desorption as well as growth kinetics failed to describe the observed reaction rates. However, a model treating pyrite degradation and microbial growth kinetics formalistically seems to be applicable when backmixing between the reactor stages can be avoided. The advantage of a multistage reactor in comparison to single-stage equipment was shown by calculation. To obtain a pyrite conversion of 68%, a three-stage reactor would require only 58% of the volume of single-stage equipment.Measurement of oxygen consumption rates proved to provide quickly and easily measurable parameters to observe microbial coal desulfurization in technical scale: the real oxygen consumption rate is correlated to the pyrite oxidation rate and the maximum oxygen consumption rate is correlated to the concentration of viable cells. The Y(o/s) coefficient for the amount of oxygen consumed per mass unit of pyrite oxygen was determined to approximately 0.33 in comparison to 1.0 which can be calculated from stoichiornetry. This could yet not be explained. Chemical leaching experiments as well as sulfur analyses of desulfurized coal samples showed that the microorganisms play the main role in degradation of pyrite from coal and that pyrite oxidation by ferric iron can be neglected.  相似文献   
Site-specific mutants of human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu,ZnSOD) have been prepared in which the active-site arginine at position 143 (i.e., SODR143) has been replaced by either lysine (SODK143) or isoleucine (SODI143). As reported previously (W.F. Beyer, Jr., et al. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11182-11187), SODK143 and SODI143 have 43 and 11%, respectively, of the catalytic activity of SODR143. H2O2, at low concentrations, acts as an affinity reagent for the inactivation of SODR143. At pH 9.0 and 25 degrees C, the process is characterized by a half-saturation constant for H2O2, K50, of 5.1 mM and a maximum pseudo-first-order rate constant for inactivation, Kmax, of 0.53 min-1. At pH 11.5, the corresponding values are 0.63 mM and 1.23 min-1. The active species in the inactivation is likely HO2-, as previously found with yeast and bovine Cu,ZnSODs (see C.L. Borders, Jr., and I. Fridovich (1985) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 241, 472-476). SODK143 is also inactivated by HO2- by an affinity mechanism, i.e., one where reversible binding of H2O2 (HO2-) is a prerequisite for inactivation. At pH values of 9.0 and 11.5, the kmax values are 0.92 and 1.08 min-1, respectively; however, the corresponding K50 values increase to 42.5 and 15.8 mM, respectively. SODI143 is also inactivated by H2O2, but no evidence for an affinity mechanism was found; instead, a second-order kinetic mechanism was observed. Inactivation of each of the three enzymes is accompanied by the loss of one histidine per subunit. At elevated concentrations of H2O2, a second nonaffinity mechanism of inactivation of both SODR143 and SODK143 was found, in which a second equivalent of H2O2 reacts with the Cu,ZnSOD.HO2- complex to give a competing second-order inactivation. It appears that the positive charge of arginine-143 plays a role in the binding of HO2- at the active site of human Cu,ZnSOD, and that replacement of the arginine by lysine gives an enzyme with a similar affinity mechanism of inactivation, but with a greatly reduced affinity for HO2-. However, replacement with isoleucine causes an entirely different mechanism of inactivation; this raises the possibility that the mechanism of enzyme catalysis of superoxide dismutation by SODI143 is also different.  相似文献   
In isolated papillary muscles of guinea-pig hearts, the inotropic effects of bivalent cations, Ca2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, and Ni2+, were investigated during post-rest adaptation in order to study their individual action on excitation-contraction coupling. Upon exposure to each cation studied, the force of contraction was transiently enhanced, whereas the steady state force was influenced differently: it increased with Ca2+, Ba2+ and Sr2+ and was depressed by Ni2+. The transmembrane action potentials (measured at 90% repolarization) were slightly prolonged by Sr2+ and even more by Ba2+, and were shortened by Ca2+ and Ni2+. After 10 min rest, the post-rest contractions consisted of a late peak (PII) that was enhanced in high Ca2+-solution an by Sr2+. Ni2+ and Ba2+ depressed PII and during adaptation to pre-rest controls an early peak of contraction (PI) prevailed. There was no simple relation between post-rest adaptation of force and the duration of action potential in the presence of the bivalent cations tested. During post-rest adaptation the two components of contraction can be separated. The results are interpreted in terms of a model of excitation-contraction coupling which derives Ca ions for contractile activation from two sources: transmembrane calcium influx and calcium release from cellular stores. From the different effects on post-rest adaptation it is concluded that the individual cations influence excitation-contraction coupling more specifically and not merely by "screening-off" the negative surface charges.  相似文献   
A coiling-inducing factor was isolated from tendrils of Bryonia dioica Jacq. and identified by infrared, 1H-, 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry as -linolenic acid. When applied to detached tendrils, exogenous -linolenic acid, but not linoleic acid or oleic acid, induced tendril coiling. Further investigations showed that metabolites of -linolenic acid, jasmonic acid and, even more so, methyljasmonate, are highly effective inducers of tendril coiling in B. dioica. Methyljasmonate was most active when administered by air and, in atmospheric concentrations as low as 40–80 nM, induced a full free-coiling response with kinetics similar to mechanical stimulation. Even atmospheric levels as low as 4–5 nM methyljasmonate were still found to be significantly active. Methyljasmonate could be one of the endogenous chemical signals produced in mechanically stimulated parts of a tendril and, being highly volatile, act as a diffusible gaseous mediator spreading through the intracellular spaces to trigger free coiling of tendrils.Abbreviations EI-MS electron impact-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - TFA trifluoroacetic acid We are indebted to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, Frankfurt (literature provision) for their support and to Dr. C. Brückner, Halle, for jasmonic-acid determinations.  相似文献   
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