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Stages in the direct penetration of adenovirus through the cell membrane are illustrated. Phagocytosis with rupture of the vacuole and release of virus into the cytoplasm may also account for entry of some particles. Uncoating by digestion within phagosomes was not observed. Rather, alteration of capsid and core occurred to virions free in the cytoplasm. Nucleoprotein released from virus close to the nucleus was transported to the nuclear matrix by a unique mechanism. These events were not prevented by puromycin and hence were not dependent upon the synthesis of new enzymes. They were, however, energy-dependent.  相似文献   
Variable subcellular localization of glycosphingolipids   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Although most glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are thought to be locatedin the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, recent evidenceindicates that GSLs are also associated with intracellular organelles.We now report that the subcellular localization of GSLs variesdepending on the GSL structure and cell type. GSL localizationwas determined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy offixed permeabilized cells. A single GSL exhibited variable subcellularlocalization in different cells. For example, antibody to GalCeris localized primarily to the plasma membrane of HaCaT II-3keratinocytes, but to intracellular organelies in other epithelialcells. GalCer is localized to small vesicles and tubulovesicularstructures in MDCK cells, and to the surface of phase-denselipid droplets in HepG2 hepatoma cells. Furthermore, withina single cell type, individual GSLs were found to exhibit differentpatterns of subcellular localization. In HepG2 cells, LacCerwas associated with small vesicles, which differed from thephase-dense vesicles stained by anti-GalCer, and Gb4Cer wasassociated with the intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton.Both anti-GalCer and monoclonal antibody A2B5, which binds polysialogangliosides,localized to mitochondria. The distinct subcellular localizationpatterns of GSLs raise interesting questions about their functionsin different organelles. Together with published data on theenrichment of GSLs in specific organelles and in apical plasmamembrane, these findings indicate the existence of specificsorting mechanisms that regulate the intracellular transportand localization of GSLs. cytoskeleton glycosphingolipid intracellular organelles mitochondria subcellular localization  相似文献   
Rats were injected with combinations of morphine-N-14CH3 and morphine-63H and the isotope content of the brain and liver was measured by combustion in a tissue oxidizer. The liver of intact male rats showed a significant increase in the 3H to 14C isotope ratio relative to the blood reflecting the existence of N-demethylation in this organ. This increase was not observed in the liver of either intact females or castrated males or females. Centrally, the hypothalamus, medial thalamus, and corpus striatum of both intact and castrated male and female rats exhibited increases in 3H to 14C isotope ratios indicating the presence of N-demethylation in these tissues. These results indicate that testicular hormones serve to increase the hepatic N-demethylation of morphine, but apparently reduce the comparable reaction in the CNS.  相似文献   
The functionally active fragments MS2 R(-53 leads to 6) and MS2 R(-53 leads to 3) comprising the regulatory region for the replicase cistron have been isolated from MS2 RNA-coat protein complex following T1 RNase digestion. In order to obtain shorter fragments, active in coat protein binding and initiation of translation, MS2 R(-53 leads to 6) was cleaved with S1 nuclease. The results indicate that S1 nuclease attacks the most susceptible loop regions of the two hairpin helices of MSZ R(-53) leads to 6). Among the three fragments which have been isolated, only MS2 R(-35/33 leads to 6) containing the intact hairpin (b) region with initiation codon AUG is active in the coat protein binding. Functional activity exerted by another polynucleotide MS R(-17 leads to 6) supports the assumption that specific binding with the coat protein is determined by the hairpin (b) region prior to the replicase cistron.  相似文献   
Human plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) contains six potential N-glycosylation sites (Asn-X-Ser). To study the role of these sites on PLTP structure and function, seven variants in which asparagine (N) residues were converted to glycine (G) were prepared by site-directed mutagenesis. These were N47G, N77G, N100G, N126G, N228G, N381G and N47, 77, 100, 126, 228, 381G (NnullG). These variants and wild-type (WT) PLTP were expressed in COS-7 cells. Intracellular and secreted PLTP mass was analyzed by Western blots and quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; PLTP activities in cellular lysates and media were based on the transfer of [3H]dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine from phospholipid single bilayer vesicles to HDL. NnullG was not detected intracellularly. N381G was similar to WT PLTP with respect to specific activity and secretion efficiency. The specific activities of N47G, N77G, N100G, N126G, N228G and N381G were similar in cell lysate (range = 67–90% WT) and medium (range = 65–77% WT). Intracellular masses of these PLTP variants were similar to that of WT (Mean = 103% WT); mean secreted mass was 88% WT. These results suggest that secretion-competent PLTP requires glycosylation but that no single glycosylation site is required.  相似文献   
Whereas hepatocytes secrete the major human plasma high density lipoproteins (HDL)-protein, apo A-I, as lipid-free and lipidated species, the biogenic itineraries of apo A-II and apo E are unknown. Human plasma and HepG2 cell-derived apo A-II and apo E occur as monomers, homodimers and heterodimers. Dimerization of apo A-II, which is more lipophilic than apo A-I, is catalyzed by lipid surfaces. Thus, we hypothesized that lipidation of intracellular and secreted apo A-II exceeds that of apo A-I, and once lipidated, apo A-II dimerizes. Fractionation of HepG2 cell lysate and media by size exclusion chromatography showed that intracellular apo A-II and apo E are fully lipidated and occur on nascent HDL and VLDL respectively, while only 45% of intracellular apo A-I is lipidated. Secreted apo A-II and apo E occur on small HDL and on LDL and large HDL respectively. HDL particles containing both apo A-II and apo A-I form only after secretion from both HepG2 and Huh7 hepatoma cells. Apo A-II dimerizes intracellularly while intracellular apo E is monomeric but after secretion associates with HDL and subsequently dimerizes. Thus, HDL apolipoproteins A-I, A-II and E have distinct intracellular and post-secretory pathways of hepatic lipidation and dimerization in the process of HDL formation. These early forms of HDL are expected to follow different apolipoprotein-specific pathways through plasma remodeling and reverse cholesterol transport.  相似文献   
Ca2+ blockers, particularly those capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB), have been suggested as a possible treatment or disease modifying agents for neurodegenerative disorders, e.g., Alzheimer’s disease. The present study investigated the effects of a novel 4-(N-dodecyl) pyridinium group-containing 1,4-dihydropyridine derivative (AP-12) on cognition and synaptic protein expression in the brain. Treatment of AP-12 was investigated in wild type C57BL/6J mice and transgenic Alzheimer’s disease model mice (Tg APPSweDI) using behavioral tests and immunohistochemistry, as well as mass spectrometry to assess the blood-brain barrier (BBB) penetration. The data demonstrated the ability of AP-12 to cross the BBB, improve spatial learning and memory in both mice strains, induce anxiolytic action in transgenic mice, and increase expression of hippocampal and cortical proteins (GAD67, Homer-1) related to synaptic plasticity. The compound AP-12 can be seen as a prototype molecule for use in the design of novel drugs useful to halt progression of clinical symptoms (more specifically, anxiety and decline in memory) of neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   
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