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Following a 10 min pulse labeling with 3H-TdR, flasks of asynchronous monolayer cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells were subjected to mitotic selection at 2 hr intervals. The mitotic index of the selected populations was always greater than 90%. Counts per min per cell obtained by liquid scintillation counting were plotted versus time after the pulse label. Comparisons were made between cycle times obtained by the mitotic-scintillation counting method and by the standard per cent labeled mitosis technique. The resulting curves were used for calculations of the cell cycle times and the lengths of G1, S, G2 and M phases of the cell cycle. There was less than 2% difference in the cell cycle times obtained using the scintillation method as compared to times calculated from autoradiographic data obtained from individual petri dishes. The mitotic-scintillation counting technique is simple, accurate and rapid and allows the calculation of the cell kinetics parameters within 1 hr of the end of the experiment.  相似文献   
Under certain conditions, olive trees grown on calcareous soils suffer from iron chlorosis. In the present study several olive varieties and scion-rootstock combinations were evaluated for their tolerance to iron chlorosis. Plants were grown over several months in pots with a calcareous soil, under two fertilization treatments. These consisted of periodic applications of nutrient solutions containing either, 30 μmol/L FeEDDHA or not Fe. Tolerance was assessed by the chlorosis and growth parameters of plants grown without Fe, compared to those plants grown with Fe. Results show that there are differences in tolerance among olive varieties and that tolerance is mainly determined by the genotype of the rootstock. These results open the way to use tolerant varieties for those conditions where iron chlorosis could become a problem.  相似文献   
Journal of Applied Phycology - Asparagopsis (Bonnemaisoniaceae, Rhodophyta) species are distributed in most temperate and tropical waters of the world, where they are considered an iconic invader....  相似文献   
The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the effectiveness of sperm selection using single-layer centrifugation (SLC) prior to freezing on the sperm cryosurvival of boar ejaculates. Twenty-four sperm rich ejaculate fractions (SREF), collected from 24 boars (one per boar), were divided into two groups according to their initial semen traits: standard (n = 15) and substandard (n = 9). Semen samples from each SREF were split in two aliquots, one remained untreated (control samples) and the other was single-layer centrifuged (500g for 20 min) using 15 mL of Androcoll-P Large (SLC samples). The yield of total, motile (assessed by CASA) and viable (cytometrically evaluated after staining with H-42, propidium iodide (PI) and FITC-PNA) sperm after SLC was higher (P < 0.05) in standard than substandard semen samples. The semen samples were cryopreserved using a standard 0.5-mL straw freezing protocol. Post-thaw sperm motility and viability (assessed at 30 and 150 min post-thawing) were higher (P < 0.05) in SLC than in control samples, regardless of the initial semen traits of the ejaculates. Additionally, thawed spermatozoa from SLC samples were more resistant (P < 0.05) to lipid peroxidation (BIOXYTECH MDA-586 Assay Kit) than those from control samples, regardless of the initial semen traits of the ejaculates. The SLC-treatment also influenced the functionality of thawed spermatozoa undergoing an in vitro capacitation process. The percentage of viable sperm showing high membrane fluidity (assessed with merocyanine 540) was lower (P < 0.05) in the SLC than in the control samples, regardless of the initial semen traits of the ejaculates. Thawed viable spermatozoa of SLC samples generated less (P < 0.05) reactive oxygen species (assessed with CM-H2DCFDA) than those of control samples in the substandard ejaculates. These findings indicate that the sperm selection before freezing using SLC improves the freezability of boar sperm.  相似文献   
The evolution of digestive proteases during larval development of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790) has been studied. A progressive increase of protease activity has been found. The optimum pH for proteolytic activity against azocasein was determined. Caseinograms revealed an active complex of alkaline proteases from the early stages of the development. From the apparent molecular masses, three groups of proteases have been found - high molecular-mass proteases, medium molecular-mass proteases, and low molecular-mass proteases. Studies using specific protease inhibitors showed the major presence of serine proteases in gut extracts. The results obtained from larvae reared on different substrates have made possible a comparative assessment of the influence of diet on the development of the digestive enzymatic system. Larvae fed on an artificial diet showed a complete pattern of digestive proteases. Data suggest that this diet seems to be suitable for future research with this insect pest.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Genetic characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the oldest trees could be a powerful tool both for germplasm collection and for understanding the earliest origins of clonally propagated fruit crops. The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) is a suitable model to study the origin of cultivars due to its long lifespan, resulting in the existence of both centennial and millennial trees across the Mediterranean Basin.


The genetic identity and diversity as well as the phylogenetic relationships among the oldest wild and cultivated olives of southern Spain were evaluated by analysing simple sequence repeat markers. Samples from both the canopy and the roots of each tree were analysed to distinguish which trees were self-rooted and which were grafted. The ancient olives were also put into chronological order to infer the antiquity of traditional olive cultivars.

Key Results

Only 9·6 % out of 104 a priori cultivated ancient genotypes matched current olive cultivars. The percentage of unidentified genotypes was higher among the oldest olives, which could be because they belong to ancient unknown cultivars or because of possible intra-cultivar variability. Comparing the observed patterns of genetic variation made it possible to distinguish which trees were grafted onto putative wild olives.


This study of ancient olives has been fruitful both for germplasm collection and for enlarging our knowledge about olive domestication. The findings suggest that grafting pre-existing wild olives with olive cultivars was linked to the beginnings of olive growing. Additionally, the low number of genotypes identified in current cultivars points out that the ancient olives from southern Spain constitute a priceless reservoir of genetic diversity.  相似文献   
Dementia is a syndrome characterized by a progressive deterioration of cognitive functions, accompanied by psychiatric symptoms and behavioral disturbances that produce a progressive and irreversible disability. The way it should communicate the diagnosis of dementia is a key discussion point on which there is no unanimous agreement so far. The communicating of the diagnosis of dementia is a complex issue that affects not only, the patient but also to caregivers and health professionals who care and must conform to the ethical principles governing medical practice (autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice). Therefore, from the Dementia Working Group of the Catalan Geriatric Society (Grupo de Trabajo de Demencia de la Sociedad Catalana de Geriatría) arises the need to review the issue and propose a course of action for the disclosure of diagnosis.  相似文献   
In vitro effects of radiation were studied in two permanent cell lines (AGS and SII) from two patients with adenocarcinoma of the stomach and three permanent sublines from each cell line. Radiation survival parameters for AGS and SII parent cell lines and sublines were determined after in vitro irradiation of their cells with 0.5 to 10 Gy of 60Co gamma rays. The AGS and SII cell lines had different growth properties, DNA contents and radiation survival curves. Surviving fractions of SII parent cells (76 chromosomes) after 2.0 and 10 Gy were 1.22 and 17.8 times greater, respectively, than values for AGS parent cells (47 chromosomes). Sensitivities (D0) were 1.08 and 1.45 Gy for AGS and SII parent lines, respectively. The D0 values for AGS parent cells and sublines were similar (1.01 to 1.08 Gy), but SII parent cells and sublines had D0 values of 1.45, 1.36, 1.37 and 1.12 Gy (for SII-A). Also, the SII parent cells had survival fractions after 2.0 and 10 Gy that were 1.3 and 11.3 times greater, respectively, than values for the SII-A cells. These data show differences in radiation responses among stomach cancer cell lines and sublines that may relate to DNA content, but there was no consistent correlation between radiation response and a particular cell characteristic.  相似文献   
A new species, Balaustium biscutalae sp. n., from the southeast of Spain is described and illustrated. It was captured in two different sampling sessions from the semi-desert area in the province of Almeria, Andalucia. The new species is easily differentiated from all the other species of the group by the presence of two pairs of scutalae on the scutum instead of three.  相似文献   
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