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Troponin is a ternary protein complex consisting of subunits TnC. TnI, and TnT, and plays a key role in calcium regulation of the skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction. In the present study, a partial complex (CI47) was prepared from Escherichia coli-expressed rabbit skeletal muscle TnC and fragment 1-47 of TnI, which is obtained by chemical cleavage of an E. coli-expressed mutant of rabbit skeletal muscle TnI. Within the ternary troponin complex, CI47 is thought to form a core that is resistant to proteolytic digestion, and the interaction within CI47 likely maintains the integrity of the troponin complex. Complex CI47 was crystallized in the presence of sodium citrate. The addition of trehalose improved the diffraction pattern of the crystals substantially. The crystal lattice belongs to the space group P3(1)(2)21, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 48.2 A, c = 162 A. The asymmetric unit presumably contains one CI47 complex. Soaking with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (PCMBS) resulted in loss of isomorphism, but enhanced the quality of the crystals. The crystals diffracted up to 2.3 A resolution, with completeness of 91% and R(merge) = 6.4%. The crystals of PCMBS-derivative should be suitable for X-ray studies using the multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction technique. This is the first step for elucidating the structure of the full troponin complex.  相似文献   
We recently showed that bitter melon-derived triterpenoids (BMTs) activate AMPK and increase GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane in vitro, and improve glucose disposal in insulin resistant models in vivo. Here we interrogated the mechanism by which these novel compounds activate AMPK, a leading anti-diabetic drug target. BMTs did not activate AMPK directly in an allosteric manner as AMP or the Abbott compound (A-769662) does, nor did they activate AMPK by inhibiting cellular respiration like many commonly used anti-diabetic medications. BMTs increased AMPK activity in both L6 myotubes and LKB1-deficient HeLa cells by 20–35%. Incubation with the CaMKKβ inhibitor, STO-609, completely attenuated this effect suggesting a key role for CaMKKβ in this activation. Incubation of L6 myotubes with the calcium chelator EGTA-AM did not alter this activation suggesting that the BMT-dependent activation was Ca2+-independent. We therefore propose that CaMKKβ is a key upstream kinase for BMT-induced activation of AMPK.  相似文献   
DNA and RNA contents in 20 brain regions or nuclei of the rat were determined by a highly sensitive method using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The high DNA and RNA contents were found in the hypothalamic nuclei, especially the median eminence-arcuate nucleus. These results may be available for the preparation of nucleic acids as the regional control.  相似文献   
The effects of procedures which diminish Ca2+ influx into myocardial cells on responses of isolated cardiac preparations to cAMP-independent histamine H1 receptor stimulation and cAMP-generating beta-receptor stimulation were measured. The histamine response of guinea pig left atria, which appears to be primarily mediated by H1 receptors, was depressed to a greater extent than was the response of this preparation to isoproterenol by decreasing the extracellular Ca2+ concentration, and by the Ca2+ influx blocker D-600. Similarly, while the H1 agonist 2-pyridylethylamine dihydrochloride (PEA) produced increases in tension of a similar magnitude as the partial beta-agonist salbutamol in both left atria and in papillary muscles, responses of both preparations to PEA were depressed to a significantly greater extent by decreasing the extracellular Ca2+ concentration than were responses to salbutamol. Overall, both the basal developed force of papillary muscles and the responses of these preparations to H1 and beta-receptor stimulation appeared to be less depressed by decreasing the extracellular Ca2+ concentration than were those of left atria. These results indicate that responses mediated via cAMP-independent H1 receptors, like those arising from alpha-receptor stimulation, are more sensitive to procedures which diminish Ca2+ influx than are responses arising from stimulation of cAMP-generating beta-receptors. This may reflect differences in the mechanisms by which stimulation of H1, alpha-, and beta-receptors give rise to positive inotropic responses. In addition, left atria may be more dependent than papillary muscles on extracellular Ca2+ for the support of contraction.  相似文献   
The regression of Epstein-Barr (EB) virus-transformed B-cell outgrowth which is seen in experimentally-infected cultures of blood mononuclear (UM) cells from healthy seropositive donors can be abolished in medium containing the T-cell-suppressive agent cyclosporin A (CSA) at concentrations of 0.05 microgram/ml and above. CSA mediates its effect within the first 4 days post-infection of the UM cells and this prevents subsequent in vitro generation of the EB virus-specific cytotoxic-T-cell response which normally brings about regression. Regression can be fully restored by supplementing the CSA-treated culture with interleukin 2 (IL-2)-containing culture supernatants or indeed with purified IL-2 itself, suggesting that CSA mediates its effect in this system through inhibiting the endogenous production of IL-2 which is required to amplify the virus-specific cytotoxic response. "Spontaneous transformation" to EB virus genome-positive lymphoblastoid cell lines in noninfected cultures of UM cells from healthy seropositive donors, though rare in normal medium, is enhanced to such a degree in the presence of CSA that, for many donors, the phenomenon becomes titratable against input cell dose across the 2.0 X 10(6)-2.5 X 10(5) cells/culture range. Cell mixing experiments suggest that the spontaneously transformed cell lines which arise with such efficiency under these conditions do so not by direct in vitro outgrowth of progenitor cells transformed by the virus in vivo, but by a two-step mechanism involving virus release and secondary infection in vitro.  相似文献   
Tryptic peptides of the ribosomal proteins S11, L9 and L29 were separated by reversed phase chromatography under conditions which enabled direct micro-sequencing with the 4-(dimethylamino)azobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate/phenylisothiocyanate double coupling method [Chang, Brauer, Wittmann-Liebold (1978) FEBS Lett. 93, 205-214]. The peptides were separated on a RP-18 column employing volatile buffers at pH 2.0, 4.1 and 7.8. Depending on the different chromatographic behaviour of the peptide mixture, the elution gradient was optimised for each hydrolysate using 20 micrograms of the hydrolysed protein. Preparative separations were made with 150-250 micrograms. At least 80% of the peptides could be isolated by these techniques and used for direct micro-sequencing without further purification or desalting. The results show that the high-performance liquid chromatographic method employed allows easy isolation and sequencing with minute amounts of peptides.  相似文献   
Conversion of sterigmatocystin to aflatoxin B 1 by Aspergillus parasiticus   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
14C-Sterigmatocystin isolated from cultures of Aspergillusversicolor supplemented with (1-14C)acetate was shown to be efficiently converted to aflatoxin B1 by the resting mycelium of A. parasiticus. The experimental results may indicate a biosynthetic pathway leading from 5-hydroxysterigmatocystin to sterigmatocystin and then to aflatoxin B1.  相似文献   
Ultrastructure of sperm and eggs of the ocean pout (Macrozoarces americanus L.), an internally fertilizing marine teleost, was examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the sperm do not have an acrosome but have a very long mid-piece (one to two times the sperm head length) containing numerous well-developed elongated mitochondria. The sperm also have two tails (is biflagellate) each consisting of nine peripheral and one central pair (9 ± 2) of microtubules. This long mid-piece and the biflagellate nature of the sperm appear to be associated with the long life-span of the sperm and with sperm dispersal in the ovary to fertilize the eggs internally. The ocean pout eggs are enveloped by a porous chorionic membrane similar to that found in other teleosts but have two micropyles, a condition likely related to a mechanism of egg fertilization which increases the egg fertlity in the presence of low sperm numbers. Following insemination, some biochemically undefined excretions appeared on the surface of fertilized eggs and led to the acquisition of adherent capability of the eggs which formed a tightly associated egg mass in sea water. © 1995 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Root, hypocotyl and cotyledon explants of Sesbania bispinosa, Sesbania cannabina, Sesbania formosa, and Sesbania sesban were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium with benzyladenine (BA; 2.22, 4.44, 8.88 M) in combination with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d; 2.26, 4.52, 9.05 M), indolebutyric acid (IBA; 0.25, 0.49, 4.92 M) or naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA; 2.69, 5.37, 10.74 M). Although all explant types developed some callus, callus occurred earliest and continued to grow fastest with hypocotyls. Media including 2.4-d or NAA gave the fastest growing callus. Callus was subcultured up to 10 times at 20-day intervals and retained a rapid growth rate. Shoots regenerated readily from both hypocotyls or cotyledons but not from roots. Shoot organogenesis was most frequent with IBA (0.25–4.92 M) in combination with BA (4.44–8.88 M) and did not occur with 2,4-d. With each species at least one medium induced shoot differentiation from more than 50 percent of the callus pieces. With one exception, media containing IBA that induced shoot organogenesis on explants also did so in callus, but media containing NAA, even when effective with explants, did not cause differentiation of callus. Shoots that differentiated were excised and cultured on MS medium without growth regulators or with IBA (2.46, 4.92, 9.84 M). Roots developed after 3–8 days on an appropriate rooting medium, often without IBA. Rooted plantlets were transplanted to pots in a greenhouse and developed into normal plants. Suitable media and protocols for initiating and subculturing callus and regenerating whole plants in vitro from callus and explants have thus been established for four species of Sesbania.  相似文献   
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