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A novel method of preparation of hexahydroaluminate complexes M3AlH6 (M = Li, Na or K) from the corresponding alkali metal hydride and tetrahydroaluminate has been explored, using dimethyl ether (Me2O) as a solvent at near-ambient temperatures. The results are compared with those obtained using a recently established mechanochemical approach. Characterization of the products by powder X-ray diffraction revealed M3AlH6 to be formed in high yield for M = Li and Na, but not for M = K. The attempted preparation of Li2NaAlH6 and Li2KAlH6 was unsuccessful.  相似文献   
The modes of binding of adenosine 2'-monophosphate (2'-AMP) to the enzyme ribonuclease (RNase) T1 were determined by computer modelling studies. The phosphate moiety of 2'-AMP binds at the primary phosphate binding site. However, adenine can occupy two distinct sites--(1) The primary base binding site where the guanine of 2'-GMP binds and (2) The subsite close to the N1 subsite for the base on the 3'-side of guanine in a guanyl dinucleotide. The minimum energy conformers corresponding to the two modes of binding of 2'-AMP to RNase T1 were found to be of nearly the same energy implying that in solution 2'-AMP binds to the enzyme in both modes. The conformation of the inhibitor and the predicted hydrogen bonding scheme for the RNase T1-2'-AMP complex in the second binding mode (S) agrees well with the reported x-ray crystallographic study. The existence of the first mode of binding explains the experimental observations that RNase T1 catalyses the hydrolysis of phosphodiester bonds adjacent to adenosine at high enzyme concentrations. A comparison of the interactions of 2'-AMP and 2'-GMP with RNase T1 reveals that Glu58 and Asn98 at the phosphate binding site and Glu46 at the base binding site preferentially stabilise the enzyme-2'-GMP complex.  相似文献   
Conformations of several high-mannose-type oligosaccharidesthat are generated during the biosynthetic degradation of Man9GlcNAc2to Man5GlcNAc2 have been studied by molecular dynamics (MD).Simulations were performed on NCI-FCRDC's Cray Y-MP 8D/8128supercomputer using Biosym's CVFF force field for 1000 Ps withdifferent initial conformations. The conformations of the two1,3- and the two 1,6-linkages in each oligomannose were different,suggesting that deriving oligosaccharide conformations basedon the conformational preferences of the constituent disaccharidefragments will not always yield correct results. Unlike otheroligomannoses, Man9GlcNAc2 appears to take more than one distinctconformation around the core 1,6-linkage. These various conformationsmay play an important role in determining the processing pathways.Using the data on the preferred conformations of these oligomannosesand the available experimental results, possible pathways forprocessing Man9GlcNAc2 to Man5GlcNAc2 by 1,2-linkage-specificmannosidases have been proposed. Conformational analysis ofMan5GlcNAc2 indicates that the addition of ß1,2-GlcNActo the 1,3-linked core mannose, besides serving as a prerequisitefor mannosidase II action as suggested earlier, may also preventthe removal of 1,3-mannose. The MD simulations also suggestthat the processing of the precursor oligosaccharide duringAsn-linked complex and hybrid glycan biosynthesis proceeds ina well-defined pathway involving more than one 1,2-linkage-specificmannosidase. Knowledge of the conformation of the processingintermediates obtained from the present study can be used todesign highly specific substrate analogues to inhibit a particularmannosidase, thereby blocking one processing pathway withoutinterfering with the others. carbohydrates conformation glycosidase inhibitors mannosidase oligosaccharide processing  相似文献   
The effect of Sargassum polycystum crude extract on lipid metabolism was examined against acetaminophen-induced (800 mg/kg body wt., intraperitoneally) hyperlipidemia during toxic hepatitis in experimental rats. The animals intoxicated with acetaminophen showed significant elevation in the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and free fatty acid in both serum and liver tissue. The levels of tissue total lipids and serum LDL-cholesterol were also elevated with depleted levels of serum HDL-cholesterol and tissue phospholipid. The acetaminophen-induced animals showed significant alterations in the activities of lipid metabolizing enzymes serum lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT) and hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTGL). The levels of liver tissue fatty acids (saturated, mono and polyunsaturated) such as palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid and linolenic acid monitored by gas chromatography were considerably altered in acetaminophen intoxicated animals when compared with control animals. The prior oral administration of Sargassum polycystum (200 mg/kg body wt./day for a period of 15 days) crude extract showed considerable prevention in the severe disturbances of lipid profile and metabolizing enzymes triggered by acetaminophen during hepatic injury. Liver histology also showed convincing supportive evidence regarding their protective nature against fatty changes induced during acetaminophen intoxication. Thus the present study indicates that the protective nature of Sargassum polycystum extract may be due to the presence of active compounds possessing antilipemic property against acetaminophen challenge. (Mol Cell Biochem 276: 89–96, 2005)  相似文献   
Computational methods have played a key role in elucidating the various three-dimensional structures of oligosaccharides. Such structural information, together with other experimental data, leads to a better understanding of the role of oligosaccharide in various biological processes. The disialoside Neu5Ac-alpha2-->8-Neu5Ac appears as the terminal glycan in glycoproteins and glycolipids, and is known to play an important role in various events of cellular communication. Neurotoxins such as botulinum and tetanus require Neu5Ac-alpha2 --> 8-Neu5Ac for infecting the host. Glycoconjugates containing this disialoside and the enzymes catalyzing their biosynthesis are also regulated during cell growth, development, and differentiation. Unlike other biologically relevant disaccharides that have only two linkage bonds, the alpha2-->8-linked disialoside has four: C2-O, O-C8', C8'-C7', and C7'-C6'. The present report describes the results from nine 1 ns MD simulations of alpha2-->8-linked disialoside (Neu5Ac-alpha2-->8-Neu5Ac); simulations were run using GROMOS96 by explicitly considering the solvent molecules. Conformations around the O-C8' bond are restricted to the +sc/+ap regions due to stereochemical reasons. In contrast, conformations around the C2-O and C8'-C7' bonds were found to be largely unrestricted and all the three staggered regions are accessible. The conformations around the C7'-C6' bond were found to be in either the -sc or the anti region. These results are in excellent agreement with the available NMR and potential energy calculation studies. Overall, the disaccharide is flexible and adopts mainly two ensembles of conformations differing in the conformation around the C7'-C6' bond. The flexibility associated with this disaccharide allows for better optimization of intermolecular contacts while binding to proteins and this may partially compensate for the loss of conformational entropy that may be incurred due to disaccharide's flexibility.  相似文献   
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is the major pathogen in the pig industry. Variability of the antigens and persistence are the biggest challenges for successful control and elimination of the disease. GP5, the major glycoprotein of PRRSV, is considered an important target of neutralizing antibodies, which however appear only late in infection. This was attributed to the presence of a “decoy epitope” located near a hypervariable region of GP5. This region also harbors the predicted signal peptide cleavage sites and (dependent on the virus strain) a variable number of potential N-glycosylation sites. Molecular processing of GP5 has not been addressed experimentally so far: whether and where the signal peptide is cleaved and (as a consequence) whether the “decoy epitope” is present in virus particles. We show that the signal peptide of GP5 from the American type 2 reference strain VR-2332 is cleaved, both during in vitro translation in the presence of microsomes and in transfected cells. This was found to be independent of neighboring glycosylation sites and occurred in a variety of porcine cells for GP5 sequences derived from various type 2 strains. The exact signal peptide cleavage site was elucidated by mass spectrometry of virus-derived and recombinant GP5. The results revealed that the signal peptide of GP5 is cleaved at two sites. As a result, a mixture of GP5 proteins exists in virus particles, some of which still contain the “decoy epitope” sequence. Heterogeneity was also observed for the use of glycosylation sites in the hypervariable region. Lastly, GP5 mutants were engineered where one of the signal peptide cleavage sites was blocked. Wildtype GP5 exhibited exactly the same SDS-PAGE mobility as the mutant that is cleavable at site 2 only. This indicates that the overwhelming majority of all GP5 molecules does not contain the “decoy epitope”.  相似文献   
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