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Chronic topical cases of Sporotrichosis, a chronic fungal infection caused by the ubiquitously present cryptic members of the Sporothrix species complex, are treated with oral administrations of itraconazole. However, severe pulmonary or disseminated cases require repeated intra-venous doses of amphotericin B or even surgical debridement of the infected tissue. The unavoidable adverse side-effects of the current treatments, besides the growing drug resistance among Sporothrix genus, demands exploration of alternative therapeutic options. Medicinal herbs, due to their multi-targeting capacity, are gaining popularity amidst the rising antimicrobial recalcitrance. Withania somnifera is a well-known medicinal herb with reported antifungal activities against several pathogenic fungal genera. In this study, the antifungal effect of the whole plant extract of W. somnifera (WSWE) has been explored for the first time, against an itraconazole resistant strain of S. globosa. WSWE treatment inhibited S. globosa yeast form growth in a dose-dependent manner, with IC50 of 1.40 mg/ml. Minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) was found to be 50 mg/ml. Sorbitol protection and ergosterol binding assays, revealed that anti-sporotrichotic effects of WSWE correlated well with the destabilization of the fungal cell wall and cell membrane. This observation was validated through dose-dependent decrease in overall ergosterol contents in WSWE-treated S. globosa cells. Compositional analysis of WSWE through high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) exhibited the presence of several anti-microbial phytochemicals like withanone, withaferin A, withanolides A and B, and withanoside IV and V. Withanone and withaferin A, purified from WSWE, were 10–20 folds more potent against S. globosa than WSWE, thus, suggesting to be the major phytocompounds responsible for the observed anti-sporotrichotic activity. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated the anti-sporotrichotic property of the whole plant extract of W. somnifera against S. globosa that could be further explored for the development of a natural antifungal agent against chronic Sporotrichosis.  相似文献   
Achene size and shape, surface sculpturing, and pericarp and testa wall structure of 23 Korean Saussurea spp. were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy to evaluate the infrageneric relationships and assess their systematic significance. Achene size categories and thickness of the testa epidermis were distinguished using biometric measurements. Four basic types of surface pattern were observed: (1) lineate; (2) striate; (3) reticulate; and (4) colliculate. Saussurea rorinsanensis was found to have some unique achene characteristics, such as a fusiform achene, uniform pappus, presence of epidermal hairs and tangentially elongated, narrow testa epidermal cells. The characteristic achene features for species were found to be achene size and shape, hilum position, surface sculpture, pappus composition, morphology of the pericarp wall and thickness of the testa epidermis. Based on 16 morphological and achene characters, a cladistic analysis resolved three well‐supported clades, with S. eriophylla as the first‐branching taxon. Saussurea pulchella and S. japonica, both belonging to Saussurea subgenus Theodorea, were distant from each other in the 50% majority rule consensus tree and the character distribution cladogram. This cladistic analysis of achene morphology and anatomy should be regarded as giving us a tentative picture of the phylogenetics of Saussurea, and this study may serve as a reference for future hypotheses and studies on the characterization and classification of Saussurea spp. in Korea.  相似文献   
A new isolate of genus Scytonema distinct from its closest relative cyanobacterium, Scytonema hofmanni was found efficient in the removal and degradation of organophosphorus (OP) pesticide, methyl parathion (MP). The cyanobacterial isolate was also capable of utilizing the phosphorus present in the MP following its degradation, which was evident from the increase in growth (chlorophyll content), biomass, protein content, and total phosphorus in comparison to cyanobacterium grown in phosphate-deficient cultures. The rapid removal of MP by the cyanobacterium during initial 6 hours of incubation was defined by the pseudo-second-order biosorption kinetics model, which indicated the involvement of chemosorption in initial removal of pesticide. Further, degradation of MP was also confirmed by the appearance of p-nitrophenol in the medium after 24 hours of incubation. Thus, the cyanobacterial isolate of Scytonema sp. BHUS-5 seems to be a potential bioremediation agent for the removal of OP pesticide, MP from the habitat.  相似文献   
Taxaceae s. l. is a wider concept of classification treating five genera of Taxaceae s. str. and Cephalotaxus together. Cephalotaxus is morphologically very similar to the five genera of Taxaceae s. str. Various models of classification for six genera have already been published. However, the phylogenetic position and genuine relationships of these genera and species are still confusing. A cladistic analysis of Taxaceae s. l. has been carried out to resolve the problem existing in their phylogeny and to provide a new approach regarding the relationships of these six genera. Parsimony analyses were based on 28 characters and eight genera including two outgroups Agathis and Sciadopitys. The most parsimonious tree retained with branch length 38 and 194 rearrangement trials. Consistency index was 0.68 and retention index was 0.66. Principally, two main clades were found: one represented by Austrotaxus forming the base of the tree and another by the remaining five genera. Taxus + Pseudotaxus clade split after Austrotaxus, and Cephalotaxus was sister to Torreya + Amentotaxus clade. Taxus + Pseudotaxus clade was supported by the highest bootstrap value. Finally, cladistic analysis does not support existence of Cephalotaxaceae. Therefore, it would be better to classify Cephalotaxus within Taxaceae s. l. with the other five genera.  相似文献   
Salinity (NaCl) is one of the major problems associated with irrigated agricultural lands, especially rice fields. Being the common inhabitants of rice fields, cyanobacteria frequently experience high concentration of NaCl which in turn causes cellular damage. Therefore, mitigation of NaCl stress in cyanobacteria, plant growth-promoting microorganisms, is of utmost importance. The present study was designed to investigate the role of calcium in the alleviation of NaCl stress-induced cellular in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. The cyanobacterium was subjected to sub-lethal concentration of NaCl (800 mM) with and without the supplementation of calcium (1 mM CaCl2) for 8 days. The results showed a drastic reduction in growth due to excess NaCl, but supplementation of CaCl2 reduced the salt stress damage and partially restored growth. Application of calcium increased pigment contents, photosynthetic efficiency, antioxidative enzyme activity, osmolyte contents and reduced the intracellular sodium ion concentration, MDA content, electrolyte leakage and free oxygen radical generation. Furthermore, proteins involved in photosynthesis, respiration, ATP synthesis and protein synthesis along with two hypothetical proteins were also observed to be upregulated in the cyanobacterium in presence of calcium. Furthermore, proteins related to oxidative stress defence, nitrogen metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid metabolism and secondary metabolism were found to be upregulated by several fold. Therefore, our study suggests that calcium suppresses salt toxicity in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 by restricting the entry of Na+ into the cell, increasing osmolyte production and upregulating defence-related proteins.  相似文献   
Mercury pollution has emerged as a major problem in industrialized zones and presents a serious threat to environment and health of local communities. Effectiveness and wide distribution of mer operon by horizontal and vertical gene transfer in its various forms among large community of microbe reflect importance and compatibility of this mechanism in nature. This review specifically describes mer operon and its generic molecular mechanism with reference to the central role played by merA gene and its related gene products. The combinatorial action of merA and merB together maintains broad spectrum mercury detoxification system for substantial detoxification of mercurial compounds. Feasibility of mer operon to coexist with antibiotic resistance gene (amp r , kan r , tet r ) clusters enables extensive adaptation of bacterial species to adverse environment. Flexibility of the mer genes to exist as intricate part of chromosome, plasmids, transposons, and integrons enables high distribution of these genes in wider microbial gene pool. Unique ability of this system to manipulate oligodynamic property of mercurial compounds for volatilization of mercuric ions (Hg2+) makes it possible for a wide range of microbes to tolerate mercury-mediated toxicity.  相似文献   
Abeliophyllum, a monotypic endemic genus of Oleaceae, resembles Forsythia in various morphological characters, but its phylogenetic position is disputed and no embryological study of the genus has been carried out. We investigated more than 40 embryological characters of Abeliophyllum, compared them with previous information on Oleaceae, and discusses its phylogenetic relationships. Abeliophyllum is similar to other genera of Oleaceae in many embryological features, having some distinct features such as the mode of anther wall formation, formation of a nucellar cap, and formation of obturator and hypostase. The basic type of anther wall development and formation of a nucellar cap have not previously been reported in Oleaceae. In addition, differentiation of the obturator and formation of hypostase are not reported in the previously investigated genera of the family. Compared with close relatives, the seed coat structure of Abeliophyllum resembles Forsythia more than Fontanesia and supports existing molecular data which place Abeliophyllum as the sister group of Forsythia.  相似文献   
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