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The level of urine selenium in healthy adult population, 230 persons, was examined. Persons were selected regarding sex, ages, and smoking habits. No differences versus these observations have been found. For a total, group values are 16.96 Se nmol/creatinine mmol, SD=5.44. It is possible from a single-void specimen to express daily excretion of selenium.  相似文献   
Studies of the morphological features of the temporal region of mesolithic skulls from Padina in the Iron Gate Gorge of the Danube revealed a very prominent and large supramastoid ridge which is the most striking feature in skulls of both sexes. Mastoid processes were larger in male skulls, but in 25% of the cases there was an overlap between the size of the processes in male and female specimens. The mastoid ridge was prominent in both sexes. The digastric fossa was always well defined in both sexes and in the two thirds of the skull specimens it was deep. The posterior root of the zygoma was prominent in all the skulls, but it was better developed in the male specimens. The parietotemporal suture in both sexes rises above the level of the pterion. There were no morphological or anthropometrical differences between the left and the right side of individual skulls outside the limits of natural asymmetry. All these morphological characteristics of the temporal region may help in racial and sexual diagnosis of the Mesolithic skulls from the Iron Gate Gorge.  相似文献   
Binding to gastrin receptors and gastric acid secretion experiments were performed with gastrin derivatives modified at the C-terminal tetrapeptide amide from HG-13 sequence. 1. When the ultimate phenylalanine amide was replaced by a phenethylester or a phenetylamide moiety, the resulting compound bound to gastrin receptors (Kd approximately 10 nM) and exhibited antagonist activity on gastrin-induced acid secretion in the anesthetized rat. 2. Changing the peptide bond between Trp and Leu residues to a -omega(CH2-NH)- bond resulted in a compound which also bound to gastrin receptors (Kd approximately 10 nM) but presented agonist activity on acid secretion in the rat. In contrast, when the peptide bond between Leu and Asp residues was replaced by a -omega(CH2-NH)- bond, the resulting compound was devoid of any affinity for gastrin receptor (Kd greater than 10(-6) M) and of any biological activity. 3. The HG-13 derivatives were synthesized in sulfated and unsulfated forms: O-sulfation of the HG-13 tyrosine residue did not change its intrinsic in vivo activity but enhanced its affinity for gastrin receptors (Kd approximately 0.3 nM). On the contrary, O-sulfation of the various chemically modified HG-13 had no significant effect in either in vitro or in vivo experiments. 4. Finally, no significant difference between binding on parietal (F3) and nonparietal (F1) cells was observed, in agreement with the presence of a gastrin-type receptor in these two cell populations.  相似文献   
The administration of diazepam 1.0 mg/kg decreased the level of plasma corticosterone in female but not in male Wistar rats. Picrotoxin, another drug affecting GABAergic transmission, also brought about an increase of plasma corticosterone in both sexes. However, in order to achieve a plasma corticosterone increase of similar magnitude (more than 500%) a threefold higher dose of picrotoxin had to be given to males. When the convulsive properties of picrotoxin were tested, it became evident that the dose of picrotoxin (2.5 mg/kg) which was subconvulsive in male was almost 100% convulsive in female rats. The existing sex differences in the response of rats to drugs affecting GABAergic transmission might have possible implications in the treatment of GABA system dysfunction.  相似文献   
The aspartic acid residue at the penultimate position is known to be essential for the hormonal activity of CCK and gastrin on gastric acid secretion. This residue was successively replaced by beta-aspartic acid, beta-alanine, and glutamic acid in the C-terminal heptapeptide of CCK 27-33. The analogues obtained were tested on rat gastric acid secretion and for recognition by gastrin receptors. The replacement by beta-aspartic or beta-alanine decreased gastric secretion and gastrin receptor recognition. In contrast, replacement by glutamic acid affected these two parameters less. The nature of the N-blocking group (Boc or Z) also influenced these activities, Boc derivatives being more potent than Z derivatives. The results were compared to those previously obtained on pancreatic secretion and on stimulation of gall bladder contraction where the modifications were found capable of differentiating between cholecystokinin, pancreozymin and gastrin activities.  相似文献   
Regression analysis of the spontaneous spike activity of neurons in Helix pomatia was carried out with the aim to establish the statistical parameters of this activity under constant experimental conditions and during longer time intervals. The activity of 38 randomly chosen neurons in visceral and parietal ganglia, penetrated by microelectrodes and activated either endogenously by pacemaker potentials or by synaptic inputs, was recorded during time intervals lasting from 20 min to 3 h. The main results of the statistical analyses are presented in the table where the parameters of both cell types are listed. The validity of the regression analysis applied here is discussed from the point of the possibility it offers for carrying on the data processing quickly and without applying complex calculating means. The results are also considered regarding the current interest of our research group.  相似文献   
A?koliv na zá kladě mnoha pokus? se p? edpokládalo, ?e tzv. bÍlkovinná v?etena v buňkách tzn. buně?né inkluse X-viru kaktus? (Ca XV), jsou slo?ena z ?etních prodlou?ených ?ásti Ca XV, p?esto to dosud nebylo proká zá no. Proto jsme se pokusili pomocÍ fluoreskujÍcÍch protilátek doká ?at, ?e bilkovinná v?etena jsou skute?ně agregáty virových ?ástic. V těto práci jsme pouzili tzv. nep?Ímé metody. Nejprve jsme p? sobili na buňky obsahujÍci tato v?etena homologiokým antisé rem proti Ca XV, zÍskanym imunizacÍ králÍk? a teprve potom jsme buňky vlo?ili do roztoku fluoreskujicÍch protilátek proti králicimu γglobulinu. BÍlkovinná v?etena svitila potom ve fluorescen?nÍm mikroskopu silně ?lutozeleně (bylopou?ito fluoresceinisothiocyaná tu). Tato fluorescence ná m uká zala, ?e nastala pozitivnÍ reakce a ?e bÍlkovianá v?etena jsou slo?ena z virových ?ástic. ?etné kontrolnÍ pokusy potvrdily ná? základnÍ pokus.  相似文献   
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