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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sections leaves of Ficus rubiginosa 'Variegata' show that it is a chimera with a chlorophyll deficiency in the second layer of the leaf meristem (GWG structure). Like other Ficus species, it has a multiseriate epidermis on the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf, formed by periclinal cell divisions as well as anticlinal divisions. The upper and lower laminae of the leaf often exhibit small dark and light green patches of tissue overlying internal leaf tissue. METHODS: The distribution of chlorophyll in transverse sections of typical leaves was determined by fluorescence microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Patches of dark and light green tissue which arise in the otherwise colourless palisade and spongy mesophyll tissue in the entire leaf are due to further cell divisions arising from the bundle sheath which is associated with major vascular bundles or from the green multiseriate epidermis. Leaves produced in winter exhibit more patches of green tissue than leaves which expand in mid-summer. Many leaves produced in summer have no spotting and appear like a typical GWG chimera. There is a strong relationship between the number of patches on the adaxial side of leaves and the number on the abaxial side, showing that the cell division in upper and lower layers of leaves is strongly coordinated. In both winter and summer, there are fewer patches on the abaxial side of leaves compared with the adaxial side, indicating that periclinal and anticlinal cell divisions from the outer meristematic layer are less frequent in the lower layers of leaf tissue. Most of the patches are small (<1 mm in longest dimension) and thus the cell divisions which form them occur late in leaf development. Leaves which exhibit large patches generally have them on both sides of the leaves. CONCLUSION: In this cultivar, the outer meristematic layer appears to form vascular bundle sheaths and associated internal leaf tissue in the entire leaf lamina.  相似文献   
In two hydroponic experiments it was found that phosphorus induced necrotic leaf symptoms and reduced the growth of Grevillea cv. Poorinda Firebird, a member of the Proteaceae family in which a number of species are known to be affected by phosphorus toxicity. The addition of high levels of calcium was found to aggravate these effects while high nitrogen or potassium levels alleviated them. Tissue analysis of plants receiving high levels of phosphorus showed a tenfold increase in leaf phosphorus compared with plants receiving no phosphorus. Lesser increases were measured in root and stem tissues.  相似文献   
The fluorescent DNA probes DAPI and Hoechst 33258 produce superior images to the traditional acetocarmine stain of the small chromosomes of the woody shrub Thryptomene calycina at all stages of microsporocyte meiosis and microspore mitosis. Hoechst 33258 was slightly superior to DAPI because of reduced background fluorescence. Binding with the DNA-specific probes required a fixative containing chloroform to remove autofluorescent materials, a pretreatment with acetic acid and a pH of least 6 during treatment. The nucleoli did not fluoresce after treatment with DAPI or Hoechst 33258. Superior resolution of chromosomes after treatment with the fluorochromes enabled easy determination of the haploid number at metaphase I, metaphase II and at metaphase of the microspore mitosis.  相似文献   
A new method for abscisic acid extraction and purification was developed to handle large numbers of small (about 125 milligrams fresh weight) samples of leaf discs. This method enabled short term changes in abscisic acid to be followed in single leaves.  相似文献   
Fasciola hepatica cDNA carried on bacterial plasmids was used in conjunction with marker plasmid DNA to co-transform mouse tissue culture cells using the calcium phosphate procedure. Two systems were used: mouse L cells lacking thymidine kinase activity (Ltk) in conjunction with plasmids pFH4 or pFH1 (carrying parasite DNA) and pHSV-106 (carrying the thymidine kinase gene from herpes simplex virus); and C127 mouse cells with the plasmids pFH4 or pFH1 and the plasmid pBPV-MMTneo(342-12) which carries the bovine papilloma virus genome and, as a selective marker, a gene conferring resistance to the antibiotic geneticin. Both procedures gave rise to transformants which expressed liver fluke antigens: these were detected by a fluorescent antibody test (incorporating flow cytometry) using fluke-infected sheep serum as first antibody. Stability of antigen expression characterised C 127 derived transformants. Ltk transformants ceased expression within a few weeks.  相似文献   
The subcellular changes which occurred in sorghum leaves during increasing water stress and subsequent rewatering are described. Stomata were closed, abscisic acid levels were elevated, and the amounts of starch in the bundle sheath chloroplasts were much reduced by - 14 bars leaf water potential. Swelling of the outer chloroplast membrane, and reorganization of the tonoplast to form small vesicles from the large central vacuole, occurred by a leaf water potential of - 37 bars. Complete structural disruption of the tonoplast, as previously described for maize was not found. On rewatering, large amounts of starch reappeared within three hours. These findings strengthen the hypothesis that maintenance of tonoplast integrity is an important factor in the ability of plants to withstand drought.  相似文献   
The fluorescent DNA probes DAPI and Hoechst 33258 produce superior images to the traditional acetocarmine stain of the small chromosomes of the woody shrub Thryptomene calycina at all stages of microsporocyte meiosis and microspore mitosis. Hoechst 33258 was slightly superior to DAPI because of reduced background fluorescence. Binding with the DNA-specific probes required a fixative containing chloroform to remove autofluorescent materials, a pretreatment with acetic acid and a pH of least 6 during treatment. The nucleoli did not fluoresce after treatment with DAPI or Hoechst 33258. Superior resolution of chromosomes after treatment with the fluorochromes enabled easy determination of the haploid number at metaphase I, metaphase II and at metaphase of the microspore mitosis.  相似文献   
Ultrastructural changes were correlated with leaf water potential, relative water content, and abscisic acid levels in the leaf. Mesophyll cells were more prone to damage than bundle sheath cells at a leaf water potential of -18.5 bars. Tonoplast breakdown and cell disruption occurred in 25% of the mesophyll cells. On rewatering, these disrupted cells did not recover. In bundle sheath cells, starch, lost at about -13.5 bars leaf water potential, reappeared within 2.5 hours of rewatering.  相似文献   
Twenty plants with various phenotypic abnormalities to the flowerswere selected from very large populations of Thryptomene calycinain the Grampian and Black Ranges. Most of these had impairedreproductive function. Normal flowers were epigynous with fivesepals, five petals, five anthers, a single style and two anatropousovules. The mutants were two partially male sterile, tetraploidplants with large flowers, one of which occasionally producedadditional flowers from the leaf axils with peduncles as wellas pedicels; one plant which produced a proportion of hexapetaloidflowers with six stamens; three gross mutants with fleshy, bracteoidpointed petals and sepals, no stamens, vestigial styles andstigmas, exposed ovules and no inferior ovary; one plant withfleshly, bracteoid pointed sepals, vestigial style and stigmabut with exposed ovular structures replaced by four to fivesterile ovules generally inside an abnormal ovary; two plantswith reduced ovary diameter and sterile ovules, shortened style,five reduced sepals and petals and five to eight anthers; threeanthocyanin-free plants; three plants with pink sepals; twoplants with half-sized flowers which produced a proportion offasciated stems; one plant which occasionally produced flowerswithout pedicels which virtually resulted in organs which wereleaf-flower composites; two plants which produced sepals andpetals which contained chlorophyll and prematurely senesced,and had partial substitution of petals by anthers.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Thryptomene calycina, Myrtaceae, Victorian lace flower, floral mutations, mutants, homeotic, meristic, tetraploid, fasciation, male sterility, cut flowers  相似文献   
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