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Walking speed is a fundamental indicator for human well-being. In a clinical setting, walking speed is typically measured by means of walking tests using different protocols. However, walking speed obtained in this way is unlikely to be representative of the conditions in a free-living environment. Recently, mobile accelerometry has opened up the possibility to extract walking speed from long-time observations in free-living individuals, but the validity of these measurements needs to be determined. In this investigation, we have developed algorithms for walking speed prediction based on 3D accelerometry data (actibelt®) and created a framework using a standardized data set with gold standard annotations to facilitate the validation and comparison of these algorithms. For this purpose 17 healthy subjects operated a newly developed mobile gold standard while walking/running on an indoor track. Subsequently, the validity of 12 candidate algorithms for walking speed prediction ranging from well-known simple approaches like combining step length with frequency to more sophisticated algorithms such as linear and non-linear models was assessed using statistical measures. As a result, a novel algorithm employing support vector regression was found to perform best with a concordance correlation coefficient of 0.93 (95%CI 0.92–0.94) and a coverage probability CP1 of 0.46 (95%CI 0.12–0.70) for a deviation of 0.1 m/s (CP2 0.78, CP3 0.94) when compared to the mobile gold standard while walking indoors. A smaller outdoor experiment confirmed those results with even better coverage probability. We conclude that walking speed thus obtained has the potential to help establish walking speed in free-living environments as a patient-oriented outcome measure.  相似文献   
In our continued efforts to elucidate the relationship between the structure and the immunoadjuvant, antiinfectious or mitogenic activity of N-acetyl-muramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (MDP), we report the synthesis of 11 new analogs. Five of them present some modifications in the N-acetyl-muramyl moiety.  相似文献   
Summary The effectiveness of each of two mycobacterial components and a synthetic analog of one of them in the eradication of pulmonary deposits of intravenously injected syngeneic fibrosarcoma 1023 in C3H mice was studied. BCG cell walls (BCG CW), trehalose 6,6-dimycolate (TDM) or 6,6-di-0-2-tetradecyl, 3-hydroxyoctadecanoyl-,-trehalose (C76), a synthetic analog of TDM, was administered in emulsified form by three different routes: intraperitoneal, intradermal, or intravenous, 24 h after intravenous injection of 1023 tumor cells. The most effective form of therapy was TDM given by the intraperitoneal route; about 50% of treated animals were cured. Higher doses of BCG CW or C76 also led to a significant number of cures. Each agent caused a significant prolongation of survival time of the treated mice at two or more of the dosages tested; however, their routes of optimal activity varied.  相似文献   
Regulation of the level of ionized calcium, [Ca2+]i, is critical for its use as an important intracellular signal. In cardiac and skeletal muscle the control of fluctuations of [Ca2+]i depend on sarcolemmal and sarcoplasmic reticulum ion channels and transporters. We have investigated the sesquiterpine lactone, thapsigargin (TG), because of its reported action to alter cellular calcium regulation in diverse cell types, including striated muscle cells. We have combined biochemical and physiological methods at the cellular level to determine the site of action of this agent, its specificity, and its cellular effects. Using a patch-clamp method in whole cell configuration while measuring [Ca2+]i with Indo-1 salt, we find that TG (100 nM) largely blocks the contraction and the [Ca2+]i transient in rat ventricular myocytes. Analysis of these data indicate that no sarcolemmal current or transport system is directly altered by TG, although indirect [Ca2+]i-dependent processes are affected. In permeabilized myocytes, TG blocked oxalate-stimulated calcium uptake (half-maximal effect at 10 nM) into the SR. However, TG (100 microM) had no effect on Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+)-release in purified muscle (ryanodine-receptor enriched) vesicles while clearly blocking Ca(2+)-ATPase activity in purified (longitudinal SR) vesicles. We conclude that in striated muscle TG markedly alters calcium metabolism and thus alters contractile function only by its direct action on the Ca(2+)-ATPase.  相似文献   
A role for Tyr254 in L-lactate dehydrogenation catalyzed by flavocytochrome b2 has recently been proposed on the basis of the known active-site structure and of studies that had suggested a mechanism involving the initial formation of a lactate carbanion [Lederer, F., & Mathews, F.S. (1987) in Flavins and Flavoproteins, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, 1987 (Edmondson, D.E., & McCormick, D.B., Eds.) pp 133-142, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin]. This role is now examined after replacement of Tyr254 with phenylalanine. The kcat is decreased about 40-fold, Km for lactate appears unchanged, and the mainly rate-limiting step is still alpha-hydrogen abstraction, as judged from the steady-state deuterium isotope effect. Modeling studies with lactate introduced into the active site indicate two possible substrate conformations with different hydrogen-bonding partners for the substrate hydroxyl. If the hydrogen bond is formed with Tyr254, as was initially postulated, the mechanism must involve removal by His373 of the C2 hydrogen, with carbanion formation. If, in the absence of the Tyr254 phenol group, the hydrogen bond is formed with His373 N3, the substrate is positioned in such a way that the reaction must proceed by hydride transfer. Therefore the mechanism of the Y254F enzyme was investigated so as to distinguish between the two mechanistic possibilities. 2-Hydroxy-3-butynoate behaves with the mutant as a suicide reagent, as with the wild-type enzyme. Similarly, the mutant protein also catalyzes the reduction and the dehydrohalogenation of bromopyruvate under transhydrogenation conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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