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The kainate (KA) and the quisqualate (QUIS) receptors that activate cation channels in the central nervous system have previously been defined as two of the major glutamate receptor types. In amphibian brain, an exceptionally rich source of these sites, they can be coextracted by octylglucoside and shown to behave as one entity in all analyses made in solution. When partly purified by lectin affinity, ion-exchange chromatography or by sucrose gradient centrifugation, the two activities comigrate in a 1:1 ratio. When the QUIS component is bound to an immobilized specific QUIS agonist, the KA component is extracted in parallel with it. There are equivalent numbers of the QUIS and KA sites and the two sites show a single affinity series for the binding of glutamatergic agonists. We deduce that KA or QUIS select different conformations of a single KA/QUIS receptor binding site, leading thus to the different channel-opening events that have been reported for these two agonists.  相似文献   
High resolution 13C NMR spectroscopy of live cells has been used to show that poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is predominantly in a mobile state within the storage granules of Alcaligenes eutrophus, Methylobacterium extorquens, and Methylobacterium AM1. Comparison of chemical and NMR analysis of PHB indicates that about 70% of the polymer in A. eutrophus gives sharp observable resonances. Temperature-dependent line widths and relaxation rates together with nuclear Overhauser effect measurements demonstrate that the observed material is effectively a mobile amorphous elastomer that is well above its glass transition temperature. The hydroxyvalerate-hydroxybutyrate copolymer produced by propionate-fed A. eutrophus has virtually the same mobility as the homopolymer. Evidence is presented indicating that water is an integral component of the PHB granule and that this component acts as a plasticizer for the polymer. These observations strongly suggest that the enzyme(s) responsible for PHB biosynthesis and consumption operate only on mobile hydrated material and that the solid granules characteristic of dried cells are partially artifactual. This model is supported by a reinterpretation of previously inexplicable biochemical results.  相似文献   
Two new species of coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) are described from the Madagascar giant day gecko, Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis, and the Golddust day gecko, P. laticauda. Both species of coccidia were found to infect the anterior one-half of the small intestine. Oocysts of Eimeria brygooi n. sp. are spherical or subspherical, 23.0 X 21.3 (18.8-25.2 X 16.4-23.2)micron; shape index (L/W) 1.1 (1.0-1.2). A micropyle, oocyst residuum, and polar granule are absent. Sporocysts are ovoid, 9.2 X 7.9 (8.0-10.0 X 7.2-8.8) micron; shape index 1.2 (1.0-1.3), with a Goussia-type suture; Stieda and substieda bodies are absent. A sporocyst residuum is present, 4.2 X 3.0 (3.2-6.4 X 2.4-4.0) micron. Sporozoites are elongate, with anterior and posterior refractile bodies. This coccidian was found to infect five of six (83%) P. m. grandis and one of five (20%) P. laticauda examined. Oocysts of Isospora gekkonis n. sp. are spherical or subspherical, 24.2 X 22.0 (21.6-26.4 X 20.0-23.6) micron; shape index 1.1 (1.0-1.2). A micropyle and oocyst residuum are absent; polar granule present. Sporocysts are ovoid, 12.2 X 9.4 (11.2-12.8 X 8.4-10.0) micron, with Stieda and substieda bodies; shape index 1.3 (1.2-1.4). A sporocyst residuum is present, either compact, 5.1 X 4.2 (4.0-7.2 X 3.2-5.6) micron or diffuse. Sporozoites are elongate, with anterior and posterior refractile bodies. Isospora gekkonis was found in two of six (33%) P. m. grandis and one of five (20%) P. laticauda. In addition, oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. were found in the cloacas of two of six (33%) necropsied P. m. grandis.  相似文献   
Analysis of the equilibrium binding of [3H]-neurotensin(1-13) at 25 degrees C to its receptor sites in bovine cortex membranes indicated a single population of sites with an apparent equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 3.3 nM and a density (Bmax) of 350 fmol/mg protein (Hill coefficient nH = 0.97). Kinetic dissociation studies revealed the presence of a second class of sites comprising less than 10% of the total. KD values of 0.3 and 2.0 nM were obtained for the higher and lower affinity classes of sites, respectively, from association-dissociation kinetic studies. The binding of [3H]neurotensin was decreased by cations (monovalent and divalent) and by a nonhydrolysable guanine nucleotide analogue. Competition studies gave a potency ranking of [Gln4]neurotensin greater than neurotensin(8-13) greater than neurotensin(1-13). Smaller neurotensin analogues and neurotensin-like peptides were unable to compete with [3H]neurotensin. Stable binding activity for [3H]neurotensin in detergent solution (Kd = 5.5 nM, Bmax = 250 fmol/mg protein, nH = 1.0) was obtained in 2% digitonin/1 mM Mg2+ extracts of membranes which had been preincubated (25 degrees C, 1 h) with 1 mM Mg2+ prior to solubilization. Association-dissociation kinetic studies then revealed the presence of two classes of sites (KD1 = 0.5 nM, KD2 = 3.6 nM) in a similar proportion to that found in the membranes. The solubilized [3H]-neurotensin activity retained its sensitivity to cations and guanine nucleotide.  相似文献   
One hundred eighty sexually mature Saguinus mystax were imported from Peru in six lots over a period of 1 year. Within 1 year after arrival, the mortality was 60% and the majority of the tamarins showed signs similar to "wasting marmoset syndrome" (WMS). In an effort to improve the survival rate, an open formula diet replaced the commercial closed formula diet that had been fed since arrival of the tamarins. The open formula diet contained 26.2% crude protein, 12.3% ether extract, 43.3% nitrogen free extract and 5.9% crude fiber on a dry matter basis. The diet was evaluated on the basis of palatability, weight gain, mortality, digestibility, nitrogen balance, serum biochemical parameters and blood counts. The mean daily consumption on an as-is basis was 44.8g or 335 Kcal gross energy/Kg of body wt./day. During the 3 month open formula diet evaluation period average weight increased by 56g (p less than .05), mortality decreased demonstratively, and alopecia and chronic diarrhea were nearly eliminated. Mean daily gross energy intake for S. mystax (335 Kcal/Kg of body wt/day) was substantially greater than previously reported values for callitrichids. WMS signs observed in the S. mystax colony were controlled by providing what appears to be an adequate diet.  相似文献   
When insulin receptors of rat skeletal muscle sarcolemmal vesicles were solubilized with Triton X-100, the specific binding of 125I-labeled insulin increased by more than 10-fold over that seen in the intact vesicles. Partial purification of the skeletal muscle insulin receptors on wheat germ agglutinin affinity columns increased the total insulin binding activity by 7-fold and reduced the Kd for insulin binding from 1.92 to 0.20 nM, suggesting that an inhibitor of insulin binding was removed by this purification step. This was confirmed when the unbound fractions of the affinity column were dialyzed and reconstituted with the insulin receptors. The inhibitory activity in the sarcolemmal extract could not be accounted for by the presence of Triton X-100. The skeletal muscle inhibitor was more potent in inhibiting insulin binding to skeletal muscle insulin receptors than to liver or adipose receptors. The inhibitor was very effective in inhibiting insulin binding to wheat germ agglutinin-purified IM-9 receptors, but had negligible effects on insulin binding to intact IM-9 cells. The properties of the alpha and beta subunits of the skeletal muscle insulin receptors appear to be the same as those of insulin receptors of other tissues: cross-linking of 125I-labeled insulin to the receptor revealed a band of 130,000 daltons, and insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of bands of 90,000 and 95,000 daltons in the receptor preparation. The skeletal muscle insulin binding inhibitor elutes from molecular sieves in a major 160,000-dalton peak and minor 75,000-dalton peak. The binding inhibitor is not inactivated by heat, by mercaptoethanol, or by trypsin, pepsin, or proteinase K. Collectively, these data suggest that the inhibitor may be a small molecule that aggregates with itself, with larger proteins, or with detergent micelles.  相似文献   
Regulation of glucose transport in skeletal muscle.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The entry of glucose into muscle cells is achieved primarily via a carrier-mediated system consisting of protein transport molecules. GLUT-1 transporter isoform is normally found in the sarcolemmal (SL) membrane and is thought to be involved in glucose transport under basal conditions. With insulin stimulation, glucose transport is accelerated by translocating GLUT-4 transporters from an intracellular pool out to the T-tubule and SL membranes. Activation of transporters to increase the turnover number may also be involved, but the evidence is far from conclusive. When insulin binds to its receptor, it autophosphorylates tyrosine and serine residues on the beta-subunit of the receptor. The tyrosine residues are thought to activate tyrosine kinases, which in turn phosphorylate/activate as yet unknown second messengers. Insulin receptor antibodies, however, have been reported to increase glucose transport without increasing kinase activity. Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle is a major characteristic of obesity and diabetes mellitus, especially NIDDM. A decrease in the number of insulin receptors and the ability of insulin to activate receptor tyrosine kinase has been documented in muscle from NIDDM patients. Most studies report no change in the intracellular pool of GLUT-4 transporters available for translocation to the SL. Both the quality and quantity of food consumed can regulate insulin sensitivity. A high-fat, refined sugar diet, similar to the typical U.S. diet, causes insulin resistance when compared with a low-fat, complex-carbohydrate diet. On the other hand, exercise increases insulin sensitivity. After an acute bout of exercise, glucose transport in muscle increases to the same level as with maximum insulin stimulation. Although the number of GLUT-4 transporters in the sarcolemma increases with exercise, neither insulin or its receptor is involved. After an initial acute phase, which may involve calcium as the activator, a secondary phase of increased insulin sensitivity can last for up to a day after exercise. The mechanism responsible for the increased insulin sensitivity with exercise is unknown. Regular exercise training also increases insulin sensitivity, which can be documented several days after the final bout of exercise, and again the mechanism is unknown. An increase in the muscle content of GLUT-4 transporters with training has recently been reported. Even though significant progress has been made in the past few years in understanding glucose transport in skeletal muscle, the mechanisms involved in regulating transport are far from being understood.  相似文献   
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