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Associated with the neuronal plasma membrane are cytoskeletal proteins which probably control the specialization of the membrane into axonal and dendritic domains. Specialized isoforms of the proteins spectrin and ankyrin are located in each region and provide molecular mechanisms for locating specific transmembrane proteins at required points. However, spectrin and ankyrin were defined by extensions of the model for the erythrocyte membrane, an analogy unlikely to provide a complete account of the neuronal membrane skeleton. We have defined two new proteins of the neuronal membrane skeleton, designated p103 and A60. p103 is enriched in post-synaptic densities and binds with high affinity to integral membrane proteins--we suggest that it may have a role in linking the cytoskeleton to synaptic glycoproteins. A60 is a 60 kDa axonal protein, which appears to form a lining to the axolemma. It is almost exclusively axonal, although some neurons (such as Purkinje cells) appear to contain it in the cell body and initial dendrite segment. A60 binds both ankyrin and neurofilaments, and may have a role in transmitting information critical to axonal morphology to the membrane.  相似文献   
Interest in the biological behavior of a growing number of elements, along with increasing recognition of the importance of interactions among them, demands a versatile and reliable technique for multielement analysis of biological samples. Significant improvements over the sensitivity achieved with conventional inductively coupled plasma (ICP) optical emission spectrometries have been realized with the introduction of quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS) for detection of ions in the plasma. The hybrid technique of ICP-MS promises to be a method of rapid multielement analysis, at detection limits that approach or surpass those of other technologies. However, the application of ICP-MS to analyses of biological interest is truly in its infancy. Here we report the use of ICP-MS for the determination of more than 30 elements of biological interest in a tissue and a biological fluid (rat liver and serum, respectively). Experimental values of the elements serve as a basis for discussion of analytical protocols, performance criteria, and certain problems peculiar to ICP-MS.  相似文献   
The role of proctolin has been further investigated in the locust (Locusta migratoria) mandibular closer muscles. Radioactive calcium uptake measurements were made using protease-dissociated muscle cells. Both the phorbol ester, phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate, and proctolin produce tonic contractions which are associated with the influx of extracellular calcium. The thresholds for proctolin and the phorbol ester to contract the muscle were 1-10 nM and 10-100nM, respectively, while their respective thresholds for evoking measurable calcium influx into the muscle cells were 0.1-1 nM for proctolin, and 0.1-1 pM for phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate. The effect of phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate is blocked by a number of protein kinase inhibitors (at a concentration of 0.1 mM), suggesting that an activation of a protein kinase can lead to calcium influx. These inhibitors, however, do not block the effect of proctolin, indicating that these two compounds work through different pathways, possibly converging on the same final target. In light of this finding, a number of other compounds have been tested to try to ascertain how proctolin mediates an increased calcium influx.  相似文献   
A recombinant virus from which the start codon and 53% of the UL20 open reading frame had been deleted was constructed and characterized. We report the following: (i) The UL20- mutant formed small plaques in 143 tk- cells but failed to form plaques in Vero cells. Virus yields were approximately 10- to 100-fold lower than those of wild-type virus in all cell lines tested. (ii) Electron microscopic examination of Vero cells infected with the UL20- mutant revealed that enveloped and unenveloped capsids accumulated in the cytoplasm, possibly in the space between the inner and outer lamellae of the nuclear membrane, and that virtually no virus was present in the extracellular space. (iii) Glycoproteins B, C, D, E, H, and I recovered from lysates of cells infected with the UL20- mutant could not be differentiated from those present in lysates of cells infected with the wild-type parent virus with respect to the electrophoretic mobility of mature and precursor forms. (iv) Repair of the deleted sequences restored the wild-type phenotype. (v) The gene product of the UL20 gene was shown to be associated with cellular membranes and to possess characteristics of integral membrane proteins. We conclude that the UL20 gene encodes an integral membrane protein with a hitherto unrecognized function in that it enables the transit of virions to the extracellular space. The function of the UL20 gene product is complemented by some cell lines but not by Vero cells. The vesicles which serve to transport virions may have an origin different from those associated with transport of normal cellular proteins.  相似文献   
By means of insertion and deletion mutagenesis, we have constructed four herpes simplex virus 1 recombinants, each lacking most sequences encoding a different open reading frame. The deleted genes are located in the unique sequences of the long component and include those designated UL3, UL4, UL10, and UL16. The recombinant virus R7211 lacks 579 of the 696 bp of UL3. The recombinant virus R7217 lacks 307 of the 597 bp of the UL4 open reading frame. R7216 contains a 972-bp deletion within the 1,419-bp open reading frame of UL10, whereas R7210 lacks 988 bp of the 1,119-bp UL16 open reading frame. Growth curves indicated that the yields of these viruses in Vero and BHK cell cultures were only slightly reduced from or in some instances equivalent to that of the parent virus. The function of the gene products is not known. It is of interest to note that (i) the UL16 open reading frame maps entirely within the single intron of UL15 and (ii) on the basis of the extent and size of hydrophobic domains, the UL3 and UL10 gene products were predicted to be membrane proteins.  相似文献   
We report the effect of four sources of hemopoietic growth factors, alone or in combination, on colony growth in serum-free cultures of bone marrow from normal mice or marrow from mice pre-treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU-bm). The four supplements were: mouse spleen conditioned medium (SCM, a source of multi-lineage colony-stimulating activity, multi-CSA), human placental conditioned medium (HPCM, a source of synergistic activity), pregnant mouse uterus extract (PMUE, a source of M-CSA) and erythropoietin (Epo). First, in cultures of normal marrow, only PMUE and SCM induced significant colony growth when added alone. The majority of those colonies contained granulocytes and macrophages (myeloid colonies). In Epo-supplemented cultures, only SCM supported the growth of erythroid bursts and mixed erythroid-myeloid colonies. HPCM thus appears to be a poor source of multi-CSA. Second, in cultures of 5-FU-bm, few colonies developed if any of the above supplements were added alone. Only SCM + Epo together stimulated the formation of a low number of very large, mixed erythroid/myeloid/megakaryocyte colonies. HPCM, but not SCM, synergized with PMUE to augment myeloid colony numbers. Hence, SCM appears to be a poor source of synergistic activity (SA). In cultures of 5-FU-bm already supplemented with HPCM + PMUE, the addition of Epo did not change total colony numbers but did induce erythroid differentiation in one third of the colonies present. These data suggest that multi-CSA and SA may be expressed by different factors and that 5-FU pre-treated marrow contains: a population of primitive multipotential progenitors which form large, mixed colonies in the presence of SCM + Epo, and a larger Epo-sensitive population which also requires HPCM + PMUE to form mixed colonies.  相似文献   
The effects of tight junction structure on water and solute fluxes across proximal tubular epithelium were examined with fiber-matrix equations previously derived by Curry and Michel (1980. Microvascular Research. 20:96-99). Using plausible estimates of tight junction fiber length and width the model predicts solute (Ps) and water permeability (Lp) coefficients that agree with the measured values. When fiber-matrix and pore models were compared for physiologically relevant ranges of matrix void fraction (80-98%) and pore radii (0-20 A), the fiber-matrix model predicted a 10-fold higher Lp/Ps ratio. Lp/Ps was most sensitive to small changes in tight junction structure when void fractions exceeded 90%. Void fractions of 96.5% and 97.1% predicted previously measured values for Lp and solute permeabilities in rat and rabbit proximal tubules. These values are consistent with void fractions and permeabilities of artificial membranes. The fiber-matrix tight junction model was incorporated into a model of reabsorption from the rat proximal tubule developed by Weinstein (1984). American Journal of Physiology. 247:F848-F862.) A void fraction of 98% predicted the experimental results for isosmotic reabsorption driven by active transport. Changing void fraction over the range of 97-99% produced a 50-75% change in predicted volume reabsorption with active transport. According to the fiber-matrix model: (a) solute permeabilities alone cannot be used to predict Lp, (b) previously measured solute permeabilities in the proximal tubule are compatible with significant water reabsorption through a water-permeable tight junction, and (c) hydraulic and solute permeabilities may be sensitive to small changes in tight junction fiber length and diameter or ionic strength within the tight junction.  相似文献   
A recombinant Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line making human interfron-gamma (IFN-gamma) was grown in 12-L stirred tank fermentors in three batch fermentations under conditions of constant temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen tension. In addition to cell growth, metabolite, and productivity data, a detailed analysis of the carbohydrate structures attached to each glycosylation site of IFN-gamma was achieved using matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) in combination with exoglycosidase array sequencing. Complex biantennary oligosaccharides (particularly Gal(2)GlcNAc(4)Man(3) which was core alephl-6 fucosylated at Asn(25) but not at Asng(97)) were most prevalent at both glycosylation sites. However, considerable microheterogeneity arising from the presence of triantennary and truncated glycan structures was also observed. The proportion of the dominant core glycan structure (Gal(2)GlcNAc(4)Man(3) +/- Fuc(1)) decreased by 15-26% during batch culture, with increases in the proportion of oligomannose and truncated glycans over the same time period. Prolonged culture resulting from an extended lag phase led to further accumulation of oligomannose and truncated structures, reaching up to 52% of total glycans attached to Asng(97) by 240 h of culture. The implications of these glycosylation changes for optimizing the time for harvesting cell cultures, and for the clearance of recombinant therapeutic products in vivo are discussed. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
1. The proteinase papaya peptidase A, one of the major components of the latex of Carica papaya L., was shown to contain 1 thiol group per molecule; this thiol group is essential for catalytic activity and is part of the catalytic site. 2. The usefulness of two-protonic-state reactivity probes coupled with modification/activity-loss data in assigning a thiol group as an integral part of the catalytic site as against merely 'essential' for activity is discussed. 3. The active centre of papaya peptidase A was investigated by using 2,2'-dipyridyl disulphide and 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan as reactivity probes. The presence in the enzyme in weakly acidic media of an interactive system containing a nucleophile S atom (pKI3.9,pKII7.9) was demonstrated. 5. Papaya peptidase A resembles ficin (EC and actinidin (the cysteine proteinase from Actinidin chinenis) in that it does not appear to possess a carboxy group able to influence the reactivity of the thiol group by change of ionization state at pH values of about 4, a situation that contrasts markedly with that which obtains in papain. 6. Implications of the results for possible variations in cysteine proteinase mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   
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