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Multidrug resistance (MDR) of tumour cells is related to the overexpression of ATP-dependent pumps responsible for the active efflux of antitumour agents out of resistant cells. Benzoperimidine and anthrapyridone compounds exhibit comparable cytotoxic activity against sensitive and MDR tumour cells. They diffuse extremely rapidly across the plasma membrane and render the ATP-dependent efflux inefficient. Such uptake could disturb an energy metabolism of normal cells possessing an elevated level of ATP-dependent proteins, especially erythrocytes having a high level of the MRP1, MRP4 and MRP5 proteins. In this study the effect of five antitumour agents: benzoperimidine (BP1), anthrapyridones (CO1, CO7) and reference drugs used in the clinic: doxorubicin (DOX) and pirarubicin (PIRA), on the energetic state in human erythrocytes has been examined. These compounds have various types of structure and kinetics of cellular uptake (slow--DOX, CO7, moderate--PIRA, fast--BP1, CO1) resulting in their different ability to saturate ATP-dependent transporters. The energetic state of erythrocytes was examined by determination of purine nucleotide contents (ATP, ADP, AMP), NAD(+) and values of adenylate energy charge (AEC) using an HPLC method. It was found that the level of nucleotides as well as the AEC value of erythrocytes were not changed during 24 h of incubation with these agents independently of their structure and ability to saturate ATP-dependent pumps. This is a very promising result in view of their potential use in the clinic as antitumour drugs against multidrug resistant cancers.  相似文献   
The present study aimed at analysing the content of fluorine (F), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in the hair of young male students (n?=?52) of a secondary school in Mafinga in Tanzania (Africa) who participated in anthropological examinations. Ca and Mg concentrations were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer while F levels using a potentiometric method. F in the hair of boys from older group (≥16 years old; n?=?24) was significantly higher than in the younger group (<16 years old; n?=?28) versus Ca and Mg levels. High carbohydrate diet was predominant—mainly based on corn or bean and meat served once a week, with few fruit and raw vegetables. Collective catering in the dormitory reflected habits and culinary preferences at home. The lack of balanced diet, with majority of the nutritional energy supplied by easily accessible and cheap carbohydrates, was reflected in dietary deficiencies, characterised, among others, by visible skin conditions and tooth decay.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of an infection with Hymenolepis diminuta on ion transport in an isolated colon and blood picture of rats. Fifty rats were orally infected with five cysticercoids of H. diminuta. The experimental groups of rats were assigned to four groups: group I - 8 days post-infection (dpi), group II - 16 dpi, group III - 40 dpi and group IV- 60 dpi. The control group comprised non-infected rats. The experiments consisted of measuring the transepithelial electrical potential difference (PD) and the transepithelial electrical resistance (R) of the rat colon under controlled conditions as well as during mechanical stimulation (MS) using a modified Ussing chamber. Ion transport was modified using inhibitors of the epithelial sodium channel (amiloride - AMI) and the epithelial chloride channel (bumetanide - BUME), and also using capsaicin (CAPSA), a substance which activates C-fibres. The experimental data presented in this study indicates that experimental hymenolepidosis inhibits sodium and chloride ion transport in the epithelium of the rat colon, with preserved tight junction continuity (except at 40 dpi) and a decreased mechanical sensitivity. The effect of capsaicin on ion transport in the rat colon was varied. In control rats it increased ionic current, and in H. diminuta-infected rats it did not cause any changes in PD.Blood picture in this study showed a statistically significantly lower red blood cells (RBC) count and haemoglobin (HGB) concentration in infected rats in comparison to non-infected. Red cell distribution width (RDW) values and platelet (PLT) count were negatively correlated with the duration of infection, whereas mean corpuscular volume (MCV) value was positively correlated. We did not observe leukocytosis during infection, and amongst the differential leukocyte counts eosinophils and basophils showed statistically significant lower values in infected rats in comparison to non-infected.Our results indicate that hymenolepidosis is associated with the activation of inflammatory mediators and stimulation of nervous fibres, which significantly affects the function of ion channels in the epithelium of the colon in the host. At the same time, a significant decrease in eosinophil count during infection suggests that such an infection did not trigger a strong immunological reaction in rats.  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - Intermitted fasting or every-other-day feeding (EOD) has many positive effects in rodents and humans. Our goal was to describe how EOD influences bone mineral...  相似文献   
Pregnancy puts a significant additional strain on kidneys. The aim of our study was to investigate the impact of immunosuppressive drugs on changes in native kidneys in female Wistar rats after exposure during pregnancy. The study was conducted on 32 dams, subjected to immunosuppressive regimens commonly used in the therapy of human kidney transplant recipients (cyclosporine A, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone; tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone; cyclosporine A, everolimus and prednisone). The animals received drugs for 2 weeks before pregnancy and during 3 weeks of pregnancy. In all treated dams lower body weight (but not kidney mass) and alterations in serum sodium and chloride ions were found; serum creatinine concentration was increased in dams treated with cyclosporine A, everolimus and prednisone. All treatment groups of dams showed increased apoptosis in the distal tubules. In histological examination the changed intensity of acidophilic or basophilic cytoplasm of epithelial cells was found in kidneys of rats treated with calcineurin inhibitors, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone. All immunosuppressive regimens caused abnormalities affecting nephron tubules. Regimens containing calcineurin inhibitors and mycophenolate mofetil caused higher rate of apoptosis and more pronounced histopathological changes. Regimen based on everolimus despite the lower rate of apoptosis in the proximal tubules and lower accumulation of kidney injury markers revealed higher serum creatinine concentration. Thus, interpretation which combination of drugs is better or worse for long-lasting functioning of kidneys in pregnant females requires further studies.  相似文献   
The hypothesis has been recently presented that lead may exert its negative effect at least partially through the increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) level in tissues. However, little is known about the influence of lead intoxication on equilibrium between generation and elimination of ROS in the male reproductive system. Sexually mature male Wistar rats were given ad libitum 1% of aqueous solution of lead acetate (PbAc) for 9 months. Significantly higher lead concentrations were found in blood [median 7.03 (Q25–Q75: 2.99–7.65) versus 0.18 (0.12–0.99) μg dl−1, P < 0.01], caput epididymis [median 5.51 (Q25–Q75: 4.31–7.83) versus 0.51 (0.11–0.80) μg g−1 d.m., P < 0.001], cauda epididymis [median 5.88 (Q25–Q75: 4.06–8.37) versus 0.61 (0.2 – 1.08) μg g−1 d.m., P < 0.001] and testis [median 1.81 (Q25–Q75: 0.94–2.31) versus 0.17 (0.03–0.3) μg g−1 d.m., P < 0.01] of lead-intoxicated rats when compared to the control. The concentration of ascorbyl radical, generated in vitro from l-ascorbic acid (present in tissues in vivo) was measured by means of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The EPR signal of ascorbyl radical in caput epididymis, cauda epididymis, testis and liver of lead acetate-treated animals revealed a significant decrease by 53%, 45%, 40% and 69% versus control tissues, respectively. Plasma l-ascorbic acid content measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method and total antioxidant status (TAS) measured by means of spectrophotometry were also significantly lower in the intoxicated versus control animals (28% and 21%, respectively). In the group exposed to lead the concentration of lipid peroxide in homogenates of the reproductive system organs was significantly elevated versus control group. It can be assumed that the lower EPR signal was caused by decreased tissue concentrations of l-ascorbic acid. The latter may have resulted from consumption of ascorbic acid for scavenging of ROS excess in tissues of animals chronically exposed to lead.  相似文献   
Fluorides occur naturally in the environment, the daily exposure of human organism to fluorine mainly depends on the intake of this element with drinking water and it is connected with the geographical region. In some countries, we can observe the endemic fluorosis—the damage of hard and soft tissues caused by the excessive intake of fluorine. Recent studies showed that fluorine is toxic to the central nervous system (CNS). There are several known mechanisms which lead to structural brain damage caused by the excessive intake of fluorine. This element is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, and it accumulates in neurons affecting cytological changes, cell activity and ion transport (e.g. chlorine transport). Additionally, fluorine changes the concentration of non-enzymatic advanced glycation end products (AGEs), the metabolism of neurotransmitters (influencing mainly glutamatergic neurotransmission) and the energy metabolism of neurons by the impaired glucose transporter—GLUT1. It can also change activity and lead to dysfunction of important proteins which are part of the respiratory chain. Fluorine also affects oxidative stress, glial activation and inflammation in the CNS which leads to neurodegeneration. All of those changes lead to abnormal cell differentiation and the activation of apoptosis through the changes in the expression of neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and MAP kinases. Excessive exposure to this element can cause harmful effects such as permanent damage of all brain structures, impaired learning ability, memory dysfunction and behavioural problems. This paper provides an overview of the fluoride neurotoxicity in juveniles and adults.  相似文献   
Fatty acid composition of human immune cells influences their function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of known toxicant and immunomodulator, cadmium, at low concentrations on levels of selected fatty acids (FAs) in THP-1 macrophages. The differentiation of THP-1 monocytes into macrophages was achieved by administration of phorbol myristate acetate. Macrophages were incubated with various cadmium chloride (CdCl2) solutions for 48 h at final concentrations of 5 nM, 20 nM, 200 nM, and 2 μM CdCl2. Fatty acids were extracted from samples according to the Folch method. The fatty acid levels were determined using gas chromatography. The following fatty acids were analyzed: long-chain saturated fatty acids (SFAs) palmitic acid and stearic acid, very long-chain saturated fatty acid (VLSFA) arachidic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) palmitoleic acid, oleic acid and vaccenic acid, and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. Treatment of macrophages with very low concentrations of cadmium (5–200 nM) resulted in significant reduction in the levels of arachidic, palmitoleic, oleic, vaccenic, and linoleic acids and significant increase in arachidonic acid levels (following exposure to 5 nM Cd), without significant reduction of palmitic and stearic acid levels. Treatment of macrophages with the highest tested cadmium concentration (2 μM) produced significant reduction in the levels of all examined FAs: SFAs, VLSFA, MUFAs, and PUFAs. In conclusion, cadmium at tested concentrations caused significant alterations in THP-1 macrophage fatty acid levels, disrupting their composition, which might dysregulate fatty acid/lipid metabolism thus affecting macrophage behavior and inflammatory state.  相似文献   
Mineral imbalance in the body may significantly contribute to the development and course of hypertension. In this paper, blood pressure figures have been linked to the levels of Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Na and K in hair. The research sample was composed of young men (n?=?91) aged 13–21, from the town of Mafinga, Iringa District, Tanzania. The data collected included their age, tribal background and weekly diet. Based on body mass index, the participants were categorised into pre-defined subgroups. To examine how the minerals in question affect blood pressure, correlation analysis and multiple ridge regression analysis were performed. Analysis of ridge regression findings for the researched group (n?=?91) shows that the minerals under scrutiny account for systolic blood pressure variation in 13 % and in 15 % for diastolic blood pressure variation. After including two additional variables—calendar age and body mass index—in regression analysis, the ultimate coefficient of determination (R 2) changes for systolic blood pressure and remains the same for diastolic blood pressure (R 2?=?0.194 and R 2?=?0.156, respectively). Nutritional analysis shows that the students included in the study received insufficient calories per day (1,500–2,200 kcal). The group of students with abnormal blood pressure were not aware of their poor health. Research findings may result from progressive environmental changes and poor nutrition in terms of food quantity and quality, which had an impact on the subjects’ blood pressure. Hair analysis used to determine mineral content in the body may be an auxiliary tool in identifying the links between factors leading to the development of hypertension.  相似文献   
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