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The cytochrome P-450-mediated desaturation of valproic acid (VPA) to its hepatotoxic metabolite, 2-n-propyl-4-pentenoic acid (4-ene-VPA), was examined in liver microsomes from rats, mice, rabbits and humans. The highest substrate turnover was found with microsomes from rabbits (44.2 +/- 2.7 pmol of product/nmol P-450/15 min), while lower activities were observed in preparations from human, mouse, and rat liver, in that order. Pretreatment of animals with phenobarbital led to enhanced rates of formation of 4-ene-VPA in vitro and yielded induction ratios for desaturation ranging from 2.5 to 8.4, depending upon the species. Comparative studies in the rat showed that phenobarbital is a more potent inducer of olefin formation than either phenytoin or carbamazepine. The mechanism of the desaturation reaction was studied by inter- and intramolecular deuterium isotope effect experiments, which demonstrated that removal of a hydrogen atom from the subterminal C-4 position of VPA is rate limiting in the formation of both 4-ene- and 4-hydroxy-VPA. Hydroxylation at the neighboring C-5 position, on the other hand, was highly sensitive to deuterium substitution at that site, but not to deuteration at C-4. Based on these findings, it is proposed that 4-ene- and 4-hydroxy-VPA are products of a common P-450-dependent metabolic pathway, in which a carbon-centered free radical at C-4 serves as the key intermediate. 5-Hydroxy-VPA, in contrast, derives from an independent hydroxylation reaction.  相似文献   
In a preliminary paper [Decker et al. (1986) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 136, 1162] we have shown that the antimineralocorticoid spironolactone (SPL) preferentially inactivates dexamethasone (DEX) inducible rat hepatic cytochrome P450p isozymes in a suicidal manner. These findings are now confirmed, and the kinetic characteristics of such a process are detailed. In an effort to elucidate the mechanism of SPL-mediated inactivation of cytochrome P450, we have examined the metabolism of SPL in vitro. Incubation of [14C]SPL and NADPH with liver microsomes prepared from DEX-pretreated rats results in the formation of several polar metabolites separable by HPLC with UV detection. This process is found to be dependent on NADPH, O2, SPL, and enzyme concentration, as well as temperature. Furthermore, metabolite formation was significantly attenuated by P450 inhibitors CO and n-octylamine. Mass spectral analysis (thermospray LC/MS, FAB/MS, and FAB/MS/MS) of the two most prominent polar metabolites indicated that these compounds had molecular weights that corresponded to the sulfinic and sulfonic acid derivatives of deacetyl-SPL (SPL-SH). These findings document the formation of previously unreported polar metabolites of SPL by rat liver microsomes enriched in cytochrome P450p and implicate a role for this isozyme in the oxidation of the thiol moiety of deacetyl-SPL. The detection of such metabolites also implicates a catalytic trajectory that includes the thiyl radical and/or sulfenic acid species as a plausible protagonist in drug-mediated inactivation of cytochrome P450p.  相似文献   
In this study we have determined the utility of 254-nm ultraviolet light (UV) as a mutagenic tool in C. elegans. We have demonstrated that irradiation of adult hermaphrodites provides a simple method for the induction of heritable chromosomal rearrangements. A screening protocol was employed that identifies either recessive lethal mutations in the 40 map unit region balanced by the translocation eT1(III;V), or unc-36(III) duplications. Mutations were recovered in 3% of the chromosomes screened after a dose of 120 J/m2. This rate resembles that for 1500 R gamma-ray-induced mutations selected in a similar manner. The mutations were classified either as lethals [mapping to Linkage Group (LG)III or LGV] or as putative unc-36 duplications. In contrast to the majority of UV-induced mutations analysed in microorganisms, we found that a large fraction of the C. elegans UV-induced mutations are not simple intragenic lesions, but are deficiencies for more than one adjacent gene or more complex events. Preliminary evidence for this conclusion came from the high frequency of mutations that had a dominant effect causing reduced numbers of adult progeny. Subsequently 6 out of 9 analysed LGV mutations were found to be deficiencies. Other specific rearrangements also identified were: one translocation, sT5(II;III), and two unc-36 duplications, sDp8 and sDp9. It was concluded that UV irradiation can easily be used as an additional tool for the analysis of C. elegans chromosomes, and that C. elegans should prove to be a useful organism in which to study the mechanisms whereby UV acts as a mutagen in cells of complex eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Summary One hundred and fifty adult male albino mice were subjected to maintained environmental temperatures of -6°C for periods up to ten weeks.During the first five weeks of cold exposure the mortality was nil; thereafter it rose steadily with the duration of cold exposure. The seminal vesicle weight fell to 54% of control levels, and its content of fructose and citric acid to 34% and 39% respectively of the control level. These facts indicate a big reduction in androgen production.No quantitative or qualitative changes were observed in the distribution of glucose, cholesterol, ascorbic acid, lipofuscin, -ketols, succinic dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase, esterases, or 3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in the interstitium of the testis. The relationship of these changes to seasonal gonadal regression and the adaptation syndrome is considered.The author is grateful for the research facilities provided in the Anatomy Department at Glasgow University.  相似文献   
Muscle growth was established in specific muscles in the hindlimb of adult female rats by tenotomy of the gastrocnemius muscle. Seven days after surgery there was an increase in the wet weight of the soleus (Sol) and plantaris (P) muscles and a decrease in that of the gastrocnemius (G) muscle from the tenotomized limb compared with the respective control muscles from the contralateral limb from the same animal. In all three muscles there was a significant increase in the fractional rate of protein synthesis (ks) in the muscles from the tenotomized limb above the rate of the respective control muscles. In contrast, the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle showed no change in wet weight or ks 7 days after tenotomy of G. Fasting for 12 or 36 h had no significant effect on ks in G, P, or Sol muscles from either the control or tenotomized limbs. In EDL from the control limb, both fasting periods resulted in a significant decrease in ks, although this effect was not seen in the EDL from the tenotomized limbs of the same animals. A subsequent 30-min insulin infusion was similarly ineffectual in G, P, and Sol, with its only effect evident in the EDL from the control limb, where it was sufficient to reverse the decreased ks resulting from the fasting, even though after 36 h fasting the reversal was only partial.  相似文献   
A method is described for the quantitative analysis of (3-methoxy-4-sulphoxyphenyl)-ethylene glycol (MHPG sulphate) in human urine, based on selected ion monitoring gas chromatography—mass spectrometry and using a specifically deuterium-labelled analogue of MHPG sulphate as internal standard. The procedure involves extraction of the urine sample on Amberlite XAD-2, followed by isolation of MHPG sulphate by column chromatography on Sephadex LH-20. Cleavage of the sulphate conjugate and formation of the MHPG tris(trifluoroscetate) derivative are carried out in a one-step reaction, without recourse to enzymic hydrolysis.  相似文献   
In this paper we present the sequence of an intact Caenorhabditis briggsae transposable element, Tcb2. Tcb2 is 1606 base pairs in length and contains 80 base pair imperfect terminal repeats and a single open reading frame. We have identified blocks of T-rich repeats in the regions 150-200 and 1421-1476 of this element which are conserved in the Caenorhabditis elegans element Tc1. The sequence conservation of these regions in elements from different Caenorhabditis species suggests that they are of functional importance. A single open reading frame corresponding to the major open reading frame of Tc1 is conserved among Tc1, Tcb1, and Tcb2. Comparison of the first 550 nucleotides of the sequence among the three elements has allowed the evaluation of a model proposing an extension of the major open reading frame. Our data support the suggestion that Tc1 is capable of producing a 335 amino acid protein. A comparison of the sequence coding for the amino and carboxy termini of the 273 amino acid transposase from Caenorhabditis Tc1-like elements and Drosophila HB1 showed different amounts of divergence for each of these regions, indicating that the two functional domains have undergone different amounts of selection. Our data are not compatible with the proposal that Tc1-related sequences have been acquired via horizontal transmission. The divergence of Tc1 from the two C. briggsae elements, Tcb1 and Tcb2, indicated that all three elements have been diverging from each other for approximately the same amount of time as the genomes of the two species.  相似文献   
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