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Although mechanisms of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) entry into bovine cells have been elucidated, little is known concerning pestivirus entry and receptor usage in ovine cells. In this study, we determined the entry mechanisms of BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 in sheep fetal thymus cells. Both BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 infections were inhibited completely by chlorpromazine, β-methyl cyclodextrin, sucrose, bafilomycin A1, chloroquine, and ammonium chloride. Simultaneous presence of reducing agent and low pH resulted in marked loss of BVDV infectivity. Moreover, BVDV was unable to fuse with ovine cell membrane by the presence of reducing agent or low pH alone, while combination of both led to fusion at low efficiency. Furthermore, sheep fetal thymus cells acutely infected with BVDV-1 or BVDV-2 were found protected from heterologous BVDV infection. Taken together, our results showed for the first time that entry of both BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 into ovine cells occurred through clathrin-dependent endocytosis, endosomal acidification, and low pH-dependent fusion following an activation step, besides suggesting the involvement of a common ovine cellular receptor during attachment and entry.  相似文献   
We report here results of a single-cell Raman spectroscopy study of stress effects induced by silver nanoparticles in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). A high-sensitivity, high-resolution Raman Tweezers set-up has been used to monitor nanoparticle-induced biochemical changes in optically-trapped single cells. Our micro-Raman spectroscopic study reveals that hMSCs treated with silver nanoparticles undergo oxidative stress at doping levels in excess of 2 μg/ml, with results of a statistical analysis of Raman spectra suggesting that the induced stress becomes more dominant at nanoparticle concentration levels above 3 μg/ml.  相似文献   
The present study is an attempt to elucidate the involvement of insulin-like growth factor (IGF1) in the differentiation and growth of primary follicles in ovarian explant cultures of zebrafish. Ovaries from adult females were cultured in triplicate sets/treatment group for 15 days at 22°C in the laboratory. Culture medium was supplemented with either insulin (1 ng/mL) or IGF1 (1 ng/mL) or insulin + IGF1 (Experiment 1) or 0.1 or 1.0 or 10 ng/mL of IGF1 (Experiment 2). Ovaries cultured in medium alone served as controls and those fixed at the beginning of the culture as initial controls. Experiments were repeated. On the 16th day ovarian explants were fixed in Bouin’s fluid and processed for paraffin embedding, sections (3 µm) were cut and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Follicles were classified into 6 stages and atretic follicles (AF). Previtellogenic, vitellogenic and total follicle number was calculated. At the start of the culture, ovaries contained all stages of growing and degenerating follicles. In in vitro cultured control ovaries, vitellogenic follicles underwent atresia, while, primary follicles remained unaffected. Insulin or insulin + IGF1 treated ovaries did not differ significantly while IGF1 exposed ovarian explants had greater (P < 0.05) number of primary follicles compared to controls. IGF1 also caused an increase in the number and growth of primary follicles in a dose dependent manner although; cultures were not supplemented with gonadotrophic hormones. Results suggest that locally derived intra-ovarian IGF1 may have a role in the differentiation and growth of primary follicles in zebrafish ovary.  相似文献   
Nootropic effect of alcoholic (ALE; 50, 75, 100 mg/kg) and aqueous (AQE; 100, 200, 400 mg/kg) extracts of P. tuberosa was evaluated by using Elevated Plus Maze (EPM), scopolamine-induced amnesia (SIA), diazepam-induced amnesia (DIA), clonidine-induced (NA-mediated) hypothermia (CIH), lithium-induced (5-HT mediated) head twitches (LIH) and haloperidol-induced (DA- mediated) catalepsy (HIC) models. Piracetam was used as the standard drug. A significant increase in inflexion ratio (IR) was recorded in EPM, SIA and DIA models. A significant reversal effect was observed on rectal temperature in CIH model, reduction of head twitches in LIH models. However no significant reduction in catalepsy scores in HIC models were observed with test extracts and standard piracetam. The results indicate that nootropic activity observed with ALE and AQE of tuber extracts of P. tuberosa could be through improved learning and memory either by augmenting the noradrenaline (NA) transmission or by interfering with 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) release. Further, the extracts neither facilitated nor blocked release of the dopamine (DA). Thus ALE and AQE elicited significant nootropic effect in mice and rats by interacting with cholinergic, GABAnergic, adrenergic and serotonergic systems. Phytoconstituents like flavonoids have been reported for their nootropic effect and these are present in both ALE and AQE extracts of tubers of P. tuberosa (Roxb) and these active principles may be responsible for nootropic activity.  相似文献   


Viruses of the genus Begomovirus (family Geminiviridae) have genomes consisting of either one or two genomic components. The component of bipartite begomoviruses known as DNA-A is homologous to the genomes of all geminiviruses and encodes proteins required for replication, control of gene expression, overcoming host defenses, encapsidation and insect transmission. The second component, referred to as DNA-B, encodes two proteins with functions in intra- and intercellular movement in host plants. The origin of the DNA-B component remains unclear. The study described here was initiated to investigate the relationship between the DNA-A and DNA-B components of bipartite begomoviruses with a view to unraveling their evolutionary histories and providing information on the possible origin of the DNA-B component.  相似文献   
A series of 1,2,3-trisubstituted indolizines (2a–2f, 3a–3d, and 4a–4c) were screened for in vitro whole-cell anti-tubercular activity against the susceptible H37Rv and multidrug-resistant (MDR) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) strains. Compounds 2b–2d, 3a–3d, and 4a–4c were active against the H37Rv-MTB strain with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ranging from 4 to 32 µg/mL, whereas the indolizines 4a–4c, with ethyl ester group at the 4-position of the benzoyl ring also exhibited anti-MDR-MTB activity (MIC = 16–64 µg/mL). In silico docking study revealed the enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (InhA) and anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase as potential molecular targets for the indolizines. The X-ray diffraction analysis of the compound 4b was also carried out. Further, a safety study (in silico and in vitro) demonstrated no toxicity for these compounds. Thus, the indolizines warrant further development and may represent a novel promising class of InhA inhibitors and multi-targeting agents to combat drug-sensitive and drug-resistant MTB strains.  相似文献   
Pusa RH10, the widely cultivated superfine grain aromatic rice hybrid, and its parental lines Pusa6B and PRR78 are susceptible to bacterial blight (BB) disease caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Pusa1460, a Basmati rice variety, was utilized as the donor for introgressing BB resistance genes xa13 and Xa21 into Pusa6B and PRR78 using a marker-assisted backcross breeding program. The markers RG136 and pTA248 linked to BB resistance genes xa13 and Xa21, respectively, were used for foreground selection. Seventy-four STMS markers polymorphic between Pusa6B and Pusa1460, and 54 STMS markers polymorphic between PRR78 and Pusa1460, were utilized for background selection to recover the recurrent parent genome ranging from 85.14 to 97.30% and 87.04 to 92.81% in the 10 best BC2F5 families of Pusa6B and PRR78, respectively. RM6100, an STMS marker linked to fertility restorer gene (Rf), was used for marker-assisted selection of Rf gene in an improved version of PRR78. The extent of donor segments in the improved version of Pusa6B was estimated to be <0.97 and <2.15 Mb in the genomic regions flanking xa13 and Xa21, respectively, whereas in improved PRR78, it was estimated to be <2.07 and <3.45 Mb in the corresponding genomic regions. Improved lines of Pusa6B and PRR78 showed yield advantages of up to 8.24 and 5.23%, respectively. The performance of the BB-resistant version of Pusa RH10 produced by intercrossing the improved parental lines was on a par with or superior to the original Pusa RH10.  相似文献   
Apple farming is an important activity and profession of farmer communities in the Himalayan states of India. At present, the traditional apple farming is under stress due to changes in climate. The present study was undertaken in an Indian Himalayan state, Himachal Pradesh, with the major aim of studying perceptions of farmers on the effects of climate change on apple farming along the altitudinal gradient. Through questionnaire survey, the perceptions of farmers were recorded at low hills (<2500 m), mid-hills (2500–3000 m), and upper hills (>3000 m). At all elevation range the majority of farmers reported that there was increase in atmospheric temperature, and hence at low hills 72% farmers believed that this increase in temperature was responsible for decline in fruit size and so that the quality. Thirty five percent farmers at high hills and 30% at mid hills perceived frost as a major cause for damaging apple farming whereas at low hills 24% farmers perceived hailstorm as the major deterrent for apple farming. The majority of farmers, along the altitude (92% at high hills, 79% at mid hills and 83% at low hills), reported decrease in snowfall. The majority of farmers at low altitude and mid altitude reported decline in apple farming whereas 71% farmers at high hill areas refused decline in apple farming. About 73–83% farmers admitted delay in apple’s harvesting period. At mid hills apple scab and at low hills pest attack on apple crops are considered as the indicators of climate change. The change in land use practices was attributed to climate change and in many areas the land under apple farming was replaced for production of coarse grains, seasonal vegetables and other horticulture species. Scientific investigation claiming changes in Indian Himalayan climate corroborates perceptions of farmers, as examined during the present study.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium causes widespread diseases in humans. This bacterium is frequently related to nosocomial infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bacteriaemia especially in immunocompromised patients. The current review focuses on the recent perspectives on biofilms formation by these bacteria. Biofilms are communities of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and often adhere to a surface. These adherent cells are usually embedded within a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). Pel, psl and alg operons present in P. aeruginosa are responsible for the biosynthesis of extracellular polysaccharide which plays an important role in cell surface interactions during biofilm formation. Recent studies suggested that cAMP signalling pathway, quorum-sensing pathway, Gac/Rsm pathway and c-di-GMP signalling pathway are the main mechanism that leads to the biofilm formation. Understanding the bacterial virulence depends on a number of cell-associated and extracellular factors and is very essential for the development of potential drug targets. Thus, the review focuses on the major genes involved in the biofilm formation, the state of art update on the biofilm treatment and the dispersal approaches such as targeting adhesion and maturation, targeting virulence factors and other strategies such as small molecule-based inhibitors, phytochemicals, bacteriophage therapy, photodynamic therapy, antimicrobial peptides and natural therapies and vaccines to curtail the biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   
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