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First, the literature of the last two decades on nutritional effects of host plants on spider mites is briefly reviewed. Second, experiments are described that subjected micro-propagated apple trees to four different levels of each macronutrient N, P and K. Spider mites (Tetranychus urticae Koch) feeding on leaf disks of these plants were checked for their developmental time, egg production and longevity. Plant analysis revealed that the concentration of N, P and K corresponded to the respective treatments. The content of phenolic compounds in the leaves increased with N and P deficiency. In the N experiment, spider-mite preimaginal developmental rate and oviposition rate were both positively correlated with leaf N. Often, fecundity was positively correlated with N and carbohydrate content of the leaves, and negatively with the phenolic content. Longevity of the two-spotted spider mite was not significantly affected by any treatment. The K experiments yielded only minor differences in plant contents as well as in spider-mite biology.From these mite data, file-tables were constructed and statistically analyzed by the Jackknife technique. The life-table analysis showed a gradual decline in the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) with N and P deficiency. With all experiments pooled,r m was clearly correlated to leaf N and particularly to the content of phenolic compounds in the leaves. Nitrogen shortage had the most distinct influence on mite population growth: in a range of 1.5–3.0% leaf N,r m increased by a factor of 4, the number of multiplications per generation (R 0) by 11, and the doubling time of the population was prolonged 4-fold on severely N deficient leaves.  相似文献   
Females of Tetranychus urticae Koch were reared on leaf discs of apple trees and bush beans grown at different N concentrations (0.6–75 mM NO inf3 sup- ). N-deficiency increased pre-imaginal development time, preoviposition period, and decreased female weight, fecundity and oviposition rate of the mites. N, water, amino acid, and sugar content of the apple leaves were positively correlated with weight and egg production and negatively correlated with development time and pre-oviposition period. The reverse correlations were found with total phenol content of the leaves and above mite parameters. A reduction of leaf N by 50% was related with a tenfold decline in fecundity on apple leaves. The stress mainly affected the oviposition rate and to a lesser extent the oviposition period. On apple leaves the net reproductive rate (av. no. offspring per , Ro), mean length of a generation (T), and innate capacity for increase (rm) were Ro=40.3, T=17.1, and rm=0.22 for the standard N concentration, and 4.7, 25.0, and 0.06 for strong N-deficiency, respectively.
Zusammenfassung Die polyphage Gemeine Spinnmilbe ist ein wirtschaftlich bedeutender Schädling. Die Rolle einzelner Nährstoffe bei der Milbenvermehrung wurde schon von einigen Autoren mit unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen untersucht. Der Stickstoff scheint aber einer der Hauptfaktoren zu sein.Ueber Gewebekulturen klonierte Apfelbäume sowie aus Samen gezogene Buschbohnen wurden in Nährlösungen mit verschiedenen N-Angeboten kultiviert. Aus solchen Pflanzen wurden Blattscheiben ausgestanzt und mit Weibchen von T. urticae besetzt. Gemessen wurden die tägliche Eiablage bis zum natürlichen Tod, die Entwicklungsdauer und das Weibchengewicht. Mit dem bei N-Mangel abnehmenden N, Aminosäuren- und Zuckergehalt (v.a. Sorbit) im Blatt korrelierend nahmen auch Gewicht, Ablagerate und Fekundität ab, bzw. die Entwicklungsdauer und Praeovipositionsperiode zu. Die umgekehrte Wirkung auf diese Milbenparameter hatte der Gesamtphenolgehalt. Eine Reduktion des N-Gehalts der Blätter auf die Hälfte (1.5% N) bewirkte auf Apfelblättern eine Abnahme von Fekundität und Ovipositionsrate um das zehnfache, bzw. eine Zunahme der Präovipositionsperiode um mehr als das dreifache. Der Stress beeinflusste v.a. die Maxima der Ablageverläufe und weniger die Lebensdauer. Der Wassergehalt war ebenfalls mit der Fekundität positiv korreliert.Auf Bohnenblättern legten die Tiere mehr Eier und erreichten ein höheres Gewicht als auf Apfel, dies bei gleichem N-Gehalt beider Pflanzen. Es wirken somit noch andere Faktoren auf die Reproduktion der Spinnmilben.Die Populationsparameter wurden ebenfalls sehr stark beeinflusst. Auf Apfelblättern ergab sich bei der Kontrolle eine Nettoreproduktionsrate Ro von 40.3 und bei starker N-Defizienz 4.7. Die mittlere Generationsdauer T sowie die spezifische natürliche Wachstumsrate rm betrugen für die Kontrolle 17.1 Tage, bzw. 0.22 und für starken N-Mangel 25.0 Tage, bzw. 0.06.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich bereits kleinere Unterschiede im Stickstoffgehalt und damit zusammenhängend im Zucker- und Phenolgehalt stark auf die Populationsdynamik der Gemeinen Spinnmilbe auswirken können.
Spontaneous, phenotypically stable mutations at the -galactosidase locus (lacL-lacM) in Lactobacillus helveticus were identified and analyzed. We found that a significant number of mutations were caused by integration of a new IS element, ISL2, into these lac genes. ISL2 is 858 by long, flanked by 16-bp perfect inverted repeats and generates 3-bp target duplications upon insertion. It contains one open reading frame, which shows significant homology (40.1 % identity) to the putative transposase of IS702 from Cyanobacterium calothrix. ISL2 is present in 4–21 copies in the L. helveticus genome, but it is not found in other lactic acid bacteria. Its divergence in copy number and genomic locations in different L. helveticus strains makes it useful as a tool for strain identification by genetic fingerprinting.  相似文献   
Emerging diseases caused by both native and exotic pathogens represent a main threat to forest ecosystems worldwide. The two invasive soilborne pathogens Phytophthora cinnamomi and Phytophthora × cambivora are the causal agents of ink disease, which has been threatening Castanea sativa in Europe for several centuries and seems to be re-emerging in recent years. Here, we investigated the distribution, causal agents, and infection dynamics of ink disease in southern Switzerland. A total of 25 outbreaks were identified, 19 with only P. cinnamomi, 5 with only P. × cambivora, and 1 with both species. Dendrochronological analyses showed that the disease emerged in the last 20–30 years. Infected trees either died rapidly within 5–15 years post-infection or showed a prolonged state of general decline until death. Based on a generalized linear model, the local risk of occurrence of ink disease was increased by an S-SE aspect of the chestnut stand, the presence of a pure chestnut stand, management activities, the proximity of roads and buildings, and increasing annual mean temperature and precipitation. The genetic structure of the local P. cinnamomi population suggests independent introductions and local spread of the pathogen.  相似文献   
The effects of various B levels in the culture medium on the biomass production and B concentrations of cells were studied using tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rodeo) cell suspensions in three separate experiments. In the initial study, no increase in cell biomass was observed after day 4 in the absence of B in the medium. These cells had lost their viability by day 6. Cells grown at a B level of 0.09 or 0.55 m M in the medium had the highest biomasses (doubled by day 6). Cells grown at 0.92 or 1.85 m M B had lower biomasses (doubled by day 8). In the other two studies, both under low (0.005–0.07 m M ) and high (2.30–4.15 m M ) concentrations of B in the media, there was only a slight increase in biomass and the cultures failed to double their biomasses even by day 10. Cells grown with 3.70 or 4.15 m M in the medium showed a black discolouration by day 6 and were no longer viable. Except in the high B study, the B concentrations in the cells did not vary after day 2. With increasing B levels in the medium, the B concentrations of cells were in near equilibrium with the media B. Due to increasing toxicity which may have altered the membrane properties of the cell, this relationship did not continue with B levels of 1.85 m M or higher. These results indicate that B enters the tomato cells through passive transport and that a passive equilibrium exists between B concentrations in the cells and in the media.  相似文献   
 A panel of monoclonal antibodies specific of α-tubulin (TU-01, TU-09) and β-tubulin (TU-06, TU-13) subunits was used to study the location of N-terminal structural domains of tubulin in adult mouse brain. The specificity of antibodies was confirmed b immunoblotting experiments. Immunohistochemical staining of vibratome sections from cerebral cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and corpus callosum showed that antibodies TU-01, TU-09, and TU13 reacted with neuronal and glial cells and their processes, whereas the TU-06 antibody stained only the perikarya. Dendrites and axons were either unstained or their staining was very weak. As the TU-06 epitope is located on the N-terminal structural domain of β-tubulin, the observed staining pattern cannot be interpreted as evidence of a distinct subcellular localization of β-tubulin isotypes or known post-translational modifications. The limited distribution of the epitope could, rather, reflect differences between the conformations of tubulin molecules in microtubules of somata and neurites or, alternatively, a specific masking of the corresponding region on the N-terminal domain of β-tubulin by interacting protein(s) in dendrites and axons. Accepted: 11 November 1996  相似文献   
S100 proteins are low-molecular-weight calcium-binding proteins of the EF-hand superfamily and appear to be involved in the regulation of a number of cellular processes such as cell cycle progression and differentiation. More than 10 members of the S100 protein family have been described from human sources so far. We have now isolated a YAC clone from human chromosome 1q21, on which 9 different genes coding for S100 calcium-binding proteins could be localized. Moreover, we have mapped the gene coding for S100P to human chromosome 4p16 and thereby completed the chromosomal assignments of all known human S100 genes. The clustered organization of S100 genes in the 1q21 region allows us to introduce a new logical nomenclature for these genes, which is based on the physical arrangement on the chromosome. The new nomenclature should facilitate and further the understanding of this protein family and be easily expandable to other species.  相似文献   
The effects of root-zone salinity (0, 30, and 60 mmol L–1 of NaCl) and root-zone temperature (10, 15, 20, and 25°C) and their interactions on the number of tillers, total dry matter production, and the concentration of nutrients in the roots and tops of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were studied. Experiments were conducted in growth chambers (day/night photoperiod of 16/8 h and constant air temperature of 20°C) and under water-culture conditions. Salinity and root temperature affected all the parameters tested. Interactions between salinity and temperature were significant (p<0.05) for the number of tillers, growth of tops and roots, and the concentration of Na, K, P in the tops and the concentration of P in the roots. Maximum number of tillers and the highest dry matter were produced when the root temperature was at the intermediate levels of 15 to 20°C. Effect of salinity on most parameters tested strongly depended on the prevailing root temperature. For example, at root temperature of 10°C addition of 30 mmol L–1 NaCl to the nutrient solution stimulated the growth of barley roots; at root temperature of 25°C, however, the same NaCl concentration inhibited the root growth. At 60 mmol L–1, root and shoot growth were maximum when root temperature was kept at the intermediate level of 15°C; most inhibition of salinity occurred at both low (10°C) and high (25°C) root temperatures. As the root temperature was raised from 10 to 25°C, the concentration of Na generally decreased in the tops and increased in the roots. At a given Na concentration in the tops or in the roots, respective growth of tops or roots was much less inhibited if the roots were grown at 15–20°C. It is concluded that the tolerance of barley plant to NaCl salinity of the rooting media appears to be altered by the root temperature and is highest if the root temperature is kept at 15 to 20°C.  相似文献   
Summary The osmotic effect of Polyethylene glycol (PEG) has been shown to be sufficient to induce the germination of Pistacia vera L. pollen in liquid medium. The prehydration of the pollen in a saturated atmosphere for approximately 10 h was necessary to obtain maximum in vitro germination. Imbibition of the pollen in water resulted in the rapid leakage of solutes into the medium. These solutes consisted of approximately 50% carbohydrates, of which sucrose (0.65 mol/mg), glucose (0.77 mol/mg) and fructose (0.78 mol/mg) were the major sugars; the remaining 50% comprised proteins with the following major molecular weights 63 kDa, 60 kDa, 59 kDa, 40 kDa, 36 kDa, 35.5 kDa, 31 kDa, other organic matter and minerals.  相似文献   
The effects of enhanced UVB radiation and drought stress on willow secondary phenolics were studied using the leaves of 8‐week‐old micropropagated plantlets from interspecific hybrids (Salix myrsinites L. ×S. myrsinifolia Salisb.) and pure species (S. myrsinifolia). The plantlets were subjected for 4 weeks to two levels of UVB radiation (ambient, enhanced) and two levels of watering (well‐watered, drought‐stressed) according to a 2 × 2 factorial design. Enhanced UVB radiation increased the total concentration of flavonoids and phenolic acids in all plantlets, while the total concentration of salicylates remained unaffected. Drought stress reduced the total concentration of salicylates and phenolic acids in S. myrsinifolia plantlets, while in hybrids only phenolic acids were affected. The response of phenolic acids to enhanced UVB in drought‐stressed plantlets was different from that in well‐watered ones, indicating that drought stress limited the accumulation of phenolic acids under enhanced UVB radiation. Flavonoids increased in response to enhanced UVB radiation in drought‐stressed plantlets, although drought caused serious physiological stress on growth. There were significant differences between hybrid and S. myrsinifolia plantlets with respect to the composition of phenolics and between families and clones with respect to their concentration. In addition, the response of salicylates, flavonoids and phenolic acids to enhanced UVB and drought stress was clone‐specific, which may indicate that climatic changes will alter the genetic composition of northern forests.  相似文献   
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