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The phenology of sprouts (>1 year old, up to 1.5 m in height) and seedlings (<1 year old) of six woody species (four deciduous, one brevi-deciduous, and one evergreen) was examined during the dry season in a tropical deciduous forest of South India. Xylem water potential (x), leaf relative water content (RWC; % turgid weight), and xylem specific conductivity (K S; kg s–1 m–1 MPa–1) of sprouts were measured on two occasions during the dry season. In addition, K S of seedlings (<1 year old) of one deciduous and one evergreen species was determined to allow comparison with sprouts. x of deciduous species was significantly higher at the second sampling date and was accompanied by a significant increase in K S and RWC, while the brevi-deciduous and evergreen species did not show any difference in x. Seedlings of Terminalia crenulata (deciduous) and Ixora parviflora (evergreen) had significantly lower K S compared to sprouts, while seedlings of all four deciduous species shed their leaves much earlier in the dry season than did conspecific sprouts. More favorable water relations of sprouts compared to seedlings during the peak of the dry season may explain the lower rates of die-back and mortality of sprouts observed in dry deciduous forests of India.
This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to Received-/Accepted-dates.  相似文献   
BassiriRad  H.  Tremmel  D.C.  Virginia  R.A.  Reynolds  J.F.  de Soyza  A.G.  Brunell  M.H. 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(1):27-36
A field experiment was conducted at the Jornada Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico to compare the rapidity with which the shrubs Larrea tridentata and Prosopis glandulosa utilized water, CO2 and nitrogen (N) following a simulated summer rainfall event. Selected plants growing in a roughly 50-m2 area were assigned to treatment and control groups. Treatment plants received the equivalent of 3 cm of rain, while no supplemental water was added to the control plants. Xylem water potential (x) and net assimilation rate (Anet) were evaluated one day before and one and three days after watering. To monitor short-term N uptake, soils around each plant were labeled with eight equally distant patches of enriched 15N before watering. Each tracer patch contained 20 ml of 20 mM 15 NH4 15NO3 (99 atom%) solution applied to the soil at 20 cm from the center of the plant at soil depths of 10 and 20 cm. Nitrogen uptake, measured as leaf 15N, was evaluated at smaller time intervals and for a longer period than those used for x and Anet. Both Anet and x exhibited a significant recovery in watered vs. control Larrea plants within 3 days after the imposition of treatment, but no such recovery was observed in Prosopis in that period. Larrea also exhibited a greater capacity for N uptake following the rain. Leaf 15N was five-fold greater in watered compared to unwatered Larrea plants within 2 days after watering, while foliar 15N was not significantly different between the watered and unwatered Prosopis plants during the same period. Lack of a significant change in root 15 NO 3 uptake kinetics of Larrea, even three days after watering, indicated that the response of Larrea to a wetting pulse may have been due to a greater capacity to produce new roots. The differential ability of these potential competitors in rapidly acquiring pulses of improved soil resources following individual summer rainfall events may have significant implications for the dynamic nature of resource use in desert ecosystems.  相似文献   
BassiriRad  Hormoz  Prior  Stephen A.  Norby  Rich J.  Rogers  Hugo H. 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):195-204
Models describing plant and ecosystem N cycles require an accurate assessment of root physiological uptake capacity for NH 4 + and NO 3 - under field conditions. Traditionally, rates of ion uptake in field-grown plants are determined by using excised root segments incubated for a short period in an assay solution containing N either as a radioactive or stable isotope tracer (e.g., 36ClO3 as a NH 4 + analogue, 14CH3NH3 as an NO 3 - analogue or 15NH 4 + and 15NO 3 - ). Although reliable, this method has several drawbacks. For example, in addition to radioactive safety issues, purchase and analysis of radioactive and stable isotopes is relatively expensive and can be a major limitation. More importantly, because excision effectively interrupts exchange of compounds between root and shoot (e.g., carbohydrate supply to root and N transport to shoot), the assay must be conducted quickly to avoid such complications. Here we present a novel field method for simultaneous measurements of NH 4 + and NO 3 - uptake kinetics in intact root systems. The application of this method is demonstrated using two tree species; red maple (Acer rubrum) and sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and two crop species soybean (Glycine max) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Plants were grown in open-top chambers at either ambient or elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 at two separate US national sites involved in CO2 research. Absolute values of net uptake rates and the kinetic parameters determined by our method were found to be in agreement with the literature reports. Roots of the crop species exhibited a greater uptake capacity for both N forms relative to tree species. Elevated CO2 did not significantly affect kinetics of N uptake in species tested except in red maple where it increased root uptake capacity, V, for NH 4 + . The application, reliability, advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed in detail. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Leaf 15N signature is a powerful tool that can provide an integrated assessment of the nitrogen (N) cycle and whether it is influenced by rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. We tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 significantly changes foliage δ15N in a wide range of plant species and ecosystem types. This objective was achieved by determining the δ15N of foliage of 27 field‐grown plant species from six free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments representing desert, temperate forest, Mediterranean‐type, grassland prairie, and agricultural ecosystems. We found that within species, the δ15N of foliage produced under elevated CO2 was significantly lower (P<0.038) compared with that of foliage grown under ambient conditions. Further analysis of foliage δ15N by life form and growth habit revealed that the CO2 effect was consistent across all functional groups tested. The examination of two chaparral shrubs grown for 6 years under a wide range of CO2 concentrations (25–75 Pa) also showed a significant and negative correlation between growth CO2 and leaf δ15N. In a select number of species, we measured bulk soil δ15N at a depth of 10 cm, and found that the observed depletion of foliage δ15N in response to elevated CO2 was unrelated to changes in the soil δ15N. While the data suggest a strong influence of elevated CO2 on the N cycle in diverse ecosystems, the exact site(s) at which elevated CO2 alters fractionating processes of the N cycle remains unclear. We cannot rule out the fact that the pattern of foliage δ15N responses to elevated CO2 reported here resulted from a general drop in δ15N of the source N, caused by soil‐driven processes. There is a stronger possibility, however, that the general depletion of foliage δ15N under high CO2 may have resulted from changes in the fractionating processes within the plant/mycorrhizal system.  相似文献   
Root chilling has been shown to inhibit shoot photosynthesis yet the mechanism for such an action is not clearly understood. A study was designed to elucidate the mechanism by which root cooling may affect net photosynthesis. Roots of Artemisia tridentata seedlings were cooled from 20°C to 5°C while their shoot temperature remained at 20°C. This was conducted at two light levels (700 and 1300 μmol m?2 s?1). The time course of shoot net photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance to water vapor (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and root respiration (Rs) were determined on a whole-plant basis. Root cooling caused a 25% reduction in A at high PPFD, which was preceded by more than 50% reduction of gs and about 10% reduction in Ci. A versus Ci curves for single branches showed no difference between cold and warm soil temperatures, although stomatal conductance was lower for the lower soil temperature. This suggests that a stomatal limitation may have been involved in the inhibition of A. Furthermore, a concomitant decrease of as much as 23% in leaf relative water content (RWC) indicated that root cooling affected stomatal closure due to decreased water supply to the foliage. At lower PPFD, root cooling did not cause a decrease in A of the whole plant despite a moderate drop in gs, Ci and RWC. Cold soil also led to a substantial and rapid reduction in root respiration rate (Rs) regardless of the light level.  相似文献   
Physiological responses of Agropyron desertorum and Pseudoroegneria spicata , two common cold desert perennial tussock grass species of the North American Great Basin, were evaluated during and after a period of imposed drought in a pot study. The timing and the pattern of response of leaf water potential (Ψ1), stomatal conductance (gs), and root growth were strikingly similar in both species during and after drought. The severity of stress influenced the magnitude of Ψ1 and gs, but had little effect on the timing of these responses. Although drought inhibited total root length in prestressed plants, within 4 days after relief of drought both species showed similar increases in root growth which exceeded those of the control. Despite similarities in their root growth responses to increased soil water availability, the two grasses differed in their capacity to restore N uptake following drought. By 14 days after rewatering, N uptake in the prestressed Agropyron had recovered to levels of control plants, although both root biomass and root lenght were much less than those of the controls. This is attributed to elevated root uptake kinetics. Restoration of N uptake by prestressed Pseudoregneria was much less effective during the same period.  相似文献   
Nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) often limit plant growth rate and production in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Limited availability of these nutrients is also a major factor influencing long-term plant and ecosystem responses to rising atmospheric CO2 levels, i.e., the commonly observed short-term increase in plant biomass may not be sustained over the long-term. Therefore, it is critical to obtain a mechanistic understanding of whether elevated CO2 can elicit compensatory adjustments such that acquisition capacity for minerals increases in concert with carbon (C) uptake. Compensatory adjustments such as increases in (a) root mycorrhizal infection, (b) root-to-shoot ratio and changes in root morphology and architecture, (c) root nutrient absorption capacity, and (d) nutrient-use efficiency can enable plants to meet an increased nutrient demand under high CO2. Here we examine the literature to assess the extent to which these mechanisms have been shown to respond to high CO2. The literature survey reveals no consistent pattern either in direction or magnitude of responses of these mechanisms to high CO2. This apparent lack of a pattern may represent variations in experimental protocol and/or interspecific differences. We found that in addressing nutrient uptake responses to high CO2 most investigators have examined these mechanisms in isolation. Because such mechanisms can potentially counterbalance one another, a more reliable prediction of elevated CO2 responses requires experimental designs that integrate all mechanisms simultaneously. Finally, we present a functional balance (FB) model as an example of how root system adjustments and nitrogen-use efficiency can be integrated to assess growth responses to high CO2. The FB model suggests that the mechanisms of increased N uptake highlighted here have different weights in determining overall plant responses to high CO2. For example, while changes in root-to-shoot biomass allocation, r, have a small effect on growth, adjustments in uptake rate per unit root mass, [`(n)]\bar \nu , and photosynthetic N use efficiency, p*, have a significantly greater leverage on growth responses to elevated CO2 except when relative growth rate (RGR) reaches its developmental limit, maximum RGR (RGRmax).  相似文献   
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