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Structural differences between the two subunits of human plasma fibronectin were studied by analyzing the carboxy-terminal heparin-binding domain (Hep-2). Two fragments (29 kDa and 38 kDa) derived from the Hep-2 domain were purified from thermolysin-digested human plasma fibronectin. Identical NH2-terminal sequences were obtained for both fragments through 16 Edman cycles. Neither domain contained the 90-amino-acid extra domain which is predicted by cDNA analysis of the cellular form of fibronectin. We have examined the primary structures of the 29-kDa and 38-kDa Hep-2 domains produced from the two chains of plasma fibronectin by analyzing the tryptic peptides by fast atom bombardment/mass spectrometry and comparison with the predicted fragments deduced from the corresponding cDNA-derived peptide sequences. Peptides that were unique to each domain were further characterized by microsequence analysis. The two domains showed identical amino acid sequences through 274 residues, followed by a region of variability. The 29-kDa domain contains 279 amino acids with an estimated relative molecular mass (Mr) of 30,460. This domain is located in the heavy chain of plasma fibronectin and contains three repeats of type III sequences plus a portion of the connecting segment (IIICS) region. The 38-kDa domain contains 359 amino acids and one O-linked glycosyl unit for an estimated Mr of 39,263. This domain is from the light chain of plasma fibronectin and contains four repeats of type III sequences with the deletion of the entire 120-amino-acid IIICS area. Secondary structure analysis by Chou/Fasman and circular dichroism reveals extensive beta-sheet structure for these domains. Key sulfhydryl and glycosylation sites are located near the mRNA splice junctions for the two chains. It is postulated that the splice junctions are adjacent to a flexible domain joining two regions of extensive beta-sheet structure.  相似文献   
Recent results showing that a single fibronectin gene can give rise to several different mRNAs by alternative splicing have offered an explanation for fibronectin polymorphism. Here we report on monoclonal antibodies that show specificity for a fibronectin segment (ED) that can be included or omitted from the molecule depending on the pattern of splicing of the mRNA precursors. Using these monoclonals, we have quantitatively analyzed the expression of the ED sequence in human fibronectin from different sources. The results demonstrated that, at the protein level, the ED segment is not expressed in plasma fibronectin and that, in fibronectin from the tissue culture medium of tumor-derived or simian virus-40-transformed human cells, the percentage of fibronectin molecules containing the ED segment is about 10 times higher than in fibronectin from normal human fibroblasts. These results suggest that in malignant cells the mechanisms that regulate the splicing of mRNA precursors are altered.  相似文献   
Z De Weck  J Pande  J H K?gi 《Biochemistry》1987,26(15):4769-4776
Binding of NAD coenzymes to yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (YADH) and porcine heart lactate dehydrogenase (PHLDH) was studied by hydrogen-deuterium exchange with the infrared technique. Conformational changes in the enzymes specific to the coenzymes and their fragments were observed, and the pH dependence of the exchange reaction shows that it conforms to the EX-2 scheme. In both YADH and PHLDH the magnitude of the conformational change of measured by exchange retardation is considerably larger for NAD+ than for NADH. Studies with coenzyme fragments like ADP-ribose, ADP, and AMP also highlight the lack of rigorous correlation between structural features such as charge and size and their influence on exchange behavior. Ternary complexes such as YADH-NAD+-pyrazole, PHLDH-NAD+-oxalate, and PHLDH-NADH-oxamate, which mimic the transition state, have a significantly more pronounced effect on exchange rates than the corresponding binary complexes. The outstanding feature of this study is the demonstration that in the binary enzyme-coenzyme complexes the more loosely bound NAD+ is more effective in retarding exchange than the more firmly bound NADH. These differences are attributed to the unequal structural constraints exerted by the two coenzymes upon the enzymes, which translate to unequal expenditure of transconformational work in the formation of the two complexes. The opposing variation in the free energy of binding and the transconformational work expended can be viewed as an unequal partitioning of the net free energy gain resulting from the protein-ligand interaction into a binding term and that required for conformational change.  相似文献   
Detergent solubilization and subsequent delipidation of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) results in the formation of a new species absorbing maximally at 480 nm (bR480). Upon lowering the pH, its absorption shifts to 540 nm (bR540). The pK of this equilibrium is 2.6, with the higher pH favoring bR480 (Baribeau, J. and Boucher, F. (1987) Biochim. Biophysica Acta, 890, 275-278). Resonance Raman spectroscopy shows that bR480, like the native bR, contains a protonated Schiff base (PSB) linkage between the chromophore and the protein. However, the Schiff base vibrational frequency in bR480, and its shift upon deuteration, are quite different from these in the native bR, suggesting changes in the Schiff base environment upon delipidation. Infrared absorption and circular-dichroism (CD) spectral studies do not show any net change in the protein secondary structure upon formation of bR480. It is shown that deprotonation of the Schiff base is not the only mechanism of producing hypsochromic shift in the absorption maximum of bR-derived pigments, subtle changes in the protein tertiary structure, affecting the Schiff base environment of the chromophore, may play an equally significant role in the color regulation of bR-derived pigments.  相似文献   
The 1H NMR characteristics of the high-spin metmyoglobin from the mollusc Aplysia limacina have been investigated and compared with those of the myoglobin (Mb) from sperm whale. Aplysia metMb exhibits a normal acid----alkaline transition with pK approximately 7.8. In the acidic form, the heme methyl and meso proton resonances have been assigned by 1H NMR using samples reconstituted with selectively deuterated hemins and in the latter case by 2H NMR as well. On the basis of the methyl peak intensities and shift pattern, heme rotational disorder could be established in Aplysia Mb; approximately 20% of the protein exhibits a reversed heme orientation compared to that found in single crystals. Three meso proton resonances have been detected in the upfield region between -16 and -35 ppm, showing that the chemical shift of such protons can serve as a diagnostic probe for a pentacoordinated active site in hemoproteins, as previously shown to be the case in model compounds. The temperature dependence of the chemical shift of the meso proton signals deviates strongly from the T-1 Curie behavior, reflecting the presence of a thermally accessible Kramers doublet with significant S = 3/2 character. Nuclear Overhauser effect, NOE, measurements on Aplysia metMb have provided the assignment of individual heme alpha-propionate resonances and were used to infer spatial proximity among heme side chains. The hyperfine shift values for assigned resonances, the NOE connectivities, and the NOE magnitudes were combined to reach a qualitative picture of the rotational mobility and the orientation of the vinyl and propionate side chains of Aplysia metMb relative to sperm whale MbH2O.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Inhibition of enzyme activities by free fatty acids   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) induces morphological changes in infected cells that are remarkably similar to those seen in oncogenically transformed cells. The molecular bases of these phenotypic alterations are not known but their occurrence in some transformed cells can be associated with abnormal fibronectin (FN) expression. In this report, we have compared FN levels in normal and HCMV-infected cells. In these studies, the HCMV-infected fibroblasts exhibited a progressive loss of cellular FN. Northern (RNA) blot analysis revealed that the decrease in FN levels resulted from a lowering of FN mRNA levels in HCMV-infected cells. We detected an initial decrease in FN mRNA of 25 to 30% at immediate-early and early times, whereas at late times after infection the levels of FN mRNA were lowered by greater than 80%. These results indicated that the HCMV-induced decrease in FN expression is due to a decrease in the quantity of FN mRNA and suggested that HCMV-encoded and/or -induced functions may be involved in producing these alterations.  相似文献   
The carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity of various subcellular preparations measured with octanoyl-CoA as substrate was markedly increased by bovine serum albumin at low M concentrations of octanoyl-CoA. However, even a large excess (500 M) of this acyl-CoA did not inhibit the activity of the mitochondrial outer carnitine palmitoyltransferase, a carnitine palmitoyltransferase isoform that is particularly sensitive to inhibition by low M concentrations of palmitoyl-CoA. This bovine serum albumin stimulation was independent of the salt activation of the carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity. The effects of acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) and the fatty acid binding protein were also examined with palmitoyl-CoA as substrate. The results were in line with the findings of stronger binding of acyl-CoA to ACBP but showed that fatty acid binding protein also binds acyl-CoA esters. Although the effects of these proteins on the outer mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity and its malonyl-CoA inhibition varied with the experimental conditions, they showed that the various carnitine palmitoyltransferase preparations are effectively able to use palmitoyl-CoA bound to ACBP in a near physiological molar ratio of 1:1 as well as that bound to the fatty acid binding protein. It is suggested that the three proteins mentioned above effect the carnitine palmitoyltransferase activities not only by binding of acyl-CoAs, preventing acyl-CoA inhibition, but also by facilitating the removal of the acylcarnitine product from carnitine palmitoyltransferase. These results support the possibility that the acyl-CoA binding ability of acyl-CoA binding protein and of fatty acid binding protein have a role in acyl-CoA metabolismin vivo.Abbreviations ACBP acyl-CoA binding protein - BSA bovine serum albumin - CPT carnitine palmitoyltransferase - CPT0 malonyl-CoA sensitive CPT of the outer mitochondrial membrane - CPT malonyl-CoA insensitive CPT of the inner mitochondrial membrane - OG octylglucoside - OMV outer membrane vesicles - IMV inner membrane vesicles Affiliated to the Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Montreal  相似文献   
Markedly unstable count rates were observed using a toluene-Triton (2:1, vv) scintillant during counting of water-soluble radioactive compounds when < 5% (vv) water was present, because of the separation of phases. Efficiency correction in these instances could not be made by using 3H2O as internal standard, because under the same conditions count rates with tritiated water were stable. Increasing water to ≥6% stabilized the count rates. With toluene-Triton (2:1, vv) scintillant, the water level should preferably be maintained between either 6 and 12 or 18 and 24% for 14C- and 3H-labeled compounds for counting at 6°C or at ambient temperature (but only between 6 and 12% for 3H counting at room temperature). With a “Tritosol” (Anal. Biochem.63, 555 (1975) modified to contain 35 ml of ethylene glycol, 140 ml of ethanol, 250 ml of Triton X-100, 575 ml of xylene, 3 g of PPO, and ±200 mg of POPOP, water levels of up to 23% were acceptable for 14C and 3H for counting at room temperature or at 6°C. Within these limitations, with the toluene-Triton or with the modified Tritosol as scintillant, both polar and apolar radioactive compounds exhibited similar efficiencies and gave quench-correction curves, based on the external standard ratio, that were linear for both 14C and 3H-labeled compounds.  相似文献   
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